< F.E.A.R.


The Characters from the First Encounter Assault Recon games and the tropes they exemplify. Playable Characters and Major Antagonists will also have their names properly listed under their respective factions (USM, Armacham or Independent).

Player Characters

The Point Man

  • Badass: The Replica are all Heavily Armed Super Soldiers; he kills five-hundred of them in a single day. Of course, the rampage he goes on in F.E.A.R. 3 makes this look like an opening act by comparison.
  • Badass Beard: As of F.E.A.R. 3, being a Rogue Agent and all.
  • Bullet Time: Everything appears to go this way when the Point Man triggers his Reflex/Slo-Mo powers, though in reality, it's the fact that he is moving superhumanly fast. This appears to be a particular manifestation of his psychic abilities.
  • Cain and Abel: It's not precisely clear which brother fills which role, but the dynamic between him and Fettel definitely fits this. In the intro to the third game, the moment he realizes Fettel is in front of him, he kills the body he's controlling.
  • Death Glare: An epic one.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": No one ever refers to him by his real name, even in the third game when the Phase Commanders are issuing orders to kill both him and Jin.
  • Featureless Protagonist: For most of the first game. Averted in the third.
  • Freudian Excuse: His abusive upbringing and playing always-second-best to Fettel cause him immense trauma in F.E.A.R. 3.
  • The Hero
  • Heroic Mime: It is strongly implied he actually is a mute; he never speaks a single word in any of the games.
  • Implacable Man: Really, the entirety of F.E.A.R. 3. The game could be described as a long string of apocalyptic disasters combined with continuous heavy assault by an army of clones, robots and helicopters, as well as Mind Screw psychic monster phenomena on a scale that can only be rated as "demonic", all completely and utterly failing to stop the Point Man. All the areas you play through are pretty much getting torn down around you.
  • Kubrick Stare: Of the "I-want-to-skullfuck-you-to-death" kind. It's his default mode.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Just ask any freaked-out Replica when he goes Slow-Mo.

He's too fast!
We can't stop him!

  • Made of Iron: He gets thrown out of a three-story building from an explosion set off by Alma and doesn't suffer lethal injuries at all. And later, he survives a nuclear blast at point-blank that leaves a mile-wide crater and flash-fries people miles away into ash. F.E.A.R. Extraction Point has a tunnel bomb flinging him several dozens of feet in the air before he crash lands on a roof on a nearby parking garage. F.E.A.R. 3 involves him surviving a helicopter crash, getting launched a few hundred feet by a blast from Fettel, the crashing of a high-altitude transportation pod, and an entire prison collapsing around him.
  • Man Child: Not explicit, but he was apparently put into stasis as an adolescent before being memory wiped, surgically modified, and trained years later. It manifests through his single-minded determination to kill everything in his way and his lack of speech and/or opinion.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Blowing up the Origin Facility did nothing but causing a nuclear explosion beneath Fairport which killed thousands of its residents, but not Alma, as intended.
  • No Name Given: Which is why Everyone Calls Him "Point Man".
  • One-Man Army: Lampshaded by Spencer Jankowski.
  • Player Character: Well, of F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, anyway.
  • Protagonist Without a Past: Lampshaded by Paxton Fettel. F.E.A.R. 3 goes into some detail about the actual past, or at least some of the highlights of it.
  • Required Secondary Powers: In the third game, he takes part in a psychic battle, so he would appear to have some psychic capabilities similar to Beckett and Keegan (as implied by his reflexes). However, it is later noted that his potential as a psychic is extremely low, below normal, as opposed to Beckett and Keegan who are both powerful psychics.
  • The Reveal: He is Alma's first son.
  • Super Speed: When his slo-mo powers are triggered, he moves with blurring speed from the perspective of ordinary humans.
  • The Unfavorite: While growing up, he was consistently referred to as the "weaker" brother by all of the Armacham researchers, and told he wasn't special like Fettel.
  • When He Smiles: In his ending for F.E.A.R. 3. His stoic demeanor actually cracks a little when he holds his baby sibling.

