< Funny Aneurysm Moment

Funny Aneurysm Moment/Web Original

Web Comics

  • An Irregular Webcomic strip involved a character who is obviously not Steve Irwin not dying from a fatal snakebite because Death was on strike. It had the annotation, "Oh come on. You all knew Steve wouldn't die."
    • Even "better", the strip in question came out on the exact day of Irwin's death (although it was composed some three weeks before). This is pointed out in the annotation.
  • A demon hunter in Sluggy Freelance named Steve Uozin was an obvious Captain Ersatz of Steve Irwin... until he was stabbed through the torso in February of 2005. (By a demon rather than a stingray, but still...)
    • Five years before that, during a Halloween special, he had been stabbed in the heart by a demon's spear. A demon spear that was referred to as a 'squid-on-a-stick', no less...
  • Megatokyo has this fairly early strip depicting what would happen if Fred worked without Rodney, or vice-versa. Two years later, Rodney stopped contributing to the comic; the old joke strip turned out to be, in many ways, pretty accurate.
  • 1/0 declared "war" on another webcomic on September 11th of 2000.
  • The 21 November 2008 Left-Handed Toons (by right-handed people) subverted this trope by undercutting the punchline the day it was posted.
  • Due to a severe case of Cerebus Syndrome, CRFH is chock full of these. A few examples:
    • An early running gag has Roger vehemently deny being a werecoyote, despite the fact that nobody accused him of being one. By the time he reveals that he is one, the strip's taken a dark enough turn that a terrible bloodlust, to which his mother has already succumbed, is a major plot point.
    • Another early story has April and Roger get possessed by ghosts inhabiting a television set and a hairdryer, respectively, to do battle. Later stories show that Roger is particularly vulnerable to possession by Satan in his werecoyote form, and April's gradual progression to Yandere and eventually Manipulative Bastard is implied to be at least partially due to Satanic influence.
    • The king of them all, however, is in the earliest storyline of note: A paranoid Marsha stabs Mike, hospitalizing him. Immediately afterward, she blames April, because "Miss Wimpy didn't want any bloodstains on her wimpy clothes!" It's Only a Flesh Wound, and Mike (a consummate Manipulative Bastard) recovers perfectly, then leverages Marsha's guilt to start off their relationship. In a much later storyline, Mike is Killed Off for Real when April, following an argument with Marsha about her relationship with Mike, fatally stabs him.
  • Order of the Stick manages to create an Aneurysm Moment retroactively with the punch line of this strip. The aneurysm doesn't come until you remember (or read, if you hadn't already) the Start of Darkness prequel in which you realize just how low Xykon can go (and how painfully aware Redcloak is of it).

"It may be the last night alive for many of those girls you just told to 'chill out'. It might even be the last night for you, or one of your friends."

    • Then there's this strip, in which The Reveal is that Shojo's advisor is the ghost of Roy's father, who remarks, "You were maybe expecting Patrick Swayze?" Of course, now that Patrick Swayze is actually dead...
    • Elan picturing Roy as a surrogate older brother becomes less funny when you realize that Roy really did have a younger brother who might have become a bard, had he not died in an accident at a young age.
    • In this strip, Haley claims it'll take "200-foot tall flaming letters" to help convince Elan that his Affably Evil long-lost father is really bad news. This strip makes a rather dark joke about it when that turns out to be the case, as Elan his horrified when his father spells out Elan's name in the burned-alive bodies of rebellious slaves, the same ones Haley and Vaarsuvius freed in an earlier strip.
    • A rare case of averting this trope: In the print edition of the first run of comics, there's a previously-omitted comic during the battle with Xykon in which Vaarsuvius, paralyzed by a ghasts' touch, sits helplessly while a trio of demon roaches sits on his/her head and crack wise. Why was it omitted from the online comic? Because the morning that it was scheduled to be posted, Christopher Reeve died. The author (wisely) pulled it, only letting it see the light of day as a "bonus strip" over a year later.
  • A Clan of the Cats strip from the very first storyline has Chelsea asking her mother about the "changes" she's going through. Her mother is convinced she's coming out to her. Three years later, she realizes her bisexuality (and her crush on her best friend) when she's seduced away from her boyfriend by a child-killing Lesbian Vampire, complicit in her feeding off a hairdresser and Hannibal Lectured into nearly killing an old woman in cold blood, ultimately forced to kill her lover, and nearly Driven to Suicide.
