Rectified Anonymity
"Will you do anything for me?"
Rectified Anonymity is a story written by David Garrett in an attempt to, well, rectify his anonymity.
It concerns the adventures of a young Pokémon trainer named David, who finds himself miles away from home in the middle of a massive rainstorm. His umbrella broken and his spirits flagging, he calls out his Gardevoir to keep him company.
The story then becomes very disturbing, very, very quickly.
The fanfic gained notoriety in the Pokémon fanbase for its graphic violence, disturbing sex scenes, and its misclassification of Gardevoir's type. in fact, one of the sites that hosts it initially refused quite strongly to do so, eventually putting it up with a very large disclaimer. It rivals Agony in Pink and Chibi Usa's Seventh Birthday in terms of violence, shock and brutality. You can read it here, though we should warn you -- it's not for the faint of heart or the currently at-work.
- Artistic License: Biology: Cervixes don't work that way...
- Blond Guys Are Evil: David, David, David...
- Body Horror: In spades.
- Book Ends: Human feels desolated, gets horny, and considers bestiality.
- Break the Cutie Gardevoir.
- But You Screw One Goat!
- Cluster F-Bomb:
"Shut the fuck up you old bastard and get the fuck over here, her mouth isn't going to fuck itself!" David shouted, forcing his voice above that of nurse Joy's.
- A Date with Rosie Palms
- Did Not Do the Research: Gardevoir's typing (it's Psychic, not Grass) and other things:
- Ralts are indigenous to Hoenn, not Kanto.
- It's "flora," not "fauna."
- Gardevoir reproduce asexually and thus lack vaginas.
- Eye Scream: Somehow, David's actions give Gardevoir an eye infection.
- Gorn
- Groin Attack: Taken Up to Eleven near the end of the work.
- Hollywood Psych: Gardevoir doesn't take ten whole minutes to develop Stockholm Syndrome.
- IKEA Erotica
- It Got Worse: Exaggerated.
- Ironic Echo: Will you do anything for me?
- Kill'Em All: Almost happens.
- Lack of Empathy: David.
- Lolicon: Joy's dad has had the hots for her for quite some time now...
- Mind Rape: The "mundane" variety.
- Nobody Poops: Averted
- No Periods, Period: Also averted.
- Parental Incest: The doctor with Nurse Joy.
- Purple Prose:
Rain spattered across the sand, causing a deafening roar, like that of a hundred semis crashing into each other in apocalyptic glory. The crack of thunder split the insanity, and wind swept it up into a cacophony of natural horror.
- Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: David
- Rock Bottom: Repeatedly and devastatingly subverted.
- Rouge Angles of Satin: "FUCK ME HARDER YOU PEACE OF SHIT."
- Self-Insert Fic
- Sequel Hook
- Sex Slave: Poor Gardevoir becomes one of these.
- Shout-Out: The closing scene may be a nod to one of the oldest Pokemon Rule 34s, a naked Misty astride a purple Staryu.
- The Sociopath: David.
- Three-Way Sex
- Troll Fic:
- Villain Protagonist: David has literally no redeeming characteristics.