< Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones/Awesome

"I always hated crossbows...take too long to load!"
"Come with me and TAKE THIS CITY!"
Stannis Baratheon
"Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!"
Tyrion Lannister

Season 1

  • The very first sequence of the series, that introduces viewers to the White Walkers, and shows why they are something to be feared.
  • Tyrion slapping the hell out of Joffrey for refusing to give Catelyn his condolences about Bran's injury.[1]
    • THREE TIMES. Who else was itching for him to do it just once more?

Joffrey: The boy means nothing to me. And I can't stand the wailing of women.
Tyrion: *SLAP*
Tyrion: One more word and I hit you again.
Joffrey: I'm telling mother!
Tyrion: *SLAP*
Tyrion: Go. Tell her. But first you will get to Lord and Lady Stark, and you will fall on your knees in front of them and tell them how very sorry you are, that you are at their service and that all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?
Joffrey: You can't--
Tyrion: *SLAP*
Tyrion: Do you understand?

    • It's a gif now. Behold it in its infinite glory.
    • Tyrion Slaps Joffrey For 10 Minutes To Achilles Last Stand.
    • Arguably the best part about that scene was the fact that the Hound just stands by and lets Tyrion slap Joffrey around with a look that screams "And not a single fuck was given that day." This troper likes to think Sandor was quietly cheering Tyrion on.
    • For that matter, what about Arya's direwolf biting the little bastard? True, this lead to a Tear Jerker later on, but it was still awesome seeing that little prick get what he deserved.
      • Hurling his sword into the river was particularly cathartic.
    • Meanwhile, Bran's direwolf rips out the throat of the assassin about to kill him. Catelyn gets some props as well for her Mama Bear efforts to fight the man off, including grabbing the knife until her hands are covered in blood.
    • In that same episode, Ned gets a subtle one when he tells Cersei, in no uncertain terms, that he refuses to let Sansa's direwolf Lady be killed by a heartless executioner and takes responsibility himself. And you can tell how much he's both bracing and hating himself for his actions, but still does it out of a sense of duty and mercy to the poor wolf. Also counts as Tear Jerker material.
  • Daenerys finally stands up to her brother Viserys. She's not the weak, hopeless girl we saw in episode 1 anymore.
    • Earlier that scene:

Daenerys: Tell [the horde] to stop.
Jorah: You want the entire horde to stop? For how long?
Daenerys: Until I command them otherwise.
Jorah: You're learning to talk like a queen.
Daenerys: Not a queen. A khaleesi.

  • Syrio Forel's first scene. Hello, instant Ensemble Darkhorse.
  • Old Nan's speech about winter and the White Walkers. An amazing capper to the career of Margaret John.
  • Catelyn does this again when she meets Tyrion in an Inn whom she suspects hired the assassin that tried to kill Bran. In one Badass Boast, she manage to rally the men in the Inn who just so happen to have served her father and tells them to capture Tyrion!
    • This gets better in the next episode: despite making the arrest right on the spot with no plan, she had the presence of mind to announce that she was taking Tyrion to Winterfell, when she actually planned to take him to the Eyrie, leaving anyone trying to rescue him to look in the wrong place.
  • Jon asks everyone to take it easy on Samwell, and one recruit doesn't agree. That night, Jon pays him a visit along with his wolf, and the next day he's fully committed to helping Samwell.
  • Tyrion (who for reference is about three feet tall) takes down an armored man with nothing but a shield in combat.
    • Even better that it was the first time he killed someone with his own hands. The actor conveys his mix of pride, happiness and fear with one perfect expression.
    • The fight also serves as a good Establishing Character Moment for Bronn, showing exactly how accomplished a fighter he is and why.
  • The duel between Eddard and Jaime at the end of episode five, sadly cut short by a spear to the former's leg.
    • Which obviously pisses Jaime off, as he proceeds to punch the soldier responsible in the face.
    • It was almost a missed Crowning Moment, because Ned damn near defeated Jaime, who'd made short work of Ned's Lancer, the much younger Jory, not even two minutes ago. Ned's at least a good decade to a decade-and-a-half older than Jaime, the Memetic Badass of Westeros, and he matches Jaime blow for blow and it even looks like he might win when he was stabbed...
    • And the nicest thing about it? It is canon, GRRM was present at its filming and said he gave the fight his green light because he approved of it. That's right, Lord Eddard Stark can match blades with Jaime 'The Kingslayer' Lannister. Jaime also walks out with a great deal of respect for the guy, as is evidenced on how he references him when Tywin receives order to appear at court to explain Gregor Clegane's un-knightly actions.
  • Arya gets confused for a beggar by two palace guards. This is her response:

Arya Stark: My father is Hand of the king. I'm not a boy, I'm Arya Stark of Winterfell. And if you lay a hand on me, my father will have both your heads on spikes. Now, are you going to let me by, or do I need to smack your head on the ear to improve your hearing?