The Sergeant

The unknown hero of Perseus Mandate, the point man of the Second F.E.A.R. Team. Little is known about him, other than the fact that he's a Sergeant... And that according to Paxton Fettel, bears resemblance to his brother, the F.E.A.R. Point Man, which might explain why he can Slow-Mo.

  • Bullet Time: Just like the Point Man.
  • Expy: Of the Point Man, hence his abilities and overall personality.
  • Heroic Mime
  • Lightning Bruiser: Even Nightcrawlers find his abilities intimidating.
  • Made of Iron: What Point Man could do, he probably did as good. Although, this time, the Alma meetup was in an office building and he endured nuclear devastation by making it underground.
  • No Name Given: Same as the Point Man, which is why Everyone Calls Him "Sergeant".
  • One-Man Army: While his body count isn't at par with Point Man's, he has definitely gone through much more hell for every encounter. Compound that by the fact that he has been racking more paranormal kills in one Interval than Point Man has fought in the entire F.E.A.R. campaign, Extraction Point included.
  • Player Character: In F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate, this guy is you.
  • Protagonist Without a Past: Lampshaded again by Paxton Fettel.

Sergeant Michael Beckett

The Player Character of Project Origin, Becket is a highly gifted soldier with latent psychic abilities, which are brought to the forefront by Project Harbinger. He is a member of a special delta unit known as "Dark Signal", which consists exclusively of Harbinger subjects, who are all potential Replica commanders.

Will someone just fucking shoot him already?

  • Rape as Drama: The bad thing is... he's on the receiving end by Alma.
  • Sanity Slippage: A combination of Alma's Mind Rape powers, her actually raping him, and being held captive by Armacham for nine months while being continuously tested and experimented on has driven him gradually insane.
    • Which also leads to his next screaming line after one of the third game's interval ending cutscenes...

"She's... fucking.... pregnant!!

Foxtrot 813

A Replica that eventually goes rogue at the when Paxton Fettel instructed him to go on a mission to free the latter from imprisonment.

Major Antagonists

Alma Wade

Kill them. Kill them all

One of the primary characters in the series, around whom nearly everything revolves, Alma is an extremely powerful psychic (as in reality bending and world-ending power) who was connected to an Armacham project known as "Origin" to create psychic supersoldiers. She is also the daughter of Harlan Wade, head of the project, and mother of the Point Man and Fettel. She was sealed inside a psychically shielded vault at the age of eight and forced into a coma to keep her immense power under control, and later was artificially impregnated with two sons. After an incident known as a "Synchronicity Event" wherein she linked her mind with Paxton Fettel's and killed a number of guards, she was killed by shutting off her life support, but her corpse was kept in the shielded vault because releasing it would be.... bad. However, Alma's hatred, psychic abilities and desire to be reunited with her children allowed her spirit to endure and survive despite physical death.

The first game's plot involves Alma engaging another Synchronicity Event with Fettel and her subsequent attempts to both escape and get her revenge. In the second game, she is loose and covets Michael Beckett, desiring to make a child with him. In the third game, she is pregnant with said child, and reaching Alma and recovering the Third Prototype is the primary plot.

