< Happy Tree Friends

Happy Tree Friends/Characters


Voiced by: Kenn Navarro

A cute yellow rabbit who has pink cheeks and is always wearing pink bunny slippers. Cuddles is the main character of the series more so than anyone else, and is one of the four "original" Tree Friends. Despite his cute nature, he has been shown to be a bit of a rebellious Tree Friend who enjoys skateboarding, snowball fights, and daredevil acts. He was the first Tree Friend created, appears in most advertisements, and to date holds the highest death count in the series.


Voiced by: Lori Jee

A friendly pink chipmunk who wears a red hair bow. Giggles is one of the four "original" Tree Friends and is most often played as a girly girl, along with Petunia (with whom she is best friends). She also cares strongly for the environment, and will lose her cute nature when she sees someone littering or polluting. Despite being the one most often paired with other Tree Friends for Valentine's Day episodes, she and Cuddles are seen as the "default pairing" of the series.


Voiced by: Warren Graff

An unlucky purple beaver named for his large, gapped buckteeth. Toothy is one of the four "original" Tree Friends and is most often played as the everyman. The creators of the show feel he doesn't have enough of a personality, and plan to bring him out of his shell in later episodes. His trademark injuries have to do with his eyes, mostly as shout outs to his most famous episode, Eye Candy.


"For a lazy lunch, try leftover loaf!"
Voiced by: David Winn

An idiotic blue moose whose lack of intelligence often lands himself and others into trouble while driving the plot for many episodes. Lumpy is one of the four "original" Tree Friends and to date has the official highest kill count and starring count in the series. Despite his stupidity, he often holds high ranking jobs (such as a doctor), and is sometimes placed with the care of the smaller Tree Friends. He shows signs of greed as well, as visited in several episodes.

  • Anti-Hero: Type I, most of the time.
  • Big Brother Instinct: When the smaller Tree Friends are in his care, he'll go to great lengths to try and protect them - even if he usually winds up killing them in the process.
  • The Big Guy
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: In Doggone It!, he took on a giant squid with a mousetrap! And won!
    • And Wipe Out reveals he's a pro surfer, even managing to juggle chainsaws while hanging ten!
    • He climbs a rope with a freshly paralyzed back in Take a Hike, and the rescue he (almost) pulls off at the end of The Wrong Side of the Tracks also counts.
  • The Ditz
  • Expy: Of Bullwinkle. To the point that the creators had to invert the direction of his antlers to keep him from looking too much like Bullwinkle.
    • And he sounds a little like Goofy if you think about it...
  • Jerkass: In some of his roles, such as in We're Scrooged! and Dunce Upon A Time.
  • Karmic Death: A large portion of Lumpy's deaths relate to him doing something thoughtless, usually while on the job.
    • In Concrete Solution, Lumpy hides the fact he accidentally killed Handy by hiding him in the cement they were pouring. Later he's crushed by the block of cement with Handy's corpse pressed in it.
  • Lethal Klutz
  • Life or Limb Decision: In Out On A Limb.
  • Literal Genie: In As You Wish.
  • Moose Are Idiots: Probably the most glaring example.
  • Non-Standard Character Design
  • Precision F-Strike: He has a tendency to say "What the hell?" when something goes wrong...except for in Doggone It, where it's this.
  • Screams Like a Little Girl
  • Too Dumb to Live: Inverted most of the time (an exception being the episode The Chokes On You). Despite being the most unintelligent Tree Friend in the cast, he is the one who survives the most - a more common occurrence is "Too Dumb For Those Around Him To Live". It seems to have a reason - he is the tallest and probably strongest of the cast, so the times he doesn't die, he often gets injured.
  • Villain Protagonist: In "We're Scrooged".
  • Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: He's held the highest number of jobs to date, ranging from optometrist to plumber.


Voiced by: Nica Lorber

A nervous, cowardly red porcupine whose quills are full of dandruff. Flaky is the subject of a long-standing gender dispute, though most of the creators and fans refer to her as a female. Her official gender description on the website is a question mark. She is very cautious, scared of nearly everything, and is prone to motion sickness. Despite this, she can be very brave if the situation calls for it.

On April 28, 2012, on the twitter for Happy Tree Friends, in reply to someone's tweet, it was an actual disscusion about Flaky's gender and they intentionally stated Flaky was a girl, confirming Flaky's gender.

