< Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown/Characters

The characters of the anime series Guilty Crown:

Main Characters

Shu Ouma

"I'm dense? Maybe it's true that my mind works out of step with everyone else's. It's just that I don't know what to say to other people. So I hide my nervousness and try to go along with what they say. That's how I've made the quasi-friendships in my life."

Voiced by: Yuuki Kaji, Minami Tsuda (child)

An unsociable seventeen-year-old high school student at Tennouzu High School and a member of the modern motion picture research club, Shu gains the ability "Power of Kings," enabling him to extract weapons from other people, after a chance encounter with idol singer Inori Yuzuriha.

His Void is a crystalline arm that allows him to absorb the Voids he has drawn from the time he acquired the arm onwards. However, he also absorbs out the donors' weaknesses, whether physical or psychological, taking them upon himself. Also, if he dies while he has someone else's Void in him, they die too.

  • Accidental Pervert:
    • It takes the poor guy a couple of tries to get Void-extraction quite right.
    • He accidentally pulls the pervert card a few times with Ayase enough for her to initially think of him as a "pervy brat."
  • Always Save the Girl
  • Ambiguous Disorder: See above quote.
  • Apologetic Attacker:
    • When extracting Voids. Not so much anymore.
    • Subverted in Episode 19. He asks and apologizes while extracting everyone's Voids.
  • An Arm and a Leg: His Void Genome arm is cut off by a Back from the Dead Gai.
  • Asperger's Syndrome: As the main page says, a great deal of his behavior can be rather succinctly explained by him having this.
  • The Atoner: Following the disaster that was the Kingdom of the Void.
  • Bad Boss: What eventually made the school turn against him in Episode 17.
  • Badass: If armed with a void, Shu is unstoppable. Not even Daath, a more experienced and powerful void user drawing on the power of a crowd of mooks, could match Shu in battle.
  • Badass Longcoat: Along with a Scarf of Asskicking. However, it seems that it's just Shu's standard winter gear and that Shu happens to be a trendy dresser.
  • Bad Liar: His delivery is pretty bad. However, the lies themselves are pretty creative as well as being plausible. Assuming they weren't rehearsed.
  • Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Gai's Veronica. and the Archie to Hare's Betty and Inori's Veronica (and possibly Ayase as his Third Option Love Interest).
  • Break the Cutie:
    • While he'd already been through a lot of shit and held up remarkably well, Episode 9 breaks him.
    • In Episode 15, Hare's death breaks him even harder, triggering the Dull Eyes of Unhappiness and a killing rampage after forcibly extracting Inori's Void.
    • The discovery of what happens when people's Voids break at the end of Episode 16 sends him even further down the slippery slope, triggering a fit of maniacal laughter that ends with him thinking about breaking Argo's Void.
    • Gai breaks him even more by betraying him, cutting off his arm, and stealing the Void Genome.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Happens at the end of Episode 17 when a revived Gai cuts off his right arm off and steals the Void Genome.
  • The Chew Toy: His life sucks.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Subverted to hell and back every episode.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: In the first few episodes, he wavers back and forth between trusting Gai and Funeral Parlor or distrusting them and potentially using the transmitter that he received from Major Segai to punish the rebels. This is ultimately resolved when he accidentally sees Gai's vulnerable side, along with the revelation that the transmitter was a targeting beacon for the Leucocyte and that using it would have killed him.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Cursed with Awesome: His Void Genome grants him the power to recreate Voids he has previously used. However, it has the side effect of carrying with it the weaknesses of the Void he's copying, in this case he acquires Souta's Apocalypse Virus.
  • Defeat Equals Friendship: The way he befriends Inori, Yahiro, and Gai after learning their secrets. However, the first had an ulterior motive, the second backfired, and the third could go any which way and he wouldn't be able to do a thing about it. Friendship is pretty tentative for him, but it ends up working out for him in the end.
  • Determinator: Not so much in general (as far as we've seen), but there is one notable instance. He stupidly picks a fight with Gai, who hits him with a haymaker and a jab in the face and then with a vicious gut shot and another jab to the face in quick succession. He just shrugs it off and hits him back.
  • Dented Iron: After all his adventures, he's rewarded with blindness and a missing arm requiring prosthetics. Here's hoping saving the world was worth it.
  • Dude in Distress: Spends most of Episode 4 in this role when he gets arrested by the GHQ.
  • The Dulcinea Effect: Double Subverted. He is unable to prevent Inori from getting captured but ultimately goes after her in the end. Of course, it's arguable how much of his motivation was "pretty girl in trouble" and not "repressed Extreme Doormat wants to finally do something interesting with his life." Since Episode 12, and the revelation that Inori is meant to be a vessel for Mana, he seems to have moved on to mostly platonic interest, needing Inori to confide in with his fears that his plans are failing.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?:
    • Void extraction is a bit... evocative of something else.
    • His forced Void extraction on Inori after Hare's death gives off rape vibes, and continues to happen in other extractions afterwards.
  • The Eeyore
  • Everyone Can See It: Gai, Segai, and Ayase easily deduce his feelings for Inori. Enough that it gets used against him twice: Segai subtly threatens Inori's safety, should he not cooperate with the GHQ, and Gai uses Inori to get him to join Funeral Parlor.
  • Evil Costume Switch
  • Evil Laugh: He makes one in Episode 16 that would make Light and Lelouch proud.
  • Expy: Of Lelouch Lamperouge (situation-wise), Suzaku Kururugi (in appearance, ability, and past), and Shinji Ikari (in personality).
  • Extreme Doormat: See above quote.
  • Fan Nickname:
    • Shoe.
    • Mein Shuhrer, after Hare's death and his decision to implement the Void Ranking system.
  • Face Heel Turn: After Hare's death, he vows to rule as a king, and separate the "good" from the "trash."
  • Foil: To Gai, pretty obviously. Just check out how a few of Gai's character tropes reflect on his.
  • Freak-Out: Hare's death, and to a lesser extent Jun's, causes him to become seriously deranged.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: The things he saw whilst linked with Jun drove him perilously close to this. Afterwards, he displays pretty reasonably close symptoms to those of PTSD.
  • Good Eyes, Evil Eyes: Shuu switches to the evil variant at the end of Episode 15 after getting broken by Hare's death and deciding that he'll become king and seperate the good from the trash.
  • Green-Eyed Monster:
    • He starts to feel this in Episode 5 towards Inori's and Gai's relationship.
    • In Episode 8, his jealousy of Souta nearly confessing to Inori nearly makes him also almost confess his feelings to Inori with Funeral Parlor overhearing the exchange.
  • The Heart: He's growing into this, despite, or perhaps because of, being The Spock. His rationalist tendencies don't take into account things like blinding loyalty or patriotism, and his social awkwardness makes him more likely to speak up when no one else will. Therefore, as a new member of the fairly disciplined Funeral Parlor, he's likely to be the first and only one to bring up little things like 35% mortality rates, innocent bystanders, etc. to Gai.
  • Heroic BSOD:
    • A real doozy. The things he saw and did in Episode 9 did horrible things to his mind.
    • A Virus-infected Mana nearing killing Gai, getting Ax Crazy, and causing Lost Christmas (all because of him) triggered this in his childhood enough to get Trauma-Induced Amnesia.
    • He is completely broken as of Episode 15 and Hare's death.
    • Episode 17 breaks him even more, as Gai reappears to steal the power of the king and Arisa causes the school to revolt against him.
    • Heroic Resolve: After the above, Inori showed him how much of a difference he really made for her. This, and her attempt to single-handedly fight off a troupe of GHQ Endlaves in order to save him gives Shu the strength to overcome his previous trauma and fight to gain the third Void Genome so he can stop GHQ.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation:

