< Happy Tree Friends

Happy Tree Friends/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • Take almost any episode where Lumpy and The Mole are given a job. According to the DVD commentary for Concrete Solution, the writers just do this because they need something bad to happen.
  • In Something Fishy, Sniffles and Mime were wearing red shirts in the astronaut play. The ones that always die in Star Trek.
  • In the end of A Sight For Sore Eyes, the Mole has bought groceries and light bulbs for his (what he thinks is) broken lamp. He ends up putting a pear in the place of the lightbulb, which promptly explodes. Why a pear of all things? Whether intentional or not, there's some Bilingual Bonus in there. The german word for light bulb, if translated literally, also means glow(ing) pear.
  • Buddhist Monkey's name isn't just a description of what he is, it's also a pun. Take out the last two letters of his name, and what do you get? Buddhist Monk.

Fridge Horror

Fridge Logic

  • Take almost any episode where someone dies from something that wouldn't do the same in real life. The only (or, atleast, only official) reason is Rule of Funny.
  • What was Flippy named before he went to war?
    • Flappy, probably.
    • Or Floppy.
  • Why didn't Russell get killed by the piranhas in Youtube Copyright School? He got killed by piranhas in Something Fishy.
    • Something Fishy was purely done for the sake of comedy. Youtube Copyright School had a purpose - to get a point across regarding originality on YouTube, while trying to still be funny. Besides, the Narrator wasn't present in Something Fishy... so he may have been able to save Russell before he got eaten(or those pirahnas must have been lazy and had full stomachs).
  • If The Mole is blind, then how did he know that Sniffles didn't show his ID in Wrath Of Con?
    • There is a theory that the Mole, while not deaf, suffers from hearing problems. (Nope, not WMG, but a theory from another Wiki.) Sniffles carries around a huge backpack, while Cuddles and Toothy have just their cards with them. Therefore, it's possible that he didn't hear Cuddles and Toothy walking past, and was just doing his standard reaction to anybody who he'd hear. Sniffles gave himself away with his groan.
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