Lions and Tigers and Humans, Oh My!
Teacher: So the first Little Pig went to the store. He asked the merchant, 'I'd like to buy some straw please.' And what do you think the man said?
Student: He said, 'Holy shit, a talking pig!'—Story from an old Email Meme
Funny Animals are handy. Because they're animals that act human without looking human, they can add a sense of whimsy or comedy to a piece; seeing a group of animals go about ordinary human lives can help to accentuate just how absurd we are sometimes. If they're played with "realistic" animal traits (or as realistic as circumstances allow), they can allow for a unique brand of comedy. If they're being used seriously, they can help give the impression of a different world. Heck, they might just be easier to draw. However, in many works that use them, they are a "human substitute." It might get a little too weird to consider what it would be like having both humanoid "animals" and "ordinary" humans running around in the same world—especially if there are regular animals running around as well, and even more so if some of them talk!
Some writers don't care, however. And thus you get worlds where pointy-hatted young women buy their groceries from six-foot-tall raccoons, little girls go on play dates with grizzly bears, preteen kids go to school with monkeys, and plenty of other assorted hijinks go down between humans and what most people consider "furries." To make things even more baffling, some of these worlds have ordinary Talking Animals as well, generally making everyone's heads hurt. And... don't bother asking what everyone eats. Seriously... just don't.
If the cast is mostly human, expect the talking animals and anthros to be an Unusually Uninteresting Sight. If the cast of a work is mostly composed of animals, a human may be thrown in as the furry equivalent of a Token Minority. And if the Funny Animals in question are very small and typically go unnoticed by humans, it's a Mouse World.
Anime and Manga
- Dragon Ball has many Funny Animals in it, who often live among humans. Major ones are Oolong, a pig who walks upright, talks, and wears clothing (including a Zhongshan/Mao suit), and Korin, an immortal cat, but there are many others. There's Shu for instance, an anthropomorphic ninja dog who serves Emperor Pilaf. In the first episode of the anime, he and his woman partner Mai are chased by pack of wolves who are fully zoomorphic (don't stand upright and don't talk). Also, the few times he appeared, the President of the World was an anthropomorphic fox as well. Some of the animals are zoomorphic in body form, but are capable of human speech, such as Turtle, who is the turtle companion of Master Roshi, so this is also a case of Furry Confusion. Dragonball Z also featured funny animals on a smaller scale, but they became less and less present.
- Upon being asked about this later, author Akira Toriyama admitted that he simply forgot that such characters existed after the Namek arc.
- Princess Tutu. Most of the main cast is human—except for Ahiru, who is a duck that can magically turn into a girl—but many of the secondary characters are anthropomorphic animals, including Neko Sensei (the ballet teacher).
- Ai to Yuuki no Pig Girl Tonde Buurin features vaguely anthropomorphic pigs which are actually Alien Animals - Ton-chan, the three pun piglets, and then there is Buurin herself who is usually human but becomes a pig when she activates her super powers.
- Porco Rosso is about a World War I fighter pilot who apparently turned into a pig due to a Curse. Everyone else is human. Nobody questions this.
- Kind of inverted with Shinigami Captain Komamura Sajin of Bleach, who is an anthropomorphic wolf living in an afterlife where everyone else is human. While he appears to be some kind of supernatural creature or a mutant and clearly not an animal, he's fairly self-conscious about it, and initially wears a mask, because he thinks people would see him as a talking animals and not a person who looks similar to one.
- Shirokuma Cafe is a cafe that is run by a polar bear and is frequented by both the animals who work at the nearby zoo and regular humans. The humans and animals get along perfectly well and the zoo even has a special fare price for animals who visit the zoo.
Comic Books
- There was a Donald Duck comic book story (a spy spoof), and three Mickey Mouse stories (G-rated James Bond style, accompanied by Goofy, not a spoof), where all the other characters were human (and no pig or dog noses).
- Cerebus was basically the only Talking Animal in a world of humans (there were a couple of other aardvarks, but they only made small, if significant, appearances). Nobody ever seemed to comment on this or think that it was odd. He even had a completely human-looking child with another human.
- Howard The Duck was essentially in the same boat as Cerebus, except that the human world he inhabited happened to be the Mainstream Marvel Comics universe.
