Hana Ki Sou
Hana Ki Sou (花帰葬), sometimes translated as "Flower Funeral", is a doujin PC Boys Love Game released by Haccaworks in 2003. A voiced Playstation 2 port with new content was released in 2006; a PSP port followed in 2010. There is also a two-volume manga adaptation.
Kuroto was born to destroy the world; and so Hanashiro was born to save it. The only way Hanashiro can do that is by killing Kuroto. However, they one day meet and become very close, and Hanashiro becomes completely unwilling to fulfill his duty as the Savior. With conflict rising among the nations, the fate of the world has become unclear...
Tropes used in Hana Ki Sou include:
- Angst: Kuroto suffers this a little.
- Animal Motifs
- Anyone Can Die: No matter what ending you get, someone is going to die.
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Anguished Declaration of Love: Hanashiro does this right before he kills Kuroto in one of the bad endings.
- Anti-Hero: Hanashiro is a type IV example.
- Apocalypse How: Class 3.
- Big Badass Bird of Prey: Kurotaka is a black hawk and Shirofukurou is a snowy owl. As their names imply.
- Blessed with Suck: Poor Hanashiro.
- Book Ends: In the true ending.
- Boys Love
- Bungled Suicide: Part of the reason Kuroto lost his memories.
- Curse
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Earn Your Happy Ending
- Embarrassing Nickname: Kurotaka likes to call Hanashiro "Chibikko", which usually translates to "little kid", "squirt", etc.
- The End of the World as We Know It
- Fate Worse Than Death
- Generation Xerox: Previous incarnations of Kuroto and the Savior look identical to the main characters.
- Go Out with a Smile: Kurotaka to Kuroto, before the former disappears.
- Gratuitous English
- Gratuitous Italian: Features some vocals which are in Italian.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Immortality: You could do lots of horrible things to Kuroto and you still couldn't kill him. Unless you're Hanashiro, that is.
- Kill the Ones You Love
- Man in White: The researcher.
- Meaningful Name
- Mercy Kill: Shirofukurou expresses interest in physically torturing Kuroto to the point where Hanashiro is forced kill him, to put him out of his misery. Thankfully, it doesn't go through.
- Multiple Endings
- Nigh Invulnerability: Kuroto.
- Off with His Head: Kuroto tries to do it to himself. It doesn't work.
- One Head Taller
- Parental Substitute
- Peek-a-Bangs: Kurotaka. But for some reason, not present in the manga.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Hanashiro. Even though he's technically still a child, he is incredibly strong because of his role as the Savior.
- Poisonous Friend: Hanashiro is willing to kill anyone who poses a threat to Kuroto's safety. Even if it's just a harmless little girl.
- Quest for Identity: At the very beginning, Kuroto wakes up with no recollection of who he is.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Hanashiro is defiant, passionate and sometimes hot tempered; Kuroto is calm and is more likely to think things over.
- Rose Haired Boy: Hanashiro.
- The Runaway
- Screw Destiny: Achieved in the true ending.
- Snow Means Death
- Spring Is Late
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Kuroto is snarky and can be rude at times, but he's a pretty decent guy.
- Theme Naming: Kuroto and Kurotaka (black); Hanashiro and Shirofukurou (white).
- Trauma-Induced Amnesia: Sort of.
- Vicious Cycle
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: The researcher.
- Would Hit a Girl: Oh, Hanashiro. On multiple occasions, too.
- Would Hurt a Child: See above.
- Yandere: Hanashiro for Kuroto, big time.
- You Are Better Than You Think You Are
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