< Even Evil Has Standards

Even Evil Has Standards/Web Original

  • This video had the host, Phantom Savage, who had delighted in doing several evil actions in Fallout: New Vegas, take on a romhack by his friend, The Khold One, and was crying. It was that hard.
  • In the Whateley Universe, one of the very few things that both sides of the powered community agree on is that family is not to be brought into the matter. For villains and heroes, their life being at risk is one thing -- their kids being at risk just because of association? That's something else entirely, and people finding out about it is just about guaranteed to draw the ire of the whole community. And threatening the family of a Whateley student? The lucky ones are in jail for life. And on life support -- also for life.
  • Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog: The Doctor's response to the idea of smothering an old lady? "Do I even know you?"
    • He also responds to an e-mail from his would-be nemesis, who challenged him to a fight in a public park, by pointing out that kids play in that park.
      • Let's face it, Dr Horrible is pretty much all standards. Well, at first.
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses, episode 44 had Bennett the Sage as a co-host to That Guy, the infamous master of Dead Baby Comedy, and Sage actually delivered so disturbing and creepy answers, that That Guy spent most of the episode watching Sage with a mix of fear and frozen horror on his face.
    • And to a lesser extent, in The Nostalgia Critic's Casper review, the now-Chaotic Evil Casper is horrified when the Critic makes a joke where the film's teenage female lead cheerfully mentions having an abortion to her father.

Casper: *looks wide-eyed*
Critic: ...Okay, that was a little disturbing--
Casper: Wow.
Critic: Okay, okay, it was just a little dark humor, I mean, it's nothing--
Casper:: Wow!
Critic: Okay, okay, let's just move on!
Casper: ...you sicken me.

    • And to an even lesser extent, That Guy's reaction to a letter stating that the writer recently discovered that he was part of the Furry Fandom.
      • Satan talks over a piece in Ask that guy with the glasses 58 saying, "Uh. Yeah, you guys better not listen to this."
    • Sage himself gets an Even Evil Has Standards when reading Cloud Mows the Lawn.
      • He has a few other such moments, such as in one anime review where it's casually mentioned that the hero raped his sister and never gets any comeuppance for it. Also, in a crossover with JesuOtaku where she reviews Master of Martial Hearts, he notes that he wouldn't be caught dead eating at a place called Moe Burger, because even he has to have some standards.
    • Douchey Mc Nitpick, a troll who loved proving The Critic wrong, decides to leave when the number one fuck up breaks him.
  • Atop the Fourth Wall has That '90s Kid, an embodiment of the Dark Age of Comics. While not evil, he loves mindless violence and "darkness", but when Superboy Prime kills a pregnant woman in Countdown to Final Crisis, well...

"Duuude, I-" * Record Needle Scratch* "Wait. Did you just vaporize a pregnant chick? That's...not cool, man. That's just not cool."

Doctor Insano: "I may be evil, but at least I'm not full of CRAP!!"

    • Don't get him wrong, Dr. Insano does enjoy the fact that the movie was about the ultimate triumph of evil and playing the innocent population for the bleeding heart saps that they are, but what irritates him is the fact that all the effort Ferris put into committing multiple felonies and driving Cameron closer to suicide was all for something so petty; a day off from school.
    • Not to mention Dr. Insano also attended school. Even evil won't skip school.
  • In the review of The Spirit by Linkara and Film Brain, Linksano reveals that- even to him- it is too much to disintegrate a kitten. There are lines that even they don't cross, apparently, and that's one of them.
  • The Cinema Snob had this reaction to A Serbian Film; while his favorite movie is apparently Caligula and he's watched some pretty disgusting movies, this is the first one that made him feel like he'd done something wrong and illegal just by sitting through it.
    • It's even deeper: That wasn't "The Snob" having that reaction, it was Brad Jones. Keep in mind, Jones created the Snob character to parody film critics who only like artistic film, but in real life he actually likes a lot of the films he makes fun of. A Serbian Film was too disgusting for even him.
  • The AI O'Malley from Red vs. Blue, who desires nothing less than to CRUSH EVERY LIVING SOUL INTO DUST draws the line at Red Bull.

O'Malley: They will all taste oblivion! Which tastes just like Red Bull... which is disgusting!

humans can suffer all day long. i lol hard at that shit.
dogs and cats..... fuck you op.

    • Also, 4chan users generally do not care if you violate the site's rules... unless you're under 18 or post My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic related content outside of its dedicated board.
    • Likewise, posting something abhorrent such as child pornography, bomb threats and anything related to criminal activity can and will lead to the 4chan community tracing every bit of personal information about the offending user and have them turned over to the police or the FBI.
  • Cracked commenter Scary-Mike, known for being really outrageous, responded to the #4 entry of this article by saying that ruining children's happiness is something even he will not do
  • In the SCP Foundation, when Dr. Clef discovers that a guest researcher has been feeding children to SCP-682 just to see what happens, Clef turns around and fees him to the monster. For those who don't know, Dr. Clef is actually Satan.
  • In the Global Guardians PBEM Universe, Evil Overlord and Master Villain Lord Doom was so disgusted with the innocent lives lost during the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center that it was his agents who, within 48 hours of the attacks, had determined precisely who was to blame, and where that person could be found. He turned Osama bin Laden over to the UN virtually wrapped up in a bow.
  • Even Evil Has Standards is the premise of the many Downfall parodies on YouTube, where the message is basically "even Hitler thinks this sucks".
  • From The Babylon Bee: "Mafia Requests To No Longer Be Called 'The Mob' Because Of Negative Association With Political Activists". And later "Nation's Raging Dumpster Fires Ask People To Stop Comparing Them To American Politics".
  • Despite being portrayed in the mainstream media as a band of anarchists who mercilessly pillage and rip copyrighted works, the warez scene is far more organised and has drafted an agreed-upon set of standards for whichever platform they're pirating. Anything from the file format, compression scheme and size limits are stringently enforced, lest their releases get rejected (in warez parlance, rejected releases are termed as being "nuked") and the offending groups be ridiculed at worst; so-called "proper" releases are done either by the group whose release was nuked or another release group to address whichever defects the previous release had. The Scene is, at least by principle, a secret society, and many a warez group would express contempt for those who leak their releases to the internet-at-large as any Hells Angels-style flaunting would attract unwanted attention and reprisal from law enforcement (This is why websites who use the names of prominent warez groups such as SKIDROW, CODEX or CPY are nothing more than poseurs cashing in on their notoriety and are generally to be avoided). There were even vigilante groups within the Scene who style themselves as "enforcers" and and oust any and all of those who leak warez releases to the public, mostly those who do it for profit.
    • Torrent sites also do have strict rules as well, owing to them being rife with abuse and uploads of malicious content. Some do adhere to the DMCA and will (begrudgingly) comply to any request to have their works removed, and they all draw the line on something sick and disgusting such as child pornography and animal cruelty, as the sites' already-illegal nature is more than enough trouble as it is.

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