< Last Scenario

Last Scenario/Characters

Characters of Last Scenario.

The Heroes


"I always felt that... I was born to be something... something greater than this!"

A boy from the small Republic village of Whitelake, Hilbert is the self-proclaimed protector of his town and aspires to be a hero. Luckily for him, he's also the main character; before long, he's approached by the Mysterious Informant Zawu and told that he's actually descended from the great hero Alexander and destined to lead mankind against demons in a coming war. However, he also happens to be head-in-the-clouds idealistic.

Did we say 'descendant of Alexander'? We meant 'gullible pawn of the Kingdom'.


Captain of a special unit in the Republic army - the very unit that Hilbert joins. Matilda is down-to-earth and hotheaded; she doesn't react well to Hilbert's idealistic nonsense, but she values every member of her team highly. She's loyal to her country, but has some issues with the army's higher-ups...


"I thought that I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was wrong. I can still feel despair."

Matilda's second-in-command and the group's main healer, Thorve is calm and level-headed. He tends to be the main voice of reason, particularly early on, as a contrast to Matilda's fiery personality. He has a painful past, but does his best to keep it to himself.

Thorve was born in the Empire and was close friends with Felgorn and Wolfram. He abandoned his dream of becoming a hero and parted ways with Felgorn after Wolfram's death. Years later, he was recruited for the Republic army by Matilda.


First encountered as a mysterious girl being pursued by soldiers from the Rosehart Kingdom, Lorenza ends up as a permanent member of the party when the village that's sheltered her since her father's death decides she's too much of a danger. She's one of the elusive Havali, but knows little more about her own race than the rest of the group. As a descender of the Havali Elder, she is the 'Key' to awakening the demons of legend, or so the antagonists say.

In actuality, the so-called 'demons' are her own people, who want vengeance on mankind after being unjustly forced into hiding.


"The things I remember are those that I wanted to remember the most. Does that mean... that I forgot that which I wanted to forget the most?"

A mysterious man with amnesia and formerly a Kingdom soldier, Ethan is accepted into the party through his promises of information they lack. Unfortunately, he remembers little that the party doesn't already know... or so he says. Thought to be dead by most of the Kingdom, Ethan clearly has motives of his own, but he isn't sharing.

He's the former head of the Kingdom's elite Omega Team, and Castor's younger brother.

  • An Axe to Grind: Does not have the corresponding personality or battle role, though.
  • And I Must Scream: Prior to the start of the game he was buried alive and semi-conscious for three years.
  • Angst Coma: Passes out when he remembers that Castor is his brother.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He's really protective of Lorenza. His protectiveness of Castor, on the other hand, did a lot of harm in the long run.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: The things he remembers most clearly are the ones he wanted to remember, which makes him suspect that what he can't remember is the stuff he wanted to forget. The latter category includes his entire childhood.
  • Disease Bleach: Inverted; his hair was blond prior to being sealed in biorite.
  • Does Not Know How to Say Thanks: And has problems expressing emotions in general.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: Rather strikingly.
  • Irony: He has amnesia, but when he first joins your party, he's equipped with an accessory that prevents the status effect amnesia.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: As a result of being sealed in biorite. However, he does remember more than he lets on.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's something of a Jack of All Stats who sacrifices defense for speed, but unlike the two player characters faster than him, he can wear heavy armor, which covers a lot of that weakness.
  • Looks Like Cesare: Justified. Getting locked in a lightless room for three years can leave you a bit pale, and all of the other test subjects in the cells near his also have black hair, so it's probably not an uncommon side-effect.
  • Nice Hat
  • Not So Stoic: He goes for the whole first half of the game without losing his composure once... and then Randolph mentions Cromwell.
  • Older Than They Look: Nowhere near as extreme as Castor, but he still looks about 5 years younger than he actually is, even taking into account the whole sealed in biorite for three years business.
  • The Quiet One: Especially in the beginning of the game, it's a rarity for him to speak at all in cutscenes.
  • Spanner in the Works: Castor had him locked up for a reason. Between his knowledge of what's actually going on and his connections to Zawu and Castor, his escape winds up causing a lot of problems in the long run.
  • The Stoic
  • Sympathetic Murder Backstory: With an added dose of One Degree of Separation for maximum guilt.


A geologist from the North Empire and an acquaintance of Thorve's, Randolph is more than willing to help the party make a difference in the Empire... in exchange for help with his research, of course. Despite his age, Randolph is a capable fighter and very sharp. He's also Wolfram's father.

