Game of Thrones/Characters/Wildlings
Craster (Robert Pugh)
"Any man lays a hand on my wives, he loses the hand".
A sometime ally of the Night's Watch whenever they pass through his territory.
- Abusive Parent
- Ascended Extra: His one scene from the book is developed into an entire storyline.
- Badass Boast: "My roots are deep"
- Human Sacrifice/ Deal With the White Walkers: He gives his male children to the White Walkers in exchange for for them leaving him alone.
- Insistent Terminology: Everyone south of the Wall is a 'southerner' to him, period.
- Jerkass
- Last of His Kind: Sort of - he is the only wildling man to be seen for miles around. Everyone but he and his daughter-wives has vanished. Lets just say there is a pretty good reason for it..
- Marry Them All
- Parental Incest: Marries his daughters, and then their daughters, and...
- Token Evil Teammate: He makes himself valuable to the Night's Watch so they'll leave him alone, but is so despicable that none of them are very happy about it.
- Wife Husbandry
Gilly (Hannah Murray)
One of Craster's daughter-wives
- Love Interest: Sam's.
- Stepford Smiler
- Parental Incest
Mance Rayder
A former Night's Watchman that deserted and went to live among the Wildlings. He is rumoured to have unified them in a single army and adopted the title "King Beyond the Wall" for himself.
- Elected Monarch: Chosen by the Wildlings to lead them.
- The Ghost
- Going Native
- The Oathbreaker
Ygritte (Rose Leslie)
A Wildling Jon Snow takes captive at The Frostfangs.
- Action Girl
- Armor-Piercing Question: When Jon angrily declares that he and his family are of the same blood as the Wildlings and have as much claim to the North as they do, she responds with a simple "Then why are you fightin' us?" Jon is quite surprised by this.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Jon.
- Brutal Honesty: When the Halfhand asks her what the Wildlings would do if they captured him, Ygritte informs him he could count himself very fortunate if his death was quick.
- Culture Clash: With Jon. Despite the two of them having basically the same cultural origin.
- Deadpan Snarker
Ygritte: "How old are you, boy?"
Jon: "I'm a man of the Night's Watch!"
Ygritte: "You're a boy who's never been with a girl before?!"
- Face Death with Dignity: When she believes Jon is about to execute her she asks only that he does it clean and burns her body afterwards.
- Fiery Redhead
- Heroes Want Redheads
- Love Interest: Jon's.
- Men Are the Expendable Gender: Unlike the men she fought beside, she was spared purely because Jon Snow couldn't bring himself to kill a woman - despite her trying to kill him.
- Proud Warrior Race Gal: She thinks of herself and the Wildlings as a proud race of free badasses.
- Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?: "Did you pull a knife on me during the night?"
- The Tease
- Tsundere
The Lord O'Bones a.k.a. Rattleshirt (Edward Dogliani)
"If he runs, I'll chop his balls off."
The leader of the group of Wildlings Ygritte belongs to, now a high ranking member of Mance Rayder's army.
- Cool Mask: Made out of a skull.
- Beard of Evil
- Dagger Happy: It takes Ygritte a lot of effort to convince him to not gut Jon.
- Deadpan Snarker: This exchange.
Ygritte: (in reference to Jon Snow) He could have killed me half a dozen times!
Rattleshirt: And now he'll wish he had. Gut him.
- Icy Blue Eyes
- Mook Lieutenant: To Mance Rayder
- Nicknames To Run Away From Really Fast
- Obviously Evil: Anyone decorating himself with bones isn't likely to have redeeming features.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Skeletons in the Coat Closet
- Staff of Authority: With a dog skull on it.
Mountain Clansmen
Shagga, Son of Dolf (Mark Lewis Jones)
"When you meet your gods, you tell them that Shagga, Son of Dolf, of the Stone Crows sent you."
Chieftain of the Stone Crows and ally to Tyrion.
- An Axe to Grind: Shagga likes axes.
- Beard of Barbarism
- Boisterous Bruiser
- The Brute/The Big Guy
- Badass: Both Tywin and Bronn admit that Shagga and his ilk do well at war.
- Badass Boast: See the above.
- Catch Phrase: Apparently, threatening to cut off someone's manhood and feed it to the goats is his, if the way Tyrion finishes it for him is any indication.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: He's nowhere to be seen in Season 2. One memorable act of his from the second book is done by Bronn and Timett instead.
- Dual-Wielding: Shagga really likes axes.
- Lines that didn't survive the book-to-television transition:
Lord Lefford: He still had that woodaxe strapped to his back.
Tyrion: Shagga is of the opinion that three axes are better than two.
- Horny Vikings: His helmet and general appearance are reminiscent of theirs.
- I Am X, Son of Y
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: According to Tywin, the Hill Tribes are renowned as great warriors.
- Third Person Person: Shagga, Son of Dolf does this a few times, just in case you'd forgotten his name.
Timett, Son of Timett (Tobias Winter)
Red Hand of the Burned Men and ally to Tyrion.
- An Axe to Grind
- Ascended Extra: In season 1 he wasn't even credited. He has a slightly more prominent role in Season 2.
- Beard of Barbarism
- The Brute/The Big Guy: Depending on how you look at it. He and his are helping out resident Jerk with a Heart of Gold Tyrion Lannister.
- Completely Missing the Point: "There are no goats, Half-man!".
- Dumb Muscle
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: One of his eyes is completely burned
- Guttural Growler: This was probably to be expected.
Chella, Daughter of Cheyk
Chieftain of the Black Ears and ally to Tyrion.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Like Shagga in Season 2.
- Creepy Souvenir: Notice something weird over her clothes? Look closer... it's the ears of the men she's defeated in combat.
- Dark Action Girl
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