Dark Dream Chronicle
Meet Mark Axton. He's just an average guy who's been having some strange dreams lately, along with seeing people in strange white masks all over town. He's also developed a cough and serious insomnia, so he figures maybe he should try therapy. And that's about when the metaphorical shit hits the fan.
No, wait. It's about the Communes and the Chosen living in them. They're working for the Master trying to create a utopia for humanity and crush the Rebellion at the same time.
Wait, that's not right, either. It's about Crashdown (which is presumably more or less The End of the World as We Know It) and the six that have the ability to stop it.
Alright, it's about all those things and more. It's...pretty complicated.
Dark Dream Chronicle is an ARG based on The Slender Man Mythos. The plot revolves around a rebellion against Slendy (generally known in-universe as "the Master", or, if you're really daring/stupid, "Fluffy" or "Skinnybitch"). It's very character-oriented and most of the action takes place on a chatroom.
And until someone gets a more in-depth description typed up, check out the UF thread and the in-progress wiki: https://web.archive.org/web/20111118141159/http://forums.unfiction.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=32022&sid=e1c4c6368d3df2e054a82c49d3235641 http://darkdreamchronicle.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Dream_Chronicle_Wiki
- Anyone Can Die: There's a reason the unofficial tagline is "...and then they died."
- Ax Crazy: It might be easier to list the characters that aren't.
- Back from the Dead: Vadiir. Repeatedly.
- Cool Mask: Every Chosen has one.
- Crazy Enough to Work: Doc's apparent modus operandi.
- Creepy Child: MistBunny.
- Cute and Psycho: The Laughing Clown.
- Deader Than Dead: CrimsonBranch had his face and most of his upper body melted off.
- Deal with the Devil: The Chosen get enhanced physical and mental abilities, but they die horribly around the age of 27 if they aren't Immune and their Soul is taken by Tall, Pale and Faceless.
- The End of the World as We Know It: Crashdown, presumably.
- Everyone Can See It: Vadiir and Doc. Even back when all of their interaction consisted of Doc trolling Vadiir, who would threaten to kill her.
- For the Evulz: When asked about why she bit someone's tongue out, the Laughing Clown replied, "Shiggles."
- Gray and Gray Morality
- He Is Not My Boyfriend: Doc, referring to Vadiir. Repeatedly.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Vadiir
- Insane Troll Logic: Doc, on occasion.
- The Jester: Doc, to the point where she was actually given the title "the Jester" and it's the basis of her mask.
- Knife Nut: Vadiir. To a lesser extent, WhiteSuit
- Kukris Are Kool / Machete Mayhem: His Weapon of Choice is a Black Iron kukri machete.
- Lovable Traitor: Vadiir.
- The Mad Hatter: Pretty much all of the Chosen.
- The Master: Pretty much everyone in the cast refers to Slendy as the Master.
- Monster Clown: Vadiir has the Smiling Clown Mask, which has been described as "absolutely horrifying".
- Not So Different: Vadiir pulls this on Doc every now and again.
- La RĂ©sistance: The Rebellion, obviously.
- Sadistic Choice: Doc was told to either join the Commune or let her grandfather die horribly.
- Take a Third Option: Look at me, I'm a target!
- Sanity Ball
- Shipper on Deck: WhiteDress. To a lesser extent, absolutely everyone else.
- Shout-Out: Doc does this constantly, mostly to Doctor Who and anything Bruce Campbell-related.
- Slasher Smile: Vadiir's mask.
- Straight Man and Wise Guy: Vadiir and Doc. Doc generally takes on the wise guy role opposite anyone who is relatively serious, though.
- Strange Girl: Doc is referred to as "odd" or some variation of that by several characters.
- Unwanted Revival: Michelle Mason.
- Utopia Justifies the Means
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Chosen.
- World of Snark
- Would Hurt a Child: Darkness