
Grandville, A Detective-Inspector LeBrock of Scotland Yard Scientific-Romance Thriller, is the title of a series created by British comic artist Bryan Talbot, creator of Luther Arkwright and known for his work in some issues of Judge Dredd, some of Sandman books (with Neil Gaiman), and even Fables: Storybook of Love. Inspired by Jean Ignace Isidore Gérard's work of Funny Animal sketches (whose stage name was J.J. Grandville, the basis of the graphic novel's title), he made the graphic novel, along with inspiration from works of Arthur Conan Doyle, Quentin Tarantino and Rupert Bear.
Grandville is set in a fictional Steampunk Europe, where France won the Napoleonic Wars. The setting is full of anthropomorphic animals... although there have been appearances of humans. The series stars Detective-Inspector Archie Lebrock of Scotland Yard, a huge, muscular badger, solving mysterious cases along with his sidekick Detective Roderick Ratzi, a rat.
The series has two books so far. The first book is simply titled Grandville released in October 2009, while the second book is titled Grandville: Mon Amour (My Love in French) that was released in December 2010. The first book focuses on solving a murder of a British diplomat, which soon revealed to be a conspiracy of the French forces which could lead to a British-French war. The second book is Archie tracking down a mad, escaped convict named Edward "Mad Dog" Mastock. A third book is planned with the title Grandville: Bete Noire (Black Beast in French).
Both books have been released in America by Dark Horse Comics. See Blacksad for another similar series (but with less fantasy).
- Ancient Conspiracy: The Knights of Lyon, the cult responsible for the murder. It is even connected to The Knights Templar.
- They were wrong though, that it was actually the Knights of the Lion, with the lion being Emperor Napoleon XII. In fact, the Knights of the Lion equates to The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: weapons dealer and newspaper owner Madame Krupp, The Prime Minister Jean-Marie Lapine, Reinhardt the Minister of War, the Archbishop of Paris, and Hyen the Chief of Police.
- Alternate History: The setting is Britain that had lost the Napoleonic War 200 years ago, and the royal family were executed. It had then been part of the French empire until twenty-three years previous when it was begrudgingly given independence after a prolonged campaign of civil disobedience and anarchist bombings. Now it's called The Socialist Republic of Britain, a small and unimportant country connected to the French Empire by the Channel railway bridge.
- Animal Stereotypes and Animal Motifs: Surprisingly averted. For example, the cops aren't canines at all.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: The Knights of
LyonThe Lion. - Badass: Detective-Inspector LeBrock.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: LeBrock is always sharply dressed, even when he goes off to kill a lot of people.
- Badass Longcoat
- Ratzi also belongs to that.
- The Big Guy and by virtue Genius Bruiser: LeBrock.
- Bulletproof Vest: LeBrock wears one under his waistcoat, though it looks to be like some sort of super-strong chainmail.
- Carnivore Confusion: There's a scene involving LeBrock asking for a full English breakfast, which included meat. This is weird as there are, in fact, non-carnivorous anthropomorphic characters. See also Furry Confusion.
- Co-Dragons: The Knights of the Lion.
- Dragon Ascendant: Reinhardt became one after Lapin was killed, since he is the Minister of War. He dies soon enough though.
- Conspiracy Thriller
- Cultured Badass: Detective Ratzi. He may look like a pampered gentleman, what with the monocle and bow-tie, but he can kick ass.
- Dirty Communists: Averted as a whole. "The Socialist Republic of Britain" shows nearly nothing that we associate with Communism or Socialism other than a brief, sarcastic mention of being a "classless society". It almost comes off as Informed Socialism.
- We are told that the enemy in French Indo-China are the "Communards," however
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Ground Zero. Just Ground Zero.
- For those who haven't read the first book, much of the story is a metaphor for The War on Terror.
- There are even protesters that are against the French war in Indo-China rallying in the streets of Paris!
- This applies pretty much to the entirety of the whole book really.
- Fantastic Racism: The anthro characters aren't too fond of the humans, calling them with racist terms (see Fantastic Slurs below) and giving them menial tasks. According to LeBrock, they've not made it to Britain because they weren't allowed passports, as they were not granted citizens' rights.
- The Archbishop in the first book expresses disgust at interspecies mating. It is uncertain if that is because he believes in the separation of races (akin to prejudice against mixed relationships) or simply because he sees it as a sign of general deviancy. No other signs of segregation among animals was shown.
