Last Res0rt/Characters
Jigsaw Forte
A former professional violinist, now professional executioner. Also, apparently the only non-human vampire in the galaxy. She's not sure how she got turned into one, but what little she DOES know about what happened, she's not telling.
... and we STILL have no idea what's in that violin case.
- Ambiguously Evil: Despite being a vampire and assassin, Jigsaw seems like a nice girl, usually. Even if she is a killer, she'd more fit the Affably Evil type.
- Apocalypse Maiden - According to prophecy, Jigsaw is the "Dead Inside where none should be", meant to herald the return of The Otherworlders.
- Cute Bruiser - She beat the crap out of a bunch of Robot Chickens enough to get on the show, and carried the head of one around just to prove it to anyone that asked.
- Dark Is Not Evil - Despite it being explained by other characters that Vampires are insidious and sneaky and able to make ghouls, Jigsaw... hasn't really DONE anything evil.
- Dangerous Forbidden Technique - Jigsaw being able to "Zombie Out" is cool and all... except for the fact that if she were to ever do it while the cameras were on, she'd be outed immediately (and likely killed soonafter).
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampires - Jigsaw, for the most part, behaves exactly the same as she did before she found out, give or take a bit more care in not accidentally blowing her cover.
- Kiss of the Vampire... ideally, anyway.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia—This is apparently the reason why she not only doesn't remember how she became a vampire (which, given how traumatic these events usually are, is fairly reasonable...), but also the reason why she doesn't remember feeding on other people in her sleep, which is how she manages to avoid realizing what happened to her for several months.
- Little Miss Badass - Jigsaw is more than willing to be sneaky, although this is usually out of necessity (to hide her secret) more than malice.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: She claims her father called her "Jigsaw" because she was "his puzzle", even though Vince took a liking to her because it "had a killer tone". Whatever the case, fans of Saw will likely see the reference.
- Not What I Signed on For: Zigzagged. She didn't seem to know she was applying as a player in a Deadly Game at first, but she clearly didn't object when she found out.
- Not Worth Killing - According to Veled, anyway, who even nicknames her "Punchline".
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Palette Swap - The main difference between her normal appearance and her "Zombie" form.
- Power Incontinence - She's only just started having these new powers, after all...
- Senseless Violins: Probably. At least most folks assume there's a weapon in that case.
- Vampire Bites Suck... if she's not careful.
Daisy Archanis
A 50-something Mad Scientist CEO who's apparently grown up with Autism and is about as fragile as the plot allows while still making it believable she could be press-ganged into this reality show. Started the show with an amputated left leg that's been replaced with a bionic prostethic.
- An Arm and a Leg... Okay, just the leg, really. Probably a Type 3 amputation.
- Artificial Limb
- Asperger's Syndrome - Daisy is canonically referred to as "Autistic", as opposed to explicitly having either this or Autism. Word of God says she did this to avoid the possibility that more specific terminology might be rendered obsolete (and in fact, it now is).
- Ironically, one of the early complaints about Daisy's character upon being "outed" was that Daisy couldn't possibly have Autism because she was "too normal"... ignoring that adults on the Autism Spectrum have a hard time receiving a diagnosis later in life, period.
- Backstory - Apparently she's the Magical Girl who caused an interplanetary feud between herself and some of the other Galaxy Girl Scouts, which she'd managed to escape the consequences of... until now.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive - Subverted. (and how!)
- This doesn't stop Jason from thinking she's one, however... which means she still has her critics.
- Yes, but if she were corrupt, her critics wouldn't last very long, now would they?
- This doesn't stop Jason from thinking she's one, however... which means she still has her critics.
- Disability Superpower - Implied in the B-Side Comics that Autism is actually a symptom of having some cool soul-based powers... assuming you can find a good teacher.
- Handicapped Badass - Did we mention she has a robotic leg?
- Hero with Bad Publicity
- List of Transgressions: Kept classified, due to a plea bargain, although her mugshot does suggest something of a violent nature.
- Mad Scientist
- Magical Girl (Well, according to her alleged Backstory she is, anyway)
- Mutilation Interrogation
- Not That Kind of Doctor - She's a Roboticist (though she probably has a good sense of anatomy anyway, given that she built her bionic leg)
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Self-Made Woman
- Shipped in Shackles (and a wheelchair!)
- The Rainman
- Torture Always Works - or at the very least it provides many entertaining moments which can be exploited for psychological warfare later.