  • Sandor and Gregor Clegane are ordered by Robert to stop fighting, but Gregor takes another swing at Sandor's head. With less than a second to react, he figures out the one way to both obey his king and save his life, and kneels to Robert so the sword passes over his head.
  • Bronn's fight to win Tyrion's freedom, followed by casually accepting that he doesn't fight with honor...which is why he won.
  • "You shall have a golden crown, that men shall tremble to behold." Beware those Exact Words...
    • Goes to show that while Drogo may be a barbarian, you do NOT threaten a Papa Wolf's unborn child with a blade.
    • Also, a lesser one for Dany. Viserys had spent the entire series up until that point abusing her emotionally. But when he looks at her for mercy, he gets an expression that could have been chiseled from solid stone.
  • Theon coming back to snipe a Wildling who was holding Bran hostage after going off in a strop because Robb insulted him and his house. (Granted, he and Robb are at each other's throats again seconds later...)
  • Robert finally has enough of Cersei's bull and slaps her. Misogynistic, yet gratifying.
  • Khal Drogo's Rousing Speech declaring that he'll cross the ocean, conquer the Seven Kingdoms, crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and hear the lamentations of the women. Do not anger the Papa Wolf.

"And to my son, the stallion who will mount the world, I will also pledge a gift. I will give him the iron chair that his mother's father sat upon. I will give him the Seven Kingdoms. I, Drogo, will do this. I will take my Khalasar west to where the world ends and ride wooden horses across the black salt water as no Khal has done before. I will kill the men in iron suits and tear down their stone houses. I will rape their women, take their children as slaves, and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak. This, I vow. I, Drogo, son of Bharbo! I swear before the Mother of Mountains, as the stars look down in witness. As the stars look down in witness!"

Syrio: Are you men or snakes, that you would threaten a child?
Lannister Guard: Get out of my way, little man.
Syrio: I am Syrio Forel...
Lannister Guard: Foreign bastard!
*Fully armored and armed guard advances, drawing his broadsword, and Syrio effortlessly lays him out with a wooden practice blade and two flicks of his wrist*
Syrio: ... and you will be speaking to me with more respect.

  • Drogo killing a horde member who insulted Dany by slicing his throat open and ripping his tongue out of the hole, refusing to let getting sliced across the chest interrupt his Badass Boast in the process.
    • The guy pulls out a BFS and Drogo pulls out knives then he drops them because he wants to kill the guy with his bare hands.
  • Robb letting a captured Lannister spy go - not as an act of mercy, but so that he can deliver a message to Tywin Lannister:
    • Becomes even more awesome once it's revealed that this seemingly straightforward Badass Boast is actually part of an enormously clever plan: it makes Tywin think that he's bringing the whole army down to face him, when in reality Robb sends only two thousand men to meet Tywin and takes the rest around to surprise Jaime, managing to capture the freaking Kingslayer himself in the process. Hell. Yes.
    • He also manages to completely shatter the 30,000 strong army that Jaime had with him. Precisely half of the Lannister army's standing manpower.
  • Barristan Selmy chewing out King Joffrey and the Kingsguard after his forced retirement and accurately stating that he "could carve through the five of you like carving a cake".
  • The Greatjon gets uppity at Robb. Grey Wind takes him down a peg.

Your meat... is bloody tough!

  • When Tyrion and Bronn are ambushed by the hill tribes. They're out numbered, surrounded, and only Bronn has a sword. Tyrion first talks the hill tribe out of killing him with a joke. Then saves Bronn's life and turns the hill tribes to his own personal army, just by talking.

Tyrion: The Lords of the Vale spit upon you. The lords of the Vale want me dead. I think it's time for some new lords of the Vale.

  • Tyrion gets a small one when he gives a Rousing Speech to the hill tribes just before they go into battle. By the end of it, they're cheering him.

Tribesmen: Halfman! Halfman! Halfman!