  • Cool Old Guy: Despite being over sixty, he still fights in your party and figures out how to solve any scientific problem the party runs into.
  • For Science!: Has doubts about blowing up a morally questionable facility due to the fact that they'd be destroying research. He gets over it pretty fast.
  • Knife Nut: But does not have the attendant personality. At all.
  • Stone Wall: Highest vitality and HP in the game.

The Republic


Drakovic is a member of the Republic army and an intelligent, skilled tactician with a knack for The Plan. A Major at first, he gets a promotion during the Empire civil war, and then later becomes commander of the Republic army in the place of the late Newick.

  • Apologetic Attacker: If you send Lorenza against him for his Duel Boss fight, he apologizes for having to fight her.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Inverted; though he is a highly intelligent strategist, he is not very good at hand-to-hand-combat despite being Colonel Badass.
  • Badass Mustache
  • The Chessmaster
  • Colonel Badass: Though not until he gets promoted to colonel, of course.
  • Didn't See That Coming: He's completely taken by surprise when the Kingdom takes over the Republic while the Republic forces are invading the Empire.
  • Duel Boss: Though you get to choose which character you send to fight him.
  • Friendly Enemy: When he's an enemy. This is due in large part to the fact that he treats everyone with the same chatty, informal attitude, even when they're actively trying to kill him.
  • Nerves of Steel: He's calm enough to make smart-assed comments when he's heavily injured from having just arranged to be cornered by enemy agents in the middle of his camp, then burned the whole place down around him.
  • The Plan: Lives off these, and he's damn good at making them work out perfectly.
  • Xanatos Gambit: He (almost) always has a back up plan and knows how to turn benefit from failures.
  • The Strategist

Commander Tazar

A Commander in the Republic army and cowardly sleazebag. Defects to the Empire early on to save his own skin while his soldiers get killed, and later ends up being Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves and used as a Biorite test subject.

Selene and Jord

Selene and Jord are young soldiers working under Matilda. Jord, the newest member of Matilda's unit aside from Hilbert, is a spellcaster who spends his free time squabbling with Selene about her seniority. They usually fight as a team, bickering aside.

Colonel Newick

Newick is the man in charge of the Republic army. Despite his position, he's never been on a battlefield, and as such is not particularly popular with the actual soldiers.

The Empire


"Do you want to become a hero yourself? Forget about it. It's just a meaningless word."

The celebrated hero of the North Empire, Felgorn is a highly skilled swordsman and essentially a One-Man Army. He is devoted to his country and doing what's right for it, which backfires tremendously when Augustus successfully manipulates him.

He, along with Wolfram, was Thorve's childhood friend and joined the army with him. After Wolfram's death, he chose a different path from Thorve and worked his way up through the ranks of the Empire's military.


Augustus is a smooth-talking noble from the Empire with an insane skill for manipulating others. Born a commoner, he has since worked his way up through the ranks all by himself, and eventually achieves his goal of becoming Emperor, for a short time. He is a close friend of Felgorn's.

Princess Helga

Helga is the power-hungry and, truth-be-told, rather bratty elder child of Emperor Leopold. She is first seen arranging to have her father assassinated in order to seize power herself, and it doesn't get any better from there. She rules the Empire during most of the civil war, and does a decidedly bad job of it, to the point where no one minds when Augustus murders her and takes over.

Prince Wilhelm

Wilhelm is the younger child of the Emperor, and a quiet, studious teenager who would most likely prefer to be left out of the royal family's power struggles altogether. However, when his father is assassinated, he at first reluctantly, then willingly leads an eventually successful rebel faction intent on overthrowing Helga's rule. Hilbert is something of a role model to him, which is probably cause for alarm.

General Grauss

The man in charge of the Empire's military forces, Grauss takes Wilhelm's side when civil war breaks out in the Empire. He's gruff, makes no pretenses, and hates being proven wrong, but becomes a useful ally to the party despite his initial distrust.

The Kingdom


At the age of 30, Castor is already a General in the Kingdom army. He makes his first major appearance after being put in charge of the invasion of Pargon Island.

He turns out to be the final Man Behind The Man after killing Ortas, as well as Ethan's older brother. Power-hungry and determined to be completely independent, his breakdown following defeat by the main party leads him to become the Big Bad.


The always-smiling Number Two of the Kingdom's Omega Team, Helio, along with his teammates, answers directly to Castor. He is in charge of the Biorite Facility.

He got his position by turning Ethan in for going behind Castor's back.


The Number Three of the Omega Team. Earp is a pretty chill guy with wicked facial hair and a cool eyepatch. There's not much more to say about him.


The Number One of the Omega Team, Flynn is the last of the group to make an appearance. In accordance with her number, she's also the strongest.