Shu: [about Inori getting captured] Should I really just accept this? I felt... a little relieved because I wasn't in danger anymore. That's how pathetic I am. When you get right down to it, she was way out of my league. I wanted to take it. I wanted to get close to her and touch her hand!

  • I Am Who?: The kid who accidentally triggered Lost Christmas.
  • I Just Want to Be Badass: He has stated on more than one occasions of his hopes of becoming like Gai. He realizes in Episode 11 that he can't be like Gai and has to do things his own way.
  • I Let Gwen Stacy Die: To Hare. Her death triggers his Start of Darkness.
  • I Will Protect Her: To Inori.
  • Ignored Epiphany: Finding out what the destruction of their Void can do to someone. It gives him... ideas.
  • The Immune: Never contracts the Apocalypse Virus despite having essentially been at Ground Zero of Lost Christmas (unlike Gai who was there too) because Mana, who essentially became the Apocalypse Virus, was in love with him. Subverted in episode 19 when he extracts Souta's Void and takes Souta's illness into himself, though even then he displays less severity than Souta. 
  • In-Series Nickname: He is called a "faceless bastard" by Daryl because the latter can't see his face through his Endlave monitor. Daryl finally sees his face in Episode 11.
  • Incest Subtext: He's in love with a girl who looks exactly like his sister. Said sister wanted to marry him too. Though, to be fair, she went on the crazy end once she was infected by the virus.
  • Indy Ploy: He is an absolute master of adapting to and using his new powers. Even taking into account his being an Instant Expert regarding his weapons, he still uses them quickly and creatively to get out of tight spots in high stress situations, often without having any foreknowledge of what weapon he'd be pulling out next.
  • Instant Expert: Appears to be one of the Required Secondary Powers of the Void Genome. He's able to use new weapons effectively immediately after drawing them. Confirmed later on. People have to train with their Voids before they can use them effectively. While Souta's Void had proved incredibly useful in his hands, Souta can only use it to open cans.
  • Jerkass Facade: He does regret his actions and is back to his normal self by Episode 19.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: After Hare's death. Dear Lord.
  • Laughing Mad: as of Episode 16.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: Whenever Shu pulls out Yahiro's void, it's clear that things have gotten dire.
  • Love Hurts: In Episode 5.
  • Meaningful Name: His first name is written with the kanji for "gather" (集). Considering what he's been doing in regards to the Voids... Episode 20 reveals that it's meant as "group," because Kurosu (Shu's father) could do anything alone, but was always lonely as a result, and really wanted to be with other people. Thus, he named Shu as this, with the hope that Shu wouldn't be lonely like him.
  • Mercy Kill: Forced to do this to Jun, and later to Gai and Mana.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: A mild example--after the apocalyptic devastation he unleashes during his first mission with the Funeral Parlor, he decides that whilst what he did was sort of worthwhile, he just isn't cut out for the life of a terrorist.
  • Mysterious Past: Which is eventually revealed at the end of the first half.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: After regaining his memories, he develops the true Power of the King; the ability to extract Voids without knocking people out, meaning other people can use Voids as weapons now, provided Shu extracts them.
  • No Social Skills: It's a pretty big deal for him, and it doesn't help that some of his worse habits (like avoiding eye-contact) make extracting Voids harder.
  • Ordinary High School Student
  • Parental Abandonment: His mother is neglectful and has to work for days at a time, and his father died ten years prior to the story during Lost Christmas. Despite that, he seems to have a genuinely caring relationship with his mother.
  • The Peter Principle: Gets him (and just about everyone else) into serious trouble from Episode 14 onwards. Turns out that he's so far outside his competence zone that he has to resort to being a brutal dictator just to get everybody to listen to him. Needless to say, this works out absolutely swimmingly.
  • Power At a Price: Using his second Void Genome leads to him contracting the Apocalypse Virus.
  • Powers in the First Episode
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Both an example and an aversion; it just depends on the situation.
  • Red Oni: To Gai's Blue Oni.
  • Refusal of the Call/Resigned to the Call: He is initially obligated to help Funeral Parlor using his "Power of Kings" ability, but he declines joining their organization. Naturally, a New Transfer Student will change things.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After Hare's death.
  • Scylla and Charybdis: He has to decide whether to implement the Void ranking system and divide the students based on their Voids' effectiveness, or not go through with it since said students would feel discriminated against. After Hare's death, he's set on going through with it after all.
  • Skunk Stripe: He has one lock of hair that is distinctively lighter than the rest. His dad does too.
  • The So-Called Coward: He's very passive and sometimes apathetic, but he holds together pretty well in times of crisis, and for better or for worse, embroils himself in the war between the government and Funeral Parlor. Inori and later Hare, in particular, both inspire some level of self-confidence in him.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": His name is usually spelt as either Shu or Shuu.
  • The Spock: Rationalizes (or tries to, anyway) just about every aspect of human interaction. Comes as a result of him having no intuition regarding feelings or empathy. It also leads him to easily misread social cues and make a fool of himself if he doesn't think things through very carefully.
  • Start of Darkness: Triggered by Hare's death by in Episode 15, he decides to go along with the Void ranking system to separate the "good" from the "trash" and become "king."
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Student Council President: As of Episode 14.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: To his father.
  • Super Empowering: The True Power of the King works like this, though Shu still has to draw them out.
  • Three Amigos: With Gai and Mana.
  • Took a Level in Badass: By the end of the first episode, and usually through each episode after.
  • Tragic Hero: He is probably one of the most tragic out there. Every time life begins to go well for him, it turns into a train wreck. And it doesn't help that literally no except Hare understands how he feels inside.
    • His Fatal Flaw? Kindness. Hare even calls him out on it before she dies.
  • Trauma Conga Line: From Episode 15 onwars, oooooh boy.
  • Trauma-Induced Amnesia: He forgot his memories of his older sister Mana and of Gai being his best friend "Triton" due to witnessing Mana becoming increasing unstable due being infected Apocalypse Virus and triggering Lost Christmas.
  • Unlucky Everydude: Up to Eleven.
  • The Un-Reveal: His Void. While it's been hinted at, it hasn't been revealed until Episode 19 and his reading on the Void scanner was illegible.
  • Villain Protagonist: Episode 15 puts him in this territory, and Episode 16 confirms that he ain't coming back any time soon. Until Episode 19.
  • Weapon of Choice: Inori's void sword, and to a lesser extentYahiro's void shears.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Gets this treatment after he helped the students escape. At the same time got some of them killed.