  • Sansa finally grows a backbone and tells Joffrey that Robb might give her his head. And then she's prepared to push him off a bridge until the Hound stops her.

Joffrey: After I raise my armies and kill your traitor brother, I'll give you his head as well.
Sansa: Or maybe he'll give me yours.

    • The sheer Tranquil Fury in Sophie Turner's voice, as well as the Kubrick Stare she gives Joffrey, really sell this scene, and raised Sansa's stock with a lot of people. Especially since immediately after she tries to shove Joffrey off the balcony, and even though it doesn't work it proves once and for all that Sansa really is a Stark.
  • Arya thoroughly intimidating one of the Night's Watch recruits she takes up with, talking about how much she loves killing fat boys.
  • The final scene of season one, where Daenerys gives a Badass Boast to a bunch of recently freed slaves that their enemies will "die screaming" if they team up with her, then burns Mirri Maz Duur on Drogo's funeral pyre before walking in herself.
    • The next morning, as the music swells, Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Mother of Dragons, rises naked from the ashes of her husband's funeral pyre, the first three dragons to be seen in generations curled around her in a manner reminiscent of Botticelli's "Birth of Venus". Ser Jorah and what remains of her khalasar fall to their knees in awe and reverence. Cut to black.
    • Mirri Maz Duur herself arguably has one. As she points out to Daenerys, Rhaego was prophesied to be a great conqueror, and by killing him in the womb she may have saved countless lives -- in addition to avenging her own rape and the enslavement of her peaceful tribe in the process.
  • Many of the final character scenes in the season were these, from Robb's Awesome Moment of Crowning to Jon Snow Going with the Watch north of the Wall and, of course, Dany as listed above, which can be seen as another Awesome Moment of Crowning.
  • Catelyn promising Robb that after saving Arya and Sansa they will wipe out the Lannisters
  • Sam refusing to get out of Jon's way when he rides out of Castle Black.
  • Jeor Mormont's speech after telling Jon they'll be riding beyond the wall., after Jon has spent the whole season whining about his problems and how no one can understand them.

I'll not sit meekly by and wait for the snows. I mean to find out what's happening. The Night's Watch will ride in force against the Wildlings, the White Walkers, and whatever else is out there. And we will find Benjen Stark, alive or dead. I will command them myself. So I'll only ask you once, Lord Snow: are you a brother of the Night's Watch, or a bastard boy who wants to play at war?

  • Jon Snow, intending to desert the Night's Watch to ride beside his brother, being caught and reminded in no uncertain terms by his friends Pyp and Grenn and even self-avowed coward Sam Tarly that he took an oath. Nicely summed up by Commander Mormont in the following scene, in which Jon objects to Mormont's statement that honor brought him back.

Jon Snow: It was my friends that brought me back.
Jeor Mormont: I didn't say it was your honor.

  • Sansa gets a quiet, subtle one in the final episode-- after bowing and scraping to the Lannisters for much of the season, she shows the first act of defiance when Joffrey shows her the castle wall adorned with the heads of her father and the members of her House. It's clear that Joffrey is very disappointed by her reaction:

Sansa: (showing no emotion whatsoever) How long do I have to look?

  • Septa Mordane gets a very subtle one when the Lannister troops begin killing all of the Stark household. She hears them coming, tells Sansa to hide, and then calmly advanced toward them. The real amazing part is that in spite of there being four of them, with bloody swords in hand, when they see this single old, unarmed woman calmly striding toward them, the four soldiers stop and start very slowly backing away. Though she still ends up getting killed, the fact that her silent acceptance and defiance actually gives armed soldiers who were butchering others before her pause is pretty damned awesome.

