Draw Your Own Story/Characters
Some of the notable characters from Draw Your Own Story. For a more complete (and much more detailed) list, see its own wiki.
Needless to say, spoilers abound.
An adventurer/soldier of misfortune in his early appearances. In DYOS 10 onward, he became the leader of La Résistance after the Eastern Union invaded Canada; when this stalled, he went back to thrill-seeking.
- Canada, Eh?: He'll occasionally play to stereotypes for humour. Other times he'll engage in in-jokes suited to a local audience.
- Face Heel Turn: In DYOS 10.5 he emerges as a Space Nazi agent. And you thought his uniform was just for show!
- Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters: Coruscant is initially skeptical of the Union's invasion of Canada, but after Captain2 joins the Space Nazis in DYOS 10.5, New Port pledges unconditional support to the occupation.
Brother of fellow occasional contributor kill fire. Maintains a spontaneous and light-hearted tone to his comics, and manages to stay sort of relevant to the main story even during long bouts of inactivity. He was zombified in DYOS 10 and is currently the front-runner in the search for Toyoda in DYOS 10.5.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: or in this case, zombie. Most of his crew is, too.
- Klingon Promotion: Some time after being zombified, he kills the DYOS 1 Zombies to become leader of what's left of the horde.
- Plucky Comic Relief: as per Thorvald's tip for making funny comics: "feature choxorn and have him talk"
- Rage Against the Author as a result of winding up in harrowing circumstances for little-to-no reason.
- One of the Chosen Ones in DYOS 10/10.5.
The creator of Draw Your Own Story. He was very active in the early years and has returned again; although like many others recently, new additions have been infrequent.
- The Bad Guy Wins: In DYOS 10, CivCube's evil avatar killed him off and has remained his main character since.[1] May represent a shift to Villain Protagonist.
- Stylistic Suck: He's one of the only people that actually draws his comics in MS Paint, and exploits the style for comedic effect.
A veteran of the series, he has participated in every installment since the beginning. By tradition he is the leader of the Republic of Coruscant (drawn heavily from, but not a total parallel to the Galactic Republic/Empire), at least in a military role. In DYOS 11 he seeks to resurrect his bounty hunter image prevalent in older stories. In contrast to other contributors, CivGeneral tends toward Darker and Edgier comics as he claims he Cannot Tell a Joke.
- Amicably Divorced from Jill within DYOS 11.
- Author Avatar: Arguably the most poignant example.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: When's the last time you've heard about a Marshal of the Army going on solo ops deep in hostile territory? Might also be Asskicking Equals Authority since he can act independent of his superiors.
- Badass Abnormal in DYOS 10.5: Samus saves his life through a blood transfusion to counter The Virus, imbuing him with Metroid and Chozo DNA.
- In DYOS 11, Wesker brings him down to normal.
- Break the Haughty: Self-inflicted as part of his apology for the depression period, signalling the mellowing of his character.
- Bounty Hunter
- Cool Car: His DeLorean Time Machine
- Creator Breakdown: A layoff in December 2009 spiralled into clinical depression in 2010, leading to frequent fights with fellow contributors and chronic Creator Backlash. His work's quality nosedived as his plots became blatant Wish Fulfillment, possibly as a coping mechanism.
- Creator Recovery: His depression slowly began to ease in latter 2010, and a dramatic turnaround occurred in 2014.
- Four-Star Badass
- Fourth Date Marriage: to Jill Valentine. Technically they were High School Sweethearts,[2] but by the time they hook back up the flame had to be lighted afresh.
- First Girl Wins: Samus in 10.5, Jill Valentine in 11.
- Forgot About His Powers: He was strongly implied to have Force training in early stories; in DYOS 10 he's said to need a refresher course, and in later threads it's as if he never learned this stuff at all.
- Girl Notices First: By the time he realizes there's even a spark, they're practically proposing to him.
- Gratuitous German and Japanese
- Guns Akimbo: Does this a lot, either with himself or his characters
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Reached its peak in 2010, again stemming from depression. Still a trademark of the character, although the forumer has since mellowed considerably.
- The Hero: He's the main protagonist in every major story arc.