Void tropes:

  • Artificial Limbs
  • Heroic RROD: Use of his Void in addition to the third Void Genome means Shu is going to die in all likelihood. He also used it to cure Souta of the Apocalypse Virus by taking the virus onto himself..
  • Mega Manning: Unfortunately, his Void doesn't just pass on useful stuff--when he took Souta's Void, he took his dose of the Apocalypse Virus as well.
  • Power At a Price: Of all the Voids shown in the series, this is the one with the most downsides.
  • Readings Are Off the Scale: His Void level was read as XXXX, which probably foreshadows that his Void power depends on the Voids he absorbs
  • Rule of Symbolism: His Void forces him to take on the 'sins' of those he uses through absorbing their weaknesses.
  • Tron Lines
  • We Cannot Go on Without You: Yet another disadvantage of his Void - if he dies, so does everyone whose Voids he's currently housing.

Inori Yuzuriha

"Believe. You can do it. For sure. Because I... belong to you now."

Voiced by: Ai Kayano

The popular internet idol singer of the band Egoist, who Shu is a fan of, sixteen-year-old Inori doubles as a member of the resistance group, Funeral Parlor. After a covert mission to steal the GHQ's Void Genome goes wrong and she ends up injured, Inori meets Shu and entrusts the Void Genome to him.

Her Void is an enormous sword with impressive cutting power and the power to shoot sword beams. She also seems to have the power to imbue the sword with other peoples' Voids. When extracted by Daath, it takes a more wing-like shape.

Inori: Gai gave me a name. I had nothing, and he gave me a name. He gave me a world. So I can't go.

    • And to Shu as well. After the events of Episode 17 and everyone literally kicks him to the curb, she's the only one who runs after him.

Inori: Even if everyone calls you a liar and you hate yourself, I'll be on your side, Shu.

  • The Un-Reveal: When she reveals to Shu that Voids are manifested forms of people's hearts and fears, Shu asks her why her Void is a sword. They are interrupted before she can answer his question. Episode 18 reveals that Shu did ask again, but he ultimately dropped the question saying, "Inori is Inori."
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Questions her own feelings for Shu in this manner in Episode 10.
  • Yandere: In Episode 16, she attacks Arisa because the latter was going to "cause trouble for Shu." However, she regrets it later.
  • You Monster!: Is called this by Shu in Episode 11 and by Arisa and revived!Gai in Episode 18. After the events of Episode 16, she starts to think she's one too. But by Episode 18, she decides that she is herself and doesn't care if she's a monster if it means she can protect Shu.

Void tropes:

Gai Tsutsugami

"Remember this, Shu Ouma: there are only two paths you can choose. You can sit quietly and be selected out of this world, or you can adapt and change!"

Voiced by: Yuuichi Nakamura, Akeno Watanabe (child)

The seventeen-year-old rebel leader of Funeral Parlor, Gai is described as Shu's rival and seeks to use Shu's "Power of Kings" to fight against the GHQ.

His Void is a gun that can unlock people's Voids.

