< Durarara!! < Characters

Durarara!!/Characters/Novel Only

This is the novel-only character page for the many characters of Durarara!!:

Warning!! The examples below may include spoilers for the light novels, as well as the anime.

If you're only following the latter[1], proceed at your own risk!


A former Mafiya assassin and Blood Knight that fled to Ikebukuro, taking a truck filled with guns along with her.

Vorona: I fled. Parental ties, already severed. Next meeting, one of us will die. Pity, pity.

  • Ax Crazy
  • Badass: Vorona, upon first meeting Shizuo, immediately decided she had to fight him — so she stabbed him with a knife and shot him with a rifle. Shizuo threw her own motorcycle at her simply because her stabbing him reminded him of Izaya.
    • Badass Bookworm: Quite a literal example. She is a trained assassin but she also possesses an extensive knowledge and her favorite activity happens to be reading books.
  • Becoming the Mask: Seems to be heading in this direction when she actually intends to break Shizuo out of jail before bumping into Izaya and attacking him.
  • Biker Babe: Even pictured with Celty here.
  • Blondes Are Evil: Not an outright villain, but she gets pretty close, considering her lack of compunction for murdering people in cold blood.
  • Blood Knight: As a defense mechanism, Vorona is obsessed with killing strong people in order to prove her own strength, and to confirm human fragility by seeing how easy it is to take their lives. It's the reason she becomes Shizuo's kohai.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Break the Haughty: Her disgraceful loss to Akabayashi causes this. Prior to that, she was confident enough in her combat abilities to challenge insanely strong opponents, and then attempt to kill them to test human fragility. She wises up a little afterward.
  • Broken Ace: Often described as being incredibly beautiful and excelling at everything she does. Her only major flaw is her obsessive impulse to destroy strong people.

Drakon: Vorona... has more loveliness, more intellect, and more knowledge at her disposal than anyone else in this place... at the same time, though, she's also an unstoppable and incorrigible fighting addict.

Vorona: Why do I keep doing this even though I know Father will not praise me? Not because I want to be loved. It's very simple. The happiness. The delight. The pleasure. The bliss. The ecstasy.


Vorona's longtime partner in crime. He ran away with her to Japan, where they were temporarily hired as mercenaries in Ikebukuro for Izaya and Yadogiri Jinnai. He is an enormous man with tremendous strength, although he isn't very intelligent.

Chikage Rokujo

Leader of the Toramaru biker gang who comes to Ikeburo after some members of his gang were allegedly attacked by the Dollars and involved innocents in the crossfire. Also a shameless manwhore, and rarely seen without multiple women hanging off of him.

Shizuo: Yeah. When I was about to punch him a fifth time he said "Ah, and I have girls willing to tend to me when I’m in the hospital bed. Are you jealous now?" ...Well, something like that. His tooth broke so I wasn’t able to hear very well.

  • The Dulcinea Effect
  • Ethical Slut
  • Fearless Fool: His very first order of business upon entering Ikebukuro? Picking a fight with Shizuo, hence the bandages.
  • Foe Yay: With Kadota, according to Erika.
  • Friendly Enemy: Despite a grudge over injuring some of Chikage's Toramaru pals (which is why he picked a fight in the first place), both Chikage and Shizuo are both tremendously civil about the affair. Shizuo even dropped him off at Shinra's after handing him his ass.

Chikage: Hell if that wasn't the most enjoyable fight I've had in years. He was nicer than I expected, too.

Emilia Kishitani

A researcher from Nebula, and Shingen's new wife.

Aoba Kuronuma

An unusually young-looking freshman that quickly latches onto Mikado. Also the leader of Blue Square.

Gin: Let me see - after an awesome fight, they realized The Power of Friendship, and then a bunch of weird guys came and used hostages but bang! -- Light was everywhere, and we got a big fire too!

Aoba: ...I was a fool to send you on a spying mission.

  • They Are Not My Girlfriends: When members of Blue Square refer to Mairu and Kururi as such.
  • Why Did it Have to be Fire?: Aoba has a huge fear of fire. However, this works to his advantage as he's able to frame his brother for arson by using this fear. He plays this straight though after the incident though.