- Sam and Max are a dog and a rabbit, but in the comics almost everyone they run into is a human, as well the occasional talking rat or cockroach. Some ordinary, non-anthropomorphised dogs can also be seen in the background of some panels. By the end of the Sam & Max Season Three game, characters across the franchise included a talking fish on a fake body, a non-talking but still sapient fish, some aliens, a race of molemen, a talking chicken, a sentient colony of spacefaring bacteria (Also technically an alien, but he deserves to mentioned separately), sentient computers, giant stone heads, Yog Soggoth, and all sorts of mythological creatures. And yet Sam and Max are still the only funny animals in the cast, except for their rarely seen relatives, the anthropomorphic cockroach Sal, and maybe the molemen. And the giant rats and roaches on the moon, but they're aliens.
- Lampshaded in The Devil's Playhouse: They Stole Max's Brain! in which Sam discovers a canine-ish skull in a museum with a caption saying it belonged to 'one of a hideous and brutish evolutionary dead-end of man-dog hybrids' (obviously implying that Sam's species is separate to normal dogs and considered extinct). Sam complains about the racism and says the skull reminds him of his great uncle. The same museum has a statue of Anubis in the Ancient Egypt exhibit, which is slimmer and darker and has pointed ears but otherwise looks exactly the same as Sam, which Sam is quite happy about.
- Most characters in the French comic De Cape et de Crocs are human, but the leads are a fox and a wolf (with a rabbit sidekick trailing behind). They are acknowledged as such (for example, when they fall into the sea : "One cannon and two canines overboard!"), but definitely fit into the category of Unusually Uninteresting Sight. They each have a human love interest, although we eventually learn Don Lope, the wolf, used to be in love with another wolf ; there are a few other background characters who are various species of animals, and none of this is ever commented upon. However, Carnivore Confusion is actually addressed, in a hilarious way.
- Fable—both the anthropomorphic and realistic animals are capable of speech and human intelligence. It kind of makes you wonder how the Three Little Pigs react to eating their real-world counterparts.
- In Bone, you have talking opossums, bugs and a dragon, as well as the stupid, stupid rat creatures... then you have—um, whatever the heck the Bones are supposed to be... and then you have humans as well.
- Gold Digger in the alternate world of Jade anyway has all sorts of human hybrid creatures, most of them from the "were-" category (werewolf, were-ceetah, wererats etc) along with a bunch of other races (elves, dwarves, dragons, amazons, humans. Seriously this series is a regular Fantasy Kitchen Sink). There are a few of these characters that reside on Earth too, but mostly work under a Masquerade.
- In Linda Medley's Castle Waiting, based on European fairy tales, the main cast includes an anthropomorphic horse (who flirts with human girls) and a stork, plus cameos by anthro dogs, rabbits, and cats - and normal dogs, horses, and cats appear as well (although it's revealed one cat, at least, has human intelligence).
- Usagi Yojimbo had an inversion in that there was one, lone human in the series filled with talking animals. One of the reasons why this only happened once is because Stan Sakai later hated the idea.
- The Muppet movies. Human characters such as Doc Hopper (The Muppet Movie) and Bernard Crawford (The Muppets Take Manhattan) at least seemed to be vaguely aware there was something odd about a talking frog and his friends breaking into showbiz. Nobody in The Great Muppet Caper gave it a second thought.
- In The Muppets Take Manhattan, Rizzo hits on a human girl, who expresses some reticence about dating a rat. The scene is fodder for a whole treatise about speciesism in the Muppet world.
- In Muppet Treasure Island this is commented on very briefly by the innkeeper woman, who announces that tomorrow she will be serving roast suckling... (pausing as two pigs walk out the door) potatoes. It's not clear if there's some distinction between muppet animals and regular edible animals.
- Considering that she then apologizes to an ambulatory potato, the answer seems to be "probably not much."
- In the movie in general it seems to be recognized that the Muppets are animals, but nobody sees anything strange about, say, a frog captaining a ship. It does mean that Jim and Rizzo can make "cold feet" jokes, however.
- In this case, it's probably because they're playing parts in a previous work of fiction who were human as a Show Within a Show.
- Pinocchio has a cast of mostly humans, but also Foulfellow the Fox, Gideon the Cat, and of course Jiminy Cricket.
- And the abysmal Filmation movie, Pinocchio and the Emperor of the Night has obvious Expies of each of these characters.
- Then again, this is all in line with the novel.
- G-Force: The guinea pigs are capable of walking on twos, data hacking skills, display of human emotions, and can even speak provided they are given english translators. While the film tries to explain that they were genetically enhanced by the government, it doesn't add up as to why the animals they meet at the pet store are capable of the same human-like feats as they do. Of course, then there's the spoiler at the end of the movie.