  • This Dominic Deegan strip features Greg complaining about his magic being called a "super power". A few years later, there would be some agreement on that point.
  • This Real Life Comics strip, which was posted a while before the unfortunately confirmed rumors of The Sarah Connor Chronicles's cancellation started circulating.
  • Back in 1999, Penny Arcade published a strip about Duke Nukem Forever, which became funnier with each year of the game's famously long development (which, back then, had only been over two years.) Almost a decade later, its developer shut down [dead link] .
    • Especially good because the strip more-or-less illustrated why Duke Nukem Forever didn't come out when it was supposed to, long before anyone outside the production company knew. The company just kept playing around instead of delivering the promised game to a distributor (the distributor changed midway); by the time they took the deadline seriously (Take-Two was less patient than the previous distributor), they were no longer able to get the money to complete it.
  • This 2002 issue of Krapow Original.
  • A Ctrl+Alt+Del Silly strips made this joke at the end of 2008, about Death needing to "break his record" of famous-people deaths in 2009. He managed.
  • In Schlock Mercenary , this strip became less funny when Brad failed to survive a similar incident because of his Heroic Sacrifice to prevent civilian casualties on the ground.
  • Boy Meets Boy: An exorcist mentions going to a horrible alternate dimension -- "a world where George Bush is reelected in 2004." Probably less unfunny-in-hindsight if you like George Bush-- and we'll say no more about it.
  • This strip of The Adventures of Dr. McNinja revealing the "real Michael Jackson" to be in Dracula's moon base has different connotations now that the 'fake' MJ is dead.
  • Girly. Literally everything the two heroines go through becomes one big moment when its revealed that it was all pre-set up by the villains to prepare one of the heroines to lead their uprising.
  • Most readers of Cuanta Vida play Team Fortress 2. After the recent WAR! propaganda contest on the official TF2 blog, the runner-ups were announced, and many of them were hilarious, including this one. Although, the bottom-left poster isn't quite as funny after reading page 86 ...Yeah.
    • Oh, yeah, and... a few pages later, the upper-right poster would also apply.
    • And now, it seems that the upper-left poster also applies. Jeez, will Rojo take the BLU demoman's spleen next?
  • This Achewood strip suddenly got a lot less amusing when news of a sex tape (link SFW), falsely attributed to be of the real Meg White, was released almost a year afterward.
    • ... nope. Still funny.
  • In Gunnerkrigg Court, Kat's belongings sometimes have the names of bands printed on them. In this page, her shirt reads Sparklehorse. Mark Linkous, who led that band, committed suicide 2 months prior to the page being published. Considering the 30-page buffer kept by the author, it would seem that the page itself was made a few weeks before it happened.
    • It has been confirmed by Word of God that this was intended as a tribute.
  • This strip of A Softer World illustrates what seems like a rather improbable idea of what causes terrorists to be terrorists. But a later sociological study discovered that many of them don't really care about their cause, and if their mission is actually accomplished they just move on to another extremist group. It concluded that a large proportion really are social rejects who can't find friends anywhere else, and are willing to kill for the sake of that bond.
  • Homestuck is so full of these, it's getting to the point that laughing at anything is a dicey proposition. Not that that will stop us.
    • One of the best examples of this is Tavros Nitram. Prior to act 5, he was only ever drawn from the waist up, leading to an in-joke in the community that he was in a wheel chair. Well, act 5 comes around, and guess what...
    • Everyone who thought that Gamzee's background honks were hilarious are currently regretting every giggle.
      • This strip in particular.
        • Gamzee's Hero Mode shot. A CMoA until it was remade into Murder Mode. The original is just as disturbing by association now.
        • This video used to be cute and funny. Now just try and watch it without wincing, now that we know what the "double rainbow" actually refers to.
      • At first, Gamzee's reaction to the video for ICP's "Miracles" was hilarious. Then it's later revealed this incident made him doubt his religion and could have easily been the catalyst for him sobering up and realizing his role as a Subjuggulator.