  • Anti-Villain
  • Big Bad:Was thought be for the entire series but is is actually a Bigger Bad.
  • Captain Ersatz: Her child form is one of these for Samara Morgan/Yamamura Sadako.
  • Creepy Child
  • Determinator: Alma is so determined and absolutely angry that she essentially told death to fuck off. Locked up in a stasis tank since she was eight, held in for six days without life support before her body finally succumbed, but even then, no death, psychic attacks or even nuclear explosions will stop her revenge on Armacham and the world.
  • Expy: She's essentially a long-lost sister of Samara, as mentioned above, though she manages to be an original character in her own right.
  • Fan Disservice/Ms. Fanservice
  • Full-Frontal Assault
  • The Immodest Orgasm: While raping YOU.
  • Ironic Nursery Tune: Her music box.
  • Meaningful Name: It means "soul" in several Romance languages.
    • Also a part of a popular phrase do denote ones university, also used in the middle ages to denote Virgin Mary, "Alma Mater" which is Latin for "nourishing mother".
    • This meaning is mostly lost for hungarian players, as 'Alma' means apple in hungarian.
    • It can also mean "gentle" in Latin, making it a case of Fluffy the Terrible.
  • Mind Over Matter: Quite adapted at that too, she once tossed a truck onto a hapless character with ease.
  • Mind Rape
  • Mook Maker: In-story example. Her loose psychic energy and convoluted mind create creatures hell-bent on destruction and mayhem. They initially only appear during paranormal occurrances, but after her father released her, they simply appear. Interestingly, it's not clear if she directly controls the actions of her apparitions. F.E.A.R. 3 provides evidence that she doesn't, in the form of the Creep: the psychic remnant of her father Harlan Wade. Any time it appears, Alma is paralyzed with fear, reverting to her child form if she was in adult form.
  • The Ophelia: Alma appears to have many Ophelia-esque aspects, particularly in Project Origin. She is shown singing in several hallucinations, and in the prequel videos, she dances around a doctor who she's been gleefully mindraping. Water shows up often in her hallucinations, which makes sense, as, like Ophelia, she drowned to death (in her case, in amniotic fluid). And her hair in her "child" form tends to be wild and frazzled.
  • Orcus on His Throne: In F.E.A.R. 3, Alma is not the active nemesis she was in the first two games, though for good reason, considering she is pregnant. That said, her effects on the environment are still intensively felt, from mad cultists to reality-warping effects to creating entities like the Creep, even if she is not actively fighting the players.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Aside from the usual trait of teleportation and ignoring rules of physics, she is perfectly capable of mind-raping people into obedience, stripping them down to skeletons in seconds, creating numerous psychic abominations and paranormal entities with her mind, raping one of the Protagonist AND ends up bearing his child.
  • Personal Space Invader: Towards Beckett in the second game. There's a reason for this.
  • Point Man, I Am Your Mother
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Past experience of childhood abuse to a powerful psychic with the body of a grown-up woman and the mind of an eight-years is the main cause of the calamities happening throughout the series. And arugably the main reason for the ordeal Beckett has to go through, which ends with getting raped by Alma.

"She's a woman now, and she doesn't even realise it."

  • Reality Warper: Is psychic.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Child Alma's eyes are dull red in the second game.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: An entire city (and its outlying suburbs) annihilated, most of its inhabitants vaporised and those who survived turned into slaves to her mind as a result. And she still isn't satisfied.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Sealed in a telesthetic suppression field and left for dead in an abandoned underground facility for decades. Granted that it didn't really stop her, but once she was released, ho boy the real apocalypse starts now...
  • Stalker with a Crush: In Project Origin towards Becket). More appropriately, Stalker with a Test Tube.
  • Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl
  • Tragic Monster: Obvious, given her backstory.
  • The Unfettered: Although Alma's more concerned with short-term planning (kill captors, covet Beckett, have child with Beckett), she takes what she wants, whether people want her to or not.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Which is the whole reason behind the plot of the entire series.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Having been driven insane by your own psychic powers as a child, experimented on and locked up since you were eight years old, medicated into a coma and locked away in a shield vault for most of your life, forcibly impregnated and then having both of your children taken away, then killed once the project was terminated, all by your own father can turn someone into this.
  • Yandere: Dear Lord.

Paxton Fettel

Some secrets can be buried deeper than others, but I know where to dig...

The prototype commander of the Replica soldiers and the second son of Alma. Primary antagonist of the first F.E.A.R. game and the first expansion. Makes a comeback in the DLC F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn and becomes a playable character in F.E.A.R. 3.