- For the most part, Night on the Galactic Railroad uses cat-people as stands-in for people... but then about 75 minutes in, three humans get on the train.
- Ratatouille is full of this; Rémy the rat needs to interact with humans (despite not being able to talk to them) in order to realize his chefly dreams.
- The Ant Bully
- Bee Movie
- The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under
- In The Legend of the Titanic, humans slowly start interacting with animals. In its sequel In Search Of The Titanic, everyone seems to interact with everyone, including some Animate Inanimate Objects.
- Madagascar
- Little Red Riding Hood. While talking animals who live in houses are fairly common in central european fairy tales, a wolf being able to disguise himself as an old human woman by wearing her clothes makes this one stand out.
- The Chronicles of Narnia, especially the chronologically later books (anything after Prince Caspian).
- Subverted because in The Magician's Nephew, we find out that humans are not native to Narnia, and all Narnian humans are descended from King Frank.
- It's nothing too bizarre. In the last couple pages of Magician's Nephew, it says King Frank's children married the local magical creatures—naiads and wood-spirits and such. By the time of the Pevinsies, there are just some magicals with a touch of human blood. The human population post-Caspian, and all the kings through the rest of the series, are all Telmarine stock (descended from pirates that accidentally slid into the Narnian world).
- Plus the Archenlanders (whose monarchs, at least, are descended from King Frank and Queen Helen, and are still around and human as of The Horse and His Boy)-- and the Calormenes, who are likewise contemporary with the Pevensies (so pre-Telmarine). The latter must either be descendants of Frank and Helen or the result of an incursion similar to the one that brought the Telmarines in. (But the Calormenes deal with the problem of coexisting with Talking Animals by enslaving them and not acknowledging them as sapient.)
- In addition, the distinction between Talking Animals and "dumb beasts" is treated as a rather important one.
- Subverted because in The Magician's Nephew, we find out that humans are not native to Narnia, and all Narnian humans are descended from King Frank.
- Winnie-The-Pooh, of course, has Christopher Robin, though the Gang of Critters is understood to be composed of his stuffed animals.
- According to the Word of God, Owl and Rabbit were real forest animals while the rest were toys.
- Alan Dean Foster's Spellsinger novels.
- The land of Vision in Brave Story is populated by both humans and several types of animal people. One of the main characters, Meena, is a Catgirl.
- Animal Farm has talking, literate animals serving as characterizations of real Soviets. It also ends with the pigs and the humans interacting on seemingly equal footing.
- The Tale of Despereaux, in both the books and movie.
- In The Wind in the Willows, most of the animals live in burrows (albeit in very human-like comfort) and have little or no interaction with humans. Mr. Toad, on the other hand, lives in an actual house, drives cars, is put on trial in a human court, held in a human prison, and escapes by disguising himself as a human washerwoman. During his escape no one suspects that he's Mr. Toad until he actually announces it when he rides off with a barge woman's horse. And he also interacts on a more-or-less equal basis with all the other animals.
- Alice in Wonderland has a variety of Talking Animals, Civilized Animals, and Funny Animals interacting with Alice and human(ish) individuals like the Queen of Hearts and her court.
- Used for plot in The Master and Margarita, when Behemoth, a demon who takes the form of a giant tomcat, buys tram tickets; everyone feels like something is really wrong but nobody can put their finger on it.
- Dave Barry tells an unusual version of the story of the grasshopper and the ant. The grasshopper has asked the ant for food, but before he can get a reply both are killed by mischievous Boy Scouts. Too bad; for they could've made a fortune with a pair of talking insects.
- In Babar, we have intelligent elephants who can communicate with humans and rule a kingdom of anthromorphic crocodiles and monkeys.
- Wicked, featuring Dr. Dillamond, the Cowardly Lion, and the important distinctions between Animals and animals.
- Which is, of course, based on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
- Paddington Bear is a lone bear in a world of humans. No wonder he's always in trouble.
- Fox Tayle was created in a secret government labratory, but the project was cancelled. Shep and Wolf were killed, but Fox escaped and now the FBI is chasing him. He's left as the only anthropomorphic animal on the planet.
- Bill Hand's series The Redaemian Chronicles take place in a medieval-style world where humans and Funny Animal rodents exist side by side.
- The Magic Pudding has Funny Animals interacting with humans in an Australian setting (the hero is a Koala).