      • Lets Just say that pretty much any joke relating to Gamzee before he went crazy and started killing everyone a funny aneurysm moment.
    • This strip made Rose's "empty suicide attempt" in this flash seem much less funny. The strip immediately following it mitigated this somewhat.
      • Speaking of empty suicide threats... Not to mention, pretty much any interaction Doc Scratch has ever had with any of the kids or trolls just got a billion times creepier in retrospect.
    • At first it is merely said that "You [Sollux] do not under any circumstance eat the MIND HONEY. The consequences are highly unpleasant." At this point, you [the reader] might even get a little chuckle out of it; at that point in the narrative, we have seen many characters dislike things for weird reasons that don't seem so bad. Then Sollux accidentally ingests a bit and destroys his hive (home) with Eye Beams, because those are the aforementioned "consequences". You might find this pretty funny, really. Though it might be horrifying, because of the Eye Beams. That depends on your interpretation--at this point. But ultimately we find out that at one point in the past, he was forced to do this and it killed his beloved Aradia. The benign, understated, almost wry way the topic was introduced contrasts heavily with its sobering actual meaning.
    • In a meta sense, there's a rather cute illustrated fanfic out there about Alternate Universe versions of the trolls where everyone's blood colour and personality is mixed up. The protagonist is Kanaya, who here has Karkat's blood. She is presented as hemophiliac and gets blood all over her a lot. The title is Red Dead Virgo. Anyone who's been following recent events in the comic should know what's wrong here...
    • One of the ongoing jokes, the flammability of shaving cream, takes a considerably dark turn in the 10/25/11 updates, when CD uses Dad's shaving cream hooked up to a bomb to kill Jade's realself. However, in the following flash, it's revealed that Jade can still go God Tier with her dream self turned into a sprite, so she comes back to life.
    • John's enmity towards Betty Crocker seems silly at first. Then it turns out that Betty Crocker is an evil alien empress who has massacred hundreds of planets, working for a Humanoid Abomination, and in an alternate timeline her corporation has branched into virtually everything, and is brainwashing humanity. "The heinous batterwitch has her gnarled claws in everything", indeed.
    • Dave's Hilariously Abusive Childhood at the hands of Bro (including but not limited to unnervingly sexual puppets left everywhere, swords that regularly fall out of the fridge or cabinets, and regular fights with Dave that send him falling down the stairs) may have become this now that we've met Bro's Beta universe counterpart Dirk and not only is he a really nice guy deep down, if every bit as weird as Bro always was, but he's very wary at even the idea of having children because he's convinced he would be a terrible parent.
  • In YU+ME: dream, in Part One, Jake sarcastically tells Lia, “I’m just pretending to be gay for all of the social benefits it brings,” the joke being that so far in the comic, he’s caught nothing but flak for his homosexuality. In Part Two, after we’ve found out that that everything in Part One was essentially a reality show, it’s revealed that the actor who played Jake is actually a “straight douche” who won an Emmy Award for his portrayal of Jake. The commentary on this page suggests that he primarily won the award because of the (mis)perception that it’s a huge challenge for a straight actor to play a gay character.
  • "Enjoy all the extra time you've got." It took on a whole new meaning once you realize that without the misfile, Emily would've died in the same car accident that sent Molly to the hospital.
  • Shortpacked! had this strip. The panel with Amber saying she's pregnant suddenly becomes really disturbing due to Faz possibly being Amber's (half) brother.
  • In El Goonish Shive When Susan starts to explain the long-unknown events that occurred in France, she alludes to the not-vampire that's involved, when Grace calls her "Susan the Vampire Slayer". Yeah, guess how that story ended.
  • A super-compressed in-universe example in Batman and Sons: In the first strip of the Loeb tribute, Batman suffers a BSOD when he recalls his last Halloween costume before his parents' deaths--

Thomas Wayne: And who are you supposed to be, son?
Young Bruce Wayne: I'm Death! And you're a dead man, Daddy!

Web Original

  • In September of 2009, This image, by Cracked.com member nicknosh, came 25th in a Photoshop contest based on the theme "If Video Games Were Realistic". Less than a year later, Rock Band 3's "Pro Mode" was revealed, which uses a controller that has many buttons lined up with all the complexity implied by the image, and one that also works as a real guitar.