- Fantastic Slurs: French animal people call the humans as "doughfaces".
- French Jerk: Something shown a lot in the first book. There's even a chef who would rather slit his own wrists than to serve an English meal.
- Admittedly, in this world France and England have an EXTREMELY hostile relationship, so this may be justified.
- Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: All the animal characters.
- Funny Animal: The human-animals in the graphic novels are of this variety as a whole. Every now and then, they do display temper and behaviour matching their animal. It is, however, unclear just how important a factor this is. The difference of species is noted but does not seem to influence the functioning of the society as a whole (compared to, say, Kevin and Kell).
- Furry Confusion: In Coco's room, we see a bear rug.
- And at least two minor characters (one of which is a waiter) are fish. Fish that breath air.
- Other characters have been seen walking dogs or owning other non-anthro pets.
- Guns Akimbo: LeBrock wields guns in the comic like this. This is also apparent in the Grandville cover.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: André Pegasus.
- Heroic BSOD: LeBrock undergoes one at the beginning of Grandville Mon Amour, following the death of Sarah.
- Humanoid Female Animal: Surprisingly averted, as the male and female animal people have the same level of anthropomorphism.
- Though most of the female animals have human-style head hair, which all but two males animals lack...and those are a lion (his mane) and a hyena (who may have just slicked down his fur, from the looks of things).
- The Hero and the Sidekick: Archie LeBrock and Roderick Ratzi.
- La Résistance: The English Resistance came in both varieties.
- Lions And Tigers And Humans And Robots Oh My
- The Man Behind the Man: None of the Knights of the Lion are the main villains, as they were doing it for Napoleon.
- Mature Animal Story
- Permanent Elected Official: The founder of the Socialist Republic of Britain and it's first Prime Minister is due to become this during the second book. Despite his respect for the Prime Minister, LeBrock disapproves the move, believing that it is the first step to becoming a People's Republic of Tyranny. In the end, he doesn't make it.
- Petting Zoo People: Moreso even than usual, as the "animals" turn out to have animal heads on 100% human, furless, tail-less bodies.
- Shirtless Scene: LeBrock hides in a steam bath, going nude with only a towel covering him. Also with Coco.
- Shout-Out: Snowy Milou, of Tintin fame- as a delusional opium addict. Then there's the human bellhop at LeBrock's hotel.
- In addition, the dreams Snowy mutters about in the scene where Brock is questioning him are all references to various Tintin adventures.
- Doughfaces being from Angouleme is probably a reference to the Angouleme International Comics Festival, the biggest comics convention in Europe.
- We don't need no stinkin' badgers!
- Some background characters in a jail in the second book evoke of Disney Characters.
- LeBrock's reminiscing of his times in La Résistance seems evocative of Life of Brian ("Frenchies Go Home"). Especially how he refuses to elaborate any further.
- An anthropomorphic Marsupilami can be seen in the background in book two.
- French Prime Minister Jean-Marie Lapin is a reference to real-life French politician Jean-Marie Le Pen, former leader of the far-right Front National party.
- Omaha the Cat Dancer appears on a poster.
- The Smart Guy: Ratzi.
- Sociopathic Hero: LeBrock is capable of horrific brutality, even if all his targets are Asshole Victims if not Complete Monsters. Just ask the Archbishop.
- Steampunk
- Sword Cane: Both. LeBrock uses the standard sword-in-cane while Ratzi uses the cane-that-shoots-bullets version.
- Temporary Love Interest: Sarah from the first book.
- Torture Always Works: Or at least usually works. Archie tortures everyone he captures in Book 1, and gets results based on how much they know. If they know a lot he gets complete, accurate information in minutes.
- Translation Convention: As France had ruled England for a few hundred years in the history of this world, every character is actually speaking French (which leads to some French idioms being directly translated to English). Early on the first book Ratzi asks what the weird language some country folk are speaking in, only to be told they're speaking English.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: It receives a passing mention but otherwise, there is very little in the second book to indicate that mere three weeks ago France suffered a revolution after the French Emperor and his Government were practically wiped out in a bloody attack.
- You Dirty Rat: Inverted with Detective Ratzi.
- Zeppelins from Another World: Goes without saying really.