Jurassic Park: The Game/Characters
Dr. Gerald "Gerry" Harding
Voiced by: Jon Curry
Gerry Harding is Jurassic Park's chief veterinarian, and is quite knowledgeable about the park's various dinosaurs. He's being visited by his teenage daughter Jess when the Isla Nublar incident occurs, and is quickly thrust into a fight for survival.
- Ascended Extra: While he was Demoted to Extra in the film and only got one scene, here he's one of the main characters.
- Badass Bookworm: He's as good at lecturing about dinosaurs as he is fending them off with nothing but a steel pipe.
- Badass Normal: For an animal vet, he sure does some awesome things - and lives through stuff that would kill a lot of people.
- Early-Bird Cameo: See Ascended Extra above.
- Papa Wolf: He will do anything to keep Jess safe, including facing down a T. rex with nothing but a single-shot tranq rifle.
- Trust Me I'm a Doctor: He needs to ensure Nima that he's a doctor before she'll let him treat her bite wound.
- Workaholic: He eventually admits that this is responsible for both of his failed marriages. By the end, after the whole ordeal and nearly losing Jess, he decides to go back to being a simple vet to be closer to his daughter.
Jessica "Jess" Harding
Voiced by: Heather Hudson
Jess is Gerry Harding's 14 year old daughter. Bitter and rebellious after her parents' divorce, she landed into some trouble for shoplifting, and was sent by her mother to stay with Gerry in hopes of him getting through to her. Upon her arrival in Jurassic Park, Jess was amazed by the dinosaurs, but also disappointed that her stay would be so short. However, she ends up getting way more than she bargained for when the incident occurs. Despite her often rebellious nature, Jess is kind-hearted and always willing to help out, and proves to be surprisingly essential member of the group.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Book Dumb: She mentions getting lousy grades in school a couple times.
- Deadpan Snarker: Not to the degree of Billy, but she definitely has her moments.
(upon seeing a "You must be this tall to ride" sign at the Bone Shaker): Yeah. 'Cause Jurassic Park is all about safety.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Of the good (if somewhat rebellious) variety - she secretly smokes, and even has a favorite brand. Needless to say, Gerry isn't too pleased when he finds out, probably in no small part due to one of her secret smoke breaks leading a pack of Raptors right to them.
- Kleptomaniac Hero: The whole reason she's with Gerry on the island in the first place is because she was caught stealing a T-shirt at the mall, and her mother thought he could knock some sense into her. She later steals Dr. Sorkin's cigarettes, as well as the embryo canister from Billy, derailing his plans.
- Precocious Crush: She seems to have one for both Oscar and Billy. By the end of the game she's over both, seeing that Oscar died and Billy went psycho and betrayed everyone.
Nima Cruz
Voiced by: Nika Futterman
Nima is a mercenary hired by Biosyn to recover the embryos that Dennis Nedry stole from InGen. Unfortunately, things don't go quite as planned, and Nima becomes trapped on the island. However, she has a stronger connection with both Isla Nublar and InGen - as well as a deeper motivation to recover the embryos - than she first appears to.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Dark and Troubled Past: Isla Nublar is the ancestral home of her tribe, but they were all forcibly evicted by InGen mercenaries after the company leased the island from Costa Rica.
- Gratuitous Spanish: A significant portion of her dialogue.
- Hot Mom: She took the job to steal the embryos hoping to use the massive paycheck to take her daughter to America so she can have a better life.
- Machete Mayhem: She brings a machete to the island and uses it to hack through some thick foliage.
- Vasquez Always Dies: Played straight or averted, depending on your actions near the end.
Dr. Laura Sorkin
Voiced by: Susan Cash
Dr. Sorkin is one of InGen's leading paleogeneticists. Being a former animal rights activist, she feels a deep connection with the park's dinosaurs, and is strongly opposed to their exploitation. As a result of this, she was removed from InGen's geneticist team and replaced with Dr. Henry Wu, who cut many corners in the dinosaur cloning process - much to her disgust.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death by Irony: Just moments after releasing the Mosasaur, it eats her.
- Evilutionary Biologist: She isn't one, but her plans for the Mosasaur scream this trope.
- Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: She's addicted to smoking, and warns Jess to quit the habit while she still can.
- The Millstone: Had she not held up the team with her little science project in episode 2, every playable character would have made it off the island alive. She is also responsible, either directly or indirectly, for the deaths of D-caf, Oscar, and herself.