- Heroic Self-Deprecation: A reflection of his depression in 2010. Combined with jealousy toward his fellow contributors it briefly made him The Resenter (especially of Thorvald), becoming so bad that any praise for colleagues' comics would spark passive-aggressive begs for attention. In one scene during the time travel arc, his character reacts furiously after learning that Thorvald kills Wesker in Bad 2011.
- Human Popsicle: He justified his delayed entry into DYOS 10 in-universe as a result of his character being imprisoned by cryostasis. By the time resistance fighters free him, the Avatar Wars are well underway.
- I Hate Past Me: During the time travel arc, CivGeneral realizes just how much of a Jerkass he's been to the people around him.
- Jade-Colored Glasses: Partly due to depression, partly due to DYOS 10.5's shift towards Grey and Gray Morality, and partly due to his experience in Imperium Offtopicum.
- Ki Attacks/Megaton Punch: The "Panzerfaust" technique.
- Last Girl Wins: Ayane in 11.
- Long-Lost Relative: Marsha Conrad (Cousin), Hanna Antilles (Mother)
- Luke, You Are My Father: During the time travel plot, he meets his future daughter Nozomi when a separate accident lands her in 2003.
- Multi Melee Master: Uses Katanas, pipe wrenches, daggers, and anything he can get his hands on.
- Multi Ranged Master: Uses pistols, assault rifles, anti-tank rifles, bazookas and energy weapons frequently.
- Nephewism: DYOS 10.5 establishes that his parents were believed killed when he was young; he was raised by his uncle Frank, and he and Marsha grew up as siblings.
- Nice Hat: Beret and Ushanka
- No Sense of Humor: He is very sensitive to jokes about him and his characters. Recently, he's been coming to terms about it.
- Off-Screen Breakup with Mara Jade sometime after DYOS 4.
- Only Child Syndrome: Originally. Subverted when his cousin Marsha was introduced, and his backstory was retconned so that they grew up as surrogate siblings.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Powered Armor: Wears one
- Psycho Ex-Girlfriend: Mara Jade in DYOS 10. She remains a villain into DYOS 11, but by then it's much less personal.
- Serial Romeo: Alyx, Samus, Jill, Ayane...
- Serial Spouse: Both Samus and Jill divorce him in the course of DYOS 11, albeit as the result of Deus Ex Machina. CivGeneral justifies this under his adherence to monogamy, although given he's never shown to actually fall out of love, and they all still tag along with him anyway, at this point Marrying Them All really is the more sensible option.
- Small Name, Big Ego: Elements of this abound in the early threads, specifically the fights with Stylesrj in DYOS V. Reached a head in 2010, though since his depression he seems to be going out of his way to defy this. Possibly too much.
- True Companions/Father To His Women: How he treats his team.
A participant from the early years. While still active on the forums, he hasn't contributed since DYOS 5. Even so, he carries considerable star power, and is still referenced in new installments. Curt is in real life the creator of the independent comic series King Evil and Total Fear.
- Hollywood Atheist: Declare your love for God, and he'll declare war on you!
- Putting on the Reich: His personal attire, at least.
- Take Over the World: His goal is usually this.
- Villain by Default: Curt's traditional role is to oppose CivGeneral.
Hobby cartoonist with an Anime-esque art style. Unlike most other contributors, DaemonDD wasn't familiar on the forums before joining DYOS.
- Self-Insert Fic: One of the few exceptions; perhaps the only contributor who hasn't even featured himself in a non-canon comic.
A contributor with an understandably British sense of humour. Most of his comics derive from Nickelodeon cartoons (The Fairly OddParents and SpongeBob SquarePants especially) and World War II paraphernalia.
- Anyone Can Die: Brutally and unapologetically. Supporting characters have been bumped off with little-to-no warning, and even Spongebob and Sandy bit the bullet (although they both earned a reprieve later).
- British Accents: He's certainly justified in their use. Also employs them to highlight class divides, with foot soldiers often speaking in strong regional dialects.
- War Is Hell: Despite the primarily comedic tone of his work, the few times he addresses the dark underbelly of conflict are arresting. Especially noteworthy are the fight for London late in DYOS 11, and the Hiram resistance in DYOS 12.
A fairly recent contributor notable as one of the few who consistently hand-draws the story. He's a sort of roving vigilante, traveling with a giant walking milkshake and an assassin called Valerie.
