< Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones/Nightmare Fuel

"Chill out."
  • The White Walkers, if not solely for their utterly terrifying eyes.
    • Not to mention the MASSIVE army of wights and White Walkers we see at the end of "Valar Morghulis." Oh Crap doesn't begin to describe it.
  • Ser Gregor Clegane cutting off the head of his horse in a temper tantrum.
  • In "A Golden Crown," a group of wildings discuss how they'll head south in order to avoid the White Walkers. Implying that the wall may not be keeping everything out of Westeros...or won't be for much longer...
  • In "Baelor," while we don't get to see anything, the unearthly screaming noises coming out of Khal Drogo's tent as his life is "saved" through blood magic are more than a little chilling. Add in a litte Fridge Horror, it's clear from the way that the other characters are acting that only Dany can actually hear the sounds.
  • The Sky Cells are a pretty frightening concept when you imagine what it must like being a prisoner there. There's no protection from the elements, and you could never sleep easily, always fearing that you would fall out of the window- not to mention the terrifying vertigo you'd have all the time. It seems like the ultimate point is to drive prisoners to suicide and give them an easy means of accomplishing it.
    • The floors are also somewhat slanted, meaning you can unconsciously find yourself rolling right off the edge in your sleep. Tyrion's Oh Crap look when that almost happens to him says it all.
    • It Got Worse. Apparently there are worse cells that have even steeper inclines.
  • The massacre of Robert's bastards, including slitting a baby's throat, repeatedly pushing a boy into the ocean until he drowns, and torturing Gendry's boss by pushing his face into his own forge.
  • We actually get to see hints of what happens to Craster's sons. It's not pretty.
  • Littlefinger's pleasant little story about a whore he bought who was much too sad and how his losses were mitigated. It's as much what he doesn't say as what he does - nothing about his tone when he says "he wanted to transform her" suggests that the man who bought that poor girl was just going to turn her into Westeros's Next Top Model.
  • In "Garden of Bones,"
    • We find out that Joffrey is more interested in watching women forced to beat each other, possibly to death, than having sex.
    • Arya's plot has her watching people being tortured horribly by ingenious use of a rat, a bucket and a torch, (which actually was a real method of torture in the past) killed and having their heads hammered onto pikes for at least two days, all the while knowing she could very well be next. Many of the people she's with are watching their families receive this treatment.
    • And, finally... Melisandre's birth scene. The shadow child/son/demon/shadow sounds like Stannis.
  • The riot at King's Landing turns into this when the starving townspeople start dismembering and devouring members of the royal entourage.
    • Not to mention Sansa being chased down and almost raped by a group of men. Sansa screaming and pleading as she's held down is really hard to watch. Thank god the Hound had a Big Damn Heroes moment, though it was really close.
  • Theon executing Ser Rodrik Cassel. He doesn't have the strength to behead him in a single swing, so there is a gruesome scene of Theon repeatedly hacking away and then roughly kicking Ser Rodrik's head away.
  • Theon presenting the burnt corpses of Bran and Rickon. At least he claims it's them.
    • Later it turns out he's lying. But still, those were children.
  • Daenerys and Jorah's attempt to escape the Qarth council chamber, with doubles of Pyat Pree blocking their every path. The off-kilter camerawork just adds to the unease.
    • And the Pyat Pree doubles themselves. They slit the throats of the Thirteen without a flicker of emotion. Their dissonent serenity follows Daenerys as she tries to escape: 'A mother should be close to her children!' Stab one through the back? It just sighs in exasperation and disappears, leaving only garments behind. And also, just how many of these things are there?!?
  • The troops that Jaqen had killed effortlessly and undetected,then propped up in their at the gate of Harrenhal so that Arya, Gendry and Hot Pie can escape. What did he do to that guy's head?
  • In "Blackwater", the effects of wildfire on Stannis' troops. The troops at King's Landing can hear the mens' screams from across the water.
    • Made worse by the fact that this was likely the fate of poor Davos as well, though he is kept mercifully off-screen after an explosion throws him from his ship.
    • Stannis gets to the walls of the city with a few of his troops; almost immediately a thrown rock from the defenders smashes a mook's head into his shoulders and Stannis's face is sprayed with blood. Uuuuugh.
    • Cersei sitting on the Iron Throne with Tommen on her lap, telling him a fairy tale to keep his courage up - while preparing to poison him so Stannis doesn't get his hands on her youngest child.
      • Cersei has another one earlier, with her reason for having Ser Illyn with the women and children: they would not take any of them alive if the battle was lost. Who knows if the other women knew this already, but it sure frightened Sansa when she was told...
  • Does anyone else find it creepy that in the opening titles, amidst all the beautiful clockwork intricacies of the different cities on the map, Harrenhal is a blackened, pulverized crater? Not having read the books yet, is it right to assume that absolutely nothing nice is going to go down at that place?
    • The actual place was an impenetrable fortress that ended up burned by dragonfire. Hence, its representation on the map is a broken piece of clockwork where nothing works or moves.
  • Season two ends with our first good look at a White Walker, leading what appears to be a full-blown Zombie Apocalypse.
  • The fates of Doreah and Xaro.
  • Season 7 finale, ends with an undead dragon who was slain by a White Walker, resurrected and thereby recruited by the Night King. This creature destroys The Wall.
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