Jurassic Park: The Game/Trivia

  • Call Back: The power control panel that Ellie uses in the film makes an appearance in the game, and you must also do the same action steps as in the film.
  • Continuity Nod: At one point Jess mentions that her father hasn't visited her half-sister Sarah in a long time. That would be Sarah Harding, Ian Malcolm's girlfriend from The Lost World.
    • There are also a few references to Site B, and at one point Dr. Sorkin asks to speak with Peter Ludlow (the Corrupt Corporate Executive from Lost World) by phone.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!:
  • Mythology Gag: Remember the video surveillance feed with progress bar of the movie? Well, it's present in the game too.
    • Looking at the Mosasaur feeding schedule will reveal the events of the movie took place on June 11th, the same day the film was released in theaters.
    • In one scene, Gerry and Nima are startled by the sound of a dilophosaurus, only for it to be revealed as a tour recording explaining that that was actually the calling sound of a swan, in Real Life those were the sounds used for the dilophosaurus vocalizations.
  • Shout-Out: Mostly to the original movie. There are a couple of scenes which use lines directly from the movie. Miles copies Nedry's "We've got Dodgson here!" line, and there's a scene that takes its dialog directly from "let go of the fence" scene.
    • The trophy/achievement names are all puns or references as well.
    • Nima once says that her name means "little fish", this doesn't make sense until you consider that her name (pronounced Neema) sounds like the Spanish female version of Nemo (actually the correct Spanish female name would be Nema); even one of the achievements points this.
  • What Could Have Been: Originally, one scene in Episode 2 would have you search for the corpse of David Banks, Dr. Sorkin's assistant. However, what Telltale had planned for Banks would have bumped the rating up to an "M", so it was cut. Considering how some scenes that did make it in - such as Nedry's half-eaten corpse and the Troodon nest - already push the "T" rating to its limits, one can't help but wonder just how horrific Banks' fate really was.
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