- Action Hero: Leaping out of an airplane to attack a fighter jet and beating down a roving pack of Nazis in the Ethiopian highlands is a normal day for him.
- The Apprentice: Formerly mentored by big bad dictator Bowie. It didn't end well.
- Chaotic Good: "Have you stopped to consider the legal ramifications? ... Of course not."
- Everything's Better with Samurai: the Powered Armor resembles Samurai armor.
- The Hero: Well, not 'the' hero. But Gruekiller certainly meets a lot of the criteria.
One-shot contributor to DYOS 10. His account was later hijacked by a "friend", who posted a couple of comics before the moderators banned him.
- One-Hit Wonder: The "original" GuitarHero's much-lauded comic.
Kan' Sharuminar
Another veteran and hobby cartoonist. While he tries to remain active in new stories, he tends to drop out if the plot becomes overly convoluted. Even so, he carries a similar reputation as CurtSibling.
- Back from the Dead
- Brave Scot: Subverted not in that he isn't brave, but that he's not in-your-face about it.
- Scars Are Forever: An abrupt comic by Nuclear Kid had Kan' taken hostage and his left leg amputated. While he admitted to sometimes forgetting which leg he'd lost, in all future stories Kan' depicted himself with a peg leg.[3]
A frequent contributor in later threads and the initial Big Bad of DYOS 10, although he's only been seen once since. He proposed the DYOS Consul and its prototype ruleset.
- Face Heel Turn: Originally one of the heroes, shortly into the Avatar Wars he recast himself as the Supreme Commander to give the villains a leader.
- Lost Episode: Virtually all his comics in DYOS 10 were lost when the CivFanatics database was hacked. Especially devastating considering they were regarded to be some of the funniest.
lord_joakim (a.k.a. Angst)
He kicked off the Gem storyline in mid-DYOS 10; while he hasn't been as involved in its development in subsequent threads owing to Continuity Snarl between threads 10.5 and 11, his character remains one of the driving forces of the plot.
- Genre Shift: Most notable example. His early comics were comedic shorts; when he got involved in the Gem arc, he took on a much darker tone and the trappings of a psychological thriller. He flirted with the funny pages again, dipped into existential black comedy, and now seems back to madcap antics.
- Mysterious Past: in the Gem storyline.
- Person of Mass Destruction: hinted at.
Sporadic contributor since DYOS 6. Following DYOS 10, he suggested he would not contribute to future instalments and donated his character to the public domain, although he has recently voiced interest in returning to the fold.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Late in DYOS 11, he's reintroduced under his Jack Noir avatar and attempts to kill Mariko for an Establishing Character Moment, but is blocked by the DYOS Rules, as CivGeneral set her up as a recurring villain.
- Not Quite Starring: He's listed as a chief writer for DYOS 10.5, despite leaving the project several weeks after the thread aired.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Although he followed the story closely, months often passed between contributions, and with the notable exception of DYOS 10 his subplots rarely reached meaningful closure.
Another DYOS 1 veteran, although even at the best of times his comics rarely follow the immediate story.
- Affectionate Parody: His involvement in recent threads is often a lighthearted play on other contributors taking themselves too seriously.
- Alternate Universe: In DYOS 1 he has his own parallel dimension filled with launch arcologies.
- Non Sequitur: Comics in later threads often have at best a passing relevance to the story's main arc.
Brother of Stylesrj. When they first joined in DYOS 5, they took turns writing what was essentially the same comic. While they continue to share characters, over time they came to develop divergent styles. Stylesjl's comics are primarily dialogue-driven shorts that often include references to current events.
- Non Sequitur Episode: Most of his comics, especially the more recent contributions, are treated as this.
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: Midway through DYOS 11, he devoted half his comic to fan letters, typically from comic characters.
- The Cuckoolander Was Right
Brother of Stylesjl. When they first joined in DYOS 5, they took turns writing what was essentially the same comic. While they continue to share characters, over time they came to develop divergent styles. Stylesrj's comics carry a campy action feel and elements of a sitcom.
- Action Hero: even more so than CivGeneral.
- Badass Longcoat
- Five-Man Band: Tries to maintain this throughout DYOS XI.
- Although his team could be considered more Three Plus Two at times.