  • Audio Erotica: Many consider his voice to be so.
  • Axe Crazy: Though quite calm and collected, Fettel expresses an appreciation of the cultists' handiwork and violent tendencies, and enjoys killing.
  • Big Bad: is the true main antagonist of the entire series.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: By his mother. He eventually regains his own mind.
  • Demonic Possession: One of Fettel's primary means of attack involves grabbing enemy troops and taking control of their bodies.
  • The Dragon: To Alma.
  • Faux Affably Evil: In F.E.A.R. 3, with a dash of Deadpan Snarker.
  • Full-Name Basis: His first and surname are both pretty distinctive on their own, but you'll see him referred to in full as "Paxton Fettel" as often as not. Likely because it just rolls off the tongue.
  • Evil Laugh: When possessing bodies.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Subverted. Less about nutrition than it is about consuming memories.
  • Kick the Dog: When he and the Point Man reach Beckett, Fettel possesses Beckett, knowing that this will kill him, simply because invading his body and taking the memories by force is faster than trying to chat him up.
  • Not So Different: Fettel ultimately becomes much like Harlan Wade, whom he utterly despises.
  • Oedipus Complex: Hates his father Harlan Wade, and his ending in F.E.A.R. 3 implies that he'd have fathered Alma's child if Beckett hadn't already.
  • Over the Shoulder Murder Shot: With the cannibal imagery.
  • Squishy Wizard: Is notably more fragile than the Point Man, and lacks his slo-mo abilities, making him far more vulnerable to gunfire.
  • The Starscream
  • Tyke Bomb: Raised by Armacham from birth as a psychic commander.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: He had an incredibly shitty life as a child, so when he finally gets loose, gets killed and comes back, he's rather pissed and perfectly willing to destroy the world.

The Creep

Just as easily as I CREATED YOU, so too can I DESTROY YOU!

A monstrous, humanlike creature that appears in F.E.A.R. 3, actively hostile to ATC, the Point Man, and Paxton Fettel, who repeatedly attacks and attempts to sabotage the latter's efforts to reach Alma. Appears to actually be an amalgam of the darkest and most hideous aspects of Harlan Wade's personality and the memories associated with him in the Point Man, Fettel and Alma's minds.

  • The Dreaded: Alma is afraid of it. Alma.
  • Final Boss
  • Humanoid Abomination
  • Interface Screw: Damage inflicted by the Creep doesn't regen until either the Creep is driven off or the player gets out of the area it is lurking in. In addition, the players is warned that the Creep is about to attack when black spiderweb patterns appear around the edges of the screen. He's also invisible.
  • Surprisingly-Sudden Death: Its first actual appearance involves it slaughtering five ATC troops with about as much effort as crushing ants.
  • Villainous Breakdown: During the final confrontation with it, the Creep goes on a series of massive, enormously loud rants as it flails away at the Point Man and Fettel.

Harlan Wade

It is the way of men to create monsters.... and the way of monsters to destroy their creators.

  • Abusive Parents: Hoo boy. And it doesn't just extend to Alma either. Both Fettel and the Point Man got a lot of it too when they were children. One of the Point Man's flashbacks depicts Harlan putting him in a training ring as an eleven-year old against a fully-grown Armacham soldier, and when he inevitably lost, Harlan flies into a rage and beats him with a metal bucket so hard that he gets thrown into a concrete pillar.
  • The Atoner:
    • Harlan is the ringleader of a group that represents about half of the original Project Origin staff, whom believe that any attempt to reopen the Vault and restart Project Origin would be a very bad idea. Not that Genevieve Aristede bothered to listen. In the end, Wade decides to set Alma free, to "save" her from the destruction of the Origin facility. Whatever his intentions, the results are this: he is instantly Stripped to the Bone by Alma, and in death has set loose what may be the harbinger of the apocalypse.
    • In Project Origin, one of Harlan's flashbacks involves him standing next to his daughter, with his voice speaking in the background, saying "You're asking me to seal my daughter away?". From his tone, it sounds like he is quite horrified at the prospect. His later appearances, particularly the brothers' flashbacks to how he treated them during the years when Project Origin was active, show that he had hardened quite a bit.
  • Big Bad: He is a monster far worse than Alma. Hell, he made her that way.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Harlan's phone messages are never friendly. In what may be the key summation of the series, he describes what will occur as the "assfuck of the century". It's particularly notable in the ones addressed to Genevieve.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Harlan returns in F.E.A.R. 3 as a powerful apparition called The Creep, the psychic embodiment of Alma's fear and hatred of him.

Genevieve Aristide

Without Alma I have no leverage. Without leverage, I have no future!

CEO of Armacham Technology Corporation, and one of the heads of Project Origin. Attempted to restart the project, at which point everything went horribly wrong.