- Gaspard and Lisa, a series of picture books and an Animated Adaptation, has the titular characters and their family members as anthropomorphic rabbits in the otherwise human society of France.
Live Action TV
- Kermit the Frog and co. from The Muppets interact with humans on a daily basis, and Pepe the King Prawn dates human women (although the Swedish Chef still sees all animals as food).
Music Videos
- The animated band Studio Killers is made up of a human Big Beautiful Woman and an anthropomorphic fox and ferret.
Newspaper Comics
- Bloom County started out with an all-human cast, but gradually introduced funny animals (most notably Opus the Penguin).
- Prickly City has a female human and a cast of desert-related funny animals.
- Snoopy from Peanuts plays baseball, decorates his dog house, but still is treated as if he was a regular dog for the most part.
- The cats in the Garfield comics, movies, specials, and the two TV shows Garfield and Friends and The Garfield Show.
Tabletop Games
- The Savage Coast boxed set fully incorporates such furry races as lupins (dogs), rakasta (cats), and tortles (three guesses) into its Hispanic-flavored D&D setting.
- In Wicked, many of the citizens of Oz are animals who generally interact normally with the human Ozians-such as the Shiz University history professor Dr. Dillamond. Although, the prevalence of talking animals in Oz starts to change as the plot starts to unfold.
- Animal Crossing. You and your fellow Player Characters are the only humans in a village full of Half Dressed Cartoon Animals. To be fair, the other species you meet seem to come in short supply too, so you're all kind of Token Minorities.
- Fridge Logic sets in when you realize that there are house items that are animals. Normal animals. Your robin neighbors don't seem alarmed when they come to your house see your birdcage. Heck, they can have their own birdcage!
- You can give them a bird cage! And they'll thank you!
- Fridge Logic sets in when you realize that there are house items that are animals. Normal animals. Your robin neighbors don't seem alarmed when they come to your house see your birdcage. Heck, they can have their own birdcage!
- The original Banjo-Kazooie was basically an all Funny Animal / Talking Animal world (no telling what Gruntilda or Mumbo are supposed to be), but Banjo-Tooie brought in several humans; most notably, the shamaness Humba Wumba. (Who, by the way, was huge in comparison to Banjo and Kazooie. Banjo must be a really tiny bear. And, to complete Terrydactyland, you have to enlarge her...)
- Banjo might not be a small bear, Humba Wumba could be a shamanistic pixie.
- This would also explain how her head went from tall and skinny in Tooie to round and cute in Nuts & Bolts.
- Banjo might not be a small bear, Humba Wumba could be a shamanistic pixie.
- The Sonic the Hedgehog series moved to this kind of world starting with Sonic Adventure. Before then, there was no telling where Robotnik came from.
- In fact, the series seems to make a distinct differentiation between humans, anthropomorphs, and regular animals. Sonic will go to great lengths to save animals then reward himself by eating a chili dog and the other characters aren't able to communicate with Chao or Big's pal, Froggy. Early promotional "origin stories" and the original plans for Sonic 1 gave Sonic a human girlfriend. This element would later find itself in |Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 and your mileage WILL VARY depending on the extent human-hedgehog relationships make you want to break stuff.
- The Breath of Fire series features a plethora of Petting Zoo People tribes alongside humans.
- Kingdom Hearts. Come on, you've got Sora fighting alongside Donald and Goofy.
- Mind you, that Donald and Goofy are from a completely different world than Sora's.
- Lampshaded in Kingdom Hearts 2, when you travel to the world of The Lion King. All three of you are transformed into animals/slightly less anthropomorphic animals in order to blend in. Sora becomes a lion cub, Goofy becomes a tortoise, and Donald becomes a... bird. But with wings that function!
- Simba also comments on the fact that Sora looks different than he remembered, as he was a summon from the original Kingdom Hearts who fought alongside a human Sora, and suddenly he's a lion cub!
- For great justice, Mario makes the cut. In addition to humanoids (the vast majority, and perhaps all, of them are part mushroom too), there appears a dragon-turtle hybrid with 8 offspring, bipedal dinosaurs with magical eating powers, walking flowers, several monkeys and gorillas, and to cap it all off, a bunch of slightly digital-looking nutcases.
- Beyond Good and Evil features both humans and several species of Funny Animals (the most common seem to be goats). Pey'j, one of the heroes, is even a pig!
- In The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, there's an entire village full of nothing but animals.
- Justified as the whole thing is a dream of the Wind Fish. Even the dreams of space whales don't have to make sense.