Season 2

  • Cersei putting Littlefinger in his place by showing how easily she can have him killed. "Power is power."
    • Of course Littlefinger does get her subtly back, since she indeed doesn't kill him; his knowledge is too powerful to throw away like that.
  • Mellisandre taking a drink of poison after she's seen it start to affect Maester Cressen, just to make a point of her power being real.
  • Robb intimidating Jaime with Grey Wind, the first time we see a full-grown direwolf.
    • Not to mention not long after that, when he sends his terms to the Lannisters via Alton. "Third, Joffrey and the Queen Regent must renounce all claim to dominion of the North. From this time, to the end of time, we are a free and independent kingdom. Neither Joffrey nor any of his men shall set foot in our lands again. If he disregards this command, then he shall suffer the same fate as my father. Only, I don't need a servant to do my beheading for me."
  • Joffrey gets one after Cersei slaps him, showing that he's not going to be her puppet.
  • Sansa and the Hound quickly tag-teaming Joffrey to not only spare Ser Dontos a horrible death, but actually spare him outright and appoint him court fool.
    • Although, in the Hound's case, it seemed to be more about protecting Sansa.
  • Tyrion crashing Joffrey's name day party, verbally slapping him when he insults Ned in front of Sansa, before strolling into the Small Council where he announces himself as acting Hand and lays into Cersei for letting Joffrey screw things up so badly. And the smugness as he points out that for once he's the one in their father's good graces is just icing on the cake.
  • Even though he's a cruel, evil bastard, Balon Greyjoy still becomes badass as all hell when he announces: "No man gives me a crown. I pay the iron price. I will take my crown. That is who I am. That is who we have always been."
  • Tyrion gives Janos Slynt a brief "The Reason You Suck" Speech over his honorless betrayal of Ned Stark and his part in The Purge at the end of the previous episode, then reveals that he's replaced him as Commander of the City Watch with Bronn, before having him dragged off by his own former soldiers to be shipped off to the Night's Watch. Bonus points for never raising his voice or losing his calm during any of this.
    • Summed up best with one line:

Tyrion: I'm not questioning your honor, Lord Janos. I'm denying its existence.

    • Bronn gets his own moment during this; first, he pulls a Stealth Hi Bye on Janos, followed by him nonchalantly giving the order to have him dragged off.
    • Tyrion has another moment earlier in the episode. He walks into his private chambers, only to find Varys there, chatting up Shae. Varys comments on how lovely Shae is, and what a shame it would be if Tywin found out about her -- at which point Tyrion coolly reminds Varys that unlike Ned Stark, Tyrion understands how the backstabbing politics in King's Landing work, and if Varys threatens him again, Tyrion will make him pay.
      • Varys gets a bigger one as his Take That he calmly tells Tyrion that other men have tried to kill him before and reminds him that no matter what political or violent turmoil happens in King's Landing he always survives
  • Yoren and his knife that's sharp enough to shave a spider's arse, refusing to let the Gold Cloaks take Gendry. Also the rest of the group slowly converging on the two Goldcloaks threateningly with polearms and then staying silent to protect Gendry, even if it's somewhat spoiled by some of them reconsidering later.
  • After the awesomeness of Tyrion giving Joffrey a well-deserved smacking in season 1, how does he follow up? By making a huge splash as Hand of the King in the King's Landing political scene, simultaneously showing balls and a sharp mind by outperforming the three resident Magnificent Bastards at their own game and outright defeating one of them (Pycelle).
  • Yoren's You Shall Not Pass against Amory Lorch's men, starting with killing the guy who shot him.

Yoren: I've always hated crossbows. Take too long to load!

    • Followed by a very impressive piece of quick thinking by Arya to keep Gendry hidden.
  • Theon's scenes following the revelation that he must choose his loyalties swiftly because the Ironborn are going to war against the North and House Stark with or without him. Not particularly an awesome moment for Theon, but a brilliant piece of cinematography, acting and storytelling (and perhaps the highlight of the episode):
    • It begins with Theon sitting at a table having written a warning letter to Robb Stark of the impending Greyjoy invasion. The entire room is pitch dark, save for Theon himself and the writing table, illuminated by a single candle. Theon stares at the letter as he weighs his decisions to either support his adopted family or his biological family while a somber rendition of the Stark theme plays in the background...to be abruptly interrupted by the beginnings of the Greyjoy theme as Theon's gaze falls on the candle. Theon proceeds to burn the warning letter as darkness envelopes the scene until only he is visible, holding up the burning paper as if watching his years spent in Winterfell turned to ash. The Greyjoy theme rises and stands strong in the next scene as we see Theon at his "baptism" of the Drowned God on the windswept shores of Pyke, surrounded by his father, his sister, his uncle Aeron/a Drowned God Priest and attending bannermen as he takes his place in the war to come, noticeably conflicted but resolute in proving to Balon that he truly belongs with House Greyjoy.

"Let Theon your servant be born again from the sea as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel. What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger."

