"I baked you a pie!"
"Oh boy, what flavor?"
*guitar riff*
The asdfmovies are a series of short, rapid-fire, surreal YouTube web cartoons produced by TomSka, partially adapting strips from asdfcomics, his Web Comic. The skits are short, as are the movies overall, and the humour is random, but amusing in its own, strange way. If you can keep up. Or are similarly insane.
The Videos (Works in the Series in Bold):
- [TRAILER asdfmovie] (August 8, 2008): A trailer for the first movie. Also on Newgrounds.
- asdfmovie (August 10, 2008): The first movie. Also on Newgrounds.
- [asdfmovie Deleted Scene] (August 11, 2008): A Deleted Scene from the first movie.
- asdfmovie2 (January 1, 2010): The second movie.
- asdfmovie2: deleted scenes (January 8, 2010): Deleted Scenes from the second movie.
- marmite is terrible (asdfmite) (April 20, 2010): A short made for a Marmite Viral Marketing campaign.
- asdfcomp (July 17, 2010): The announcement of a competition to make a skit to be remade and used in the third movie. This competiton garnered over a thousand entries (most of them, naturally, obvious puns or Non Sequiturs without wit).
- asdfcomp - New Dog..........? (July 18, 2010): The entry that went on to win the competition.
- Ritalin'd (September 9, 2010): A Stylistic Suck-filled alternate third movie.
- asdfmovie Redux (Official) (November 11, 2010): A re-animated version of the first movie.
- asdfmovie3 (December 30, 2010): The third movie. Also on Newgrounds. The theme from its credits and from other videos by TomSka is available on Newgrounds and on SoundCloud.
- asdfcomp - New Dog.......? (December 31, 2010): A reupload of the winning competition entry.
- THE TWENTY MINUTE ASDFMOVIE (March 29, 2011): A Stylistic Suck-filled movie made in 20 minutes, possibly for April Fools' Day.
- TomSka Meets a Fangirl (August 18, 2011): A preview of the fourth movie and of other videos by TomSka.
- "asdfmovie song" by Lil Deuce Deuce (September 1, 2011): The full version of the theme from the preview and from the fourth movie's credits. The song and its instrumental version are available on and on iTunes.
- asdfmovie4 deutsch (September 2, 2011): A German dub of the fourth movie.
- asdfmovie4 (September 2, 2011): The fourth movie. Also on Deviant ART and on Newgrounds.
- I LIKE TRAINS (asdfmovie song) (September 23, 2011): A music video. Also on Deviant ART and on Newgrounds. The song is available on and on iTunes.
- I LIKE TRAINS (asdfmovie song) remix (September 30, 2011): The full version of the theme from the music video's credits, a remix of the music video itself. The song is available on and on iTunes.
- I LIKE SKYRIMS (January 30, 2012): A skit.
- asdfmovie5 trailer (May 3, 2012): A trailer for the fifth movie.
- asdfmovie5 (May 11, 2012): The fifth movie.
- Tom's Dog (asdfmovie5 theme) (May 12, 2012): The full version of the theme from the fifth movie's credits, from tomsdogdotcom, and from the Edds World video Eddsworld: Legacy (fundraiser). The song is available on Bandcamp and on iTunes. Originally made for the Voice Clip Song TomSka's song.
- Mineturtle (May 23, 2012): An extended version of a theme that was going to be used for the fifth movie's intro. The song is available on Bandcamp and on iTunes.
The short skits mean that knowing what's in them will spoil the (what can loosely be called) gags very easily, so we recommend you watch the movies before reading the trope list. It won't take long.
- Actually, I Am Him: "I am your sandwich."
- All Women Love Shoes: Even when they are chairs, women love shoes.
- Ambiguously Gay: The ducks in the fifth movie.
"I was just about to say that!
"We are so in sync!"
- Amusing Injuries
- Bloody Hilarious, especially when a character gets shot in the face. Almost everything is in black and white, even flames, but blood is made red anyway.
- And Now for Something Completely Different: "And now, Ducks."
- Animate Inanimate Object: While it's never shown to move, the chair in the fourth movie can talk. It is female, by the way.
- Also the evil tie and parking meter from the first movie.