- Reassigned to Antarctica: She was removed from InGen's geneticists team and relocated to an isolated field lab where she would be less trouble. Furthermore, InGen planned on reassigning her to Site B's research and development team, away from the park entirely.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: She certainly sees herself as one, but pretty much everyone else just think she's crazy, especially when she decides to use them as hostages to try and get the island's imminent bombing called off.
William "Billy" Yoder
Voiced by: Jason Marsden
Billy is one of the mercenaries hired by InGen to find anyone left on Isla Nublar and rescue them. Light-hearted and full of himself, Billy is almost constantly bragging or cracking jokes, but is still focused on rescuing the survivors. However, as the horrors of the island take their toll on him and his friends, Billy's character takes a much more sinister turn...
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: First he decides to turn against his InGen employers by making a deal with Nima to sell the embryos, then turns on the other survivors after the rest of his fellow mercs are killed.
- Deadpan Snarker: To a far greater degree than the other mercs.
- Despair Event Horizon: After seeing his two comrades and best friends die horrible deaths, Billy is clearly broken by the situation. Along with a desire for vengeance against Dr. Sorkin, his own greed, and a large amount of stress, this is a contributing factor to his Face Heel Turn.
- Face Heel Turn
- Fake Ultimate Hero: He initially plays himself and the other mercs off as the cavalry riding in for the rescue, but the situation quickly deteriorates beyond his ability to deal with it. By game's end, he intends to let everyone else die to save himself and get rich in the process.
- Heroic BSOD
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Until he snaps, anyway.
- Too Dumb to Live: Making a mad dash for the rolling embryo container with a T. rex - whose vision is based on movement - just a few feet away from you? What could possibly go wrong?
- Tattooed Crook: He has a cross tattoo on his arm that isn't quite as awesome as Oscar's, but is still pretty nifty. And like Oscar, he doesn't really fit the "crook" part of the description. At first, anyway.
Oscar Morales
Voiced by: Carlos Carrasco
Oscar is one of the mercenaries hired by InGen to rescue any survivors stranded on Isla Nublar. A hulking giant of a man, Oscar is strong, serious and extremely capable in a crisis, but is far from humorless, and jokes around with his fellow mercs. However, he has ties to Jurassic Park's inception, as well as bad blood with Nima.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Normal: He takes on a Raptor in a knife fight and wins!
- The Big Guy
- Dark and Troubled Past: He was one of the mercenaries hired by InGen to drive Nima's tribe off of Isla Nublar, and killed a couple of them.
- Heroic Sacrifice: He reopens the power plant's blast doors so the other survivors can flee, but gets killed by the Raptors in the process.
- Gratuitous Spanish: Not nearly as much as Nima, though.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He only agrees to Billy and Nima's plan to sell the embryos when they agree to make saving the other survivors part of that plan.
- Tattooed Crook: Minus the "crook" (more or less), he has a pretty impressive tattoo on his left arm, representing people he's killed (skulls) and comrades he's lost (tombstones). He also has "sueƱo" (Spanish for "dream") tattooed on his neck.
Daniel "D-Caf" Cafaro
Voiced by: Ari Rubin
"D-Caf" is one of the mercenaries sent by InGen to rescue the survivors left on Isla Nublar. Being the team's pilot, he spends most of his time in the pilot seat of their helicopter.
- And I Must Scream: He's still technically alive after the Troodon turn him into their nest, but completely paralyzed save for his eyes.
- Body Horror: He gets turned into a living nest for the Troodon.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fate Worse Than Death
- Stuffed Into the Fridge: Although technically, he's still alive when he's found.
- Tattooed Crook: While the "crook" part again doesn't really apply from what we see of him, he has a tattoo on his arm that is just like Billy's. This is how Billy and the other survivors identify D-Caf after discovering him as a living nest.
Miles Chadwick
Voiced by: Jared Emerson-Johnson
Miles is a cowardly, nebbish Biosyn employee tasked with retrieving the embryos stolen from InGen by Dennis Nedry. He's teamed up with Nima Cruz, and proves to be a constant thorn in her side-- until he has a rather nasty encounter with a pack of Dilophosaurs.
- Asshole Victim: It's hard to feel bad about his death after he threw Nima to the Dilos in order to save his own skin.
- Dirty Coward
- Jerkass: Pretty much every line that he utters is either a complaint, an order, an insult or a bad joke, almost all of which are directed at Nima.
- Karmic Death: He tries to sacrifice Nima to save himself, but the Dilophosaurs decide to attack him first.
- Too Dumb to Live: Nima can comment on how he doesn't seem cut out for field work. Turns out she's right.