< Ilivais X

Ilivais X/Characters

The cast of Ilivais X.

Cycle Squad

Iriana Estchell

Where are we g-going?

Iriana is our protagonist, and the pilot of the titular mecha, the Ilivais X. She's easily the antithesis of all (or at least most) Super Robot Genre protagonists, in that she's hopelessly suicidal, not heroic in the slightest, enjoys being hurt and actively pursues it, and, well, she's a girl, and a lesbian at that. Relatively speaking, she's a heavily veiled character, putting up a mask of nonchalant indifference over the forced mask of either nihilistic destruction or insatiable lust, under which lies copious amounts of violent tendencies and sadism, all of which serve to guard someone who, at her very core, is a scared, timid little girl that really, REALLY could use a hug or two.

One of the first things we see of her is not giving a crap upon watching her parents die while their home in the tranquil woods of Serbia is churned up for a biosynthesis plant, and in fact seems pretty happy about the whole ordeal. Then she was trained for 10years in the Aztec capital, and needless to say she did not have fun. Everything that happened there broke her HARD, and she escapes with her Super Prototype as a very melancholic, very unstable young girl.

Associated tropes:

  • Age-Inappropriate Dress: She USED to wear a full coat and skirt, but some way or another that got cut down to an outfit that leaves 85% of her torso bare, and covers very little below that as well. She refuses to change out of it though, partially because it's one of her few possessions and because it was given to her from Seyne.
  • Anti-Hero: Fluctuates between Type III and Type V, going higher or lower depending on circumstances, but never falling below III and usually staying on the higher two. She tends to get rid of both the "heroic" and "cool" parts, and tends to be more of a Villain Protagonist that sucks at being any of those things. In short, she is the LAST person you want being a revolutionary hero in a superweapon.
  • The Assimilator: X's Drive Core attacks allow her to assimilate a piece of the opponent, and she seems oddly geared towards doing this to every enemy Ilivais. Later she tries to use Mille's ambiguous Drive Core to assimilate her as well.
  • Badass Adorable: The badass part is arguable, but mostly everyone believes she's cute, and she does kick everything's ass...when she's not in a massive fit of depression.
  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Bigger Stick: The only reason she has been successful thus far is due to Ilivais X being fairly broken. At least she says this is the case. More than likely, she's much better at piloting it than she'll admit.
  • Bio Augmentation: She was intended to be converted into an optimal full-body Wetware CPU of sorts for the Ilivais X. This basically means her only natural organs are her heart, lungs, and brain. Everything else in there augments her own functions or drives her regeneration process. Unfortunately, she's very weak and fragile and is entirely dependent on ambient energy sources produced by the Ilivais, mostly intended so she would really be bound to it and not attempt to run away or anything. Thankfully Mille made a battery that recharges while Iriana fights in X, allowing her to walk around and do stuff as long as she either returns periodically or leaves the battery inside and "sleeps".
  • Boring Invincible Hero: Subverted. Ilivais X has all the properties of being an invincible machine of doom, and the Aztecs know how dangerous it is. Infinite energy and armor regeneration are nothing to scoff at. But Iriana is so inexperienced and has so little faith in X's near-undefeatability that she finds herself nearly killed on multiple occasions, and every victory so far has been set aside as beginner's luck in her mind. Whether it be from pride or not being that good at piloting, she doesn't seem to realize that every single battle she comes across could be ended by just roasting the enemy for a couple seconds. In the hands of anybody else, X would let them pretty much do whatever they please.
  • But Your Wings Are Beautiful: Iriana's pretty much the only person who doesn't think her eyes are awesome.
  • Cool Sword: Her (stolen) sword, Lazna Istina, has a see-through blade. More than likely it's very very fragile, but that doesn't matter when all she uses it for is to gut herself.
  • Creepy Child: Well, she's actually a teenager, but she's stuck in the body of an overgrown seven-year old, so it counts.
  • Creepy Monotone: Speaks mostly in this, with little to no inflection. If she gets impassioned enough, she breaks out of it though.
