< Drowtales

Drowtales/Nightmare Fuel

  • All the drow who do not realize they are inevitably going to be taken over by demons, the one drow who does because she can feel it happening.
  • The army of demons the Nidraa'chal sic on Sii'lice's army in the prologue right here. Not just because they did that to the innocent citizens who never did them any harm, but because if you look on the far left not only is a heavily pregnant woman possessed but so is the baby in her womb. Which is half-climbing out, presumably to get some blood for itself.
  • Laele'aell. I mean, Jesus Christ, what the hell is that?!
  • It's a more subtle kind of horror, but what happens to Diva'ratrika while imprisoned in her tower is actually pretty disturbing. Just the idea of being trapped with no way out, with only one person that even knows you're alive while you're slowly losing your mind is bad enough on its own, but it gets worse when you consider what it must have been like for Ragini to slowly feel her aura being taken over, to the point that she buried herself in alcohol to stave off the pain.
  • The entirety of this sequence, but possessed Celia is particularly scary.
  • Ariel's nightmare in Chapter 8 is pretty frightening all around, but this page with the distorted faces of the five girl band is pretty bad. Not to mention the next page.
  • Chiri's visions are pretty damn frightening, especially since it's heavily implied that she feels everything the victims feel.
  • Watching Kiel'ndia suffer from the effects of the poison is bad enough, especially since it goes on for several pages and is frighteningly realistic, but the subverted Emergency Transformation has caused at least one actual nightmare.
  • Ahem. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Poor Rek.
  • Kharla'ggen can turn people into statues, with their souls still trapped inside. She also has a hobby of making real people into dolls. She removes the bones, teeth and put in glass eyes instead of the real ones. And those people are stillliving and aware of their situation and what goes on around them.
    • Most likely inspired from Forgotten Realms drow matriarchs, who tend to have such entertaining objects as a gemstone on their throne that violently rips the soul out of anyone who displeases them, then imprisons said souls for all eternity. And have archmages who take captured prisoners, transform them into horrible, horrible monsters, then set them lose on the prisoners own people. The drow in general are a race that runs on High Octane Nightmare Fuel.
  • Khaless in general. She can turn willingly into a tentacled shadow creature, and then there's the original's accident...
  • Don't forget the "Corrupted", artificial nagas who were once enemies of the Vel'Vloz'ress or unlucky passerby who fell victim to the giant eyeless snakes bred by the clan which transform them by consuming them only up to the waist and biting into the flesh with their fangs as both the victim and the snake symbiotically fuse into one artificial creature. The venom of the snakes makes the victim's mind go numb and turns them into docile and easy to train minions. Because the venom makes them clumsy, forgettable, and confused they're mainly used as psychological warfare against their former kin. The worse part is that even if a corrupted could get free if someone removed the snake, it would be a painful process as the victim would feel everything the snake feels and very likely die from blood loss. And even then the whole process would most likely be in vain as their brains may not recover from the neurotoxin.
  • The half-drow hale-spider Driders don't have it well for them either. With the exception of the completely sane and true race Ne'kalsaider, most were driven out by the clans who once revered them and inevitably driven insane due to losing the constant battle between themselves weakened by exile and ill treatment and the aggressive instincts of their spider half. These feral driders (or Streekaiders) are considered a lost cause as there's no way to save their minds in that state (the Orthorbbae Library even mentions that removing the spider half and using modern golem prosthetics will not help, and may even make things worse as the drow is now in full symbiosis with the spider). For the driders still part of drow society, even under the best care they are just barely able to contain their spider instincts as they slowly over time lose the ability to communicate and think clearly. Remember that they were all once normal drow who were magically fused with spider bodies to save them from severe injuries.
  • Think flowers can't be scary? Oh boy they are. Especially since Word of God confirms that they're all connected, and worse, Wafay believes that that a Nidraa'chal has been developing them.
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