Akane Awakusu

The ten-year old daughter of Mikiya and granddaughter of Dougen, who is the current head of the Awakusu-kai. After learning on the Internet that her family is running a criminal organization, she became heartbroken and ran away from home. She soon met Izaya, who tricked her into thinking Shizuo was an enemy, causing her to try and kill him with a modified stun gun. Afterward, when Shizuo rescued her from kidnappers, she realized he wasn't a bad person and befriended him.

He couldn't help but notice the way this kid was smiling. It was innocent alright, but there was also something that reminded one of a kid stomping on ants for fun...

  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: A mild version, but Akane wants to beat Shizuo and is currently attending the same gym as Mairu in order to learn how to fight properly. This is also the reason why she has a rivalry with Vorona.
  • The Rival: To Vorona. They're both vying over Shizuo for different reasons (i.e. either to kill or defeat him).
  • Token Mini-Moe: The only prepubescent in the entire cast, consisting of teenagers, adults, and one immortal.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: The first thing she says to Shizuo is "Die!" and then she tries to electrocute him while smiling sweetly.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Another victim of Izaya's manipulation.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Her demure, obedient personality shows signs of this.


A high-ranking executive of the Awakusu-kai. Akabayashi is easily recognizable by his gaudy sense of fashion and the large scar running through his right eye. He is known as the Red Demon of the Awakusu and has ties to Anri.

  • Adult Child: Subverted. His online handle is Gaki (which means brat), and he sometimes uses "Oi-chan" to talk about himself, but this isn't his true behavior, and it's all part of a disarming act.
  • Badass
    • Badass in a Nice Suit: Comes with the job. He likes wearing gaudy suits, though.
    • Badass Normal: Considered a superb street fighter and was able to knock out Vorona without breaking a sweat. On top of that, he is the only other human being, besides Shizuo, who was able to resist becoming one of Saika's children, and even gouged out his own eye.
    • Handicapped Badass: He lost an eye, but is still in top-notch fighting form.
  • The Berserker: His backstory. He was a violent man in the past, but after he met the Slasher (who was Anri's mom at the time), and went through a series of experiences, he calmed down and became relatively gentler.
  • Cane Fu: Carries around an ornamented cane for this purpose, since he doesn't need it for walking.
  • Cool Old Guy: Described as somewhere in his thirties to forties, but he is still one helluva good fighter.
  • Cool Shades
  • Defector From Decadence: After discovering his former boss was behind the drug-induced insanity of Sayaka's husband, which eventually led to her suicide, Akabayashi abandoned his duties as a bodyguard and let his boss get killed by a hit man. He then joined the Awakusu organization to watch over Anri Sonohara.
  • Evil Redhead: Subverted. Although he has red hair and is involved with a criminal organization, he's not only chivalrous but hates drug dealing and prostitution. He's also friendly to children.
  • Eye Scream: When Sayaka slashed him in the eye with Saika, he plucked it out before the sword could possess him.
  • Friend to All Children: He is fond of kids, and gets along pretty well with them.
  • Genius Bruiser: He's almost as tall as Aozaki is, but also intelligent and tech-savvy.
  • Glass Eye: After losing his right eye, he replaces it with this.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a scar over his right eye.
  • In Love with Your Carnage: He fell in love with Sayaka, after she had pierced his right eyeball with her katana, because he was impressed by her swordsmanship.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: With Anri, who feels like a younger sister to him. Akane counts as well.
  • Last-Name Basis: His first name is unknown.
  • Meaningful Name: Part of his last name means red, which inspired his Badass Nickname.
  • Mistaken for Pedophile/Mistaken for Gay: Since he has no wife or girlfriend at his age, and because he is so good with kids, he gets labeled as one or the other, though he denies it.
  • Morality Pet: Anri. Anything involving her instantly becomes a personal concern for him, rather than work-related.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Often acts like he doesn't have a care in the world. Subverted because other members of the Awakusu-kai, like Shiki, distrust him for this very reason, and think he's hiding his true motives behind the facade.
  • Parental Substitute: For Anri, perhaps. After she became an orphan, he helped her sell the antiques in her parent's store to provide for her until she reaches eighteen.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Nearly always seen with a smile on his face, even as he is calmly beating up another man. Overlaps with Cheshire Cat Grin sometimes.
  • Red Baron: Nicknamed Awakusu's Red Demon.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Akabayashi is usually portrayed with scarlet irises (to match the hair) in fan works. His canon eye color hasn't been confirmed yet.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red Demon to Aozaki's Blue Demon.
  • Sunglasses at Night: He wears colorful, expensive-looking sunglasses nearly all the time.
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Played straight when he fought Vorona. While he defeats her effortlessly, he doesn't actually hurt her, which makes her loss even more crushing.
  • Yakuza


Another executive of the Awakusu-kai, he is known as the Blue Demon of the organization. Not much else is known about him, except that he has a rivalry with Akabayashi and is really big.