  • Deus Sex Machina: Her Drive Core is powered by love, but it's on the side that it's basically lust. She manages to completely override the Null Drive Core by making a kabob out of herself, and with her whole pain = pleasure thing, she basically assimilated Locke via orgasm.
  • Dissonant Serenity: All for this. She tends to rip opponents to shreds in quite the violent fashion while remaining completely stoic.
  • Electric Instant Gratification: If it's painful, Iriana literally gets off on it. The more lethal the better, though extensive damage to the heart or brain (the only natural organs she really has) could end up killing her. But all she has to do is stab herself for an intense, near-orgasmic pleasure high.
  • Empathic Weapon: Ilivais X appears to have some kind of influence over Iriana. This is due to its Null Drive Core, which Iriana willfully utilizes to cancel out her own Drive Core.
  • Gayngst: Refreshingly subverted. Iriana has a LOT that she angsts about and typically has a right to, but she's perfectly comfortable with her preference. Her uncertainties about Mille are about her as a person, and not because she's a girl.
  • Heroic Albino: If you consider her a hero, as she can easily be seen as a villain.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Taken to an extreme. She flat-out hates herself, and any compliments will either be shot down or ignored. Hell, she refuses to believe she's even worth being called a human being.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: As seen on day 9. Unless you think modesty includes a frenzied multi-lingual speech and being several times more impassioned than she has been for the entire series. Granted, it's a mild example, but for Iriana it's like witnessing a supernova.
  • Kaleidoscope Technicolor Eyes: Iriana's eyes normally go through a literal kaleidoscope of color, but change to a set hue to represent emotions, and it's the only way she expresses herself unless it's really strong.
  • Lipstick Lesbian: Close enough. There's not really a Cutesy Monochromatic Lesbian trope.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She tries to be, but she's not as good at it as she'd like.
  • Moe: A deconstruction of this. She looks cutsier than the other characters, has issues expressing herself, stutters in every sentence, needs friends to help her, and in general could always use a hug. But she REALLY hates her appearance and the stuttering thing due to being unable to control them, is desperately trying to express herself even less and lose all emotion, refuses to really accept Mille, Essen, and Sura as anything more than people not trying to kill her, and since pleasure is turned into pain for her, being hugged feels more like how anyone else would percieve being caught in an atom smasher.
  • The Needless: Iriana doesn't need to eat, sleep, or drink, as she CAN'T do those things. So long as she doesn't leave an area with an ambient energy source, she's effectively immortal, but can only last five minutes outside of one.
  • Nietzsche Wannabe
  • Older Than She Looks: Iriana is 17, but looks very young and childish. This is because she was altered to never reach puberty like the other Phonos Weapons, as hormones and the like would interfere with operating the mech and utilizing the Drive Core.
  • The Ophelia: So much. Disturbed and somewhat psychotic? Check. Creepy yet enigmatically pretty appearance? Check. Eternally messy hair? Check. Constantly barefoot? Check. Bit of a No Nudity Taboo? Check. Ethereal and spirit-like in nature? Check. In command of great powers beyond her abilities that she lets on? Check. Gratefully, unless she's really gone off the edge, her allies are usually nice to her and want to help her, which is good, because she's also a...
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Granted, not on her own, but Ilivais X can only be piloted by either Iriana or Mille, and the latter doesn't require it to survive. With X and Iriana's somewhat symbiotic relationship and her low sense of self-worth, she's essentially a part of X. Which, by the way, can generate unlimited energy and Beam Spam to its heart's content. It's mostly due to Iriana's relative lack of willpower (and actually having people she cares about, despite what she says) that the planet isn't utterly fucked.
  • Perpetual Motion Machine: Her Ilivais (and her) is powered by one of these. It appears its main value lies in the fact that that such a thing is impossible, and breaking one rule of physics means all the others can be as well.
  • The Power of Love: Iriana's Drive Core can lean towards this, or...
  • Power of the Void: ...she can succumb to the Ilivais' Drive Core instead.
  • Psycho Lesbian: Subverted, for the most part. She's definitely not right in the head, but with Mille she opens up and demonstrates her more vulnerable side. She still has her moments, though.
