< Echo Chamber

Echo Chamber/WMG

The Administrator is...

They will eventually do Every Trope on Echo Chamber

Which will eventually result in more tropes on their page which they will also cover.

The season finale trope will be...

The crew will eventually encounter The Advertisement Server

  • "Well, you found me. Congratulations. Was it worth it?" Possibly they have to stop the Adbot from trying to Take Over the World.
  • Alternatively, the quest leads them to Fast Eddie and the TV Tropes server in:
    • The top of a skyscraper;
    • A shack on a lake;
    • A vast mansion;
    • A remote farm;
    • A nuclear bunker;
    • A converted submarine;
    • Low Earth Orbit;
    • A room on the other side of the wall the TV screen that he appears on is mounted on. It's not really a TV screen, it's a window.
    • All of the above.

Dana's Freudian Excuse

She was teased for being so nerdy and shy as a kid, so she now defends herself with cutting-edge sarcasm and irony.

    • Confirmed? It was something the creators wanted to add to the Freudian Excuse episode.

They will soon do Trope Tropes

Zack is a Time Lord

How else could he get footage of the same scene from several angles with one camera? He obviously teleports somewhere else just a few seconds previously, and gets the shot. Also it's highly unbelievable that Tom would have gone this long, having made so many death threats against Zack, without killing him. It is therefore not unreasonable to assume that he has, and Zack has merely kept regenerating. The reason he is kept off camera is to hide this fact from us.

    • Well, of course. Now we just need to fit in Haruhi and Altair for the WMG triumphate. (Tom is a Haruhi-esque Reality Warper and Dana is his Kyon.)

A future episode will be about Murder the Hypotenuse.

In which Shannon tries to kill Dana. She fails, obviously.

    • Alternatively, Dana will try to kill Shannon. Dana typing on her phone in episode 6 is obviously her texting instructions to a hitman she hired. She isn't necessarily fighting with Shannon over Tom. Just fed up of Shannon getting in the way of filming the vlog.

At least one of them will become Genre Savvy.

Realising that they live out whatever trope is the video's subject, they try to stop Tom's choices if they would suffer for it - "No, you can't do Broke Episode. I'd rather eat this week." Most likely Dana, because she's in front of the camera and Tom's Foil.

We will see Zack's brother appear in front of the camera in a future episode.

According to the YouTube channel (Word of God?), his name is Dave and he is the Visible Boom Mic operator. And you were supposed to see him.

Tom is plotting to kill Shannon off for real

The way he put away his laptop quickly when Shannon appears? Nah, that isn't him doing some editing. Also he might like her for two reasons, but eventually she will get in the way of Tom's wishes for Total Trope Domination

    • Tom doesn't have the will to pull that off, but others might. Remember that Mr Administrator said "There is more riding on this than you think." With the growing popularity of the site and the ability to ruin lives, the TV Tropes administrators have become Drunk with Power.
      • Like Dana? Or even Zack?
      • Yes...Dana turns out to be Evil All Along. (And/or this is all part of Fast Eddie's plan for world domination. If I don't edit again, you know I was right.)

Porn Girl is actually a spy from a rival site or TV Tropes rival vlogger

She is trying to put Tom off so that he gives up on making vlogs, hence her sudden break up with him.

They will do Hilariously Abusive Childhood.

Or rather, Tom wants to. Dana objects, saying abusive childhoods are never funny, and to illustrate the trope, Zack's dad shows up.

Echo Chamber is actually a documentary focusing on 3 students at Carnegie Mellon

Tom is really a Jerk. Dana really is a Deadpan Snarker and Zack really is a Strange Guy who films everything. They say it's a Web Video show to cover up the Truth!

Shannon and Zack will have a relationship

That stinger from the Did You Think I Can't Feel? video can be interpreted as such, what with Shannon's smirk.

The whole series is actually a computer generated Lotus Eater Machine/Ontological Mystery/Psychological Torment Zone (Delete as appropriate)

The Administrator generated it all in Tom's mind in an attempt to see if he is indeed capable of creating Trope Vlogs in a set of bizarre/confusing/stressful situations. That way when Tom wakes up the Administrator has a good idea if the quality of the vlogs is consistent enough to be featured on the TV Tropes site.

Zack is Mr. Administrator.

This will be revealed in the Trope-Of-The-Week video for Obfuscating Stupidity.

    • Possibly Jossed given that Zack and the Administrator appear together in the finale?

The power behind Mr. Administrator is the Entire Userbase of TVTropes!

After all, who really drives the site and keeps it alive? Without us, Mr. Adminstrator may as well be out of a job. We create, edit and delete articles, we discuss, play with and mock tropes (when appropriate). We tropers effectively keep the site alive and ultimately decide on the direction of the site and have done so for so long that we have all merged into some massive internet overmind that dictates what Mr. Administrator needs to do...

Mr. Administrator's father is the (or one of the) creator(s) of TV Tropes.

Mr. Administrator said that he sympathizes with Zack, and Zack's dad is forcing him into a life he doesn't want. So Mr. Administrator's dad is forcing him to carry on the family tradition.

Echo Chamber is connected to the upcoming TV Tropes ARG

The Looking For Puppet Master announcement comes out at the same time as the last episode? Rather suspicious if you ask me...

  • It also came out prior to the premiere of the last episode. It doesn't help though that it disappears the day after the finale.
  • Not to mention Zack's in-character twitter and Shannon's blog...

Nakama will have an episode

Following the logic of the above WMG, the renaming of Nakama was also on the bulletin some moments prior to the finale. The theory of why could be because the creators didn't want Echo Chamber to have Gratuitous Japanese for fear of being called a weeaboo.

  • Jossed by Tom in the discussion section.

Echo Chamber does not and never will make a stand for or against any issue that divides Tropers. Neither Echo Chamber nor I have any opinion about the proposed Nakama rename. And even if we did, I don't think Fast Eddie would do something this big because I asked him nicely. It's a coincidence.

Zack is Obfuscating Stupidity as part of Mr. Administrator's assignment.

He wasn't being stupid at the end of Mysterious Employer, though-- he needed to pee and genuinely wanted to know where the bathroom was!

The Series Finale will be Apocalyptic Log.

Or Series Fauxnale, if they don't want to go out on a Downer Ending.

Ace is Tom's Big Little Brother.

Always Someone Better? Check. Looks younger? Check, at least in my opinion. Gets more approval from authority figure (parents/Mr. Administrator)? Check. Tom didn't mention it because he's already upset enough about being overshadowed by this guy. He doesn't need people knowing they're related, too.

  • Jossed. In Episode 2 he reveals his real name, including last name and couldn't remember Tom's name.

Season 2 will end with [citation needed] cancelled

Tom, Dana and Zack will somehow get the show cancelled but due to feeling bad for Ace and everyone involved, they decide to let them become a part of Echo Chamber, resulting in a much better show that Mr. Administrator loves.

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