- Veled mentions later that she was tortured to provide an audio confession that would corroborate with the information Veled was already able to psychically extract from her (i.e. to turn that confession into something reproducible.) One assumes Daisy still put up a good fight, but she wasn't tortured for information in and of itself.
Jason "Ace of" Spades
A planetary war hero who's got nothing better to do than come on the reality show to try to kill Daisy.
- Broken Ace - Daisy inadvertently triggered a flashback to... well, this.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Good Hair, Evil Hair - We're counting the soulpatch.
- Hero Antagonist
- Improbable Aiming Skills—He earned his executioner status by winning the "Sniper Trials". Three other contestants, three shots.
- Jerkass
- Murder Is the Best Solution - When dealing with Daisy, anyway...
- Parental Issues
- Security Blanket - His fur-trimmed bomber jacket.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- The Ace—Oh, come on, a celebrity soldier? At HIS age?
- He is a damn good shot, but still...
- The Gunslinger
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You - Especially if your name happens to be Daisy Archanis.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl ... well, except Daisy doesn't count, apparently.
Alice Quinn
A blue-skinned djinn from Celigo with rather strong opinions about the planet...
- Good Bad Girl—Well, we've not seen her turning down Jason's advances, that's for sure...
- Our Genies Are Different
- List of Transgressions: Attempted Assassination of a State Official, Conspiracy to Terrorism (10 counts), First Degree Murder (7 counts)
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Red Right Hand - Well, red eyes, really.
- Glamour Failure - Alice's "dead eyes" are the only part of her body she can't seem to change the color of.
HRH Adharia Kuvoe
A very pink, very well-endowed "savage" princess.
- Badass Gay: Gay or straight, you do not want to get on her bad side.
- Crazy Awesome - She's already appeared topless in the show (accidentally), makes Slick wear a harem outfit while in their personal quarters, ran up and kissed Jigsaw out of extreme joy/relief, and carries an Efreet around her neck that she controls. Oh, and she talked Veled into letting her onto the program...
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Fallen Princess - Or at least so far away from home that her title is little more than an interesting artifact.
- Fantasy Counterpart Culture - Our best guess is around the Islamic Renaissance or so.
- Gag Boobs - One word: RIIIIIP!!!
- Also, more than a few fans think that this is what Slick meant when he recommended the name "Team Gemini"...
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Modest Royalty - Adharia's often seen in either modesty-preserving attire that wouldn't look out of place in your average Arab country, or else the same uniformed jumpsuit as all the other teams (though hers does have a little forehead band the others' outfits lack). What fancy attire we've seen so far is her "harem wear" inside her quarters, which is nice, but not necessarily flashy.
- 'Course, it's easily justified because it's heavily implied that she's a Fallen Princess on the run, if not in exile, so...
- Most Common Superpower - Okay, most of the females on the show (that are supposed to have boobs, anyway) are relatively generous, but Adharia's are presumed to be even more exceptionally so.
- The topless scene doesn't help.
- Princesses Prefer Pink
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Summon Magic - She keeps an Efreet named Sedja in her necklace. It's quite devastating.
- Warrior Princess
Slick Giovanni
The deposed son of a Mafia don who specialized in leather smuggling (mostly for fetish gear), Slick's eager to use the show as a way out because he's lost all other legal recourse.
- Ambiguously Evil: Depends on how truthful he's being about his past. Depending on his honesty (or lack of it) he could either be the worst Miscarriage of Justice among the cast or the most vile monster among them.
- The Chick
- Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangster!—Well, until you're thrown in jail without your mafia protection, anyway...
- Estrogen Brigade Bait - Tied up, shirtless, AND willing to prance around in a harem outfit? Yum.
- Insistent Terminology: The multiple uses of "illicit leather products" below mean "BDSM gear", although that's not why he got in trouble for it.
- James Bondage
- List of Transgressions: Conspiracy against the State (Planet Arael), Illicit Smuggling of Leather Products, Manufacturing of Illicit Leather Products, Sale of Illicit Leather Products, Kine Trafficking, Organized Criminal Behavior, Money Laundering, First Degree Murder
- Shipped in Shackles (pun intended)
- Self-Made Orphan: But not how he tells it.
Silk of the Solar Winds, AKA White Noise
A former Star Org officer before being throughly disowned and thrown in jail thanks to hacking into a ship's life support (he claims he was under orders), Silk has been in jail for the past 47 years until he finally got sick of it and decided to join the show. Has at least one daughter on the outside, and is likely going through the show in order to reach her.