- Anthropomorphic Food: The potato.
- There's also a cake in the first episode, who a guy cuts, but is unaware that the cake is alive. The cake then dies from its wounds and falls off the table.
- Anti Humour: The Pointless Button scene.
- Apocalypse How: A deleted scene has a guy spilling a glass of milk. Somehow, the average-sized glass was able to hold enough milk to drown everyone.
- April Fools' Day: The twenty minute movie was made and released two days before this day.
- Ax Crazy: People fire off guns, attack each other and summon random large objects with complete abandon.
- Bait and Switch: A guy is asked to hold a live bomb. The guy who gave him the bomb comes back a few seconds later and takes it back. No explosion, next skit. Look closely and you'll notice the fuse gets longer at the end.
- "This is a robbery." *dramatic sting and close-up* *hangs up and walks away*. Next skit.
- Big No: "No, llama, NOOOOOO!"
- "Die Potato!" "Nooooooooooooo!"
- "Billy, nooo!!!"
- "Oh, NOOOOO--" is quite apropriate just before punching yourself in the face because it's Opposite Day.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: From number four, both the boy who wants to be a pie and the girl who wants to go to the moon.
- And the time-traveler, who gets stepped on by a "Stegosaurus" upon arrival.
- The Blank: Asdfmovie 4: "Well, I stole your face!"
- Breakout Character: Following his debut in the second movie, the "I Like Trains" kid was apparently liked enough to show up in the third movie as well as in Lil Deuce Deuce's music video and star in the "I Like Trains" music video.
- Brick Joke: "I like trains."
- In the fourth movie: the newspaper headline says the potato died.
- In the third movie, a guy named Joey climbs into a friend's mouth. In the fourth movie, he crawls out.
- In the second movie, a driving llama falls off a cliff. In the fifth movie, it lands on someone.
- Blessed with Suck: Tree powers, activate!
- Boom! Headshot!: "Hey guys, check out my new camera! Oh, wait, this isn't a camera."
- "QUICK! Shoot me in the face!"
- The Cameo: Spamcat from Bing and Spamcat and TFL: Late (bing and spamcat 2) appears in the Ritalin'd movie.
- The Character Died with Him: Edd Gould, the voice of the "I Like Trains" kid, passed away after losing a long battle with leukemia.
- Which means the "I Like Trains" kid got run over.
- Character Level: *punches a random guy in the face* LEVEL UP!
- Cloudcuckooland: All of the characters are absolutely insane.
- Comedic Sociopathy
- Cool Shades: The potato in the second movie, as well as the "I Like Trains" kid in the I Like Trains song.
- Creepy Child: The "I Like Trains" kid.
- Like Father, Like Son: His dad is creepy too.
- Cuteness Overload: "I'm allergic to adorableness!"
- Department of Redundancy Department: "POINTLESS BUTTON: Warning, pointless"
- Depth Deception: In asdfmovie 4, that kid trying to grab a ball thrown at him isn't standing far away. He's just really small. And gets squished under the ball.
- Disproportionate Retribution: "Now, son, don't touch that cactus!" *kid levitates and attaches himself to the cactus* "YOU'RE DEAD TO ME."
- "Honey, why is the baby on fire?" "BUY ME MORE JEWELRY!"
- "BANANA FIGHT!" (gunshot) "NO!"
- "Do you know who's gay? You." (stabbed in the chest) "Aw, come on!"
- "Do you know who's gay? Y-- *Hit by a train*
- "Nice hat." "Thanks!" "I was being sarcastic." "Well, I stole your face!" *Man grabs his face to find out it is indeed gone*
- Inverted: "ALIEN ATTACK!!!" "Throw the CHEEEEEESE!!!!!"
- "Hey, it says 'Gullible' on the ceiling." "...Oh, so it doe-- Aww, ye stole my lungs."
- "Got your nose!" *Door kicked down* "LOOK OUT!!! HES GOT A NOSE!!!!" *Bangbangbangbangbang*
- Dissonant Serenity
- Don't Try This At Home: At the end of the Ritalin'd movie.
- Driven to Suicide: "Goodbye, world."
- Genius Loci: "Okay Jim, I'll see you around. Where you go-OH, OH NO! Aw, that's not what I thought he meant by that at all!"
