< Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X/Trivia

  • Each character's standard progression in the Sphere Grid is reminiscent of at least one Job Class from previous Final Fantasy games. Tidus is a Fighter-Time Mage combination, Yuna is a typical White Mage/Summoner, Lulu is a pure Black Mage, Wakka is an odd take on an Archer-Green Mage[1] fusion, Auron is a Final Fantasy Tactics-style Knight, Kimahri is a cross between a Dragoon, a Blue Mage and a Red Mage, and Rikku is a wonderful blend between a Thief and a Chemist.
  • Tidus and Yuna's Japanese voice actors, Masakazu Morita and Mayuko Aoki, previously did the motion capture for Zell and Rinoa in Final Fantasy VIII. Mayuko Aoki also mocapped Edea and Garnet, and voiced Selphie for Kingdom Hearts.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Wakka and Kimahri are Bender.
  • Name's the Same: Rikku shares her name with another Square character. It's also the reason she didn't appear in the first Kingdom Hearts game. She was replaced during development by Yuffie. If you look at Yuffie's outfit in Kingdom Hearts, it looks much more like a recolour of a slightly altered Rikku outfit than it does like Yuffie's original Final Fantasy VII getup. She does make an appearance later on in Kingdom Hearts II, but she's never referred to by name in the cutscenes.
    • This is actually an interesting leftover from the game's translation. In Japanese, she's called 'Ryukku', pronounced 'riyucku', it's quite tricky to pronounce for anybody unused to Japanese, so her name was simplified to something easier to say. Of course, then along came Kingdom Hearts, featuring a major character named 'Riku' and causing problems. In Japanese, 'Ryukku' and 'Riku' are really quite distinct sounding names.
  • No Export for You: The US didn't get the International version, only the PAL regions and Japan.
  • Talking to Himself: In English, Wakka and Kimahri are voiced by John Dimaggio.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Tidus was originally supposed to be revealed as an unsent. However, Nomura saw a movie with a similar premise (The Sixth Sense; seriously) and decided to swap Tidus' role with Auron.
    • In the original draft, Tidus was going to be a plumber(!) who was also a member of a Japanese-style gang.
    • The original concept of Yuna features her without her iconic kimono.
    • Apparently, there were supposed to be portraits of Yu Yevon (presumably in his non-parasitic form) displayed in public places in the original draft, but they were cut in the final version.
  • Word of God: Hints in an Ultimania interview that Final Fantasy VII is the Distant Future of the game's world, but likely on another planet.
  1. Given his status-inducing attacks.
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