  • Brienne thinking outside the box, and fighting dirty to win her duel with Loras.
  • Theon Calling the Old Man Out. True, it didn't accomplish much, but it's the one time we actually see Balon Greyjoy show any kind of remorse for his actions.
  • Catelyn putting all of Renly's knights, along with Ser Loras, in their place with one line. And best of all, judging by Renly's smile, he agrees.

"My son is fighting a war, not playing at one."

  • A hidden one for Sansa during her dinner with Cersei and her two children. Cersei asks her what she will do once the war is won and Sansa responces she will meet the king happily and show her love for him. Read between the lines and you notice she never says Joffrey. She is clearly thinking of her brother Robb, the King in the North. But since she never says it Cersei can't accuse her of anything infront of her two children.
  • Tyrion has several of them in Garden of Bones: calling out Joffrey for his mistreatment of Sansa and putting Ser Meryn squarely in his place. And then doing the same to haughty little Lancel later on, by revealing he knows Lancel is Cersei's glorified bed warmer, and threatening to spill the beans to Joffrey. He gets the lad down on his knees and essentially tells Lancel "you're my bitch now".
    • The whole scene where Tyrion saves Sansa is truly epic. He shuts down Joffery simply by showing up, making the bastard recoil in worry, warns him that being a king is no source of protection (citing the moment when Jaime murdered the Mad King) and when Ser Meryn tries to accuse him of threatening the King, his simple response that confirms the little man is the most powerful person in the room:

"Bronn, the next time Ser Meryn speaks, kill him. (pause) That was a threat. See the difference?"

  • Daenerys has finally had enough, and outright threatens the Thirteen of Qarth to let her khalasar into the city - impressing Xaro enough to vouch for her.
  • Catelyn pulling a knife on Littlefinger.
    • What makes this scene great is the fact that one of Littlefinger's motivations for betraying Ned was so he would have a chance to woo Catelyn. This scene, however, makes it very clear to that Magnificent Bastard that his beloved Cat now knows just what kind of man he is and hates his guts for betraying her husband. In that moment it is made clear to him that he absolutely will not have his way in this regard, in spite of all of his manipulations. The look of disappointment on that infuriating Smug Snake's face as he is denied one of his major goals is so damn satisfying.
  • Who would have thought Tywin Lannister would have a (sort of) Big Damn Heroes moment? But he does, even if he doesn't know it. He also manages to see through Arya's disguise almost at once.
    • Not to mention calling out his men for wasting perfectly good workers for the sake of pointless torture. Tywin may be evil, but at least he has a brain in his skull.
  • Sansa walking out of the throne room with her head held high after being beaten and stripped in front of everyone there. Even Tyrion is impressed.

Tyrion: Lady Stark, you may survive us yet.

  • Robb winning at Oxcross. Though we don't actually see it, when several thousand Northmen scream THE KING IN THE NORTH! in unison, you know asses are about to be kicked.
  • One for the opening credits: after twelve straight episodes of that same pan to King's Landing and then Vaes Dothrak (which wasn't even accurate for more than half of them) it's quite something to see the camera instead swoop high above the map, pass over the sun astrolabe, and land on Qarth.
  • When Littlefinger arrives at Renly's camp Margaery offers to show him around the campsite. As they walk, Littlefinger makes jabs at her marriage to Renly and the fact that Renly is sleeping with Margaery's brother Loras. Margaery, having previously shown that she doesn't mind Renly's sexual preference or his affair with her brother, doesn't get upset, barely reacts to his remarks, and then pretty much tells him to piss off (in much more polite language, of course) before walking away with a smile on her face. Margaery, you are one classy lady.
  • Also in Garden of Bones, Hot Pie looking Gregor Clegane in the eye as he picks who gets tortured to death. Yes, he had been told that it could save his life, but still, that took guts.
  • Arya, incognito as Tywin Lannister's serving girl, is grilled by him for the Northerners views on Robb Stark, during which she, a girl not even in her teens, gets a solid serve on the most fearsome man in the kingdoms.

Tywin: And what do they say of Robb Stark in the North?
Ayra: They call him the young wolf. They say he rides into battle on the back of a giant Direwolf. They say he can turn into a wolf himself when he wants. They say he can’t be killed.
Tywin: [smiling to himself] And do you believe them?
Ayra: No, my Lord. [staring right at him]. Anyone can be killed.
[[[Beat]]. Tywin's smirk turns to a very cold Death Glare. Arya keeps looking him in the eye]
Tywin: Fetch that water.

