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The Clan as a whole

Background Information

The newest clan to rise to the Council of Nine. The Vloz'ress was originally a small nether cult under the leadership of Kiel's mother Ven'ndia, but after her death Sene'kha formed alliances with the Sharen that allowed the Vloz'ress to take the seat left vacant after the collapse of the Val'Dutanvir. Besides the Sharen, they are the only clan who identify themselves as Vels instead of Vals due to their association with demonic magic. Despite their Val status, the Vloz'ress are the least liked clan in Chel, and living conditions among most members are second only to living on the street. "Houses" within the clan are mostly defined as which nether summoner one serves under, and exactly who has the power among the summoners is constantly shifting.


Kharla'ggen Vel'Vloz'ress


Kiel'ndia Vel'Vloz'ress


Mir'kiin Vel'Vloz'ress

  • A Plague on Both Your Houses (his last words are promising that Kharla will kill all of them)
  • Asshole Victim (he may have had it coming, but the way he goes out is still pretty gruesome)
  • Delinquents (he eventually gets kicked out of all his classes at Orthorbbae, forcing him to leave the school where Ariel nabs him)
  • Groin Attack (he tries this on Ariel, and when he finds there's nothing to grab he figures out that she's female)
  • Fail O'Suckyname (it's not known if it was intentional, but his name is a homophone for Merkin, a pubic wig)
  • He-Man Woman Hater (he's definitely this, but it was never explained why. In fact when he stabs Ariel he can be seen happily murmuring that "there will be one less female in the world" as he makes his getaway. Might have something to do with his experience with the Vloz'ress nether summoners, all of whom are female and prone to Chronic Backstabbing Disorder)
  • Jerkass (his first words are complaining that he doesn't want to be in a class with a bunch of "girly freaks" and he gets progressively more jerkish, attempting to kill Ariel and later attacking her when they're on the same team)


Sene'kha Vel'Vloz'ress

  • The Chessmaster
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder (comes naturally with the Vloz'ress, but Sene'kha seemed to be especially good at it to not only get her position, but hold it for as long as she did)
  • Complete Monster (One of the few characters the very vocal fanbase is in absolute agreement about, and even Kiel seems to think this . Under Kiel's mom the Vloz'ress were a bunch of weird but harmless people and Kharla had the chance to recover from her trauma. Then Sene'kha manipulated Kharla into turning Kiel's mom into a living door knocker. The results: Kharla's condition got worse, the Vloz'ress turned into a clan of power hungry maniacs and Sene'kha's control over Kharla allowed her to rule the clan. Also there's her plan to takeover Chel by turning Kharla into an Eldritch Abomination.)
  • The Dog Bites Back (Kiel refuses to help her escape and leaves her to be executed)
  • Manipulative Bastard (is heavily implied to have purposely arranged Kiel's mother's death, and a sidestory shows that she actually went looking for Kharla and found her in her insane state)
  • Off with His Head (but not before beating stabbed, beaten up, and then after being beheaded set on fire and having her aura sealed for good measure)
  • Rasputinian Death (see above)
  • Shout-Out (her name is likely a reference to Seneca the Younger, an advisor to Emperor Nero who was executed for supposedly being complicit in an assassination plot)
  • The Starscream (it's heavily implied that she pulled this on Kiel's mother)
  • Suicide by Cop (she tries this after Kiel refuses to help her break out, and screams after her insults about her mother while her thought bubbles indicate that she wants Kiel to kill her so she can be "set free", i.e. either spared the Kyorl execution, able to release her seed to cause more destruction, or both. Unfortunately for Sene'kha, Kiel's already left.)



Sene'kha's mate and Soul Seeker, he led the quest to bring back Discordia.

  • Badass (look what it takes to kill him!)
  • The Dragon (to Sene'kha)
  • Dual-Wielding
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There (when his seed starts to awaken he gains a second set of eyes above his own)
  • Karmic Death (Kiel intentionally invokes this by using her mother's golem against him)
  • Rasputinian Death ( Is set upon by nagas, and after fighting through them narrowly survives a manabomb, two stab wounds to the abdomen, and a fire blast. Then he releases his seed only to have his head split by Kiel'ndia's chain weapon. People on the forums agree that this takes the cake for Rasputinian Deaths out of all the characters in the comic.)
  • Scars Are Forever (has several scars on his face)
  • Unholy Matrimony (we never see them really interact, but it can be inferred he had this relationship with Sene'kha, though the gender roles were flipped due to drow society)



A nether summoner in the clan. She has ambitions of leading the clan after Sene'kha's death.

