< Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Is set to be rereleased in high definition for the Play Station 3 and Play Station Vita, in honor of the 10 year anniversary.
  • Anticlimax Boss: So you've finally defeated Jecht in a boss battle that was both emotionally cathartic for Tidus and extremely epic for the player. Now you turn your attention to Yu Yevon, The Man Behind the Man and true Big Bad, who turned Jecht into Sin in the first place and dragged Spira into an endless death cycle for centuries. You confront him for the final showdown, and he's... a giant tick. And completely harmless, thanks to perma-Auto Life. Not quite what you were expecting, eh? The alternative, of course, is having to slog through the incredibly tedious battle with Braska's Final Aeon again...
  • Crowning Music of Awesome:
  • Ear Worm: Ieyui, nobomeno... Even more so the cutscene version.
  • Ending Fatigue: Bless you all for putting up with the optional aeon sidequests and leveling Yuna up. They only make it worse.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: While Tidus and Yuna are the leads, Auron's name comes up on this page more than either of them. This is because he is a Badass, starting from his first line. From before his first line: the first time you see him, Auron is standing on a ledge high above Dream Zanarkand, Badass Longcoat blowing in the wind, looking out over the city. He sees Sin approaching, about to level the entire damn place, and calmly toasts the approaching monstrosity. And this is set to "Otherworld".
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Auron + Lulu is practically a cottage industry. Cold, aloof personalities in need of some happiness (or at the very least a hug)? "It practically writes itself!"
  • Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Lulu and Yunalesca, though the latter serves double-duty.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment:
    • Playing through the game a second time and knowing that Yuna's pilgrimage will end with her sacrifice changes your perception of many early scenes. Especially leaving Besaid.
    • It's an in-character version as well because when Tidus learns about Yuna's sacrifice, he suddenly has about the same reaction to those earlier scenes.
  • Game Breaker: So many! On your first time through the game, it's recommended that you fight the last boss as soon as it's available. If you go and start doing sidequests first, you'll pick up a few Game Breakers, and the end will be disappointingly easy.
    • Rikku's "Mix" Overdrive, so much so that most guides for the Dark Aeons/other high-level bosses make a huge deal of using it. The best combination is Final Elixir, which heals the entire party to max HP and MP, revives K Od party members, and cures all negative status effects. Other awesome combinations include Trio of 9999 (every attack does 9999 damage), Freedom X (the whole party can cast spells for free), Hyper Mighty G (casts Shell, Protect, Haste, Regen and Auto-Life on the party) and many, many others.
    • Yuna's celestial weapon Nirvana turns her into a death machine. It breaks her damage limit and lets her cast any spell for just 1 mana... including Holy, which normally costs 85. Even better, once Lulu gets Ultima and Doublecast, Yuna can immediately learn both with a black magic sphere and a special sphere. Yuna can then doublecast Ultima, doing tens of thousands in damage to all enemies, for twice the mana than the weakest cure spell.
    • Wakka's Attack Reels Overdrive + World Champion + high Strength = 12 max-damage hits, for a total of 1199988 points. All but the toughest Bonus Bosses die in one attack. Getting it is a ridiculously long process, but once he has it, you might as well just have everyone else Entrust their Overdrive to him.
    • Yojimbo is a summoned aeon who fights for money. He's supposed to act randomly depending on how much you pay him. If you play your cards right you can guarantee he will use his ultra-rare "Zanmato" attack, which kills literally anything in one hit, even if its immune to instant death.
    • Mindy's Passado can do fifteen max-damage hits if Yuna's strength is high enough. While this is definitely more net damage than the aforementioned Attack Reels, it's somewhat less reliable due to the Magus Sisters' pseudo-random AI, meaning that while you can influence Mindy to use Passado, you can never outright guarantee it like you can with Attack Reels. In the end, which you prefer comes down to risk vs. reward.
      • Also, Passado's individual hits may be lessened by armor, which becomes very noticeable against tougher enemies.
    • Hell, any aeon at any point is game breaking. Most people who have played the game before avoid using them just because they make the game so easy.
    • Quick Hit allows you to attack, and then get a second turn with almost no delay. Keep using the ability and your enemy takes forever to get an action.
    • For Blitzball:
      • The Jecht Shot. With very little strategy and enough HP to use it constantly, it can result in almost effortless victories.
      • There's also a glitch in the Blitzball enemy AI: as soon as you have the lead, have one of your guys holding the ball swim into your own goal. The opposing team has no programming for what to do and will swim uselessly around in circles until the time runs out.