- Badass Grandpa - At 79 he's probably the oldest non-Celeste or Dead Inside character.
- Cut Lex Luthor a Check - While stuck in prison, White wrote an encryption algorithm in order to make his network activity untrackable. The police quickly cut a deal with him to reveal his methods in exchange for several perks, and has been getting filthy rich off of this and subsequent work since. How much he's been able to enjoy it while remaining in solitary confinement is questionable, but hey, it works.
- Deadpan Snarker
- I Am Not Weasel - All together now: "I AM NOT A HORSE!"
- Playful Hacker
- List of Transgressions: Unauthorised Access of an Active Spacecraft, Life-Threatening Tampering of Automated Functions, Second Degree Murder (42 counts)
- Reasonable Authority Figure (Though not a very powerful one, being that he's only in charge of a bunch of prisoners and players)
- Shipped in Shackles
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity - According to his profile, he's a hallucinating schizophrenic. This hasn't exactly stopped him from being a completely badass character (and one of the most lucid of the cast).
Qin Xu
White Noise's lieutenant. While Chinese and a Vampire, is not a Chinese Vampire.
- Bald of Awesome - Mostly.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer - Prior to being outed on Celigo, Qin was merely mistaken for "a brillant doctor with a weird hairstyle".
- The Dragon: To White Noise
- List of Transgressions: Espionage against the Celigan Military, Attempted Murder (3 counts), Attempted Assassination
- Save Scumming - Seems to have gained a similar ability after ingesting a lot of nanotech
- Really 700 Years Old: He claimed to be 2081 years old when arrested, which would, if true, make him 2086 now.
- Vampires Are Rich - Come on, He's a doctor.
- Vegetarian Vampire - Maybe. The one panel we've seen of his early life either suggests that he fed off of fresh corpses (which he had access to as a doctor) or that he made a snack out of his coworkers when they pissed him off.
- He's certainly one now, since his cast profile includes several warnings to feed him "filtered" blood as opposed to "live" blood from other characters (since it's believed that live blood allows him to use his vampire powers), justifying the need to feed as a means of getting ahead; other blood will work, but it's the rough difference between drinking water vs. Red Bull.
Kurt "Geisha" Striaeta
Slick fears him, probably for good reason. Wears a white, plain mask. Used to be an inept sculptor before he figured out that not only was it easier to just kidnap, rape, and petrify his victims in order to make his sculptures, it also got him better reviews from the critics too.
- List of Transgressions: Kidnapping (34 counts), Forced Imprisonment (39 counts), Sexual Assault (14 counts), Torture (31 counts), First Degree Murder (39 counts)
- Mad Artist
- Malevolent Masked Man: Not by his own choice; it's a Power Limiter.
- Shipped in Shackles
- Smarter Than You Look - Half the time, Geisha manages to say something intelligent and take everyone aback. But the other half...
- True Art Is Angsty
- True Art Is Incomprehensible
- Villainous Crossdresser - He earned his nickname for a reason.
Arikos of Nile (Formerly Arikos Tiamuli)
A Celeste ambassador turned cult leader, Arikos's legal status has been in limbo between Nurovidia and Celigo until they agreed to let him on the show (along with Qin Xu and Alice Quinn).
- Backstory - Arikos used to run a cult on Nurovidia that involved tricking lots of Talmi into thinking that he could turn them "back into humans". Instead, he ended up exploiting the female members into bearing his children, and offing any men / older Talmi that were no longer useful to him. When this finally backfired, Celigo stepped in to throw the entire mess into legal chaos, and Last Res0rt was seen as the solution.
- Compelling Voice - And how!
- Complete Monster - Um... yeah.
- Cult - It's in the Backstory, and sorta Squicky too.
- Diplomatic Impunity - The only reason this schmuck lived long enough to get on the show.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars - In this case, bad. Very bad.
- List of Transgressions: Cult Organization (Leader), Money Laundering, Embezzlement, Kidnapping (5 counts), Forced Imprisonment (20+ counts), Enslavement (50+ counts), Brainwashing (100+ counts), Forced Mutilation (100+ counts), First Degree Murder (Cult Suicide – 138 known, 200+ estimated) In case it wasn't mentioned before, this guy is scum.
- Red Right Hand - Arikos's right eye is slashed through, and he's got a hyphema injury to boot.