  • Badass in a Nice Suit: The suit he wears is apparently tailored to his height, and makes him look even more formidable.
  • The Brute: Aozaki is described as quite tall at 190cm, and looks pretty intimidating thanks to his broad shoulders and immense build. Naturally, this gives him an advantage while fighting.
  • Buffy-Speak: Occasionally lapses into this.
  • Last-Name Basis: His first name is unknown.
  • Meaningful Name: Part of his last name means blue, which inspired his Badass Nickname.
  • New Media Are Evil: Has a low opinion on new technology in general, unlike tech-savvy Akabayashi, meaning he makes no effort to keep himself updated.
  • Red Baron: Nicknamed Awakusu's Blue Demon.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue Demon to Akabayashi's Red Demon.
  • The Rival: Dislikes Akayabashi, and holds a longstanding rivalry with him.
  • Yakuza

Eijirou Sharaku

Mairu's martial arts mentor. A lazy thirty year old man who is Mikage's older brother and has a grudge against Izaya. He is also a bit of a pervert.

Mikage Sharaku

A character who was introduced in volume 9 as one of Izaya's followers for his new "army." For some reason, she dropped out of high school. She is also a mentor at the gym that Mairu regularly attends, along with her brother Eijirou.


A mysterious woman who works for the "Owner" of the Amphisbaena. She is incredibly sadistic and revels in torturing people, leaving them entirely at her mercy. She often begins with sensory deprivation by covering their heads with linen bags. Her current victim appears to be Izaya Orihara.

Yodogiri Jinnai

The former head of Yodogiri Shining Corporation. Not much is known about him. He is repsonsible, amongst other things, for the incident with Hijiribe Ruri and Izaya's stabbing. There are hints that he might be the series' Big Bad.

Yodogiri Jinnai: Honestly, you need to stop that. A kid needs to learn to play only in his little garden...in Ikebukuro. Because If he runs outside, you never know when he might get hurt!

Lingerin Douglanikov

The leader of the weapon dealing organization that Vorona and Slon used to be part of. Gets along well with Drakon, Vorona's father, despite suffering frequent insults of his intelligence.

  • Badass: When you can take down at least thirty seven armored and fully armed illegal immigrants with nothing but your bare hands(Which happen to be stuck in a pair of jars), you are undeniably badass.
  • Brains and Brawn: The brawn to Drakon's brains.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: When first shown, his hands are stuck inside jars, due to holding onto the pistols inside. He seems utterly baffled as to how to get them out. But when the previously mentioned illegal immigrants rudely interrupt his conversation with Drakon, he apparently beats them to death with his feet and jarred hands.
  • Dumb Muscle: See above. He only gets the jars off when an enemy that was pretending to be dead attacks him, and he fires the pistol in the jar on instinct, killing the immigrant and breaking the jar. He was about to shoot the jar off his other hand before Drakon pointed out the detail that his hand was still in it.
  • Husky Russkie
  • The Mafiya
  • Those Two Bad Guys: With Drakon.

The Suicidal Girl

A young girl who formed a suicide pact with Izaya but was tricked by him.

  • Chekhov's Gunman: She appears in the first novel then she reappears in the seventh with the intention of murdering Izaya in the hospital.
  • Determinator: She waited a whole year for a chance to get her revenge.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Even though Izaya gave her a Hannibal Lecture, drugged and stuffed her into a suitcase, still wanting to kill him for it seems a little harsh.
  • Fan Nickname: Since her name was never revealed (see below), most fans simply refer to her as the Suicidal Girl.
  • Foe Yay: With Izaya
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She was intending to kill Izaya. Too bad that she merely restored his faith in humankind.
  • No Name Given: At least not in the novel.
  • Suicide Pact: Can you guess with who?

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  1. which covers up to volume 3
  2. As in like a crow - intelligent, but for some reason loves rotten meat (metaphorically speaking).
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