< Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X/Fanfic Recs

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These are recommendations made by Tropers for Final Fantasy X fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

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Authors and Websites


  • Recommended by calantian
  • Pairing(s): Mainly Tidus x Yuna, though there is Shuyin x Lenne, Wakka x Lulu, as well as a few other minor pairings.
  • The trilogy picks up where X-2's perfect ending left off, with Tidus having just returned. The first story, Spira's Dream has him trying to find out exactly what he is and how his return was possible. Meanwhile, with the Eternal Calm underway, Spira continues with the search for it's lost past. This story is more informative then plot-y, though many of the things introduced are quite interesting, and the ideas are needed to understand the next two stories (and the fluffy scenes between Yuna and Tidus are adorable).
  • This is followed by Spira's Sphere, where Tidus comes to terms with what he is and everyone focuses on Spira's past (which no one really saw coming). And the plot comes in.
  • Last, but certainly not least, is Spira's Revenge. It introduces another character from lost Zanarkand, but the enemy from Spira's Sphere hasn't vanished yet, and instead allies himself with an old one.
  • The writer also wrote another story, Neogenesis, which is a prequel to Dream and Sphere, but its much better to read those two first, since it deals with concepts brought forward by them. In this story, Shuyin's life is traced and transformed into Tidus, so that the Fayth can use him to end their own eternal summoning.
  • Comments: I was very glad to stumble upon these stories. The writer definitively knows what they're writing about.
    • Certainly worth checking out. The author writes the character's voices extremely well, and does some neat things with popular fan theories and information from the Ultimania.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Soldier of Spira by rr1963 (AU)

  • Recommended by Clendy82
  • Synopsis: A Novelization of FFX with a generous serving of AU. This is not apparent from the beginning, though the skill of the writer is. Soldier of Spira starts from Auron's POV, and eventually written from Rikku's as well. The kicker is that, while it follows the pilgrimage, it covers so much more. rr1963 has crafted a power struggle between two opposing (or more) sides which Auron is involved with. Much of the story details Auron's past and Rikku's gradually learning more and more about Auron, Spira, and a war Yuna and her party aren't even aware of.
  • Comments: To call this story a diamond in the sand can't come close to doing it justice. The story has something for everyone, and is one of the few fanfics that focuses a significant portion of its story on political intrigue, and does it well. Better than some published works. Every aspect of Spira is expounded upon without it seeming like exposition: it's delivered so comically, or it's laden with so much intrigue, that you'll laugh or be at the edge of your seat respectively. It is also one of the few fics that portrays a relationship between Auron and Rikku and makes it completely believable. Auron has the standard misgivings about being in a relationship with someone so young, and this fic explores it properly. Delving into platonic and sexual aspects of just the idea in an gripping first person perspective. And Rikku is written as a strong, intelligent, optimistic individual who is very much still an irrational teenager. This fic has a Magnificent Bastard Auron at war with other Bastards, keeps him a solid tactical leader and teacher within Yuna's party, while still portraying a tough, military mindset that's in stark contrast with Rikku's (usually) bubbly, cheerful dialogues, and so much more. While rr1963 seems to have abandoned the fic, it is still worth reading. You will find something new in each reread, and the novelty never completely fades. Click the link.

Final Fantasy X-3: Dreams and Nightmares by Ultra Sonic 007

  • Recommended by Citizen Grimm
  • Synopsis: Takes place around 1000 years after the return of Sin to Spira, resulting in the deaths of Yuna, Tidus, Paine, Rikku, Wakka, and Lulu. Instead focuses on a young Summoner named Hirum and the Guardians he picks up along his journey. Oh yeah, Seymour is back too.
  • Comments: What I consider to be the best FFX story on fanfiction.net. While yes, it stars nearly all original characters, the characters are well written and work very well in the story. Also, the writer goes beyond expectations to describe how Spira has changed in the 1000 years since Sin's return. Trust me; it's epic.

Otherworld by RJtheClown

  • Recommended by Raxis
  • Synopsis: A story about the pilgrimage of Braska, Auron and Jecht, set ten years before the events of Final Fantasy X. Can Braska bring the Eternal Calm? And can Jecht return home to make things right?
  • Comments: It's so good it should be considered canon. All characters are fully developed including the side characters. Currently being updated and approaching half way point.
  • Raxis: Well written, but sadly it looks very likely that is or will be a Dead Fic.

Auron in FFX2 by klepto_maniac0

  • Recommended by RN 452
  • Synopsis: Oneshot. What if Auron were a character in Final Fantasy X-2.
  • Comments: A humorous oneshot where Auron uses the dressphere system. And it's not amused.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Beneath the Mask by Lucifers Garden

  • Recommended by Archangel_One
  • Synopsis: Tidus/Yuna. Tidus, Rikku, Wakka, Lulu, Paine and Gippal are a small gang of high school students. Yuna is the rich new celebrity - no prizes for guessing which cute young student from the wrong side of the tracks she's interested in...
  • Comments: There are probably a million high school AUs of FFX out there. So far, this is not only the first one which hasn't sent me running for the hills, but which had me hooked for more. The original version is abandoned, but another six chapters were continued (with the original author's consent) by Black_Winged_Angel_17, although that also hasn't been updated in some time. Recommended if you're after a relatively (but not entirely!) fluffy Tidus/Yuna story.

On Your Shore by Shandy

  • Recommended by Cedarleaf
  • Synopsis: Slightly AU. Ten years after the last High Summoner, Lord Braska, brought the Eternal Calm to Spira, Yuna leaves the quiet of Besaid under the guardianship of Auron and journeys to Zanarkand. The city of Blitzball, the city of lights... the city of her dreams. Tidus/Yuna
  • Comments: Beautifully written and equally mysterious and charming, On Your Shore recaptures the richness of the original games while reimagining them in its own terms. The main story revolves around Yuna struggling to balance the two sides of her life, one as the faithful and loving daughter of Auron, and the other as the friend of Tidus, star player of the Zanarkand Abes, and her growing feelings for him. Tidus also struggles with wanting to see more of Yuna but is unable to because of Auron, which doesn't help with his deep resentment of his own deadbeat father. But there is also the mystery of just what happened on Braska's pilgrimage ten years ago, of why he and Jyscal died, why Auron and Jecht hate each other to the point of loathing even as they protect the same secrets, and just why Yuna is so key to the future of Spira. While at its heart, On Your Shore is a love story, there's so much more to it. Many of the particulars from the original games have been tweaked or changed outright: Lulu and Wakka are married from the start, Tidus and Gippal are childhood if volatile friends along with Rikku, Auron takes Yuna to Besaid after Braska dies, not Kimahri (who is a kitten), and Yuna believes him to be her father). I particularly enjoy the little continuity nods the author throws in here and there like little easter eggs. Overall, it's a highly satisfactory story that only gets better as it goes. Recommended to anyone who wishes to explore Spira and our favorite characters from a different point of view.

A Yarn of Seymour's Ordeal by Silver Whirl

  • Recommended by Constantly Comic
  • Pairing: Seymour/Rikku
  • Synopsis: 'While Yuna is gone, Seymour shows up... again... and is defeated... again. However, no summoner means no sending, so Rikku, Lulu, Wakka, and Auron must keep Seymour with them until they find Yuna.' Basically, everyone but Tidus, Yuna, and Kimahri have to haul Seymour all over Spira so Yuna can send him. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Comments: Mostly fluff and very much a Crack Pairing, but the author has fun with it. Rikku is perfectly in character,but Seymour... well, he could conceivably be seen acting like he does in the situation. Cid as an overprotective dad is what took the cake for me. Also features an alternate 'un-romantic' ending.
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