    • Double props for Maisie Williams being good enough to act opposite to a veteran like Charles Dance.
  • Brienne cutting down three soldiers with ease when they attack her believing her to have killed Renly, and she's still in shock from his death. Not only that, but she keeps a clear enough head to know the best way to get out of the camp and make a clean getaway.
  • Even after Joffrey had at least one subject mutilated for publicly insulting his family, a street preacher is seen publicly shouting out much worse for all to hear, even the guards and passing Lannisters.

Street preacher: Brother fornicates with sister in the bed of kings, and we're surprised when the fruit of their incest is rotten?! YES! A rotten king!
Street preacher: A dancing king! Prancing down his blood-stained halls, to the tune of a twisted DEMON MONKEY!

  • Tyrion setting things up for the future:

"You will no longer be making wildfire for my sister. You will be making it for me."

  • Jaqen H'ghar giving Arya her first death. Specifically, the knowing look he gives her afterward.
  • Loras has this moment even when he's grieving over the death of Renly, who was killed by Melisandre's shadow demon but only Catelyn and Brienne witnessed it. Margaery is quick to accuse Brienne because she fled but Loras defends her even though he felt humiliated being defeated by her in the tournament that made her a king's guard. He knows Brienne would have never hurt Renly and rightfully puts the blame on Stannis.
  • Rodrick giving Theon a ruthless "The Reason You Suck" Speech and spitting in his face, likely knowing he'll be killed for it.
    • Theon's execution of him is a meta-example - Alfie Allen's acting is just brilliant in that scene.
  • Tyrion, seeing that a riot is imminent at a glance, instantly spins around and orders the gold cloaks to get Tommen out of there, immediately.
  • Tyrion's blistering tirade against Joffrey, culminating in another slap just as good by itself as the three last time.

"And now I've struck a king. Did my hand fall from my wrist?"