- The world of the old platform game Rocky Rodent is inhabited by normal humans and various humanized mammals such as rats, moles, armadillos... Rocky himself is some sort of bipedal creature, though he looks nothing like a rodent, but more like a punk version of the Tazmanian Devil.
- The Shining Force games have a lot of anthropomorphic characters that you can include on your force, though the majority of the characters are human (or centaur). This descends into Furry Confusion at one point in the second game, where a boss is a photo-realistic rat and one member of your team is an anthropomorphic one.
Web Originals
- Many of the animals in The Insane Quest, to the point where it would be easier to list the ones that can't talk or act human. Seeing that this universe is also home to robots, Gods, demons, mythical creatures, and the like, it's not very surprising.
- Homestar Runner mainly features odd stylized characters that are variously not-quite-human and obviously-not-human, but also features human characters, usually shown in live-action, although a couple have been animated 'in-person' (Crack Stuntman, his fellow voice actors and his boss A. Chimendez - the Recycled in Space versions of Limozeen don't count because they're in a Show Within a Show). The SBCG 4 AP episode Baddest of the Bands touches upon the concept of humans co-existing with the odd denizens of Free Country USA, with a human named Wade leaving a message on Marzipan's answering machine in which he calls her a 'baseball-bat dude', and calls Strong Mad and The Cheat 'creatures', saying that they freak people out.
- Arfenhouse, definitely.
- Sequential Art has a main character sharing his living space with an anthropomorphic cat and a less furry but still anthro penguin. In fact, it soon begins to seem like normal animals are the minority in the comic (and most women are furries, but that's a different matter).
- This is lampshaded in one strip, in which the main character's attempts to gain police assistance are disregarded as the ramblings of a harmless lunatic when he mentions the species of his roomates. Though it might also have something to do with his previous calls concerning a boogyman.
- In Las Lindas, there's actually even pretty good back-story for this. Admittedly there aren't that many humans around, but...
- Gene Catlow is a furry comic that features humans, and has had lengthy plots utilizing the potential for Fantastic Racism.
- Funny Farm. Only main characters are furry - pretty much if they've lived in the boarding house, or are related to somebody who lived in the house (and not even then all the time.) they are going to be an animal. Anybody who's only role is part of the massive corporate conspiracy Concordant will be human, which the exception of Mr. Seinbeck.
- According to Word of God, all the characters are supposed to be technically human. The anthropomorphic ones are just drawn that way for the benefit of the readers. Doesn't quite excuse some elements (for example, the constant gag about Ront's large nose).
- This was the case at one point in Jack. What happened to all the humans is prime manure for Epileptic Trees.
- Officially, the humans created the furries. Then Jack got genocidal and led his ilk into driving the humans into extinction. That's why he's Wrath. The "main" setting of Jack is a couple of thousand years after the human genocide.
- Kaspall takes place in a world that's mostly populated by anthropomorphic characters, but humans (and other species) frequently get transported there by accident and have to try to integrate into its society.
- The webcomic Fur Will Fly also features an human Trapped in Another World of furries. The sequel features a new human.
- Tales of the Questor starts off focusing on the Rac Cona Daimh, effectively two foot tall talking raccoons, but adds in humans as time goes on. After the Wham Arc, Quentyn ends up effectively stuck in human lands, with other furries such as the bat-like goblins, bulldog-like orcs, and the far more equine than normal centaurs.
- Achewood does this in an abstract and weird sense: while the main cast consists of funny animals and a few robots, it's stated occasionally that they actually live in an underground world that exists alongside the human world (note this strip). This means that every once in a while they'll run into a human character, such as Mark Twain or the preserved head of Keith Moon.
- In Newshounds, most animals are all but Petting Zoo People, to the point where domesticated species wear clothes (and white gloves, in a tribute to Bugs Bunny and his ilk); however, human ownership of animals still exists, and is treated as not too different from the real world.
- The World of Vicki Fox has humans in it, but they appear very seldom (usually only in crowd scenes) and have little impact on the stories.
- Although Sluggy Freelance is largely human-centric, there are two talking animal regulars (Bun-Bun and Kiki), and other talking animals occasionally show up as well.
- I'm not sure, but I got the impression that Kiki talking may be a result of the testing she was undergoing (side effect of some sort). I may, of course, be vocalising in canine manner up the incorrect arboreal life-form.
- Also note that Bun-Bun (the other talking animal) is... not exactly your average bunny.
- In Reynard Noir, humans freely intermingle with animals and no one finds this strange (offensive, in some cases, but not strange).