  • Big Bad: Shaping up to be a worse monster than even Alma herself.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: And how.
  • Evil Plan: The plot to get Becket to draw Alma into the Telesthetic Amplifier to trap them both.
  • The Faceless: Though she appears in person in F.E.A.R. 2, she was only heard through phone messages in the first game.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Practically her Catch Phrase. We ain't buying it.
  • Lack of Empathy: Either she doesn't understand Alma or doesn't care, but she seems to have no grasp of the tragedy at hand, thinking only of ways to "reclaim" Alma and "re-purpose" her for her own ends.
  • Only in It For the Money: Reading her e-mails and notes indicates that her chief concern appears to be keeping her job and recouping financial losses.
  • Rich Bitch: You just wanna strangle her.

Colonel Richard Vanek

I want nothing left to link us to Alma or Origin or any of the insanity.

Head of ATC's special operations and cleanup team. One of the main villains.

United States Military

First Encounter Assault Recon

Commissioner Rodney "Rowdy" Betters

First F.E.A.R. Team

F.E.A.R. Point Man

See Player Characters

Lieutenant Spencer "Spen" Jankowski

Military clones? This is why no one takes us seriously.

The First F.E.A.R. team's former point man, until the Point Man came along. A seasoned veteran, his job, like Point Man's, is to scour the Armacham Technology Corporation for Paxton Fettel. His life is cut short when he, along with a few Delta Force escorts went missing. From then on, he's seen walking and disappearing around the place, leaving hints about what happened throughout the F.E.A.R. storyline.

  • Eye Scream: You should see what his face looks like when he's dead. Empty sockets are where his eyes used to be.
  • Never Found the Body: Despite his ghostly subsequent appearances, Jankowski's actual corpse is never seen. Word of God is you were originally meant to find it, but that it was decided it was scarier this way. Oddly, F.E.A.R. command continues to pick up his signal, though it appears and disappears at random in wildly varying locations.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: His fate is to eventually be killed in action and his eyes gouged out, but the killer, whether it be Alma, Paxton Fettel or any of their Replica goons is left unanswered.

Technical Officer Jin Sun Kwon

Second F.E.A.R. Team

F.E.A.R Sergeant

See Player Characters

Lieutenant Steve Chen

The Second F.E.A.R. Team's lancer, if anything. He seems to be the member with an expertise in handling just about any problem the Second Team gets across, be it combat, forensics or wiretapping.

According to him, he's a father of two children and has taken them along with him on a tour around Fairport's Old Underground Metro Area in the summer before the events of F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate. It seems that being enlisted in F.E.A.R. wasn't quite the job he had in mind, judging from how he often complains about being underpaid for all the menial tasks he has been given, which sometimes puts him in Snark-to-Snark Combat with the F.E.A.R. Coordinator, Rowdy Betters. And don't get him started on the Amarillo incident: shooting the capture target was apparently an accident.

Steve Chen is doomed to die in Perseus Mandate, when early on, in one of the Sergeant's visions, he was seen dragged into a puddle of black liquid, the poor sap.

  • Deadpan Snarker: Despite the seriousness of the task, Chen still has the time to make sarcastic comments about how disproportionate his paycheck is to his work.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: His "pathetic paycheck" aside, he requests Betters to lag a rescue operation, claims his Noodle Incident was a mere slip-of-the-hand and tells the Sergeant to "try not to get blown out of any more windows."
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Poor Chen. He only manages to stay alive for four Intervals, with some decently friendly ice-breaking moments before he gets killed by one of Alma's Scarecrows.

Captain David Raynes

SFOD-D (Delta Force)

Lt. Douglas Holiday

Sergeant Michael Becket

See Player Characters

First Lieutenant Keira Stokes

Dark Signal's communications officer, Lt. Stokes is the only female member of the squad and the only one without any psychic abilities. Despite being a commissioned officer, she lets Staff Sergeant Griffin command the unit in combat, as she is primarily a communications specialist.