- Flaming Sword
- Loads and Loads of Characters: specifically in his pre-DYOS 10 days. He took a lot of flak because it was hard for everyone to keep track of them all. It still hasn't been easier, but there's less flak.
- More Dakka: He never has enuff
- Nuke'Em: Did this a lot pre-DYOS 10.
- Oops, I Forgot I Was Married: Literally.
- Powered Armor: Wears one early on in DYOS 11.
- Power Trio: Stylesrj, Rhiza and Rosalina
- The Rival: To CivGeneral in his pre-DYOS 10 days. Eventually became Fire-Forged Friends in the post-DYOS 10 days.
- Absolutely loves Stuff Blowing Up.
- Sword Fight: Gets into these very often.
Fairly regular contributor with a penchant for historical humour. In his early days of DYOS 5-6, he was a corrupt communist dictator. Now he's a wandering adventurer, his powergamey past incarnated in the character Rocket.
- Arguably, an Action Survivor in later threads.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: implied in a flashback.
- One of the Chosen Ones in DYOS 10/10.5.
Taniciusfox (a.k.a. SonicTH)
A contributor midway through DYOS 11, self-professed homosexual, furry, and Sonic the Hedgehog fan, all of which he plays for laughs.
- Furries Are Easier to Draw: although his sketch of the Hacker isn't lacking.
- Het Is Ew: An off-hand comment led to a Running Gag where his character suffers from "heterophobia".
- Ho Yay: If you don't give him an excuse, he'll make his own.
Thorvald of Lym
The overall manager, or "consul" of the comic from DYOS 10 onward. He first emerged in DYOS 6 as king of a fictional Scandinavian country seemingly caught in a time warp; fairly shortly afterwards he led a coup in Russia to found the Soviet-esque Eastern Union, which he has preferred to use in subsequent instalments.
- Canon Welding: Many of the characters introduced after he started drawing herald from an unpublished personal project, and Toyoda's inclusion in particular has led to extensive revision of DYOS history.
- The Lancer to CivGeneral.
- Literal Split Personality: In DYOS X, he explains his avatars as each embodying a different aspect of his soul; unlike the other heroes, he defeats them by assimilating them back into himself.
- Permanent Elected Official as head of the Eastern Union. It's actually unclear how he got into power the first time, although he did run an election campaign in DYOS 8. His official title is "Supreme Prime Minister for Life"; everyone knows he's a dictator, but he's kept a positive spin on it.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: As King of Lym in DYOS 6, he led the expedition to recover the Fridge of the Mods, tried to conquer Scotland, fought alongside the Republic of Coruscant at Pripyat, and sparked a Ukrainian invasion of Russia.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Olive oil, introduced as a gag in DYOS 6.
- Tuckerization: At least two of his characters are named after people he knows, although he insists their personalities are completely unrelated.
Other characters
The Clone Guild
A loose collection of villains introduced by e350tb in DYOS 10.5 known for using cloning technology, hence the name.
- Faux Affably Evil: Colonel Sykes... until things fail to go according to plan.
- Heel Face Turn: Two female clone soldiers, Fifteen and Seventeen, defect to the heroes after growing fed up with the Hacker in DYOS 11.
- Laughably Evil: General Valorum seemed to be heading in this direction when he was first introduced, until taillesskangaru started putting him in his stories.
DaemonDD' s main character, an "Essential Being" whose ultimate aim is to rebuild the universe in his image. Despite the name, he shouldn't be confused with the Biblical Satan, who has appeared as a character in his own right.
- Berserk Button: He's extremely protective of his hat, going so far as to Kill Sat a duck to get it back.
- Our Gods Are Greater: indeed, all the Essental Beings.
- Villain Protagonist
Manfred Hickten
Der Führer of the Space Nazis and an old foe from CivGeneral's past. He personally leads the invasion into Earth in DYOS 10.5.
- Hitler Rants: A phone call to a general mimics Hitler’s chat with Koller.
- Revenge Before Reason: Discussed by both sides. Hickten's stubborn idealism leads to poor strategy that is costing him the war.
Mariko Antilles
The Opposite Gender Clone of CivGeneral. Originally intended as a backup for CivGeneral to transfer his soul into. Awakened by Mara Jade in DYOS 11, she seeks to resurrect the Galactic Empire and kill CG.