  • Rape and Switch: Damn justified in her case, considering that for her, straight sex equals torture. She doesn't even want the remote possibility that it will happen any more than it has already, so she just feels safer gearing her ever-so-influential Drive Core towards other women.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When Iriana's mood ring eyes turn red, GET THE FUCK AWAY.
  • Rei Clone: In almost every aspect. Though in a way, one could consider her more like Shinji, but replacing his meekness with a Rei-ish frosting. She's basically a combination of their negative traits- depression, desire for true affection, low sense of self-worth- without their more positive ones- determination, loyalty, and kindness. She does show some of that later on, especially when she opens up more to Mille, but she just as quickly snaps back to how she normally is.
  • Running Gag: Her inability to deal with mass-produced units while easily dispatching far more powerful special weapons and prototypes, in direct contrast to most mecha protagonists who are a walking genocide to Mooks.
  • Sensual Slavs: ...Sorta. Really sorta. Despite her frailty and brokenness, she still has that Love Drive Core constantly pushing at her, and as a result she can sometimes get overtly sexual, as that's a nature of hers that she tries to hide. Evident when having Essen stab her repeatedly (essentially asking for him to make love to her), and on multiple occasions around Mille.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: At times.
  • Snark Knight: Against herself more than the rest of the world.
  • Speech Impediment: Iriana has a slight stutter on at least one word in nearly every sentence. DO NOT bring it up.
  • Stepford Snarker: Which is mainly to veil how much emotional pain she's constantly in.
  • Stocking Filler: Essentially has a class C Zettai Ryouiki. More than likely the main reason she's wearing them is because her outfit hardly covers enough.
  • The Stoic: Tries as hard as she can to maintain the air of an Emotionless Girl, despite being pushed towards being a Love Freak and pulled into being a Soulless Shell, meaning she has to fight both Drive Cores to maintain some semblance of sanity.
    • Stoic Woobie: Despite all that hard indifference covering an oddly violent person covering two emotional engines at war with each other, deep inside she's just a scared, lonely young girl who wants nothing more than somebody to hold her.
    • Not So Stoic: And considering Mille is that somebody, it's with her that she's at her most emotive, optimistic, and uncovered. Obviously she doesn't suddenly transform into a squishy, trembling pile, but it's the closest she gets to that.
  • Invisible to Gaydar
  • Stuttering Into Eloquence: Or simply "Stuttering Eloquence". Her speech problem usually doesn't get in the way of speaking fancy though, but it tends to frustrate her regardless.
  • Super Mode: The Drive Core instills this, though mostly only for Iriana. Notably, how it works depends on her state of mind. If she's in a more positive mindset, she gives into her body's Love Drive Core, resulting in her destroying the opponent by making out with it. If she's having a bad day, she succumbs to the Ilivais' Null Drive Core, which basically brings her and her target to her own pocket dimension of sorts. Either way, whoever is on the other end gets a piece of their soul and/or mech properties assimilated.
  • Too Kinky to Torture: Iriana's sense of pain and pleasure are inverted, which has obvious and unpleasant results. Essen found out first hand how freaky it is for someone to get off on being stabbed to death.
  • Tyke Bomb
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: In the Destiny's Resonance backstory, Iriana at 3 years old is cheerful, determined, and generally optimistic in the face of her parents dying and her house being destroyed. Considering THAT didn't break her in the slightest, and whatever happened to her during her 15 years at Tenochtitlan must have been unimaginably horrible to turn her into what she is now. That utter hell is more than likely the main focus of the side story, meaning we get to watch a particularly harsh Break the Cutie in full detail!
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Due to the parts of her body that would produce pigment being taken out.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Called out on this on numerous occasions. The Aztec Empire as a whole has the opinion of "just because we screwed up a bit doesn't mean she has a right to upend a near-utopian society", which honestly isn't far from the truth, especially considering her "vision" doesn't go much farther than destroying anything she doesn't like.