    • Even more awesome, he does it right in front of the Kingsguard, who just stand and watch. You can almost see them thinking: "the little guy has a point".
    • And one to the random peasant who hit him in the face with a horse turd.
    • Going further back, Sansa's brief indulgence of Refuge in Audacity by reminding Joffrey of the time Arya reduced him to tears.
  • Sandor rescuing Sansa from a trio of rapists, including disembowelling while holding him by the neck with the other.
  • Jaqen managing to kill Armory Lorch in a matter of seconds, and do it undetected despite it being daylight with Lannister troops everywhere. Jaqen apparently has poisoned darts on his person just in case something like this comes up.
    • The best part is how it plays out. After he reluctantly obliges to Arya screaming in his ear to get it done "NOW!", the scene cuts to Lorch strolling through the door and looking Tywin right in the eye, and it's apparently too late...until he promptly drops dead at Twyin's feet.
    • Gets better in the next episode, where it is clear that despite interrogating and hanging many people, Tywin is no closer to working out who killed Lorch.
  • Osha sleeps with Theon and then seduces and kills a guard, so that she can help Bran, Rickon, Hodor, Summer and Shaggy Dog escape from an occupied Winterfell.
  • The unnamed Spice King repeatedly shooting down Daenerys' attempts at Badass Boasting are a nice reminder of the fact that, even though she has dragons, she is not a queen yet, and is still entirely dependent on the goodwill of others, and consequently her Viserys-esque Young Conqueror pretensions aren't all that impressive under the circumstances.
  • Xaro Xhoan Daxos ascending to Magnificent Bastard-dom by declaring himself king of Qarth, while he and Pyatt Pree kill the rest of the Thirteen. And he has Daenerys well over a barrel too.
  • Jaime's ability to remain a Jerkass Deadpan Snarker even when faced with being imminently lynched by an angry mob is quite impressive. Also, his pointing out the Logic Bomb of the contradictory vows he had to make may not have gained him any sympathy with Catelyn and Brienne, but neither could they come up with a good counter to it.
  • Maester Luwin showing that he has not forgotten how to be a Deadpan Snarker when he points out how unsuccessful Theon's hunt for Bran and Rickon has been "So far, hunting seems little different from riding."
  • In "A Man Without Honour" Arya may have overstepped herself as Tywin's Morality Pet, but the fact that she still manages to have a proper conversation with someone so far above her and actually point out where he's wrong without losing his favour is very impressive.
  • Catelyn doing a bit of Shaming the Mob to save Jaime, despite (as she points out) having just as much reason to hate him as anybody else.
  • Everything Lord Rickard Karstark says and does.
  • After having a few moments in other episodes where she seems to channel Viserys' unjustified confidence in Targaryen superiority and their "right" to rule Westeros, Daenerys fully proves how different she is from her blinkered and unreflecting brother by showing that she has actually taken the Spice King's observations to heart in "A Man Without Honour".
  • Shae pulls a knife on one of the queen's informants to protect the secret that Sansa's now able to bear Joffrey's children, calling to mind the bit in the last season she threatened Tyrion if he ever mentioned her family again, and now we see that she probably meant every word of it. The fact that the queen found out through other means in no way diminishes the awesomeness of Shae's actions here. Her protecting Sansa also has an entry on the Crowning Moment of Heartwarming page, given how willing she is to stick her neck out for Sansa despite having no real reason to like her.
  • Arya misses the chance to sic Jaqen on Tywin, but she more than makes up for it when, in order to get Jaqen to help her, Gendry and Hot Pie escape Harrenhal, she names...Jaqen himself. And stands her ground in the face of his growing annoyance and anger, even giving him a tiny little shrug. "A man can go kill himself."
    • And that shrug is in response to Jaqen saying she doesn't have honor. She's really learned from her father's mistakes.
    • Only topped by the moment when Arya puts her faith in Jaqen and walks towards the gates despite the fact that there are Lannister guards apparently on duty. Only when they get closer do they realise that Jaqen has already killed them all and just propped them up to look like they were still alive.
  • Tyrion thinks that Cersei has captured Shae and is aghast and panic stricken - and then the guards drag in Ros. Tyrion does not let his guard fall to show his immense relief for even a second, continuing to play the game and utterly dupe Cersei. There's a meta moment worked in as well, because this scene is a complete masterpiece of acting on Peter Dinklage's part.
  • Brienne putting up with Jaime. Enough said.
  • Bronn's method of lowering the crime rate in King's Landing. He found all the known thieves, and had the gold cloaks kill them. His is a simplicity that even impresses Varys.
  • Yara absolutely ripping into Theon for killing the miller's boys, who he is still passing off as Bran and Rickon, denouncing the move, with scathing contempt, as both stupid and immoral. The cherry on top? She actually manages to make Theon feel remorseful for it!
  • From the preview of the penultimate episode "Blackwater", it appears that King Stannis Baratheon will personally lead his army in the Battle of Blackwater on foot, with himself in the vanguard, conspicuously without a helmet or shield, straight through a hail of flaming arrows and wildfire, and manages to reach the wall on the far side of the landing zone well enough to take part in the siege at close proximity.
  • Sansa's conversation with Tyrion before the Battle of Blackwater, in which she lets the only Lannister smart enough to pick up on it know exactly what she thinks of him:

Sansa: I pray for your safe return.
Tyrion: (pleased) Do you?
Sansa: Yes. Just as I pray for our king.

  • As "Blackwater" consists mostly of a huge battle sequence where most of the season's special effects budget went into, it has a lot of these:
    • Stannis's rampage on the walls of King's Landing.
      • What really defines this moment of pure badassery? Stannis leads from the front. The first ladder to be set against the wall, he scales, and he is the very first man up that ladder, braving swords and spears and arrows and hurled rocks to be the first man to hit the wall and just start cleaving through Lannister troops. There's no doubt in anyone's mind that Stannis has earned his place as one of the five kings.
      • Even after the wildfire decimated his ships, Stannis got up and ordered his remaining fleet to land anyway. He was the first to set foot on the shore, his sword already drawn.
      • And even after it became apparent his army was going to lose, Stannis had to be dragged off the battlefield kicking and screaming.
    • Tyrion, Bronn and Hallyne destroying most of Stannis' fleet with wildfire.
      • More than just a crowning moment for the characters, it was a crowning moment for the producers as well. The massive fireball that engulfs the fleet is an UNBELIEVABLY awe-inspiring sight which really shows off how they made best use of the extra money they got for this episode.
    • Bronn casually saving the Hound's life despite the two of them being about to kill one another before the battle began. Bronn then proceeds to kill several other Mooks within the span of a few seconds.
      • The said Mook, as well. On fire, dying, and still attacking the Hound head on. Even Sandor himself is too shocked to act (though it's implied that's because he himself almost burned to death as a child).
    • Sansa trying to goad Joffrey into fighting on the frontlines by comparing it to her brother.
    • Sandor Clegane deserting to the tune of, "Fuck the King." Even better: seeing Joffrey utterly and completely deflate after the fact.
    • Tyrion taking over the troops after Joffrey runs away in disgrace, entering the battle by slicing off the leg of the man in charge of the battering ram.
    • Sansa taking over as the leader of the women, after Cersei proves to be horrible at the job.
    • Shae telling Sansa to run; "No one is raping me," she says, showing the knife she has tied to her leg.
      • And then when Sansa flees, Shae gives Ilyn Payne the mother of all Death Glares, as if to say: "Yeah, just try and go after her. See what happens."
    • Podrick saving Tyrion after a member of the Kingsguard turns on him, stabbing the man through the head from behind.
    • Tywin and Loras teaming up to save the day.
    • Hearing 'The Rains of Castamere' sung both by the Lannnister soldiers and over the credits as an end to an amazing episode.
  • Theon's amazing speech to his men. Even though they betray him right after he finishes.