- Digger has a human village not too far from a pack of (sapient) hyenas. And of course, the main character is a wombat.
- The Webcomic Freefall has Florence Ambrose and Sam Starfall (okay, an alien octopusoid in a suit), the first being a sort of science experiment, and the second being a former accidental stowaway. To a certain extent, subverted with Sam, who seems like the Alien In The Living Room, but is revealed to have been of a bit more interest before news spread around and First Contact with his species was written off as a wash. Florence is the only one of her species on the planet, and other than the greeting of "Doggy!" doesn't get much species-related attention.
- Housepets milks this for all its worth. It's a setting where police dogs can give Miranda warnings, a regular wolf might drop in for tea and have his own house for all practical definitions. Then we get into the magical Animorphism and you get some really awkward questions.
- However, said wolf is basically a social experiment for pushing pet rights, he technically still has an owner. And pets in general have more limited freedom than humans - they are required to be on leash in public and once it was noted that they themselves don't get to hear their rights at all if they run afoul of the law. But since the comic takes place in a specifically pet friendly area they have more leeway
- In the world of Concession, Word of God is that furry/human segregation has only been stopped in the past decade, and they still don't interact much, but they show up sometimes. A human customer at the movie theatre claimed to be there to "pick up some fine, fine pussy", and then revealed his girlfriend to be a guinea pig. ("You were expecting-" "A cat, yes, would have completed the joke ...") Joel's mother Lorelei is annoyed that her boss, the mayor, is human, and says she half-expects him to "chain me up in the backyard".
- Played with in this Awkward Zombie comic.
- Frog Raccoon Strawberry takes place in such a world.
- The Whiteboard ended up this way because Furries Are Easier to Draw at first, and has added more and more anthro characters as time goes on.
- Stubble Trouble has a world where over half the population is anthropomorphic animals and no one seems to care. Human/furry relationships aren't a taboo, either.
Western Animation
- The Little Bear books (and TV show) had Funny Animals (Little Bear and his family), Talking Animals (most of Little Bear's friends), Little Bear's friend Emily and her grandmother (who were both humans), and Emily's non-anthropomorphic, non-talking dog.
- In the various incarnations of Rupert (also a bear), both humans and animals lived in Rupert's world. Most of the citizens of Rupert's hometown were animal, though several of Rupert's friends, The Professor and Tiger Lily, were human, as were residents of several nearby towns like Appleton. Nutwood Forest is also populated by sentient but otherwise "normal" Talking Animals!
- Courage the Cowardly Dog is another show with a human-Talking Animal-Funny Animal trifecta. While Courage is an ordinary dog, a few recurring characters (such as the psychotic Katz and Shirley the Medium, who appeared to be a Chihuahua) were Funny Animals.
- Played with in Alfred J Kwak. While a human does show up he's in fact the least human of any creature; he's a beastlike caveman shown for entertainment to the talking animals in circus shows, and presumably zoos.
- Bonkers had "toons" and realistically drawn humans in the same world.
- Not surprising since Bonkers was a Captain Ersatz of Roger Rabbit.
- Quite a few Hanna-Barbera cartoons had this. While a lot of HB 'toons featured run-of-the-mill Talking Animals, there were also shows such as Top Cat, Hong Kong Phooey and more, I'm sure.
- In Hong Kong Phooey, Penry is the only anthropomorphic animal in the series... which is probably supposed to make even more ridiculous the fact that nobody thinks a lowly police janitor could be Hong Kong Phooey.
- Alvin and The Chipmunks. Songwriter finds (abducts?) some (freakishly large) talking chipmunks in the forest, puts them in co-ordinated clothing and makes them sing pop songs. And they befriend three giant female talking chipmunks owned/parented by some wealthy dowager. Nothing weird about that. Nothing at all.
- Interestingly, there is an episode where Alvin finds another chipmunk in the park, also his size and intelligent. It seems as though in the universe of the show, chipmunks just look like that...
- An Easter special revealed that various other anthropomorphic rodents exist in the Chipmunks universe, including rabbits, badgers, and porcupines.
- Badgers are not rodents, but carnivorans, though, so who knows what other freaks lurk in the chipmunkverse...
- Part of the premise of My Gym Partner's a Monkey, where the human Adam Lyon is enrolled into a school of nothing but Funny Animals.
- Duckman has ducks and pigs and chickens and teddy bears and humans and weird hybrids and plenty of other animals.