  • In the third edition of "Things I Am not Allowed to Do at the Protectors of the Plot Continuum" was the line "I will not unleash macroviruses in HQ". Three guesses (and the first two don't count) what the League of Mary Sue Factories unleashed in Headquarters over a year later, with massive loss of life.
  • Cancer's Passion, a short cartoon on Newgrounds, features a hotdog vendor whose mother is in a cancer clinic, with her death at the end serving as part of the punchline. The hotdog vendor's voice actor lost his real life mother to leukemia less than two years after the cartoon was made.
    • Fun With Suicide by the author Livecorpse is much darker in retrospect as he committed suicide several months later. Even moreso by the fact that one of the options is "Suicide by Cop", considering that he was on the run from the police when he died.
  • The fan-fiction writers for the site Ghostbusters West Coast have a particularly bad record for this. One story had Michael Jackson as a werewolf who got savagely beaten up by the main characters and then arrested for murder, and another had a character explaining that he almost ran over an old man because "I thought you were Ted Kennedy."
  • This in-character video response to a Youtube cartoon features one of the characters complaining about the inaccuracies of how Dungeons & Dragons is portrayed. Halfway through, he utters the line "If Gary Gygax was dead, he'd be rolling around in his grave right now!" Gary died soon after.
  • The Nostalgia Critic did a scathing review of Moonwalker about two and a half months before Michael Jackson died. While that in itself was just a coincidence, and the movie was bad, there are some moments that are awkward now:
    • The villain in "Smooth Criminal" wants to get all of the kids of the world addicted to drugs. As it turned out, a small pharmacy worth of drugs was found at Neverland Ranch. And while Jackson was legally cleared of child molestation, he was Convicted by Public Opinion before Dead Artists Are Better took effect.
    • "And I have to say this is easily the best part of the movie because it starts out with Michael Jackson's best scene. People trying to kill him." His death was reported as a homicide; his physician was eventually convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Later, in his commentary for this review, half of the jokes Doug cracks are about how awkward some of his jokes have become since Michael's death. But the joke about how the best scene has people trying to kill him is not mentioned.
    • There was also the example in the TMNT review where NC made fun of Master Splinter's voice. NC was instantly showered with insulting messages from fans of his voice actor, Mako. NC addressed this later, acting surprised by the backlash since it wasn't like the guy died or any- oh come on!. It's even worse when he said that it was like Mr. Miyagi had smoked a million cigarettes. Mako's cause of death? Esophageal cancer. (It may not count since Mako died after NC's review, but NC didn't know until after the review). At least he was able to get an amusing segue out of it.
    • And it happened again during the review of Sidekicks, where Jonathan Brandis's character has frequent daydreams about fighting alongside Chuck Norris. The Critic comments that the kid seems more mentally ill than daydreaming, and he was right. He found out later that Brandis committed suicide in 2003. The next time Brandis popped up in a review -- The Neverending Story 2, where his character also seems mentally unstable -- he was interrupted by an elephant in the room so he could comment upon this.
    • His review of The Room ends with the seahorses chasing him down because all viewings of the movie have been outlawed. For a while, the review was inaccessible because the movie's creator filed a copyright claim and had it taken down.
    • In his collab review of Alone in the Dark with Linkara and Spoony, at one point, one of the heroes jumps into the scene and starts shooting some possessed people. The guys point out that he had no idea that they were possessed, so he might as well be shooting innocent bystanders. To illustrate, the next few clips of the hero shooting are interspersed with clips of 90s Kid, Dr. Insano, Chester A. Bum, and Ma-Ti walking in and getting shot. In Suburban Knights, the last one gets Killed Off for Real.
    • Possibly the fastest onset of a funny aneurysm-much of the jokes in the review of Dunston Checks In are derived from insisting "Monkeys Aren't Funny!" The Monkees' lead singer Davy Jones died of heart failure the following day of the review's posting on Blip.
  • The Angry Video Game Nerd example: In the NES Superman review, he makes a big deal about how part of the plot of the game involves Clark being sent to investigate an unexplained drop in stock prices, and how it was a ludicrous element to include in a superhero game. Funny then. Cringe-inducing for anybody with a 401(k) in the wake of the stock market dropping 1,000 points over the course of thirty minutes.
