< Hulk Speak

Hulk Speak/Playing With

Basic Trope: A big strong guy speaks using short, simple sentences.

  • Straight: Hubert, The Big Guy, speaks using a very simple dialect.
  • Exaggerated: Hubert speaks using monosyllabic grunts - and that's when he's feeling particularly talkative.
  • Justified: He spent a lot of time developing his body, not his brain.
  • Inverted: A big, huge guy is also a very eloquent Rhodes scholar.
  • Subverted: "What? You expected me to speak like a simpleton, didn't you?"
  • Double Subverted: "...uh, that only thing Hubert know how to say."
  • Parodied: The guy who speaks in Hulk Speak is also a published novelist.
  • Deconstructed: The Hulk Speak is indicative of his lack of intelligence. When his muscular body is no more use, he's completely useless to the team.
  • Reconstructed: However, he finds some other way to cope.
  • Zig Zagged: "You expected me to speak like a buffoon, didn't you? ...Well...uh...that only sentence Hubert know how to say good. ...Fooled you, didn't I?"
  • Averted: He's by no means eloquent, but he understands basic sentence structure.
  • Enforced: "I'm tired of writing dialogue for all these different characters. Isn't there some sort of shortcut I can use?"
  • Lampshaded: "This is Hubert. He doesn't talk too much."
  • Invoked: The same thing that gave him his power also drained a lot of his intellect, leaving him unable to form all but the simplest sentences.
  • Defied: He ensures that he trains his brain as well as his body.
  • Discussed: "I just had the best conversation with Hubert." "...Really?"
  • Conversed: "...Yup, the big guy can only speak in short, simple sentences."

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