- Arch Enemy: To CivGeneral
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Bastard Understudy: Originally recruited as The Apprentice to Mara Jade, she uses Umbrella's attack on New Port to assemble her own army. She betrays Mara during evacuation, leaving her for dead and absorbing what remains of Umbrella into the Second Empire.
- Boobs of Steel
- Boomerang Bigot: An Earthling who despises Earth
- Schisming Coruscant's empire probably isn't the best way to show up the "factional" politics of Earth.
- Black Knight: Her Powered Armor
- Cloning Blues: She believes herself superior to CivGeneral, embarking on a Cain and Abel rivalry. Her attempts to insert herself into CivGeneral's family tree are received... poorly.
- Commissar Cap: Shout-Out to M. Bison.
- Dark Action Girl
- Death by Sex: After learning that shagging a subordinate officer got her pregnant, she tracks him down and Force-chokes him.
- Evil Matriarch: Paranoid that her daughter may come to threaten her position,[4] she never tells Darth Grievous who her mother is, and raises her as an utterly obedient, utterly unloved, servant.
- Naked on Arrival
- Only One Allowed to Defeat/Kill CivGeneral.
Mr. Toyoda
An enigmatic Japanese businessman introduced in DYOS 10. Surprisingly little is known about him by the main characters, but he seems tied up in some grand conspiracy regarding the Gem.
- Been There, Shaped History: choxorn's sleuthing links a handful of military bases built by him to major events in DYOS (specifically, Quiet October and the War of the Steppes in DYOS 6), although whether he was personally involved isn't made clear.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Toyoda first appeared early-ish in DYOS 10, completely silhouetted; he was not named until half a year later, not identified for longer still, and even now is important for reasons not yet known.
- Perpetual Smiler: Some exceptions, but few and far between.
- Say My Name: When Bjørn confides who saved Thunderfall, Thorvald can't even sputter more than the first syllable.
- Shrouded in Myth: One half hates him. One half loves him. The protagonists still can't figure out exactly who he is even after meeting face-to-face, and the people who do know skirt the question at every opportunity.
Pul Wat Aa, The Great Hacker
Chief villain of DYOS 11, at least at the outset, controversial for remaining the focus of the main story despite rapid onset of Villain Decay. Initially believed to be a Chaotic Evil marauder, the character pursued by the heroes is revealed to be a decoy as the true Hacker toils to create his own universe.
- Affably Evil: As demonstrated by his interactions with the Narratorspace Gang, at least until Haruhi's antics collided with the canon.
- Depending on the Writer: Perhaps more so than any villain previous. e350tb's original Sequel Hook portrayed him as a ruthless strategist about to launch a concerted assault. CivCube showed him as pitiless, but also playful. The Styles brothers loaded him with interpersonal relationships such that he almost came across as a Punch Clock Villain. In short, every contributor had a different take... CivGeneral's, despite being the most prevalent, was arguably the least interesting.
- Hannibal Has a Point: In an exceptionally rare instance of the villain having the last laugh, Hacker Prime challenges whether CivGeneral's pursuit is motivated by anything more than petty revenge. The revelation that Hackergeddon was the work of android doubles means his true culpability remains ambiguous, and he questions what purpose his death would serve given the rest of the world assumes his last stand was at Wetickra. CivGeneral kills him anyway just as Zheng He attempts to intervene, then immediately admits that the admiral would have wanted to take him to trial.
- In the Hood: Kinda lost its impact when his face was shown.
- Reality Warper: How, and to what degree, steadily progressed throughout the story. In his initial DYOS 10 appearance, he was a skilled, but otherwise conventional hacker whose main source of power was the DYOS Archive; early in DYOS 11 he managed to "crack reality", obliterating the Sydney Business District, but he still needed a computer interface and could be thwarted by firewall countermeasures; by thread’s end he’d linked his network into his own brain and could warp reality at will.
- Self-Duplication: Employed as a diversion tactic when the heroes corner him on Wetickra. Hacker Prime reveals that previous encounters throughout the story were similarly android doubles.
- Trick Boss: Played completely straight with the introduction of Hacker Prime. As very few contributors were aware the plot twist was in the works, CivGeneral's surprise was all too genuine.