  • Anti-Hero: Type I.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Word of God says girl. Word of God also likes trolling the fanbase, as seen in Something Fishy., when she couldn't decide whether to go into the men's or women's restroom.
  • Badass: She proves that she can be this through the fact that she's the only one who realizes Flippy is batshit crazy and tries to put an end to his lunacy, when she stabs him in Without A Hitch.
  • Cowardly Lion: Sometimes. Other times, just plain cowardly.
  • Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: She's been attacked by sharks three times over the course of the series: In Wipe Out, Happy Trails Pt. 2, and Wingin' It.
  • Flanderization: Flaky starts off somewhat cautious in season 1. She only got scared of things that were truly dangerous. By season 2, she starts to develop fears that were somewhat irrational (i.e. skating, flying, and skiing). By the end of season 2, she's pretty much scared of anything that's nearby her (i.e. chicks). It's starts to tone down in the TV series, when she was seen brave enough to throw a birthday party for Flippy and bring a baby bird back to its nest. However, by season 3, she's pretty much scared over anything (i.e. going in the wrong bathroom).
  • Genre Savvy: Flaky showing concern for danger makes her this by default.
  • Lovable Coward
  • Only Sane Man
  • Properly Paranoid: Considering what usually ends up happening after attempts at even the safest actions, Flaky's fears seem considerably less unreasonable.
  • Sanity Slippage: "Without A Hitch".
  • Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: Averted - Possibly what leads to the high amount of Viewer Gender Confusion.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Flaky has an odd fear of baby chicks, more so than everything else. Guess what she encounters in the petting zoo in A To Zoo. Weirdly enough, it seems to be just chicks. She doesn't appear to be particularly afraid of any other birds.


"Science is seriously satisfying!"
Voiced by: Liz Stewart

A nerdy blue anteater with glasses and a pocket protector. Often seen as the brains of the show, Sniffles is a geek who loves science, inventing, Star Trek, and superheroes (Splendid especially). He sometimes delves into mad scientist territory on a few occasions, however. There are several episodes dedicated to him and a family of ants who he always tries to eat, though the ants always end up killing him in the end.


"Plant plenty of pretty, perfumed, purple and pink flowers!"
Voiced by: Lori Jee

A sweet blue skunk who wears a flower on her head and a pine tree car freshener around her neck. Petunia suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and is quite a neat freak. She is best friends with Giggles and they like to hang around with each other, have tea parties, play with dolls, etc. She tends to die the messier deaths in the series, such as having her face pressed to a grill or getting pulled through a sink. She is the only character to have not killed another Tree Friend (though she did kill herself in one episode).


Voiced by: Michael "Lippy" Lipman

A hyperactive green squirrel who always has several pieces of candy stuck in his fur. Nutty is absolutely addicted to candy or anything sugary, and will sometimes add pounds of sugar to something just to make it sweet enough for him. His constantly-dilated eyes are mismatched with one lazy eye (a side effect from his high sugar consumption), and his vocabulary consists almost entirely of laughing and giggling. His sugar addiction has gotten him in trouble more than a few times.


"A happy home has all the right hardware for any happenstance!"
Voiced by: Warren Graff

A helpful orange beaver with amputated hands, who is always seen wearing a hard hat, a tool belt, and arm-nub bandages. Despite his handicap, Handy is most often seen doing (or at least attempting) activities that require hands. Ironically, his dam is full of things that are handheld. Whenever he fails at a task or remembers he doesn't have hands, he will pull his trademark look of a frustrated glance into the camera.


Voiced by: Kenn Navarro (Flippy), Aubrey Ankrum (Fliqpy)

A war-torn green bear who wears a military jacket, beret, and dog tags. His rank is apparently sergeant (by USA stripes; other countries have other rank insignia).

Flippy suffers from severe post-traumatic stress disorder due to the time he spent in the W.A.R (Weaponized Animal Regiment). While his "good" side tends to be one of the kinder and more sociable of the Tree Friends, his "evil" side will emerge whenever he sees or hears something that reminds him of war or death. Once in his evil state, he turns into an efficient killing machine, slaughtering everyone around him. He is arguably the most popular character of the series among fans. He stars in Ka-pow! alongside Splendid and Buddhist Monkey.


Voiced by: Sarah Castelblanco

A quiet purple deer (he is actually capable of speech like the others, just choosing rather to be silent) who is (as his name suggests) a mime, complete with face-paint and a striped shirt. Mime is very talented at various circus and carnival acts, such as pantomiming, juggling, making balloon animals, fire breathing, and riding unicycles. His reluctance to speak often lands himself and others into trouble, and he will sometimes choose showmanship over actual helpfulness.

The Mole

"Myopic, meandering marches most often lead to macabre mishaps."
Voiced by: Dean MacDonald

A blind lavender mole who wears sunglasses and a dark turtle neck sweater, with a mole on his face. His blindness drives the plot for many episodes, since the creators feel that he and Lumpy are the most inept Tree Friends for any given job. Paired with his blindness is also the inability to speak, possibly because of his sweater. His deaths are limited to the TV series because a producer for the internet seasons has a blind daughter. A lone Ka-pow! episode, Mole in the Big City, visits the idea that The Mole is an international spy, an actual character trait that was cut before he was introduced into the series.


"Parental parents are patient and proud."
Voiced by: Aubrey Ankrum

A bumbling tan bear who is almost always seen with a pipe and wears a red hat and robe. Pop is a single father to his son, Cub, whom he tends to accidentally kill on a regular basis due to his oblivious and slightly dim nature. Despite this, he is actually very caring towards his son and will go out of his way to save him in the few times he knows Cub is hurt or lost. What happened to his wife/Cub's mother is never explained, though it is hinted at that she may have died prior to the series.