  • During a late night chat on Lord Kat's livestream (circa September 2010), a conversation between Spoony, Sean Fausz, and Skitch was interrupted by a sudden THUD, after which Spoony's line went quiet.[1] After many unanswered queries of "Spoony, you okay?" and about five minutes of silence, Skitch jokingly speculated that Spoony had "dropped dead from a heart attack"; Sean replied, "Oh, well. Miles will find him and give him a eulogy." A little over a month later, Spoony began suffering from fainting spells and making frequent trips to the hospital...because of an unknown heart condition. Ouch.
    • Also in Spoony's Deadly Premonition LP he gives the line "I think my heart's about to explode!"
    • And again involving Spoony: anything involving his now ex-girlfriend Scarlett. Poor guy has had a rough time of it recently....
      • Particularly awkward is the SGC 2010 Q&A Panel where he informs the crowd that "there would be no website without Scarlett", joking that he needs to keep her happy because "if she gets mad, everything's goin' down!" After the breakup (despite there being no deliberate sabotage on Scarlett's part), the site nearly did go down: Noah fell into a bout of deep depression, and announced that he wasn't in the frame of mind to produce any new videos in the foreseeable future; there was no new content on the site for nearly three months afterwards, during which he contemplated leaving internet reviewing to focus on a career in acting.
    • Spoony's review of The Lords of Magick ends with Macho Man Randy Savage bursting into his room (It Makes Sense in Context) and getting blown up by the land mines Spoony set. A week after the review was released, Randy Savage died. Unfortunate timing.
  • This article at The Onion, posted four years before the fact, is about the real Michael Jackson whom everyone loved in The Eighties -- as opposed to the Uncanny Valley resident the world knew for so long -- being found dead in his home. Interestingly, that came true in more ways than one -- not only was MJ found dead in his home, but it was at that moment that people started thinking of him as the MJ everyone loved again.
  • A meme on 4chan is to post a picture of a living star, pretending them to be dead with the text "Goodnight, sweet prince". The most famous is the one on the right...
  • This Anti-Humor article is unpleasant, especially since the current Pope has been (as of this writing) alive and Pope-ing for over half a decade.
  • Several Youtube Poops have involved Billy Mays getting killed... well, guess what?
    • Speaking of Billy Mays YTP's, "Mark3611's" video, "Billy Mays Sells Zorbees in a Bad Mood", throws in a final joke by overlaying Billy saying "A year's supply of powder!" with an image of cocaine and a razor. Well, given the results of a certain autopsy...
    • One website ran some Billy Mays videos as its "Link of the Day"... about twelve hours before he died. The administrator was freaked out when he heard the news.
    • The Chicago Tribune ran an article about the FCC discussing a law that would limit the volume of television commercials. The author of the article stated that "THAT OXICLEAN GUY SHOULD PUT A SOCK IN IT." This article was published just hours before the world learned that Billy Mays truly had put a sock in it the night before.
    • This YTP is no longer as funny after this shooting, which had a similar motivation to Billy's in the video (complaints about Youtube censorship).
  • A few hours after the Columbia disaster, the Associated Press website had an article on its return. The article described the events of the Columbia's safe landing and the happy comments of the crew in detail. It is unknown whether the false details were placeholders meant to be replaced after real details were learned or outright fabrication. Either way, the article was pulled so fast that its head spun.
  • A What Would Tyler Durden Do thread published in 2007 simply stated, "I predict Jett Travolta will die in the bath and be found by his caretaker at the end of 2008 due to Scientology. So sayeth the crystal ball." Yuck!
  • This Overheard Everywhere quote, posted in December of 2007.
  • Woot.com's deal of the day for April 4, 2009, was for a set of four solar-powered lights; the product description began "What if the end of the world was tomorrow? Well, it probably wouldn't matter, because there would be no one left to notice." Their product descriptions are usually odd snarky things like that...but late on April 4, 2009, North Korea launches a rocket over Japan, an action which many nations are condemning as long-range missile testing and "provocative." Not quite The End of the World as We Know It yet, thank goodness...but right now, it's a little scary.