- Johnny Bravo is composed mainly of humans, yet the main character often has run-ins with TalkingAnimals. One episode has him going on a blind date with an antelope; as if that wasn't enough, at dinner his food (a crab) turns out to be his date's ex! Check, Please!. In another episode, he went on a date with a girl who turned out to be a werewolf.
- Oddly enough in seasons 2 and 3, the animals are more realistic and they do not talk, otherwise why would Johnny wish to a Genie for a talking monkey when talking monkeys already existed in season 1? But when the show made to season 4, the animals started talking again. No explaination is given for this.
- Family Guy takes the idea and goes into some weird places. Brian, the Griffin's dog, talks and walks same as the human cast. In the first few episodes he was treated as a dog who just happened to talk, but in later seasons he starts dating humans (who don't even seem to be that much concerned that he is a dog), almost has an affair with Lois, and even has an illegitimate human child.
- Who is six years older than him
- Not to mention the episode where he was arrested for drinking at a humans-only water fountain.
- He also has a gay cousin named Jasper, who has a human boyfriend. Yet his mother was an ordinary, non-sapient dog, and apparently so were his brothers and sisters.
- In the Spin-Off The Cleveland Show, one of Cleveland's neighbors is a bear who works for the cable company.
Cleveland: Aaah, a bear!
Tim the Bear: Aaah, a black man! Aaah! You see? It don't feel so good, does it? Is very reductive.
- American Dad has Klaus, a talking goldfish. Justified in that he is actually an East German Olympic skier who had his brain transplanted. Because that's so much more plausible.
- In Catscratch, humans, Funny Animals, and regular animals all coexist. Cats, dogs, and mice talk and act relatively human, although cats and dogs are still kept as pets and mice are still regularly chased (and presumably eaten) by the cats. Rabbits and newts are also kept as pets, but they have no human traits. Bears and even a woolly mammoth have also appeared, but they didn't talk either. No one, not even the show's humans, considers any of this unusual.
- And Kraken are magical aliens.
- A couple of episodes of CatDog showed the existence of humans, including one particularly disturbing incident in the episode "CatDogPig", involving an experiment in democracy. Tired of being unable to agree on anything with Dog, Cat started strapping other animals (all of different species, to prevent their new combined name from repeating itself) to his and Dog's conjoined body in repeated unsuccessful attempts to increase votes for his side and become the majority. In the scene that shows the logical conclusion, a bat is recruited into the resulting conglomeration... by a naked bald human.
- There was also a minor character who appeared periodically named Mr. Sunshine. He looked like a small green humanoid with a pig's tail. None of the characters know exactly what species he is.
- Another episode had a human training a dog in a Dog Park (which was also populated by animal people walking non-anthropomorphic dogs, including another two legged, clothed dog).
- Disney has used this idea in several animated series (besides the aforementioned Bonkers).
- In The Mighty Ducks, the titular heroes and their evil reptilian overlords bring their conflict to Another Dimension—namely Anaheim, California.
- In Quack Pack, Donald Duck, Daisy and the nephews are the only Funny Animals in an all-human world. No explanation is given.
- The Quack Pack one is especially strange, as one of the nephews has a one episode crush/flirtation thing with a female human.
- For some reason, there was at least one episode in the series that featured "dog-nosed" supporting characters; the one where Donald has to serve one more day in the navy.
- The 1972 series The Houndcats is a mash-up of |Mission Impossible, The Wild Wild West and the short-lived The Bearcats. As with Quack Pack, the titular heroes are the only Talking Animals in their world (in this case, the American Southwest circa World War I).
- Biker Mice From Mars has a similar setup to The Mighty Ducks, as Talking Animals from another world wind up fighting their enemies in Chicago.
- Chowder is all over the place with this. Its world is populated by humans, Talking Animals, Funny Animals, Mix-and-Match Critters, mythological creatures, and extinct animals.
- To wit: Chowder and Panini are bear/cat/rabbit mash-ups, Mung Daal is a blue human, Truffles is a fairy, Schnitzel is a rock monster, Gazpacho is a woolly mammoth, and Endive is an orange human (or possibly an ogre). Random townspeople are everything else.
- The world of SpongeBob SquarePants is populated by anthropomorphic sea life (and one squirrel), with humans only appearing when they are seen abovewater. However, there is Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy, who are ordinary-looking humans (and, contrary to the name, not merpeople at all). The same thing applies to most of their Rogues Gallery, partucularly Man-Ray. King Neptune and his daughter Mindy in The Movie are full-on merpeople, as was the alternate version of Neptune seen in the episode "Neptune's Spatula".
- Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is an excellent example. Humans (both with regular skin colours and odd ones), anthropomorphic animals, regular animals, aliens, and robots all exist in Mobius, and there seems to be no problem.
- For example, in one episode an anthropomorphic rabbit is reading a newspaper and is holding a normal dog by the leash. Just seconds later, an anthropomorphic dog comes into the shot! Weird stuff.
- In the Christmas Special Twas the Night Before Christmas, the humans and the humanoid sapient mice of Junctionville openly interact on at least a professional basis, ie. a clockmaker has a mouse assistant and the human mail carriers have mice counterparts who ride on their bags to deal with the mouse population's mail.
- The film Cats Don't Dance is set in an alternate 1930s during the Golden Age of Hollywood where animals are trying to break into movies (and act as stand-ins for ethnic and social minorities).
- Regular Show: In a show whose cast includes a talking gumball dispenser, an Abominable Snowman, a ghost and a lollipop man, a six-foot blue jay and a talking raccoon are the most ordinary characters.
- The Looney Tunes Show is even more-so this than the original Looney Tunes, as its premise involves Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck and other equally anthropomorphic animal characters from the Looney Tunes Show living their day-to-day lives amongst an otherwise human populace, without either sort ever batting an eye at the differences between each other when put into direct confrontation. A little different from the original Looney Tunes, as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck's human-like behaviors were often implied to be outside of the norm for animals in their world, and characters like Sylvester and Tweetie seemed to communicate with their master in the same way that Tom and Jerry did.
- Cinderella has anthropomorphic mice that talk to the human Cinderella, and are transformed into non-morphic horses.
- The Problem Solverz has Alfe, who is part human, part dog, and part anteater, working alongside the human Horace and half-robot Roba. Then there's Tux Dog, a tall, wealthy, and well-dressed canine whose enemy is Bad Cat, a giant cat with an even bigger casino. Nobody questions any of this, but given the show's unusual world...
- Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law Is especially guilty of this. Although most of the animal characters are anthropomorphic (being Hanna-Barbera characters), such as Yogi Bear and Huckleberry Hound. However, are also non-anthropomorphic characters as well, such as Birdman's eagle (who's his legal secretary) and a bear that works for Birdman's law firm that randomly pops in each episode. In one episode, Mentok the Mind Taker switches the brains of an attorney with an ordinary, non-sentient dog and in another, Phil Ken Sebben tries to house train Augie Doggie and break him among a group of ordinary dogs after Mentok sentences him to aggressiveness training after being accused of baring his teeth at the judge during a trial case for biting someone.
- Adventure Time: Although when you have a world populated by dragons, vampires, fluffy people, candy people, why-wolves, elementals, gem people, undead, rainicorns, plant creatures, hot dog people, gods and a sentient game console, talking animals such as Jake the dog are the least strange thing in the Land of OOO. However, Finn is the only human seen in the series (with the exception of the mutant human tribe he meets in one episode), and his species is considered endangered according to the Adventure Time wiki page. Most of the inhabitants that resemble humans in OOO are classified as humanoid or mutant.
- Get Muggsy (a spin-off from a kids' club founded by the now-defunct shopping mall company Mills Corporation) has a beaver, raccoon, opossum and spider all interacting with humans repeatedly.
- The Lionhearts has a literal example, with the title lions in a world otherwise populated by humans.
- Gromit from Wallace and Gromit acts like Wallace's sidekick but is still treated like a dog at times (he winds up sleeping in a dog house, for example).
- Scooby Doo, depending on the writer.
- Family Guy, depending on the joke.
- Most Looney Tunes, Tiny Toon Adventures, and Animaniacs animal characters, depending on the episode or short.
- The Penguins of Madagascar
- Dukey the dog in Johnny Test is an Uplifted Animal experiment created by Susan and Mary, specifically as a friend for Johnny.
- Little Bear
- Martha from Martha Speaks.
- Top Cat
- The 1950s Felix the Cat TV series.
- In Flip the Frog, practically every human, Funny Animal, Nearly-Normal Animal, Intellectual Animal, and even Animate Inanimate Object interacts with each other on regular basis.
- The title character of Curious George, but not so much the other animal characters.
- Adventures from the Book of Virtues
- One episode of Aladdin The Animated Series dealt with the team finding themselves in a hidden village populated by Funny Animal people who believed Humans Are Bastards.