Gai: Greetings, deceased fellows.
Thug: "Deceased"?!
Gai: Yes, the current situation doesn't allow for your survival. Therefore, you are all dead.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me/Rescue Romance: His feelings for Mana likely stem from the fact that she was the one who "brought him back to life" (via CPR). Even after the Apocalypse Virus destroys Mana's sanity, Mana threatens and nearly kills him, and the virus results in her triggering Lost Christmas, he continues to try and save Mana and eventually succeeds in reaching her in the end.
  • Beneath the Mask: Initially comes off as an arrogant jerk who cares little for his subordinates, but is, in fact, deeply affected by their deaths and doubts his abilities as a leader. He acts so cocksure largely because he sees it as the best way to lead Funeral Parlor. See Jerkass Facade, below.
  • Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Shu's Betty.
  • Bigger Bad: He plays this role from Episode 17 onward.
  • Bishounen
  • Blue Oni: To Shu's Red Oni.
  • The Casanova/The Charmer: Ayase, Inori, and Arisa can surely attest to his sheer magnetism, though as with so many other things about him, it remains to be seen how much is him being a gentleman and how much is calculated manipulation.
  • Celibate Hero: In spite of the above, he doesn't seem seriously interested in romance aside from his whole motivation for his war against the GHQ being a woman that he wants to hold in his arms. This turns out to be Shu's older sister Mana, who he eventually reaches, albeit Together in Death.
  • The Chessmaster: An excellent strategist--every one of his moves appears to be planned down to the ninth decimal point. There hasn't been a moment yet shown where he hasn't known exactly what's going on, even when Out-Gambitted.
  • Child Soldier: Shinbugi reveals that he was one before starting Funeral Parlour... in Africa, for some reason.
  • Determinator
  • Disability Superpower: He's suffering from an advanced stage of the Apocalypse Virus, which is what allows him to see Voids. Only Inori's blood helps stave off the crystallization and even that starts failing later on.
  • Expy:
    • Gendo Ikari is now a seventeen-year-old Bishounen. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
    • Also, of Lelouch. This is also a What If scenario that shows what happens when Lelouch doesn't get the powers.
      • Taken fully when Shu and Gai end up having been childhood friends, and Gai was the weak one just like Lelouch.
    • His post-revival self resembles Griffith in both looks and personality.
  • Face Heel Turn
  • Foil: To Shu.
  • Forgotten Childhood Friend: To Shu.
  • Gray Eyes
  • Hair of Gold
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Much like Shu, he expresses a lot of self-loathing during his inner monologues.
  • I Just Want to Be Badass: Turns out that Shu was the much stronger one out of both of them when they were children, and he was determined to one day become like Shu.
  • I Will Find You: His goal to reach Mana, which he eventually manages to succeed in doing right before they end up Together in Death.
  • Ill Boy: Hinted in Episode 5 through him briefly looking unwell in the beginning of the episode (which is noticed by Shinbugi) and later when Inori gives him a blood transfusion (and it's indicated that this routine happens two to three times a month). Episode 9 hints that he had the Apocolypse Virus (as this is why he can see Voids) and is reinfected by it in Episode 10 and Episode 11.
  • Improbable Age
  • Jerkass:
    • While he is a charming leader to his followers, he can be an ass if things don't go according to his plans or if his followers don't obey his orders. Watch how he scolds Inori for not giving him the Void Genome but to Shu instead despite the fact that it wasn't her fault and it was out of her control. He also ordered Inori to pretty much lead Shu on to get him to join Funeral Parlor, only for her to "dump" him once he agreed.
    • Jerkass Facade: In a moment of apparent weakness, he claims to care very deeply about his men and feels deeply torn about the fact that so many of them have died because of him. However, because he feels that he cannot appear weak, the only person that he allows to see this side of him is Inori, who later allows Shu to see it when he threatens to withdraw from the Leucocyte mission. Given the suspiciously convenient timing of this revelation, though, and his known talent for manipulation, it remains to be seen just how honest he was being about this.
  • Jumped At the Call/Refused by the Call: He was originally supposed to use the Void Genome, but Inori allowed Shu to use it instead. After he is revived, he forcibly takes Shu's power by cutting the latter's Void Genome infused arm off.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Loving a Shadow: In Episode 22, he admits that the reason why he chooses to be with Mana is because he was afraid of being "selected out."
  • Manipulative Bastard: Par excellence. Being able to see people's Voids, and thus the shape of their souls, helps a lot.
  • Meaningful Name: Mana called him "Triton" because he came from the sea. Notably, this also ends up being the last thing Mana says to him.
  • Memento MacGuffin/Tragic Keepsake: The cross necklace that he carries which belonged to Mana.
  • The Mentor: To Shu.
  • Mismatched Eyes: The one thing that stops him from being a Curtains Match the Window with his new White-Haired Pretty Boy look is this. While his left eye remains the same gray color, his right eye became blood red.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: After being revived.
  • The Power of Acting: He can effortlessly slip into the role of a charming, flamboyant Cloudcuckoolander.
  • Rasputinian Death
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: After he's revived, he delivers this speech to Shu.

Gai: King? Have you forgotten? You were just an usurper. The king has always been me.

  • Rebel Leader
  • The Rival: Is described as Shu's rival in his character bio. Episode 5 indicates this in more ways than one.
  • Sacrificial Lion
  • Shirtless Scene: In Episode 5 and in Episode 16 when he's revealed to be Back from the Dead.
  • The Spock: He hides his emotions behind a cool facade and always makes the "logical" choices regarding tactics. Unlike Shu, who also displays this trope, it's a successful concerted act rather than an awkward learned impulse.
  • Taking the Bullet: Does this for Shu in Episode 11.
  • Three Amigos: With Shu and Mana.
  • Together in Death: With Mana. Twice.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Episode 12 reveals that he's the one who really took a level in badass. Who would've thought that he used to be that kid who almost fell off a bridge?
  • Tsurime
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: His revived self.
    • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Seemingly implied to be his inner conflict of being the new "Adam" in Episode 21 is the fact that he will never be able to die.
  • Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: His innovative approach to international politics.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: An expert player, able to reformulate his plans and factor in new obstacles at a moment's notice. Episode 5 demonstrates that it's partly due to simply being Crazy Prepared; for the upcoming operation, for example, he prepares 145 different alternative strategies should any problem present itself.
  • Younger Than He Looks: He's the same age as, if not slightly younger than, Shu, but stick them right together, and he looks like he's got easily a few years, if not a decade, on Shu.