  • Goddamned Bats: The Chocobo racing minigame has birds that exist for no other reason than to eat away at your time as they attack in an inexplicable rabid frenzy.
  • Hate Dumb: It's a Final Fantasy game; of course there's going to be a sizable Hate Dumb.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The cutscene with Tidus grinding down the wires in Bevelle can be seen as quite hilarious, if you remember that James Arnold Taylor (Tidus' American VA) took over as the voice of Ratchet from Ratchet and Clank 2 onwards.
  • Ho Yay Shipping: And how. You haven't seen a Rule 34 thread on 4chan until you've seen someone request Tidus and Jecht.
  • Hype Backlash: Although not as explosive as Final Fantasy VII's, it's still fairly big.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Jecht.
  • Love to Hate: Seymour's so obnoxious, but that makes him oh-so-fun to kick around.
  • Memetic Badass:
    • Jecht. Auron also has some shades of this.
    • With Auron, it's not memetic. He really is just that badass.
  • Memetic Mutation:
  • Moe: Rikku, Yuna and Shelinda are all very cute.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Seymour's gloating about his slaughter of the Ronso.
  • Most Annoying Sound: The entire time you're walking around the battlefield of Home, there's a voice saying something in (presumably) Al Bhed over the loudspeakers. No one really knows what he's actually saying.
  • Most Wonderful Sound:
    • Death spell.
    • Just about any Pre-Mortem One-Liner your party throws out right before delivering the final blow of a fight.
  • Narm: Where do we even begin? This game could have it's own page.
    • Most people misunderstand the laughing scene taking it for the trope, when in reality it was meant to be forced. However, it still may count in the Japanese version due to just how strange and bird-like Tidus' laugh sounds.
    • Or that stunningly gorgeous, but also stunningly terrible first kiss/love-making/it's all terribly unclear underwater?
    • A great example is when Tidus finds out that Yuna will die fighting Sin. His scream makes it sound like he subbed his toe
  • Smurfette Breakout: Yuna and Rikku were two of only three girls in a party of seven characters. Yuna was the main character's love interest while Rikku was a supporting character. The direct sequel revolves around them and new character Paine. Word of God has said that there were originally meant to be two spin off games with one focusing on Yuna and the other on Rikku, but they eventually got combined into the one game.
  • Stoic Woobie: Auron.
  • Theiss Titillation Theory: Why Lulu's dress just doesn't fall off.
  • That One Attack: Sin's Giga-Graviton. It's an instant Game Over. Not an exaggeration, as the cutscene of the blast blowing up the airship indicates.
  • That One Boss:
    • There likely isn't a single player that didn't lose to Yunalesca on their first attempt (unless they read a guide). The second and third forms of Seymour are no picnic either.
    • Going into details with Yunalesca's difficulty, her first two forms aren't that bad, she'll use an attack called Hellbiter that does a small amount of damage and inflicts zombie status on the whole party, and then most of the damage she does comes from her using healing spells on them, which she will keep doing if even you remove the zombie status. This is more likely to be annoying than anything else, the bad part is that when she gets to her third form, where she starts using an attack called Megadeath, an instant death spell on the whole party, which you can only survive if someone has something protects from instant death (not likely at that point), or is in the zombie status, meaning you can't heal them.
    • Evrae and Sinspawn Gui are also a pain.
  • That One Sidequest:
    • You say you want Lulu's ultimate weapon? Be prepared to dodge 200 lightning bolts in one sitting.
    • Which is nothing compared to the amount of time you'll need to be prepared to waste to get Wakka's ultimate weapon.
    • The butterfly minigame. That damned butterfly minigame.
    • Getting the sigil for Tidus' weapon will more than likely have you either swearing, speaking gibberish, or throwing your controller as you try to get a time of less than zero on the chocobo race.
    • Unlocking the final Bonus Boss Nemesis requires you to capture 10 of every monster in the game (by defeating them with a weapon that has the "Capture" skill), no matter how rare. This can easily take tens of hours.
  • Too Cool to Live:
    • Auron. Technically, more of a too cool to be alive when the game starts in the first place. In fact, he's cooler in death than he was in life!
    • Jecht oh so much, in technically speaking since, you know, he's Sin in the same regard?
    • Huge subversion with Yuna. She's meant to die at the end of her quest, and yet she ends up living to break the cycle of Sin for good. She was Too Cool To Die!
  • Visual Effects of Awesome: The art direction's beauty still holds up long after PS2 graphics become outdated. Just imagine how it'll look in HD....
  • Woolseyism: Too many to list.
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