  • Action Girl: Despite weighing about half as much as the rest of the squad, she holds her own in combat quite well, and fights alongside Beckett off and on throughout the game.
  • Badass Normal: Holds up pretty well against all the other supernatural monsters despite not possessing any psychic powers like the rest of Dark Signal. Ironically, her lack of any superhuman abilities may have kept her alive longer than anyone else.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Her armor actually covers about as much area as the kit the rest of dark Signal wears, but her shirt underneath is just a bit too short.
  • Genre Savvy: Adapts to the shift from "special operations extraction" to "supernatural end-of-the-world horror" with remarkable speed. At the end of the game, she even openly worries that Alma will use the "turns your worst fears against you" trick.
  • Good-Looking Privates: She's not as conventionally pretty as many examples of this, but she's still attractive.
  • The Ladette
  • You Are in Command Now: Takes over after Alma kills Griffin.

Sergeant First Class Harold Keegan

Member of Dark Signal who seems to be having odd health issues during the mission, which only gets worse when he gets shot early on and subsequently starts suffering abrupt migraines. Per Harbinger records, he has psychic potential comparable to Paxton Fettel. Midway through the game, he is possessed and transformed by Alma, and becomes involuntarily infatuated with her.

First Sergeant Cedric Griffin

The leader of the Dark Signal Team. Survived the Fairport explosion and tried to link up with the rest of the team. He gets killed by Alma while Stokes and Becket were right behind him.

Sergeant James Fox

Sergeant Manuel Morales

Morales is the APC driver for the Dark Signal Team... taking the crew where they need to go in case they need to link up.

  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The last time Becket sees him alive is before he enters the Telesthetic Chamber in Climax. Sure, he's guarding the APC when you last see him, but considering Aristide showed up...

Armacham Technology Corporation

Armacham Technology Corporation

A major defense contractor for the United States military, Armacham develops extremely high-tech weapons in a variety of fields, including aerospace, robotics, and the emerging field of psychic warfare. ATC also maintains and operates a large PMC force and conventional military, and was responsible for a lot of construction in the city of Fairport. However, the truth is that Armacham's military and economic power is surprisingly vast, with an enormously powerful military force, highly-advanced technology, and extensive holdings across the world, making them a classic Cyberpunk-esque Mega Corp.

Harlan Wade

See Major Antagonists

Genevieve Aristide

See Major Antagonists

Colonel Richard Vanek

See Major Antagonists

The Replica

Cloned super soldiers created by Armacham Technology Corporation as part of Project Perseus, intended to be controlled by a psychic commander. Naturally, It Got Worse once Paxton Fettel went crazy.

  • Cloning Blues:
    • Notably averted. Though the Replica clearly have their own emotions and independent thought processes, they are dependent wholly on their psychic commanders for objectives and orders, and otherwise aren't affected by the angst of being clones whose sole purpose is to die.
    • Of note is that at one point in Reborn, a Replica begins to question orders, by asking about their deployment and requesting a higher clearance level. His commander requests permission to summarily execute said Replica, and receives it. In the few seconds it takes for this to happen, the Replica about to be executed doesn't move or twitch or do anything to protect himself. Like everything else that the Replica do, he just sits there and waits to be shot in the head.
  • Determinator: The Replica will do whatever it takes to stop you, including following near-suicidal orders and tactics.
  • Faceless Goons: Justified.
  • Heavily Armored Mook: Those that wear or ride suits of armor. See Mini-Mecha and Powered Armor below.
  • Mini-Mecha: The REV armored units. They are called "powered armor", but the larger ones are really bipedal tanks.
  • Oh Crap: They often freak out if you take down many of their squad or dodge their advances with Slow-Mo.
  • Super Soldier: Every single damn one of 'em.
  • Powered Armor: Thesmall REV units (REV-6 and REV-12) Heavy Armor and Heavy Riot Armor soldiers.

ATC Security/Black Ops

Armacham's immensely powerful military division, divided into different groups. ATC Security handles day-to-day physical security and initial response, and form the primary ATC enemy in the first game and its expansions. Security is characterized by their light civilian armor, sunglasses and caps. Black Ops, which handles dangerous covert and cleanup operations, forms the ATC enemy in the second game and its expansions, and are characterized by heavier full-body armor and a high-tech, cyberpunk aesthetic to their gear. In the third game ATC has deployed conventional military forces which have occupied the city of Fairport and are conducting a general purge of the civlian populace, now driven insane by Alma. These mercenaries are characterized by modern military-style armor and equipment and balaclavas.