Void tropes:

Funeral Parlor

Ayase Shinomiya

Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa

A wheelchair-bound member of Funeral Parlor who pilots an Endlave mecha.

Her Void is a set of sleek, high-tech leg braces, boosting her leg strength and allowing her to 'rollerblade' at extremely high speeds.

Void tropes:


Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu

The fourteen-year-old hacker and operator of Funeral Parlor. 

Her void is a Magical Girl esque rod that creates perfect doubles of people that can be controlled remotely.

Argo Tsukishima

Voiced by: Anri Katsu

A seventeen-year-old member of Funeral Parlor who is skilled in hand-to-hand combat and the use of knives.

His Void is a flashlight that projects a small field of perfect darkness that can also jam electronic signals.

Void tropes:

  • Casting a Shadow: Argo considers it ironic that it's a "light that creates darkness."


Voiced by: Kousuke Takaguchi

A member of Funeral Parlor who specializes in firearms and explosives.


Voiced by: Takehito Koyasu

The twenty-seven year old staff officer of Funeral Parlor.

Kenji Kido

Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto

A mass-murderer held prisoner at the GHQ Isolation Faculty Four due to his involvement in the "Sky Tree Bombing." He was rescued in Episode 4 by Shu and Funeral Parlor.

His Void is a gun that can manipulate gravity.

Void tropes:


Voiced by: Chika Fujitou

  • Sacrificial Lamb: Ends up getting killed by the Leucocyte satellite in Episode 6

Okina Kuhouin

Voiced by: Katsuhika Houki

Arisa's grandfather who funds Funeral Parlor's operations after Episode 7.


Voiced by: Miyuki Kawasho

A Funeral Parlor operative who works under Okina.

Tennouzu High School students

Hare Menjou

Voiced by: Yu Shimamura

Shu's classmate. She has feelings for Shu. She is killed in Episode 15.

Her Void is a long white bandage that can heal anything.

Void tropes:

Souta Tamadate

Shu's classmate and a member of the motion picture research club. A big fan of Inori.

His Void is a strange camera that can open anything it photographs.

  • All Love Is Unrequited
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: He nearly confesses to Inori in Episode 8 when Shu drops in to extract his Void.
  • Art Evolution: After crossing the Despair Event Horizon mentioned below, he visually appears much older, even though his character design is unchanged.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Despair Event Horizon: Crossed it after Hare's death and the Void Ranking System. Every appearance since has had him as an empty shuddering shell of the person he used to be.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: Towards Inori.
  • Fan Boy: Of Egoist and Inori.
  • Hypocrite: Says he accepts responsibility for Hare's death, then gets upset when Shu actually blames him for it. Mostly because of OOC Is Serious Business; in the past Shu would have made a justification to make Souta feel better.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Towards Inori.
  • Keet: Has shades of this.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: While Shu and the others try to plan how to get into a hospital to get vaccine, he and the other "F"-ranked students rush there first in order to prove that their Voids are useful. It's deconstructed since doing so led to Hare's death.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He blames himself for Hare's death, as he was the one who told her to heal the car that exploded when Daryl attacked them in the first place. Shu agrees with him and proceeds to punch him repeatedly.
  • My Greatest Failure: Causing Hare's death.
  • Nice Guy: Unlike Yahiro, it's genuine. Even though his plans often end in disaster, the kid hasn't got a malicious bone in his body.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
    • In Episode 13, his idea to cheer up the other students by hosting a fair, while admittedly a good one, is what pushes a group of disgruntled refugees to attack the school.
    • In Episode 15, the "F"-ranked students and he attempt to retrieve vaccines at a hospital to prove their Voids are useful to Shu. Shu and Hare pursue them, and they all end up getting surrounded by Anti Bodies. The end result is Hare getting killed.
  • Not So Different: With Shu. Both of them have problems understanding people, but while Shu became withdrawn and stoic, he became loud and overbearing.
  • Red Oni: To Yahiro's Blue Oni.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: His plans would work in some universes. This one just ends up with Hare getting killed.

Void tropes:

Yahiro Samukawa

"I'm not going to apologize. This is an absurd, unfair world."

Shu's classmate and a member of the motion picture research club.

His Void is an odd pair of shears with the power to end life.

  • Anti-Hero
  • Beneath the Mask
  • Beware the Nice Ones
  • Big Brother Instinct: He's willing to sell out Shu and sell the Norma Gene drug to support his virus-infected younger brother. Subverted in that his Void reflects his inward resentment, as he secretly views his brother as a burden.
  • Bishounen
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Just when you think Shu and he have solved their issues and made up... he sells Shu out to the GHQ.
  • Blue Oni: To Souta's Red Oni.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Face Heel Turn: In Episode 3.
  • Hidden Depths
  • Jerkass/Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Man Behind the Man: He is the driving force behind Shu's plans. Shu calls him out on this later. Yahiro denies it (or rather, attempts to justify it), as he claims to genuinely value Shu and wants to save people. Shu doesn't believe him.
  • Nice Guy: Brutally subverted. He only acts like a "nice guy" because he's convinced that people expect him to act that way and because he's "harmless," resulting in him acting like someone he's not.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His Void ranking system idea, though logical due to their shortage of supplies and need to properly defend themselves, ends up provoking those ranked useless to prove themselves, the Anti Bodies attack them when they attempt this, and Hare is killed in the crossfire.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Very pointedly failed to lift a finger during Arisa's coup, instead concentrating on helping with the evacuation effort.
  • Ship Tease: Episode 13 implies that he reciprocates Kanon's feelings. Either that, or he was just being nice. Very, very nice.
  • The Spock: Brings a harsh dose of reality to the school after the lockdown goes into effect. Even since then, his emotions seem to be completely under his control; the one time he has displayed overt emotion since was a calculated gesture to get Shu elected Student Council President.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His days selling Norma Gene to pay for his brother's treatments, and likewise, the Void Ranking system. He knows there aren't enough resources to save everyone, thus the Void ranking system.

