Echo Chamber/Characters
Main cast
Tom Pike
The main character and creator of the vlogs.
"I've never written anything like this before, I didn't want to be a screenwriter, I wanted to be a playwright!"

- All Men Are Perverts
- Aw, Look! He Might Genuinely Like Her Instead Of Just Being Turned On Because She Made Zack Cry!
- Bad Boss: To Zack.
"If you get in front of the camera, I will stab you, I will actually stab you!"
- Butt Monkey: Episode 10 pretty much solidifies Tom as this, what with him getting yelled at by The Administrator for something Dana said.
- Fan Disservice: Him in his Batman boxers. Yeeowch.
- Freudian Excuse: His Big Little Brother overshadowing him.
- Genre Blind
- Hypocritical Humor:
Tom: (to Dana) Look, if you keep assuming that someone can't do anything right, sooner or later, you're gonna be proven wrong.
Zack: Yeah!
Tom: God, I wish I had some duct tape right now.
Zack: Why?
Tom: To shut you up!
- Insufferable Genius
- Invoked Trope: He does this frequently.
- Jerkass
- Nerd Glasses
- One of Us: Known on This Very Wiki as Tanzmetall
- Trademark Favorite Food: Rice with salt, apparently.
- Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist
Dana Shaw
The producer, eventually promoted to character.
"[I'm going on camera] because you need me to. I mean, Tom, you're... pretty hopeless. You're really hopeless, actually. You're like a lost little puppy, and whenever someone tries to help you out, you crap on the rug and bite their baby. But, see, that's where I can come in. I can be there with the rabies shots, and the carpet cleaner... and your incompetence means that I can actually make a difference here."

- Brutal Honesty
- Cannot Spit It Out
- Deadpan Snarker: She frequently snarks at Tom or Zack, but her jabs at Shannon really take the cake.
Shannon: You just don't understand anything about love.
Dana: Oh, my heart. She breaks. (makes tear outline on cheek)
- Genre Savvy
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Only Sane Man
- Surrounded by Idiots: Oh so much.
- UST: Some with Tom.
Zack Wallnau
The cameraman.
"Ha, therapy is for losers! ...I Made Myself Sad."

- All Men Are Perverts
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Butt Monkey
- Character Blog: His Twitter account.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Oh God...
"Do you keep your dead cat in a box, too?"
- The Ditz
- The Faceless
- Got Volunteered: By Tom, of course.
- Hollywood Pudgy: Everyone calls him fat, but in one video announcment for his twitter account, we can see him from the mouth down. He's doesn't really look overweight at all.
- The audience sees his whole body in the Season Finale; yeah...not even close.
- Of course, considering this is a show about tropes, this is probably the whole point.
- The audience sees his whole body in the Season Finale; yeah...not even close.
- Man Child: It runs in the family, apparently...
- Stalker with a Crush: Towards Dana.
- Therapy Is for the Weak: But he could really use some.
Supporting/recurring cast
Mr. Administrator
The admin that Tom contacts about his vlogs.
"You have angered us, Mr. Pike, for the last time! Your next video will be a work of genius or we will SHUT YOU DOWN. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? End transmission."

- Bad Boss
- Evil Sounds Deep
- The Faceless
- Mysterious Employer
- Not So Different: From Zack. "After all, we are similar..."
- Not So Stoic: He actually laughs at one of Ace's videos.
- One of Us: He literally works for TV Tropes.
- Parental Issues: He... sympathizes with Zack. No further explanation was given.
- Power Makes Your Voice Deep
- Royal We: His speech pattern. He also expects other tropers to refer to themselves in third-person.
- Serious Business: Considers TV Tropes to be so.
- Voice of the Legion: Except during his conversation with Zack in episode 10.
Tom's psycho ex-fiancee.
"CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I can't believe Tom is still making his stupid little show with that... fat boy and that ugly chick!"

- Attention Whore
- Buxom Is Better: Tom starts sleeping with her again because she has great boobs, as many viewers have said in the comments.
- Character Blog: It's here.
- I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!: See "Buxom Is Better".
- Informed Ability: Her acting skills. Justified as she's the only one who says so.
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend
- Really Gets Around: If Dana is to be believed.
- Small Name, Big Ego: From her blog:
When will they see that their crappy little show would be so much better if I was acting in it? And writing it? And directing it?
- Stalking Is Love: Seems to believe this.
- Stalker with a Crush
- Yandere
Dave the Sound Guy
Zack's brother. Dave mans the boom mic behind the camera and never speaks. He thought Gaelyn's message for Zack was for him, and may have a crush on her.
- All Love Is Unrequited: If the gag at the end of Episode 2.2 bears out.
- Visible Boom Mic: In Episode 1.6, Zack films Dave's reflection in a window.
- The Voiceless: He has had no lines so far.
Porn Girl/Alyssa
One of the interviewees for the female role, and had a brief relationship with Tom.

- All Women Are Lustful
- Girl of the Week: Literally.
Tom: But Porn Girl, this has been the best week of my life!
- Only Known by Their Nickname: In-Universe only. The characters all call her Porn Girl, since they can't remember her real name. According to Terrible Interviewees Montage, it's Alyssa.
- Romantic False Lead: Well, duh.
Stephen Tonti, aka "Ace"
The star of a rival series, [citation needed], sponsored by The Other Wiki. Has charisma in spades and quickly starts overshadowing Echo Chamber's popularity.
"Well, I am pretty cool. The internet doesn't lie."
- The Ace
- Always Someone Better
- Jerkass: He's arguably a bigger one than Tom.
- Meaningful Name
- My Name Is Not Durwood: The only thing he's not good at is getting Tom's name right.
- The Rival
Gaelyn, aka "Blueberry"
The camerawoman for [citation needed]. She has a crush on Zack, but he doesn't get it.
"Nobody really pays attention to me."
- Adorkable
- Distaff Counterpart: For Zack.
- Just Friends: With Zack, much to her disappointment.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The reason Zack calls her "Blueberry".
One-shot characters
Uncle Bill
Zack and Dave's uncle. Appeared in Terrible Interviewees Montage.

- Cloudcuckoolander: It runs in the family.
- Completely Missing the Point: He wasn't aware that it was an audition-- he was just there to hang out.
- Informed Ability: His acting skills. On the other hand, it was Zack who said so...
- Man Child
Also appeared in Terrible Interviewees Montage. She may or may not have been there for the therapy session Tom hijacked.
- The Woobie: If she was there for the therapy, from the sounds of things... she reeeeeeaaaalllly needed it.
??? / Knife Guy
Another terrible interviewee. He might be a serial killer. We're not sure.
- Axe Crazy: Sure looks like it.
- Knife Nut
- No Name Given
- Serial Killer: Maybe.