  • Little Kuriboh followed a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming (the proposal video) with a Crowning Moment of Funny (Tristan's jab at said video)...and sent them both into Funny Aneurysm Moment when he announced he and Safty would be getting an annulment.
    • Could someone post a link mentioning their annulment?
    • There's not much out there (understandably), but he talks about it here on his livejournal account.
  • When SF Debris was commenting on the episode of Star Trek: Voyager "Meld", there is a scene where, after mind-melding with a sociopath, Tuvok needs to test his self-control. He does this by spending a few moments with a holographic Nelix. SF Debris comments on this, "Doesn't this say a lot? What will be most likely to drive myself into a homicidal rage? Seeing my children get killed? Watching my wife get raped? The destruction of my home planet?" We know now that Vulcan getting blown up does tend to drive Vulcans mad with rage.
  • One of the pieces Seanbaby did for the Cracked.com website was an explanation of World of Warcraft in terms of Super Mario Brothers. Specifically, he suggested that World of Warcraft is like a version of Super Mario Brothers in which there are multiple players, but they don't do as well as a single player would because they collectively aren't as smart and they get in each other's way. Anyhow, the most recent installment of SMB, Super Mario Brothers Wii, includes multi-player and is advertised as a family game -- and yes, the characters can get in each other's way.
  • For a time, the Tourettes Guy videos were considered a Funny Aneurysm series after news about its star's death appeared in August of 2007. About 2 years later, it was then revealed that the Tourettes Guy was in prison the whole time, and a new video was released in late 2009 following his release from prison.
  • While the first Potter Puppet Pals short, "Bothering Snape," came out a few months after Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix was released, "Bothering Snape" can seem disturbing if you watch it after having read the scene in the book where James (Harry's father) and his friends bully Snape just for kicks (basically, the exams are done and Sirius is looking for some fun, and they decide to go mess with Snape who is just reading over his test). It makes Harry's "Let's go bother Snape" seem disturbingly like his father's bad side (although Harry in those shorts IS generally more arrogant and more cruel than he usually is in the books).
  • In Red vs. Blue: Recreation, when Simmons and Lopez are "discussing" whether or not Donut is the real Donut or not, Lopez says they should shoot him anyway. Donut is Killed Off for Real three episodes later.
    • Even worse, in episode 12 or so, Donut laments to himself that he's focused on his career too much and it may be too late for him to start a family.
    • Remember this line from Reconstruction?

Delta: I believe that Agent Washington's sanity is well within acceptable deviations, for now.

    • Well, by the end of Recreation, "now" is officially over.
    • In Revelation, Tucker tells Tex and Church not to come and ask the other Blues or the Reds for help if they die again, as they usually do, when they go to arctic Freelancer Base. A couple episodes later, The Meta stabs a two-foot spike into Tex's helmet.
  • Yahtzee did a completely fake joke review of Duke Nukem Forever a while after said game was cancelled. Fast forward a few months, and the review has been voted the #1 fan-favorite. A few days afterward, Duke Nukem Forever was announced to be Uncancelled at PAX 2010.
  • Charlie Brooker's old 2001 Zeppotron site Unnovations has proved eerily prescient (please note these were not serious in any way):
  • In the Final Fantasy IV article of The Rise And Fall Of Final Fantasy, Pitchfork explains, in a very sardonic manner, why a number of aspects of the game wouldn't fly had it been released as a new game (as opposed to an Updated Rerelease) in 2007. When he got to Golbez, he said "No flowing white locks. Doesn't show enough skin. [dead link] "
  • In the wake of the Arizona shooting, the "Slipping" scene in Dr. Horrible is very uncomfortable.
  • This Super Smash Bros Brawl Parody video from Dec 22, 2007 has one character comment at 1:15 "If I'm somehow not in this game, I'm blowing up Japan." kinda awkward considering the earthquake they had recently.