Void tropes:

  • One-Hit Kill: Those pliers of his basically give their wielder the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, allowing them to kill anything with a single blow if they aim it properly.
  • Plaguemaster: Blows that don't score a One-Hit Kill, meanwhile, will infect anything they hit with the Apocalypse Virus, so you're pretty much out of luck either way. Yes, this includes machines like Endlaves.

Arisa Kuhouin

Voiced by: Aya Endo

The student council president.

Her Void is a sphere-shaped shield that can separate and eliminate attacks.

  • Arranged Marriage: In Episode 16, her grandfather planned to give her to the leader of the Ming Hua Group as a wife in exchange for his help determining the future of Japan, and Argo is sent to retrieve her. The plan falls apart, though.
  • Ascended Extra: Appeared in all of a single episode on her own before joining with the rest of Shu's friends in his rush to save Inori.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: After Inori's attack on her (and her own belief that it was out punishment for trying to go against Shu), she decides to create a coup d'etat with the student body against Shu and succeeds.
  • Break the Cutie: Getting attacked by Inori really did a number on her.
  • Broken Bird: Is completely delusional after the events of Episode 16.
  • Brown Eyes
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Shows elements of this towards Gai concerning Inori.
  • Disney Death: It appeared as though she was killed off by Inori in Episode 16, but Episode 17 reveals that she's still alive and merely had her hand injured. She is shot in Episode 22 and is seemingly dead until she is shown with Da'at members, still alive but wounded.
  • Enemy Mine: She tentatively teams up with Shu in Episode 19 to look for Haruka.
  • Face Heel Turn: Turns the school against Shu before joining Gai.
  • Fan Nickname: Traiterous Whore.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: She does not like Inori because of her closeness to Gai.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Imaginary Love Triangle: She has deluded herself into thinking that she's competing with Inori for Gai.
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: Although never outright stated, it's very clear that she wishes to kill Inori after finding out that Gai seems to need her more. Were it not for being surrounded by many people who would most definitely have objected, and the fact that Inori is Beware the Quiet Ones brought Up to Eleven, she likely would have succeeded.
  • The Ojou
  • Rape as Drama: She allows Nanba to rape (or at the very least take advantage of) her twice. However, the second time around was in exchange for information in order to prepare her coup d'etat on Shu.
  • Ship Tease: She seems to develop a small crush on Gai after meeting him, but nothing ever comes of it. When Gai returns, she views him as a savior and is jealous of Inori.
  • Spoiled Sweet: She comes from a wealthy and influential family, but she is a just person and defends Shu when he returns to school from rumors of his arrest by the GHQ.
  • Stepford Smiler: Shows signs of this. Naturally, her Void ends up being Deflector Shields.
  • Student Council President: Formerly. Due to her inability to appease the student body after the Lockdown, they decide to elect a new student council president--Shu.
  • Subordinate Excuse: She only joins the Da'at to be close to Gai.
  • Yandere: Post-Face Heel Turn, she becomes this to Gai. She desires to be useful to Gai, is jealous of Inori due to her relationship with Gai, and wants to know everything about him.
  • Zettai Ryouiki

Void tropes:

Kanon Kusama

Voiced by: Minako Kotobuki

The chairman of Class 2-A.

Her Void is some type of eyepiece that allows the user to see long distances.

Hirohide Nanba

Voiced by: Shuuhei Sakaguchi

A student who first appears after the Lockdown and is somewhat of an instigator of violence. He becomes a member of Shu's Secret Service.

His Void is a glove that stops firearms.

Takaomi Sudou

Voiced by: Yomoyuki Higuchi

Nanba's henchman and a student who first appears after the Lockdown. He becomes a member of Shu's Secret Student.

His Void is a meteor hammer that can electrocute people.

Ritsu Takarada

Voiced by: Minami Tsuda

A student who becomes a member of Shu's Secret Service. She works together with Miyabi.

Her Void is an electrified short blade.

Void tropes:

Miyabi Herikawa

Voiced by: Akeno Watanabe

A student who becomes a member of Shu's Secret Service. She works together with Ritsu.

Her Void is a scythe.

Void tropes:

GHQ Members

Shuichiro Keido

Voiced by: Kazuhiko Inoue

The head of the GHQ Anti Bodies.