Xanatos Wylde
A former Star Org soldier (though not from the same time period as White Noise), who volunteered for the show and subsequently ended up treated like a common criminal, unlike all the other Volunteers who won Executioner Status.
- Dangerous Deserter - The reason White Noise decides not to pick Xanatos for his lieutenant.
- The Mole - He's still working for the Star Org
- Off with His Head - Well, almost
- Refused by the Call - Rather than end up an Executioner like all the other Volunteers, he's stuck with the rest of the not-good-enough criminals... to the point of being stuck in Institutional Apparel and a cell just like the rest!
- The Resenter - Not only is he almost never drawn as anything but scowling, he's miffed that he's been ignored in favor of the (prittier / more talented) volunteers and characters.
- This seems to be Xanatos's default mood even before he loses; actually falling from grace seems to amp it Up to Eleven.
- Green-Eyed Monster - Understandably so at Jason (who won his division to become an Executioner), but also at White Noise, probably because they were both Star Org soldiers (but unlike White, he wasn't a 'heretic' or a criminal), although White Noise being the only criminal Executioner of the group also counts.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here - Xanatos decides he's had enough on Gabriel's ship.
CG-86, AKA Siege
"Zodiac" Copper Miles
London Flood
Spiral Black
So far has fewer lines than any other character with a page.
- Animal Wrongs Group - Was arrested for introducing sharks to his homeworld's "unsustainable artificial ecosystem".
"Crosshairs" Charity Drizel
Staff & Residents of Last Res0rt Station
Vincent Vaeo
The head lizard at Last Res0rt Station. Cypress's father, Nathaniel and Damien's uncle. Is still plenty sore over losing Cypress's mother, and doesn't trust Dead Inside.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed - Go on, tell us that's NOT Vince McMahon in a fursuit.
- It's more that the Vaeo family in general is an homage to the McMahon family, even if the relations between the members are significantly different (and instead of estranged wife Linda, a third "heir" has been added)
- Parental Substitute - The inferred reason why his nephews Nate and Damien live with him. To his credit, he seems to refer to all three as his children.
- Strong Family Resemblance - Vincent often gets confused for Nate by the readers. That the two have similar color palettes is only compounded by their relative infrequency (pardon the pun) in the storyline so far.
- PROTIP: Vince has short hair pulled back into a point, with a very tiny (but still tied back) ponytail for the rest of his hair. He also has darker eyebrows.
Cypress Vaeo
Vince's daughter, and Nathaniel and Damien's cousin. The public "face" of Last Res0rt as its primary announcer and host.
- Missing Mom - It's strongly implied that Cypress's Mom (and probably Nate and Damien's parents too) is dead thanks to an attack from an Efreet, though the actual events surrounding this haven't been elaborated on.
- Strong Family Resemblance - It's strong enough to trigger a flashback from Veled of her Mother; subverted slightly in that aside from a similar face, the thing that triggers it is her dialogue.
Nathaniel Vaeo
Cypress's cousin, Vince's nephew, and Damien's half-brother. Works mostly in costuming and armor.
- Parental Abandonment - Lucky for them, Uncle Vince makes a great Parental Substitute.
- Strong Family Resemblance - Nate often gets confused for Vince by the readers. That the two have similar color palettes is only compounded by their relative infrequency (pardon the pun) in the storyline so far.
Damien Vaeo
Cypress's cousin, Vince's nephew, and Nathaniel's half-brother. Is a "Touched" (has Celeste heritage, but isn't a full Celeste), and as such has limited abilities.
- Parental Abandonment - Lucky for them, Uncle Vince makes a great Parental Substitute.
Veled (AKA Scout Ziligo)
In charge of Celigo's military, Veled is apparently the top of the food chain as far as Last Res0rt is concerned, and she's not afraid to make that clear. Gets bored very easily, and very dangerous when she's bored.
- Beleaguered Bureaucrat - One explanation for her short temper and violent outbursts.
- Luckily for Jigsaw, Veled delegates some of her "babysitting" to Melody and Binary.
- But for Me It Was Tuesday - How Veled wraps up her first meeting with Jigsaw, shooing the girl out the door so she can keep her appointment with White Noise.
- To be fair, she IS concerned enough about Jigsaw to schedule the time in the first place, but she's a very busy woman.
- Chaotic Evil - She goes from ripping out a Mook's soul to turning a set of pipes into a balloon-animal parrot a few pages later. You wouldn't call that Chaotic?