- The cake in the first one throws himself off of the table in front of his 2 little cupcakes.
- "Quick, shoot me in the face!" *headshot*
- Dull Surprise: Two guys standing around. One guy peels off his skin/disguise to reveal... an appearance looking just like his former one.
Other guy: "Oh."
- A guy walks off a ledge only to fall upward...
Guy: Oh, okay.
- Yet another guy wonders whether his pony can fly. It can.
Guy: Huh.
- Edible Ammunition: "THROW THE CHEEESSSE!!!'" it doesn't work.
- Everything's Better With Dinosa-*stomped* "I AM A STEG-O-SAURUS~"
- Everything's Better with Llamas: Though trying to teach one to drive may not be the best of ideas...
- Everything's Better with Rainbows: "Doctor, I think I might be a homosexual." "How can you tell?" "RAAAINBOOOOOWS"
- "Doing an internet" makes a rainbow come out of your computer.
- The trains in "I Like Trains" produce rainbows.
- Evil Laugh: From the evil tie.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Pointless Button.
- Face Palm: More like no-face palm.
- Failed a Spot Check: "Hey, guys, check out my new camera." *headshot* "Oh, wait, this isn't a camera."
- Finger Gun: This is how the kid in the fourth movie mugs the mugger.
- Flying Saucer: Which gets cheese thrown at it.
- Freeze-Frame Bonus:
- In the trailer for the fifth movie, Tom's dog's dog tag briefly shows the face of the "I Like Trains" kid before switching to "TOM'S DOG"
- In the third movie's skit with the bomb, the fuse goes back to its original height for a single frame at the end, though this is most likely just a Blooper (as it doesn't seem to happen in the Newgrounds version).
- French Jerk: He won't run out of muffins. He works at the muffin factory.
- Genius Loci: The Earth is asdfmovie3, and the Moon in asdfmovie5.
- Genre Savvy: Two skits involving the Mine Turtle exploding later, the guy in the third is smart enough not to step on it. It doesn't save him.
- Giant Foot of Stomping: Courtesy of the "Stegosaurus."
- Giant Space Flea From Nowhere: Desmond the Moon Bear.
- Gross Up Close-Up: Two in the third one, namely "I AM PUNCHING YOUR SALAD!" and "YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!".
- Hey, It's That Voice!: The "I Like Trains" kid is voiced by Edd.
- Remember that "Steg-o-saurus"? He's voiced by Robert Benfer.
- "They said I could never teach a llama to drive!"-- Christopher "Bing" Bingham
- The man in the fourth movie announces the robbery is YouTube vlogger and creepy guy Jack "Jacksfilms" Douglas. Perhaps not as known, and it'a a little hard to hear, but still, hey, where did he come from?
- Also in the fourth movie, the robber who gets held up by a finger gun and the guy holding the finger gun are voiced by Awesome Series creator Egoraptor.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Hilarious combination of Opposite Day and Big No in the fifth movie.
- I Have a Family: "AHHH! Why would you do this? I have a wife and family!"
- I Have No Son: "Now, son, don't touch that cactus." *son levitates and attaches himself to the cactus* YOU'RE DEAD TO ME."
- Improbable Weapon User: THROW THE CHEEEEEEEESE!
- Impossible Thief: "I stole your face!"
- "Aww, ye stole my lungs."
- Infant Immortality: "Honey, why is the baby on fire?"
- It Only Works Once: Throwing cheese at a Flying Saucer causes an explosion in the twenty minute movie but has no noticeable effect in the fourth movie.
- Literal Genie: The twenty minute movie provides a meta-example, as rather than being 20 minutes long, it was made in 20 minutes.
- Made of Explodium: The Mine Turtle.
- Makes Just as Much Sense in Context: "I AM PUNCHING YOUR SALAD!"
- Baby On Fire
- "Marmite, why does no one like you?" *guy catches fire* "Oh yeah."
- Mood Whiplash: "I'm allergic to adorableness!" *Kitten lands on face* "Awwwwww." *Cut to his tombstone*
- Mugging the Monster: In the fourth movie.
"You're getting mugged, kid."
"No, you're getting mugged."