  • Adam and Eve Plot: Wanted to pull this on Mana (through Inori).
  • Aloof Older Brother: Implied to be this to Haruka in flashbacks.
  • Big Bad: Up to Episode 12 at least. From Episode 17 onward, it seems increasingly apparent that Gai has usurped this position.
  • Cain and Abel: With Haruka. He's definitely Cain.
  • Driven by Envy: His jealousy of Kurosu Ouma is ultimately what results in him Jumping Off the Slippery Slope.
  • Evilutionary Biologist
  • Hidden Agenda Villain
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: In a flashback, he admits that he considered other people "mere annoyances" due to their inability to keep up with him intellectually prior to meeting Kurosu Ouma. It Got Worse.
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Two possible moments--either when he decided that the best way to protect humanity's genetic future was to conduct horrific and often lethal experiments on homeless children, or when he decided to murder his longtime (and possibly only) friend Kurosu Ouma due to sheer psychotic envy.
  • Killed Off for Real
  • Laughing Mad: In the Episode 20 flashback, after he kills Kurosu.
  • Mad Scientist
  • Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate: Before he went into politics.
  • President Evil
  • Pet the Dog: His flashback in Episode 20 is a minor one, as it shows briefly that he went on to develop a true friendship with Kurosu. It's when Yuu stepped in that things started going downhill.
  • Start of Darkness: Finding out that Kurosu's two children would be the Adam and Eve of the Fourth Apocalypse.
  • The Heavy: Following the events of Lost Christmas, Keido dedicates his entire existence to destroying the world his friend, Kurosu Ohma, so desperately tried to save. Driven by this hate-filled obsession, his former friend drives him to revive Da'ath's dreams of a Fourth Apocalypse and set in motion the catastrophic events of the series' present timeline.
  • Three Amigos: Implied through one of Haruka's photos, he was this with Kurosu and Haruka.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Is more than willing to start, fund, and run an experimental facility where young boys would have horrific experiments involving the Apocalypse Virus performed on them.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: It's implied that the reason he started the Adam project was to prevent the parents of Humanity 2.0 from being an incestuous couple, with the consequent genetic problems--or, at least, Daath was convinced enough of that to give him the funding he needed. Unfortunately, his jealousy of Kurosu rapidly derailed matters, and he ended up Jumping Off the Slippery Slope in short order. By the time of the series, he's pretty much Drunk on the Dark Side, and left altruistic motives behind a long time ago.


Daath the Death Keeper

Voiced by: Yuka Nishigaki

Yuu is an mysterious blond-haired boy who first appears in Episode 11 to aid Keido in his quest for world domination. He is actually an embodiment of the will of the Daath organization, who wants to use the Apocalypse Virus to cause the Fourth Apocalypse. After being rejected by Kurosu Ouma, he manipulates Keido into continuing his research on the Virus for Daath.

His Void is a large bow with arrows that restrains whatever it hits. When fused with Arisa's and Kenji's Voids, it gains the ability to fire Apocalypse Virus-infected arrows.

Daryl Yan

"I'll do as I please, got it? And if you get in my way... I'll tell Papa on you."

Voiced by: Kouki Uchiyama

A juvenile officer with the rank of Lieutenant, Daryl is GHQ Endlave pilot and the son Major General Yan, the Commander-in-Chief of the GHQ forces.

His Void is the Kaleidoscope, a gun that shoots beehive barriers.

  • Ax Crazy
  • Blond Guys Are Evil
  • Blood Knight
  • Blue Eyes
  • Brought Down to Normal:
    • He loses his custom mech to Funeral Parlor in Episode 2.
    • He loses his rank and becomes a prisoner in Episode 18 for betraying the other Ghost Units.
  • Character Development: First depicted as an unstable, Axe Crazy Military Brat that could could very easily go into a murderous rampage. Later on he shows a degree of honor and determination. By Episode 22, he wants to return to his old ways and is convinced that killing Tsugumi and Funeral Parlor is the only way to revert to "Kill'Em All Daryl."
  • Clark Kenting: More justifiable than most. As an Endlave pilot (even if an unusually notorious one), not many people would know his face anyway.
  • Combat Aestheticist: Considers killing from a distance to be "unartistic," which is why he likes to be close to the frontlines even when he's remote-controlling his Endlave.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: In Episode 15, he realises that Hare using her Void is probably not a good thing for him, so he shoots and effectively kills her.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Even Evil Has Standards:
    • Doesn't like Keido's "purify those outside the red line" policy. Though, it should be noted that this is for artistic, not ethical, reasons. It's just way too mechanical for his tastes.
    • He refuses to protect a revived Gai Tsutsugami, though this is mainly due to still feeling that Gai is the enemy, Tsugumi getting threatened indirectly because of Gai, and him blaming Gai for having to kill his father.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: In his first few appearances. Since coming under Segai's command, he appears to have been put on a tighter leash, resulting in less of his trademark psychotic outbursts and more snarking from the sidelines.
  • Hates Being Touched: He mentions a fear of infection at one point, but since he's just as leery about physical contact with clearly uninfected people, that seems to merely be one of many excuses.
  • Heel Face Turn
  • I Will Protect Her: In Episode 18, he attacks the other Ghost Units because one of them threatens Tsugumi and provides a diversion long enough for Funeral Parlor to escape.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Kill'Em All Daryl."
  • Jerkass
  • Karma Houdini
  • Kick the Dog: Is a constant offender of this, from beating a civilian woman for touching him in Episode 2 to killing Hare in Episode 15 and attempting to kill Tsugumi and Funeral Parlor in Episode 22.
  • Man in White
  • Military Brat: His father is the Commander-in-Chief of the GHQ. However, it's hinted at in Episode 8 that he might not even be his father's child at all.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He has a small moment in Episode 22 when Rowan rescuing him leads to the former's death.
  • The Nicknamer: He calls Shu a "faceless bastard" because he can't see the latter's face on his Endlave monitor until Episode 11. He later calls Tsugumi a "runt," which seems to be doubling as an Affectionate Nickname.
  • Not So Harmless: In Episode 15.
  • Pet the Dog: His Ship Tease with Tsugumi causes him to not attack Funeral Parlor in Episode 14, feel concerned for her well-being in Episode 15, and outright defend her and betray the Ghost Units in Episode 18.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: At the beginning of the series at least. While he's calmed down a bit since then, he still shows traces of his trademark bloodlust as evidenced in Episode 15 when he kills Hare and Episode 22 when he attempts to destroy Funeral Parlor.
  • Purple Eyes
  • Redemption Failure: His Heel Face Turn in protecting Tsugumi and allowing Funeral Parlor to escape the Ghost Units in Episode 18 results in his imprisonment and having his Void taken, replaced with an experimental device to serve as a replacement. Due to these events, he becomes convinced that it is Tsugumi's fault that he isn't his "Kill'Em All Daryl" self anymore and decides that getting rid of her would change him back to the way he was.
  • Self-Made Orphan: As of Episode 11.
  • Ship Tease: With Tsugumi.
  • Shoot the Medic First: Shooting Hare was absolutely the right decision, from his point of view. Considering her Void. But he wouldn't have succeeded if it weren't for Soda.
  • Slasher Smile
  • Terrified of Germs: May just be an excuse for an underlying discomfort. See the Hates Being Touched entry above.
  • Tsundere: Type I. He shows shades of this towards Tsugumi.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: It is ambiguous on whether he survived or not in the last episode.
  • The Worf Effect: He is one-shotted every single time he faces Shu.