Mille Chanteau

“Now, the goddesses of eternity shall unite to create a force unlike any other! The steel deity will rise from the ashes again and again until nothing stands in our way! For we, Iriana Estchell and Mille Chanteau, refuse to let our grasp on the world stop for anybody! The force of the universe itself flows through our veins, binding our destinies to the fate of the world, and until our wills succeed, we will murder death and oppress tyranny!

Easily The Lancer to Iriana, she's her opposite in almost every way. Outspoken, optimistic, willing to give into her desires, she contrasts highly with her. Might be why they have such a conflicting yet meaningful relationship. Her hot-bloodedness and confidence makes her a more typical Super Robot protagonist, and incidentally she's capable of piloting Ilivais X as well.

Also the most overtly sexual character in the story, to a ridiculous degree. It's to the point where she seriously believes that one-night stands are the ultimate extent of dating (and therefore is only really friends with the three people who keep talking to her). Judging from recent events, she appears to be some more advanced kind of Phonos Weapon, with a powerful Drive Core and quite impressive physical capabilities.

She starts with a support Avespia, but eventually is capable of piloting Ilivais X, along with her own machine, Ilivais San.

Associated tropes:

  • Ace Pilot: Subverted. She apparently was known as an ace in some prior battle, but claims it was simply contrived coincidences that happened to give her the spotlight.
  • Badass Gay: Doesn't take shit from anyone, is perfectly capable of kicking ass in a repair-based Avespia, pilots X the way a super robot SHOULD be piloted, gives off 75% of all the epic speeches in the story, and loves Iriana with all her heart.
  • Bandage Babe: About half of her appearances involve her ending up in the hospital, and if it weren't for the ridiculously advanced medical science of the story, that would be a lot more.
  • Bi the Way: Has had several boyfriends in the past, but really doesn't have any Gayngst or any kind of shift. She gains an attraction to Iriana with only a small amount of confusion before just accepting that she has a crush on another girl.
  • Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 3, surprisingly. She would fall into Type 4, but she's actually quite detached from her physical self, seeing it solely as a conduit to interact with the world. She knows she's attractive, but isn't vain about it, rather, she considers herself to be awesome as a person. She'd much rather attract people with her charm than with her body, which tends to not be the case.
  • Combat Medic: Mille's Avespia, and her Ilivais San is centered around repair/resupply. Weirdly enough, despite specifically piloting a support machine because she doesn't like the thought of killing people, she's incredibly valorous and doesn't hesitate for an instant to pilot X instead.
  • Cool Big Sis
  • Distracted by the Sexy: She doesn't LIKE using this tactic, but acknowledges that it tends to be necessary. Flaunting her stuff has saved everyone's ass on numerous occasions, most notably with Sycine.
  • Expy: Word of God describes her as "Misato Katsuragi with less alcohol". Or a hot-blooded Chikane.
  • Genre Savvy: Combined with her frequent Shout Outs and fourth wall breaking, she usually sounds like she's reading the story itself and making footnotes to it.
  • Heroic BSOD: Whenever she and Iriana are separated, she begins lapsing into this. She can still function, but her joyous, passionate self disappears and is replaced with a sullen and obsessive personality that only goes back to normal when they reunite.
  • Hot-Blooded: The most impulsive and reckless of the main characters. Somewhat deconstructed, as she ends up seriously injured on numerous occasions.
  • Iron Woobie: Think about it for a second. She literally has no idea how to connect with people and maintain a relationship without resorting to sex, and her valiant Hot-Blooded attitude veils an impressive amount of insecurity. Her brash yet well-intentioned lessons to Iriana are mostly so she'll see her as inspiring and tough, and not as hopelessly dependent as she really is. Despite this, she REFUSES to break down and give up in what she believes in, and the closest she comes is when Iriana, who she places pretty much all her trust in, quite mercilessly attempts to completely betray that and assimilate her.
  • Large Ham
  • Lolicon: It appears she got her hands on some relatively questionable manga-ish stories...which explains quite a bit of her inexplicable lust for Iriana.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac
  • Love Martyr: She's heading this way, fast. When does she first flat-out say she loves Iriana? After all of her limbs are broken due to being pushed out of the Ilivais. What's her reaction to Iriana essentially resorting to Mind Rape? Sleep with Essen, THEN go back the next day and get private time with Iriana.
  • Made of Iron: Suffers more injuries than Iriana does, astonishingly, but is only ever set back by them for a little while. As the injuries increase in magnitude, how she recovers so quickly becomes a point of concern, leading quite a few of the main cast, Iriana included, to suspect she is actually some kind of Iberian Phonos Weapon, which, all thing considering, does make sense.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: She didn't start off this way, but soon she became this to Iriana. The "manic" part is becoming more and more prominent.
  • Medium Awareness: Seems to have full knowledge of tropes associated with Humongous Mecha and realizes she's in a pastiche of almost every mecha anime ever...despite the fact that she's in a universe where those animes likely wouldn't even exist.
  • Ms. Fanservice: In a way. She shifts between ignorant, reluctant, or just playing it straight.
  • Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Subverted. She certainly looks the part (picture an H-cup Hazuki), but she soon proves herself to be anything BUT aloof and detached.
  • One Head Taller: And Iriana sure appreciates it.
  • Undying Loyalty: After the point Iriana saves Mille from either being dead or becoming Arteya's sex slave, she believes that she will NEVER be able to repay her. As such, she vows to be completely loyal to Iriana no matter what happens. The score isn't settled even once she saves her life when it wasn't even necessary, or when Iriana shoves her out of the Ilivais, 8 meters off the damn ground, breaking nearly all of her limbs.
  • Wrench Wench: The designated mechanic of the team.
  • Younger Than She Looks: She has the appearance and figure of an adult, but apparently she's only 14. The fact that she's slept with an assload of men make this somewhat unnerving.