King Alfred III

The ruler of the Rosehart Kingdom. He does almost as little as Emperor Leopold.

When Hilbert takes over the Kingdom near the end of the game, he willingly agrees to surrender. This makes him the only previous leader of the three countries to survive the war.

  • Despair Event Horizon: After losing Pargon Island and learning that Castor was only using him, he crosses this, to the point that he willingly surrenders during Hilbert's invasion, not because he cares about his country, but to save his own life. His words during that scene border on a Tear Jerker.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He spends more or less the entire game being played like a violin by Castor.

Lt. Colonel Alison

A soldier in the Rosehart army, and one of Ethan's former subordinates. Alison is loyal and level-headed, and after learning that Ethan is alive, agrees to aid the party just once.



Ortas is the Grandmaster of the Havali, and has more or less taken the position of their ruler. As the plot unfolds, he seems to be behind everything that happens, though his motives remain unclear.

During the 'demon war' 300 years ago, Ortas's entire family was murdered. After awakening from being sealed in Biorite, he took over the Havali once more and made an alliance with the Rosehart Kingdom with the intent of eventually eliminating mankind. Unfortunately, he underestimates Castor and ends up dead for it.


The Elder of the Havali, and Lorenza's grandfather, Barasur has very little influence over his people despite his position. He considers himself a coward for fleeing the Havali capital during the war 300 years ago. He also bears the burden of allowing Tiamat, formerly his love Esmerelda, to live rather than be executed, which backfired horribly.

  • Dirty Coward: Thinks of himself as one.
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • It's All My Fault: He blames himself for a lot, including Tiamat, the current state of the Havali, Ortas's death, and Castor's plans. (In regards to the first two, at least, he's basically right.)


A mysterious Havali woman found trapped in Biorite below the Empire, all that is known about Tiamat is that she's very powerful... and not exactly sane.

Her body is the body of Esmerelda, an explorer who stumbled across a power she shouldn't have. Barasur couldn't bring himself to have her executed, and instead had her sealed in Biorite; however, she remained conscious the whole time and swore revenge on Barasur for it.

Everyone Else


Zawu is a mysterious robed woman who guides Hilbert after telling him that he is the descendant of the hero Alexander. She reveals little that is not essential, only saying that Hilbert must become a hero in order to lead mankind against the soon-to-awaken demons.

A Kingdom agent, Zawu is actually lying to Hilbert in order to use him as a pawn. After learning that Ethan is alive, however, she begins to doubt her orders, eventually joining up with the party. She also happens to be Ethan and Castor's surrogate parent.


A mysterious old man with amnesia, very little is known about Phantom. First seen inexplicably wandering around a Republic base, it turns out he also helped Ethan to escape from the facility he was being kept at.

Though he doesn't remember it immediately, Phantom is actually none other than the legendary hero Alexander, who fought against the Havali in the 'demon war' 300 years ago. After realizing that the Havali were in the right, he defected to their side, and in return was allowed the chance to sleep alongside them in Biorite, though it didn't work as well on humans...


Moritz is the captain of the Brunhild, the Cool Boat given to the party by the Empire, and a very good captain at that. He remains calm and goes with the flow even when insane things are going on around him.

  • The Captain
  • Cool Boat: The Brunhild is pretty cool. The Brunhild II is even cooler. And the Lemuria is just plain awesome.
  • Going Down with the Ship: Subverted. He has no problem abandoning the Brunhild II as it's about to crash, saying that you get used to it, and then stating that he'd crash a hundred ships if it meant he'd get a chance to pilot the Global Airship the party's trying to hijack.


Hilbert's older sister, Joanna has done her best to lead a normal life and take care of her brother after the death of their parents. Unfortunately for her, being the sister of the main character has consequences.


Valentin is Matilda's husband of fourteen years. In contrast to his wife, he's calm and relaxed, and aside from Matilda rarely spending time at home, they seem to be a happy couple. Valentin's status as an ordinary civilian does occasionally put him in a position to be rescued, however.


An avid Hex player, Saraswati is considered the best in the world at the game. She travels constantly in an attempt to discover some sort of 'secret' about the game and the tiles used to play it. It turns out she's playing right into the hands of an evil sorceress who preserved her soul in the tiles; luckily, the party saves her.


Randolph's son, who died in the Kingdom-Empire war fourteen years ago. Thorve blames himself for his death. To make matters even more complicated, Ethan is the one who killed him.


An old colleague of Randolph's, and inventor of such contraptions as the Bergheim Ray. He's also an anti-social recluse who lives on an uninhabited island with his assistant. Considers himself a rival of Randolph, though the feeling isn't particularly mutual.

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