Theon: You hear that? That's the mating call of the Northmen! They want to fuck us! Well, I haven't had a good fuck in weeks! I'm ready for one! They say every ironborn man is worth a dozen from the mainland. You think they're right? We die today brothers! We die bleeding from a hundred wounds with arrows in our necks and spears in our guts! But our warcries will echo through eternity! They will sing about the Battle of Winterfell until the Iron Islands have slipped beneath the waves! Every man, woman, and child will know who we were and how long we stood! Aggar and Gelmar! Wex and Urzen! Styg and Black Lorren! Ironborn warriors will cry out our names as they leap onto the shores of Seagard and Faircastle! Mothers will name their sons after us! Girls will think of us with their lovers inside them! AND WHOEVER KILLS THAT FUCKING HORNBLOWER WILL STAND IN BRONZE ABOVE THE SHORES OF PYKE! WHAT IS DEAD MAY NEVER DIE!

    • Dagmer even notes that the reason they didn't immediately turn on Theon was because it was a good speech and he didn't want to interrupt.
  • Dany's dragons, breathing deadly fire for the first time, killing the real Pyat Pree and freeing themselves and Dany.
    • What really makes it awesome is the way the fire erupts. Most fantasy depictions of dragonfire involves a steady stream of flame, like a flamethrower. When these dragons breath fire, it comes out in a barrage of rapid bursts of small fireballs, almost like flaming machinegun fire, and makes it suitably more awesome for it.
  • Dany and her khalasar robbing Xaro blind after imprisoning him in his own vault.
    • On a more out-of-universe level, the spine-tingling sight of Emilia Clarke in the Red Keep set.
  • Despite also qualifying as Nightmare Fuel, "three horn blasts".
  • Brienne is outnumbered three to one by the Northmen, but manages to dispatch them all in about three seconds. And she has a particularly fitting fate in store for one: "Two quick deaths?" Jaime is impressed...although that's not necessarily a good thing.
    • "I don't serve the Starks...I serve Lady Catelyn."
    • And after that she tells him to "stay", much like she would a dog - and he does.
  • Though the moment of the reveal rather negates it, a Fridge one for Xaro Xhoan Daxos rising to such power in Qarth on literally nothing.
  • Pycelle may be a weasel, but his abandoning his old man act to intimidate Tyrion was surprisingly awesome.
  • Dany seeing the vision of Drogo in the House of the Undying has her wondering how he can be there. He replies "Maybe I told the Great Stallion to go fuck himself and came here to wait for you." She can only reply that that sounds like the sort of thing he would do.


  • HBO Go was killed within minutes after putting up episode 7 a week early. That's one rabid fanbase.
  • Peter Dinklage winning the Best Supporting Actor Emmy, something extremely rare for a genre show.
  • In his commentary for "The Pointy End," George RR Martin himself denounces the They Changed It, Now It Sucks reaction some of the fans had to Ghost not being silent.
  • For anyone who's listened to the A Song of Ice and Fire audiobooks, it's pretty darn cool to actually see Roy Dotrice as one of the hundreds of characters he created voices for.
  • The episode 'Blackwater'. Although the episode received much of the new season's increased budget, the show was still limited in its resources compared to films. Yet they managed to create a visually stunning episode that many critics have called the best so far.
  • You didn't think they could top the cliffhanger ending of the first season in sheer awesomeness? Think again.
  1. Also a Crowning Moment of Funny, as Joffrey is twice Tyrion's height.
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