Essen Dywell

I want to see everybody free to do what they want, to have the right to realize their dreams.

Kira Yamato, more or less. A Nice Guy who's a little out of his element in a war...until he enters the battlefield. He's a bit disdainful towards Iriana due to an incident early on, but he's generally accepting towards people.

Originally pilots a ranged Avespia, but ends up with the fairly similar Ilivais Sampi.

Associated tropes:

  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Courtesy of Mille.
  • Artificial Limbs: After getting his arm chopped off by X.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: However, he's fully aware of this, and as such he takes it slowly.
  • Friendly Sniper: Though he's a Cold Sniper in battle, he's this outside of it.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: He's a generally friendly, if a bit awkward guy, until he goes into his Avespia. Then it's no-nonsense time, as evident by his usual reluctance to join in on the banter.
  • The Smart Guy: Generally handles any tactical elements necessary, despite being a rookie. His talents aren't really needed when the main method of victory is "send Iriana in and hope she doesn't get too emo to kick ass", but he still takes charge whenever it's required.

Sura Verandis

…The instant we gain some ground, and all protocol goes out the window…

The Big Guy, and not much else. Mostly a Flat Character who views himself as the Only Sane Man, Sura is more realistic about the situation when plausible explanations aren't quite present.

Begins with a melee Avespia, only to move on to the scimitar-wielding Ilivais Stigma.

Associated Tropes:

  • Ace Pilot
  • Boisterous Bruiser
  • Dual-Wielding: His Avespia holds a sword and knife at the same time.
  • Genius Bruiser: Sura is easily the most experienced soldier of the group and while a little gruff, he's easily the wisest and least conflicted one of them all. He's also so big he can barely fit in his Avespia, and has a close-combat hack and slash fighting style.
  • Megane
  • Only Sane Man: Well, Essen is as well, but he's often pretty exasperated whenever he has to deal with people who too over-the-top. Which is pretty much anyone who pilots an Ilivais or commands the Iberian army.
  • Team Dad: Pretty much the one person keeping the team from descending into a pile of crazy.

Aztec Commanders

Anosa Ain Quetzal

…The very nature of possibility…will be shattered.

The Big Bad, and Emperor of the Aztec Empire. And that's about it so far. Considering the above quote is about half of his dialogue so far, and the fact that he hasn't even been seen outside a few enigmatic exchanges, and his true nature has yet to be revealed. It's pretty obvious he's behind everything, though.

Associated tropes:

  • The Big Bad: He rules The Empire, specifically the one Iriana has more interest in taking down.
  • The Chessmaster: When it comes down to it, Anosa knows exactly what will lead to the desirable results, though what exactly he's trying to accomplish considering he rules half the world and doesn't seem to be after the other half is unclear.
  • The Emperor: Though what type has yet to be seen. Most likely he's The Ghost variety.
  • Man Behind the Man: For all the scheming and conspiracy thrown around by everyone else in their belief that they can outsmart the emperor, in the end Anosa knows pretty much what everyone is doing and thinking at any given time. It's implied that he allowed Seyne to sabotage X in order to allow Iriana to escape, and is using this to his own ends. Strangely, this doesn't seem to include actually recovering their escaped prototype.