  • Big Brother 13 US is probably the most slanted season in Big Brother history, with twists that obviously benefit the veterans (All fan favourites) and safeguards in the form of competitions they've already played in left and right, as well as the most obviously slanted challenge for Brendon to return to the game. After a sudden flip around causing one of the fan favourites to be voted out, a bunch of people on sites begun to think about how the producers would bail out the two remaining veterans, resulting in one user making this video making fun of how they assumed production worked. This became a Funny Aneurysm Moment when you consider within a week...almost all the events described to slant the season happened in the most blatantly contrived bailout in Big Brother history. Among these...Pandora's Box offering $5,000 to Porsche, restarting the duo twist, conveniently pitting Jordan and Rachel (The remaining veterans) with each other, and a literal copy of the first Head of Household competition (That Rachel won) for the veto. But with a different prop. One almost wonders if they got the idea for it after watching that video!
  • A SomethingAwful thread entitled "tim russert is the most handsome man on television" was posted on June 13th, 2008 as a joke topic. Barely three hours later the news broke that Tim Russert had passed away. Needless to say it surprised everyone, and it's become a minor meme that if someone dies, the topic will have a title similar to "[Person] is the most handsome man on television".
  • This College Humor video after Steve Jobs' recent passing.
  • Chris Chan has long been an Acceptable Target due to his, well let's just say oddness. After his father's passing, some no longer enjoy taking jabs at him.
  • Even on This Very Wiki, there's one. The fact that one of our tropes is called Macekre seems very irreverent now that Carl Macek is dead.
  • On radio sites Digital Spy and elsewhere, people were speculating that Dave Berry would be the future breakfast show presenter on 95.8 Capital Radio London and that there would be 100% national Capital Radio. The first one came true, and an Internet Backdraft occurred. It's safe to say people would rather have a presenter who was "in touch" with their audience, like Simon Nicks, aka Nicksy, Darren Spence, Wayne Tunnicliffe, Jacqui Blay or Rick Vaughn, not a celebrity who they can't relate to (and the fact Jacqui provides Ms. Fanservice for everyone too, helps).
  • Also, in December 2010, someone (whose name was never revealed) wrote on Twitter: "predictions for 2011... Twitter will be super-regulated #ladygaga". This may have been considered funny/highly speculative at the time, but not now that the 2011 Twitter gagging order row has happened, and it's definitely uncomfortable to read, particularly as this got quoted around a few football forums too.
  • Dick Figures has the episode "Pleasure Cruise", where Red and Blue are having a vacation on a cruise ship and they end up trying to save it and the passengers from a terrorist who plans to blow it up after being mistakened for secret agents. Although they defeat the terrorist, the bomb blew up before they could act, causing the ship to sink. On Jan. 13, 2012, the ship Costa Concordia has been grounded with several dead and missing. The episode was uploaded on Youtube at Jan. 12.
  • Depending on your opinion, this may also qualify as Hilarious in Hindsight too: the endless promotion for a then-unknown Ke$ha on Key 103 Manchester, a British radio station's web site. Bizarrely, she was listed on the regular presenters' list too... although not now!
  • Shellyfae's page on modelmayhem.com (possibly NSFW, although Your Mileage May Vary), and her Twitter feed, are one entire Funny Aneurysm moment.
  • During the Riff Trax commentary of Terminator 3, either Mike Nelson or Kevin Murphy (I forget which) makes an offhand comment about Heath Ledger dying. Although this was released back in 2006 while he was still alive, anyone who's heard it after the unfortunate events of Jaunary 2008 when Ledger died of a sleeping pill overdose has to just cringe.
  • Eddsworld had a joke about Tom getting cancer in the future because of a laser he got hit by. It's lost some of its humor as the real life Edd has died because of cancer.
    • It's not the only one about him. In THE TWENTY MINUTE ASDFMOVIE, an angry potato tells the "I like trains" kid, "I am an angry potato and I hope you die of cancer!" Edd Gould voiced the "I like trains" kid.
  • Facebook had one which concerned the site itself. The fact that someone registered the domain in March 2002 is one such thing, even though the content was not social networking, it was just domain-parking.
  • A The Land Before Time YouTube Poop by Jittery Dragon has one. In a moment when Ducky dies, a title card pops up with a picture of her in black and white which says "Ducky... She died for your sins" which is funny... that is until you realize that her original voice actress, Judith Barsi, was murdered by her father a few months before the first movie was released.
  1. (He later explained that he dropped his laptop and ran out of the room because his dinner had caught fire on the stove.)
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