- Ubermensch: In his villainous monologue to CivGeneral, Hacker Prime lambastes a world that has enslaved itself to technology, boasting that in realizing and harnessing its "true" potential, he became a literal God from the machine. Now he seeks to exercise that boundless creativity by building his own reality.
- Villain Decay: At the start of the story his actions were dangerously unpredictable; he'd commit random assassinations and in one instance obliterated downtown Sydney, Australia. Over time inaction on his part and the heroes' victories diminished his perceived threat. Barely halfway through the story he lost the villainous spotlight to Wesker, and his beatdown by Marsha Conrad pretty much shattered any remaining air of menace.
- Then came the climax, and the "real" hacker took the stage.
- You Can't Thwart Stage One: Despite the heroes ransacking his Wetickra headquarters, Hacker Prime reveals his true goal has just been achieved, and escapes to Xen.
Randy Johnson
The nefarious deputy director of the CIA. In DYOS 10.5, Johnson uses the agency to advance his personal politics and private vendetta against Toyoda.
- Knight Templar: Johnson is convinced anyone who opposes Coruscant retreating into isolation is a threat to the nation and must be neutralized.
- My Country, Right or Wrong: Played with. He feels Coruscant is genuinely threatened by Toyoda's influence, and that in pushing for rapprochement the incoming government is committing treason and should be deposed. See also: Well-Intentioned Extremist
- Too Dumb to Live: Johnson leaves an autographed dagger embedded in the headboard above the corpse of his boss.
Taillesskangaru's alter ego (he's depicted as a rocket, based on the poster's old avatar). He is cold, manipulating and revels in chaos.
Rudolph Krieger
A former KSK commando working for the Eastern Union, though he remains a German national. Originally featured in comedic interludes, he leaves DYOS 11 to join the fight against the Space Nazis in DYOS 10.5. Marsha Conrad is later tasked with breaking him out of occupied territory as part of Coruscant's investigation into Mr. Toyoda, who is cited as his friend.
- Duct Tape for Everything: "With over 36 000 practical and abstract uses," it's a staple of his kit.
- Meaningful Name: Translates from the German as "famous-wolf warrior". He's a warrior, all right, and he looks a bit wolfish too.
- Mysterious Past: Why is he working for the Union? How does he know Toyoda? How does he know the Space Nazis? And so forth...
- Stealth Pun: In one of Thorvald's Christmas specials, he wears a pair of fake antlers and a red nose.
- Super Soldier: A Union officer literally calls him this.
- Unflinching Walk: Defied: "Paid guys make sure the job is done."
Dr. Wallace Breen
Dr. Breen was pulled straight from Half-Life 2 as the leader of the Combine Empire. In DYOS 10, he emerges shortly before General Grievous[5] is killed to supplant kulade as the Big Bad. Breen becomes the president of the Enclave in DYOS 10.5, only to face a string of successive defeats that lead to his capture.
- Alternative Character Interpretation: Both in regard to the source material and between contributors. In one comic by Thorvald, Breen seems to figure out Corporal Reitan's Cryptic Conversation, but in subsequent comics by CivGeneral, he's unfazed by whatever he learned. This is revisited in DYOS 10.5 when Breen confronts CivGeneral and appears much more frightened, going so far as to suggest he'll join the good guys in fighting the Combine.
- See also: Ping-Pong Naivete
- Even Evil Has Standards: Breen refuses to mind-rip Corporal Reitan, even though it would skip the excruciatingly frustrating interrogations.
- Fallen-On-Hard-Times Job: Between the end of DYOS X and the rise of the Enclave, he worked as a janitor.
Walter Barrezz
Civil servant attached to the state department enforcing POPA–SIPPA. His constant meddling persuades CivGeneral to go incognito alongside Morrigan Aensland under a new identity.
- Loyal to the Position: Though he's presented as a minor antagonist, he's really only doing his job.
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: It doesn't matter if you're The Hero, or a Four-Star Badass, or how many times you've saved the country from devastation, or you're trying to stop a present threat; turn that router off!
- ↑ He's still called CivCube by the other characters, though.
- ↑ and to be absolutely precise, she's a New Old Flame
- ↑ Following his DYOS 11 regeneration, however, it's flesh-and-bone once more.
- ↑ not unreasonable given she is herself a Bastard Understudy
- ↑ Yes, that Grievous