Seyne Estchell

A foe slaughtered is worth nothing. A foe defeated gains new knowledge, and knows that to fight another day, they must grow stronger, and in the process learn what it is they must fight for.

The Rival to Iriana, but more importantly, her brother. In Destiny's Resonance, it's revealed that he actually initiated the Ilivais Project, sending initial designs to the Aztecs and being responsible for bringing him and Iriana to Tenochtitlan. For the most part, he's a Worthy Opponent, discussing with Iriana why it is she fights and/or exists, when she's the one who asks that to everyone else. Their relationship is a bit strained and mysterious, but Iriana doesn't seem to hate him. In fact, it seems she wants him to join the Cycle Squad if anything.

He pilots the first Ilivais prototype, Ilivais A.

Associated tropes:

  • Badass: He can hold off swarms of Espadas with absolutely nothing but his outdated machine and short blade arms. Keep in mind Iriana and her weapon of mass destruction can't even do this.
    • Badass Normal: He and Iriana are the only two characters in the story that don't have the benefits of the ages-old Human Optimization Project, and Iriana's far removed from normal by now.
  • Expy: Of Sanger Zonvolt. They even look the same. The only main difference is that Seyne's mech isn't anywhere near awesome.
  • Face Heel Turn: He was the one that allowed Iriana to escape in the first place, and officially turns face during the Rescue Arc.
  • Large Ham
  • Not Quite Dead: Though Ilivais A gets blown up, Mille ends up barely saving his life. Not like the Aztecs know about this.
  • Super Prototype: Subverted. A is pretty terrible.
  • Weak but Skilled: Ilivais A is far outclassed compared to every single prototype. Seyne kicks so much ass that he simply does not care.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Well, it's more grey.

Noille Veria

Do you comprehend my fevered salacity, and ache to fulfill the hope of rapture crawling across the world?

Leader of the STRUQ units, Noille is...colorful, to say the least. She tends to speak very fancily...but if you can understand her, you'll know just how filthy her mind is.

She pilots the fairly effeminate Powered Armor Ilivais Q, which turns into a framework for the STRUQ head.

Associated tropes:

  • Antiquated Linguistics: Her speech is akin to a Shakespeare play in more modern English. As in, FLOODED with Double Entendres and Getting Crap Past the Radar obscured mostly because nobody knows what she's saying. Though considering the rest of the story, she isn't exactly veiling much that hasn't been flat-out stated.
  • Attack Drone: Q's REACT Drones.
  • Double Entendre: In a nutshell, in her first interactions with Iriana, she inquires and estimates heavily about her and Mille's sex life, and seems to be awfully interested in Mille's...squirtiness. Of course, it just SOUNDS like she's talking about Mille writing something, mainly because a pen as a sexual symbol isn't prevalent when it involves lesbians.
  • Leader Forms the Head: Q turns into a framework for the combined STRUQ head, though the heads of the other four are needed to join with it as well.
  • Ms. Fanservice: While lecturing to Mille and Iriana, she decides that she'd much rather not be stuck inside Q. To Mille's dismay and to Iriana's slight level of blushing, she doesn't actually wear anything while inside.
  • Powered Armor: Ilivais Q.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Noille is...not happy after she thinks Seyne is dead
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: And Invisibility Cloak hair at that.

Sycine Kiongozi

Pretty much the only somewhat normal commander. Mostly of note is how she was the "Instructor" of the Phonos Weapons, meaning she's entirely responsible for Iriana's disposition. Incredibly irritable and prone to flipping out over things, like her odd crush on Mille.

Pilots what is Naoto Shirogane incarnated as a mecha, Ilivais P.

Associated tropes:

  • Darkskinned Blonde: An oddly extreme example, as she's of heavy African descent, yet has nearly translucent hair.
  • Gayngst: It's astonishing how much she flips out over her attraction to girls, especially because nobody gives a crap. It's a bit of irony that she deals with this and not Iriana.
  • Girls with Guns: Is constantly seen with a pistol, in and out of her mech.
    • Hand Cannon: And one of them is a 15 millimeter handgun. She literally shoots down Humongous Mecha with it (though granted, the Espada is just above Mini-Mecha level and is stated to be somewhat cheaply constructed). And this basically proved Mille is NOT normal, as she survived being shot by it with basically a large flesh wound.
  • Gun Kata: She pilots her Ilivais like this.