"Cute kids are cuddly and carefree!"
Voiced by: Lori Jee

An adorable tan baby bear, who is always wearing a propeller beanie hat and a diaper/nappy. Cub is Pop's son, and often his deaths are due to his father's oblivious nature. He tends to act stereotypically baby-like (babbling, drooling, etc.), though he has the mobility of a toddler. Because of his babyish nature and innocence, he doesn't usually notice if someone has died or is in pain, and has even played with severed body parts on occasion.

Lifty & Shifty

"No need to be thrifty, just take whats nifty and be back in fifty!"
Both voiced by: Kenn Navarro

Two kleptomaniac green raccoon twin brothers, the older of which (Shifty) is always wearing a green fedora. Lifty and Shifty often scam or steal from unsuspecting Tree Friends (mostly Lumpy) in an effort to get rich. They are played as sinister characters with narrow eyes, dark mask-like markings around their eyes, wide grins, and trademark evil snickers. Often times they work together to steal or scam, though they will sometimes fight, kill one another, or abandon the other to die in favor of riches or goods.


"Row, row, row your boat down a running river!"
Voiced by: Francis Carr

A turquoise pirate sea otter with a Jolly Roger hat, eye-patch, ripped striped shirt, black pants, two peg legs, and a hook hand. Russell dresses and talks like a pirate, with his vocabulary consisting almost entirely of "Yar!" He enjoys the sea and nautical activities, such as fishing, sailing, or hunting for treasure, and he even lives in a house boat (perched in a tree). His early design had him with five-o-clock shadow, but this has been retired since his second appearance onward.

Disco Bear

Voiced by: Peter Herrman

A groovy golden bear with an orange afro, yellow leisure suit, yellow bell-bottoms, and platform shoes. Disco Bear is stuck in the seventies and lives the disco way of life, from his clothing to his dance moves to the music that plays on his alarm clock. He likes to roller blade, ski, and (unsuccessfully) hit on Giggles and Petunia, but most of all he loves to disco dance. However, he also loves deep fried/fatty foods, has a noticeable gut, and lives an unhealthy lifestyle. He takes great pride in his afro and goes to extremes to make sure it's perfect. It took until the TV series for the creators to stop finding him annoying and actually start liking him.


"Super squirrel swooping in for the save!"
Voiced by: David Winn

A heroic blue flying squirrel who is always seen with a red mask. Splendid is a superhero with super strength/speed, heat vision, the ability to fly, and more. Despite his helpful nature, he always seems to hurt more than he helps. When not saving the world, he's quite the homemaker who enjoys baking and sewing. He is a comic book legend in-universe, and is an idol to Sniffles and Toothy in particular. His only weakness is a green acorn-shaped rock called Kryptonut, which caused his only confirmed death throughout the whole series. He has an evil twin/evil counterpart, Splendont, who ironically is much better at being a superhero. Splendid stars in Ka-pow! alongside Flippy and Buddhist Monkey.


Voiced by: Dean MacDonald

A prehistoric yellow marmot who wears a leopard-skin loincloth and carries a club. Cro-marmot is always seen encased entirely in a large block of ice (except for the irregular episode Dino-Sore Days). Despite this, he will often be seen doing activities (almost always off-camera), and is apparently known for his impressive talents, all unseen by the viewer. His main method of transportation is an ice cream truck.

Buddhist Monkey

Voiced by: Jeff Biancalana

A peaceful orange monkey who wears a dark orange Buddhist robe and large prayer beads. Buddhist Monkey is, as his name suggests, a monkey who practices Buddhism and is normally nonviolent. However, when attacked by Generic Tree Ninjas and others sent from a mysterious, dark overlord, he sheds his passive outer nature and call upon his extensive martial arts training to kill his enemies. A flashback focused on his training by Sensei Orangutan, who had died sometime between the flashback and the series. He is the only main recurring character to not have died yet (although the fact he's only appeared in person in Ka-pow!! helps immensely). He stars in Ka-pow! alongside Flippy and Splendid.

Lammy & Mr. Pickels

"Long lasting friends don't tend to be fickle. More likely, they would laugh and love to tickle!"
Voiced by: Renée T. MacDonald

A wooly violet lamb who wears a purple hairbow and a white wool sweater, and a pickle dressed in a top hat and mustache. Winners of the Vote or Die 10th anniversary new character contest held by the Happy Tree Friends website in early 2010, Lammy and Mr. Pickels are the newest additions to the HTF cast. While Lammy appears to be a relatively normal girl, her (seemingly imaginary) friend Mr. Pickels gleefully causes mischief with others, even killing them. As a disturbing twist, when Lammy tries to stop Mr. Pickels from harming others, it's Lammy unintentionally causing pain and grief.

  1. Eh, by HTF standards, he's manly enough, we suppose.
  2. depending on if a copy of the episode counts as a second time...
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