- The kid mugs the mugger with only his fingers. The mugger lampshades it despite throwing his hands in the air and shaking with fear:
- My God, What Have I Done?: The cake segment. Complete with a Big No at the end.
- Never Learned to Read: "Ahaha, I can't read."
- Nice Hat: "Thanks." "I was being sarcastic." "Well I stole your face."
- No Name Given: There usually isn't enough time.
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The "I Like Trains" kid.
- Non-Standard Character Design: Marmite.
- Opposite Day: In the fifth movie.
- Organ Theft: Lungs, specifically and a face in the fourth movie.
- Piano Drop: "Whose idea was this?!"
- Pokémon-Speak: The "I Like Trains" kid usually only ever says...well, guess.
- Properly Paranoid: "My tie is evil and it's going to kill meeeeeeee..."
- Rail Enthusiast: The "I Like Trains" kid.
- Reactive Continuous Scream: "AHHHHHH!" "AHHHH!"
- Running Gag: "Die, potato!"
- Schmuck Bait: The "Pointless Button". It does absolutely nothing.
- Double Subversion: There WAS the word "Gullible" on the ceiling, but the guy looking gets his lungs stolen.
- Anyone who steps on the Mine Turtle gets a face full of boom. The last guy is Genre Savvy enough not to step on it... and is crushed by the llama car from asdfmovie2.
- The Scottish Trope/Speak of the Devil:
- "I like trains."
- "Piano!" *Piano Drop* "Whose idea was this?!"
- Shaped Like Itself: "PIE FLAVOUR!!!"
- Slapstick Knows No Gender: "When I grow up I want to go to the moon!"
- Somewhere a Paleontologist Is Crying: Parodied by the sauropod who calls himself a Stegosaurus.
- Spiritual Successor: To the Edds World videos Tom's Tales Of Awesome, Edd's tales of Boredom, and Tom's Tales of Brilliance.
- Splash of Colour: Apart from blood, rainbows, and Marmite, everything is black and white.
- Standard Fifties Father: The "I Like Trains" kid has one.
- The Stinger: "You ever get tired of being random?" *Beat* "Me neither."
- Stylistic Suck: The Ritalin'd and twenty minute movies.
- Subverted Trope: A lot of the humor is derived by doing the complete opposite/something different than what you're expecting to see. Also, the second and third movie repeat and subvert some earlier skits.
- Suicide by Cop: "Quick! Shoot me in the face!"
- Surreal Humor: Tons.
- Take a Third Option:
Drill Sergeant Nasty: "What are you, a man, or a mouse!?"
- Talking Animal: Mine Turtle. The ducks are a more unusual case; when one of them quacks, the other remarks (in English) how he was just about to say the same thing.
- The Last of These Is Not Like the Others:
Girl: I like singing!
Boy: I like dancing!
"I Like Trains" kid: I like trains.
- There Was a Door: The Trains from the "I Like Trains" kid. Justified because, well, they're trains.
- Taken to ridiculous extremes in the "I Like Trains" music video, where at points, the trains come out of a wedding cake, go several times through the windows of churches, vertically through the ceiling to get rid of a bad date, and through space.
- They Called Me Mad / Mad Scientist: They said he could never teach a llama to drive. He probably should have listened.
- This Is Your Premise on Drugs: The Ritalin'd movie.
- Train Song: The "I Like Trains" song, though it's about the "I Like Trains" kid rather than the trains themselves.
- Trigger Happy: Everybody.
- (Mine) Turtle Power
- Verbal Tic Name: Presumably the "I Like Trains" kid.
- Violation of Common Sense: Where to START?!
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: "Doctor, I think I might be a homosexual." "How can you tell?" "RAAAINBOOOOOWS"
- Weaksauce Weakness: "I'm allergic to adorableness!"
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: "THROW THE CHEESE!"
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: "I AM PUNCHING YOUR SALAD!" "NOOOOOO!"
- "BANANA FIGHT!" (gunshot) "NO!"
- What Kind of Lame Power is Tree, Anyway?:
Lady: "Somebody help me, I'm being robbed!!"
T-Man: "I'll save you! Tree powers activate!!" *turns into a tree*
- Who Writes This Crap?: "Whose idea was this?!"