The leader of the GEKICOM Elementals, who happens to be an AI. Also operates pretty much everything computerized within the Aztec Empire.

Pilots the four-armed Ilivais O.

Associated tropes:

Specialized Weapon Units

Ashe Gogus

Beneath these endless miles of lovely squishiness beats the heart of Artemis!

As evidenced by the above quote, Ashe is awfully...obsessed with breasts. Especially her own. Despite this, she's shown to be a fairly skilled pilot, holding her own in a prototype only a step above A and fending off the Iberian Army and the Cycle Squad at nearly the same time.

She pilots the also very effeminate Ilivais B, which set an overall feminine design scheme for most subsequent prototypes.

Associated tropes:

Churi Dhara

Essentially a bureaucratic assistant to the entire empire. Churi also volunteered as a pilot, though doesn't actually get in the cockpit much. She was actually dating Sycine for some time, but they broke up apparently due to how she was treating Iriana.

Pilots the blade-limbed Ilivais D.

Associated tropes:

En Arteya

Why shouldn’t I do whatever I want? Nothing’s stopping me. The world has no means of enforcing anything. The world is without laws by nature, and the laws made by humanity don’t apply to me. There’s no reason I can’t declare my ownership of both you and this girl. I want the both of you and a promotion. Therefore, I’ll get them. It’s really simple.

Resident Politically-Incorrect Villain of the Aztec Empire, and the biggest Complete Monster of them all yet.

Pilots the heavy artillery unit Ilivais F.

Associated tropes:

Valius Signum

Acts and dresses like like the unholy combination of every Greek and Roman counterpart ever.

Pilots the javelin launching Ilivais J.

Associated tropes:

GEKICOM Elementals

Electra Vaiel

I will take no words! They have failed my brethren, but they will not fail me!

A character with notably few lines, mainly due to what she says above. As the GEKICOM Elementals all have personalities that fit one of the mechs they're not piloting, Electra has the "icy" personality, thus meaning she would likely fit more in C. She likely isn't in it due to her name.

She pilots the storm-powered Ilivais E.

Associated tropes:

  • Anime Hair: It looks like a freaking thunderstorm on her head.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Appearance: ...And with that kind of hair, and her name, there's no way she's piloting something that doesn't control electricity.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: In this case, her Ilivais doesn't need a power source. All it needs is a thunderstorm and it can blast around electricity as much as it wants. Of course, it may not be powered by the lightning itself, but rather the antimatter rays they fire off, or something.
  • The Quiet One: Insists that the usual banter during every single battle is the reason why they can't seem to win against Iriana. Considering that she came second-closest to killing Iriana (first being Locke, who did it too fast to say that much), and having been the most effective in a drawn-out fight, and she's likely right.
  • Shock and Awe

Daimler Greene

Now, now. Why can’t you children listen these days? I mean really. Now you expect some kind of reward for doing what you’re told. Alas…I suppose we’ll have to buy you a pony or so to get you to go.

An aged British man who decides to take a page from Linebarrels and wear a suit when piloting a mecha. With the GEKICOM Elementals' personality shifts, he has the more booming, thunderous personality.

He pilots the environmentally friendly Ilivais G.

Associated tropes:

  • Badass Grandpa: He's much like what Seyne will likely be once he gets old.
  • Combat Tentacles: One arm has a giant vine whip, the other has two smaller vines that can form into a hand, in a very Deoxys-esque fashion.
  • Green Thumb
  • Healing Factor: Ilivais G has a test-type regenerative armor that's far more potent than X's, but consumes more energy and isn't quite as stable.

Locke Key

You are a sinful, godless creature, one who tries to destroy the Eden we have created. You turn back on your creators, merging yourselves with defectors from the decadence that was created by defectors of decadence before you.

Locke Key, despite his rather odd name, means pretty serious business. He comes the closest to flat-out killing Iriana and her allies, and the only reason he didn't succeed was due to Mille having gotten an Iriana-detection ability two days prior, and because he underestimated them in general. He's also dating fellow Elemental Alice Miu.