- I'd call it Obfuscating Chaos. Note how around Jigsaw, she behaves much more Lawful Evil, possibly Lawful Neutral.
- Chains of Commanding - Veled's so high strung that she loses her cool when Jigsaw doesn't act entirely as she expects her to, and, well...
Veled: I've kept my planet from descending into civil war for the better part of two decades, somehow held the rest of Celigo and the Endless at bay, and all you can think about is one stupid leg?!
- Compelling Voice - Like she needs it.
- Her first use of it backfired because Jigsaw honestly didn't understand the question.
- Dark Messiah - Debated. How much Veled believes herself to be the Messiah is also questionable.
Belle: And no messiah ... no true messiah, at least...
- Fallen Hero - Heavily implied, especially as she used to be (and still technically is) a Galaxy Girl Scout.
- Final Boss Preview - Given to Jigsaw at the end of Volume One, as a way to interrogate her.
- Large and In Charge - in more ways than one!
- Necessarily Evil
- Never Live It Down - Apparently mentioning Daisy's leg to her will trigger this response reflexively.
- Non-Mammal Mammaries... well, sort of. She's only part reptile, so it's more like "Mammalian mammaries with reptilian skin on top".
- Word of God states she's supposed to be part Human, part Anyr, and part Vidian.
Binary Shackle (AKA the current Scout Arael)
One of the current Galaxy Girl Scouts (post Year of Fear) who was apparently hiding her Touched heritage, and is now responsible (on planet Arael's behalf) for helping to deal with Jigsaw. (Luckily for Jigsaw, she's not the kind to try and kill Dead Inside on sight.)
- Ensemble Darkhorse - For someone who's fought against the players at least once already (and is technically a Touched), the fans've really taken enough of a shine to her that she's getting a nice profile boost in Volume Two.
- And she's on the cover of the RPG! Nekkid, even!
- Graceful Loser - Yes, you don't argue with the Anyr holding a gun to your head, and the only consequences of "losing" had already occurred, but she's still taken it in stride well enough that she's working with Jigsaw.
- I'm A Doctor, Not A...
Scout Arael: I'm a medic, not a messiah.
- The Last Good Galaxy Girl Scout - Out of the scout quartet that the players have taken on already, Arael apparently had to be lied to in order to get her to cooperate with the rest of the group's plan to go after Daisy. She's largely ineffective in her initial fight because of this.
Melody Niaida
An official from Celigo's Minstry of Joy (and Cypress's superior), Melody serves as a more comfortable intermediary between Veled's will and everyone else.
The Efreet that lives in Adharia's necklace.
- Badass Gay: She's Adharia's partner and lover.
- Energy Being - Most Efreet are, according to the RPG.
- Ensemble Darkhorse - Hey, who wouldn't love a character you get to shoot out of a gun?
- Genie in a Bottle - And how!
- Our Genies Are Different
- Loophole Abuse - Cypress "solves" the problem of Gangrel and Sedja being involved in Last Res0rt by making them "auxiliary" players dependent on their "master" player's survival at the end of the show.
Jigsaw's Cybee, and After Jigsaw and Daisy get captured, Executioner of Team Andromeda.
- Parrot Pet Position
- Familiar
- Fairy Companion - Cybee is a portmanteau of "Cyber Fairy", after all...
- Mentor Mascot
- Loophole Abuse - Cypress "solves" the problem of Gangrel and Sedja being involved in Last Res0rt by making them "auxiliary" players dependent on their "master" player's survival at the end of the show. The resulting loophole is when Gangrel "survives" while Jigsaw and Daisy don't, making her the only remaining member of Andromeda and de facto Executioner. Gangrel admits she won't be able to leave the show without Jigsaw, but in the meantime, as long as she's still here...
Staff & Residents of the White Diamond Crisis Center
Gabriel The Maskless
The head/only doctor aboard the White Diamond Crisis, specializing in Exit Counseling.
- Not That Kind of Doctor - He's a psychiatrist.
A collective name for Gabriel's robot assistants. That they happen to all be armless ponybots is a coincidence.
A rare purebred Celeste.
Family Members
Cypher Forte
Meridian Forte
- Hollywood Cyborg—technically, her metal legs are actually "pants" wired into her spinal cord as high-tech braces.
Slider Forte
Sudoku Forte
- Gamer Chick—often to a Flanderized degree in Fanon, given how little we've seen her so far.
Other Characters
Irwin (yes, really.)
Apparently one of the few known Deep Vampires, and also Jigsaw's sire.