  • Enemy Mine (winds up in this situation with Kiel after she's poisoned and forced to save her life)
  • Facial Markings (has what are probably tattoos that resemble stitch marks all over her face)
  • In the Hood (almost always has her hood up)



A nether summoner within the clan.

  • Chekhov's Gunman (the scourges with her in this scene appear later to watch Kiel succumb to the poison)
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones (what Kiel realizes when she bursts in to kill Nyo'ka and sees her kids. See also Not So Different.)
  • Not So Different (Kiel realizes this when her children come out after Kiel burst in to kill her and is reminded of her own mother)
  • Pet the Dog (the way she talks about her children)
  • Put on a Bus (she did this to her kids by sending them to the Illhar'dro city of Nuqrah'shareh, though she had referenced earlier that she was going to do this, and the two of them later appear in chapters 33 and 34, where their names are revealed to be Tamiir and Kys'sae, with Tamiir probably being the girl and Kys'sae probably being the boy)
  • Snakes Are Sexy (she's seen with a snake wrapped around one of her arms a couple times)
  • Unwitting Pawn (Kiel was poisoned in such a way that Kharla thought Larvova did it, but Kharla was smart enough to get Larvova to save Kiel instead. Because Nyo'ka's scourges show up to watch Kiel thought that Nyo'ka ordered it, but they were in fact acting on their own, hoping to turn Kharla against Larvova. It nearly cost Nyoka her life, so needless to say she wasn't pleased with them, and one of them gets killed for his troubles. Kiel later feeds his body to Demon!Naal.)



Kiel's mother and the former leader of the group that later became the Vloz'ress, Ven'ndia's aura was sealed in a puppet body by Kharla.

Kuso and Baliir

Kuso and Baliir

A soldier and berserker respectively in the Vloz'ress clan. They appear to be friends as they are almost always seen in the company of one another. Baliir seems the most interested in his duty in the clan whereas Kuso is often the comic relief.



A former Sharen of Nishi'kanta's bloodline, now a Vloz'ress nether summoner. Her twin, Ni'ju, is now a demon that serves her.

  • Angsty Surviving Twin (considering that her sister is a demon, or at the very least a possessed summon, this trope is pretty easy to infer. As both have an apostrophe in their names (signaling Val status) its implied that they were actually biological twins rather than a protector-twin set up, making Ni'bai's angst status even more telling.)
  • Dark-Skinned Blond (like Nishi'kanta, though hers is obviously dyed since you can see her roots.)
  • Defector From Decadence (she left the Sharen after the Nidraa'chal War)
  • Dragon Ascendant (After Sene'kha's death, Ni'bai announces that she'll finish the job Sene'kha started. Appropriately, as a former Sharen she's also a dragon in another sense as well.)
  • Facial Markings (like Kiel, has red lines that look like tear marks under her eyes)
  • Ignored Epiphany (not Ni'bai herself, but when she tries to tell Desmonde Kyorl'solenurn the truth about the War she's ignored)
  • Noble Fugitive (as seen above, Ni'bai was a former Sharen Val. Why she left the Sharen after the Nidraa'chal War isn't ouright stated but its easy to infer that she found out the truth behind the War and the attack on her grandmother)
  • Number Two (was evidently something like this to Sene'kha, and uses her notes to continue the project to use Discordia as a summoning conduit after her death)
  • Stripperiffic (not by human standards save for her Impossibly Low Neckline, but by drow standards walking around with a bare neck makes her even naughtier than Mel with her dental floss)



An old human woman, she seems to be Kharla's caretaker.


Umpus Vloz'ress

An intelligent demon (aka a Vel'Akar) possessing the body of a drow/naga symbiote and serves as Sene'kha's attendant. Much like Khaless for Snadhya'rune, Umpus is very loyal to the Vlozress ideals set out by Sene'kha and later is seen to be plotting with Ni'bai to revive the old idea of bringing a demon god into the world by using Discordia as bait.

  • Anime Hair (has short and spiky hair not seen on any other male character)
  • Blank White Eyes (save for red schlera, this signifies that he is fully demon, not merely a tainted drow)
  • Distaff Counterpart (this appears to be the case with him and Khaless, though its unknown how their respective power levels match up)
  • Facial Markings (he is noticeably tattooed all over his upper body)
  • Fluffy Tamer (was visibly sympathetic to Discordia whilst the latter was being captured, stroking her arm and referring to her as "a poor thing", while the other characters just comment on how easy it was to capture the shard. He also attempts to reason with her in chapter 12.)
  • Hidden Agenda Villain (it is too early to tell if he is a villain, but as of yet readers know nothing about his true motives)
  • Tattooed Crook (as seen above, he is covered in body markings)

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  1. the real reason is that it wasn't being used as often as the creators intended
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