  • Cool Shades: ATC Security all wear these. The Black Ops troops wear glowing blue ones as well.
  • Elite Mooks: Each group has a particular type: Security has heavily-armored guards in riot gear (only seen in Perseus Mandate). Black Ops has elite troops clad in heavier armor and facemasks. The conventional ATC troops use Replica soldiers and Phase troops as their elites.
  • Enemy Mine: Sort of. In the first two games, they were actively fighting against the Replica, but by the third game, the Replica have been brought back under control and fight alongside the normal human ATC troops.
  • Faceless Goons: Many ATC troops have visible faces, but the more elite soldiers wear facemasks and goggles, and all of the ATC troops in the third game wear face-concealing balaclavas.
  • Mecha-Mooks: The mech support units that show up in F.E.A.R. 3.
  • Mook Maker: Phase Casters and Phase Commanders.
  • Private Military Contractors
  • Punch Clock Villain: In the first game, the ATC Security units are mostly just armed security guards following orders to "repel all outsiders" and are generally in over their heads (though they do carry out several assassinations of people who know too much under Aristide's orders). The second and third games, not so much.
  • We Have Reserves: The Phase Commanders have no compunctions with sacrificng their troops to achieve an objective... especially if that objective is killing the Point Man.


Alma Wade

See Major Antagonists

Paxton Fetell

See Major Antagonists

Foxtrot 813

See Player Characters

The Creep

See Major Antagonists


Senator David Hoyle wanted to a little shoplifting for Armacham's data and DNA samples of Paxton Fettel and Alma, so he gets these men and ex-NSA operative Gavin Morrison to do the work. A combination of brains and brawn, these guys outclass everyone in a straight fight, including the Super Soldier Replicas. A radio debriefing from Captain Raynes indicates that the whereabouts of the Nightcrawlers, "a permanent free-standing army", is a closely-guarded secret. The Nightcrawlers communicate in a very dull, calm, collected tone, which suggests that they're seasoned professionals who don't let certain emotions to get in the way of their job. Some of them seem to have superhuman reflexes that rival the Point Man's and the Sergeant's.

If you observe their combat patterns carefully, the Nightcrawlers can be distinctly divided into two classes: the lower echelon, the regulars, and the upper echelon, the elites.

Nightcrawler elite: We've lost six men to the creatures in the shadows. Avoid the dark, if you can.

    • That quote, by the way, is dictated in a heavily bored voice with absolutely no emphasis.
    • Their commander is the ultimate king of this trope.

Nightcrawler elite: Sir, Paxton Fettel has entered the area.
Nightcrawler commander: Ignore him. Get the vault open.
Nightcrawler elite: But...
Nightcrawler commander: I said, "Ignore him!"

  • Danger Deadpan: All of them. Unlike the Replica, whose Oh Crap moments are all over the place, the Nightcrawlers have plenty of Casual Danger Dialog. The upper echelons of the Nightcrawler group ramp this up twofold: the calm demeanor breaks only at the presence of Alma or Fettel.
  • Private Military Contractor: Hired by Senator Hoyle.
  • Weapon of Choice: At least as a mainstay firearm, theirs is the Vector Engineering Systems V7 Advanced Rifle. The higherups also have a tendency to mix various class of BFGs with the V7.

Nightcrawler regulars

The lesser class. Much like Replica regulars, but with twice the badassery. They don't have supernatural abilities like their elite brethren do, but because of their unparalleled durability and overwhelming numbers, they can pose a serious threat. They have a particular liking towards using VES Advanced Rifles, VK-12 Shotguns and other small arms of similar caliber, usually leaving the serious firepower to their elite cousins.

  • Elite Mooks: They can't be called super soldier clones like the Replicas because there's no explicit statement about it, so this is the best you can make of them.
  • Expy: Of the Replicas, except smarter and tougher. The lighter regular is a few Hit Points stronger than its Replica counterpart.
  • Faceless Goons: Just like the Replicas, the Nightcrawler regulars wear what looks like Gas Masks.

Nightcrawler elites

The greater class. When you think of Nightcrawlers with BFGs and fast feet, you think of these guys. They're generally spread thin but when you encounter one, you had best take plenty of cover and firepower while you still have some.

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