Void tropes:

Makoto Waltz Segai

Voiced by: Nobutoshi Canna

A GHQ anti-drug officer with an impressive arrest record, brought in to take on the Funeral Parlor. Member of the elite 'Anti Bodies'.

  • Awesome McCoolname: When translated, his first and last names mean "truth" and "lies." Pretty apropos.
  • Bad Boss: In the fourth episode, he stops a GHQ soldier from shooting Shu and Inori (because he wanted to watch Shu extracting Inori's void), then nonchalantly shoots him in the head.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Though he's fairly good at keeping his various quirks away from his superoirs' notice.
  • Casting Gag: Doesn't he remind you of a certain white haired medic with a hidden agenda?
  • The Chessmaster
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: It would be easier to compile a list of people he hasn't betrayed at some point. Luckily for him, most of them either haven't noticed yet or are too dead to care.
  • Combat Pragmatist: More than happy to bring a gun to a fistfight, as Eagleman finds out.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Often Played for Laughs. Segai is a very laid-back guy, even catching the odd nap during combat operations.
  • Electronic Eyes: His left eye is artificial.
  • Faux Affably Evil: An expert at unnerving and intimidating prisoners with seemingly friendly, innocuous comments. Among other things, he somehow manages to make asking for help with his crossword sinister.
  • Foe Yay: In Episode 4, he sees Shu use Inori's Void and practically has an orgasm. One can wonder who he's referring to: Shu or Inori. Episode 6 shows him flashing back to that moment, focusing on Shu's face, and saying that he feels like he's falling in love for the first time. 
  • Go Out with a Smile: Or at least a really creepy look of ecstasy.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: A prominent one under his left eye.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: Even after the faction he's supposed to be working for plays its hand. His motives turn out to be very simple in the end--he's just fascinated by Void Genomes, Shu's in particular.
    • That's what he says in his latest appearance anyway. However, it's difficult to trust the statements of a person whose last name literally means "Lies".
  • In Love with Your Carnage: While Shu extracting Voids doesn't necessarily count as carnage, Segai's reaction to his displays of power certainly falls under this trope.

Segai: Beautiful!

Rowan: You're a perverse man, Sir.
Segai: Please, don't compliment me too much.

Andrei Rowan

Voiced by: Naoya Nosaka

A GHQ Anti Bodies Intel officer.

Dan Eagleman

Voiced by: Tsuguo Mogami

An American colonel working for the GHQ.

  • Affably Evil: Unlike Segai and Daryl, he's is a very nice guy and treats his subordinates like a football coach and genuinely believes that the GHQ are helping Japan.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Boisterous Bruiser
  • Catch Phrase: "Guts!"
  • Eaglelander: Type 2. Seemingly naive and a bit racist, he employs a ridiculous (if only unsuccessful due to Arisa's Void) strategy to obliterate a private yacht to kill the handful of Funeral Parlor members and allies that are on the ship, hundreds of innocents (and a few GHQ members, at that) be damned.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: After rescuing Haruka from Segai, Segai kills him.
  • Large Ham
  • Laughably Evil: Probably the least serious character, and certainly the least serious villain, in the entire series.
  • The Nicknamer: In fact, it's something of a surprise whenever he remembers a subordinate's real name.

Haruka Ouma

Voiced by: Chika Fujimura

Shu's mother, later revealed to be his stepmother. She works as a scientist for GHQ's Sephirah Genomics.

Other Characters

Mana Ouma

Voiced by: Ai Kayano

A girl who Inori resembles from Shu's and Gai's pasts. She is revealed to be Shu's older sister and patient zero--and later, an embodiment--of the Apocalypse Virus.

After the events of Episode 12, she becomes a Split Personality in Inori.

Jun Samukawa

Voiced by: Minami Tsuda

Yahiro's younger brother, who is infected with the Apocolypse Virus.

  • Big Brother Worship: He really looks up to Yahiro. To the point he wants to die before having to acknowledge Yahiro's real personality.
  • Body Horror: He's reached Stage 4 of the Apocalypse Virus with the crystals covering half of his body and making it hard for him to speak.
  • Disability Superpower: Like Gai, his advanced stage of the Apocalypse Virus allows him to see one's Void and their hidden personality.
  • Driven to Suicide: At one point he's reaching for a knife before he's stopped by Yahiro. He gets his wish later.
  • Dying as Yourself
  • Ill Boy
  • The Load: How Yahiro secretly sees him.
  • Made of Iron: He gets stabbed by Daryl's Endlave, smashed into the ceiling, and falls from there to the ground, and is still alive afterwards.
  • Mercy Kill: He begs Shu to kill him so he can die with happy memories of his brother.

Kurosu Ouma

Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki

Shu's father. He was a genius scientist who died during Lost Christmas, before the start of the series. He was actually good friends with Keido, though his string of successes (including the creation of the Void Genome) caused their relationship to sour spectacularly, eventually resulting in his murder at his old friend's hands.

Back to Guilty Crown
  1. Although really all voids are tools for someone else to use.
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