He pilots the nuclear angel Ilivais K.

Associated tropes:

Alice Miu

Odd. …Why are you leaving? …Wait a minute! You’re in the prototype I was ordered to take out! (said after sidetracked for a couple of seconds in the middle of a fight against Iriana)

Where Locke is a Light Is Not Good case, Alice is the exact opposite. Generally good-natured and willing to make a deal with Iriana for more of an alliance to the Aztecs rather than complete obedience, she is somewhat of a Good Is Dumb case. She's in a relationship with the aforementioned Locke.

She pilots the demonic crab Ilivais M.

Associated tropes:

  • Casting a Shadow: M works on a black hole engine of sorts, which creates areas of such low energy that it sucks output away (which incidentally was very useful against X in particular). The end result is that it fires beams of darkness anyway.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: She seems to be a pretty nice person, if a bit dim. She's running around in a jet-black crab mecha that shoots beams of darkness and floats on bat-like wings.
  • The Ditz
  • Flaying Alive: Iriana unintentionally did this to her, but she recovered. Her absolute failure to remember this ends up being a major factor in Sycine's attempt to reformat Iriana.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: M has four legs and giant claws for arms.
  • Good Is Dumb: Forgets that she was fighting Iriana in the midst of a battle, introduces herself almost 4 times in said battle, interprets Locke's "I don't know what the fuck to do" statements as a pep rally for the two, etc.
  • Opposites Attract: As stated above. She doesn't seem to be on the receiving end of Locke's more assholish actions, or she doesn't realize it, which could mean their relationship isn't as nice as she thinks.
  • Spider Tank


Primo Veria

I am one, first, initial, Primo Veria! Gooooooooooo!

Despite what he says, he isn't the leader of the STRUQ Team. That would be Noille. So he has a bit of an inferiority complex about that. There's not much more to him, and considering the STRUQ Team is a massive pastiche of all those classic Combining Mecha shows, that's likely intentional.

He pilots Ilivais R, which transforms into a giant torso.

Associated tropes:

  • Always Second Best: His whole issue. Despite the fact that he seems to be the personification of the number 1, and that his Ilivais is the one that holds all the others together, he's not the leader, which is Noille's role.
  • Chest Blaster: R's arms fold into the chest, which it utilizes when combined with the other STRUQ units.
  • The Dragon: To Noille.
  • Shiny Midnight Black: Exaggerated. His hair is so dark that it sucks light away, without having any shiny streaks.
  • You Are Number One: A variant. His name means 1, and he has a giant 1 painted on his face, but it doesn't seem to be for any purpose.

Dia Veria

I am two, second, subsequent, Dia Veria! Goooooooooooooo!

Obviously, number 2 of the Veria family. She's easily The Dark Chick of the five. She's less confident in her abilities (though nowhere NEAR as bad about it as Iriana) and is generally somewhat of a coward.

She pilots Ilivais S, which splits into two legs.

Associated tropes:

  • Cowardly Lion: The individual STRUQ units are fairly useless, and both times she was up against X, it was being piloted by a rampant Mille instead of the more fragile Iriana, who already scares her. She still is at least brave enough to try to fight back even when she knows it's useless, but for her troubles she gets the full brunt of X's End Code and gets her part of her soul sucked out from a partially schizophrenic Null Drive Core.
  • The Dark Chick
  • Kick Chick: Essentially her entire pattern of attack, even when not in leg form.
  • Number Two: Subverted. Her role is about as even as the pilots of T and U, given that legs are mostly weapons on the Ilivais units.
  • You Are Number Two: Similarly to Primo, she's the number 2 given human form.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Exaggerated, just like Primo. Her hair is practically made of light.

Kolme Veria

Number 3 of the Veria family, who can be summarized as an Evil Counterpart to Essen.

He pilots Ilivais T, which turns into a cannon arm.

Associated tropes:

Lau Veria

Number 4 of the Veria family, and by and far the most unhinged. Has a massive fetish for hurting people, cares nothing of colloquial damage, etc.

She pilots Ilivais U, which turns into a bladed arm.

Associated tropes:

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