< Disappeared


Important Characters in Disappeared

Tropes Common To Most Of the Cast
Persona Users
Kiriko Ikeda - The Magician

Played By: Maya Kumashiro

Kozue Kondo - The High Priestess

Played By: Reira

Maeko Akuba - The Empress

Keiichi Ito - The Emperor

Played By: Keiichi Maebara

Kai Yamada - The Hierophant

Played By: Noriyuki Izuna

Kanaye Satou - The Lovers

Played By: Howl

Sakuraba Masami

Played By: Tsukiko Johshima

Emi Hayashi - Strength

Played By: Both original artwork and Rin Kagamine

Toru Ishinomori - The Hermit

Played By: Miharu Rokujou

Toshimi Nawanaka - Wheel of Fortune

Played By: Kafuka Fuura

Thomas Sagaki - Justice

Renju Sonozaki - The Hanged Man

Played By: Kouya Sakagami

Kouchisei "Kou" Oubai - Death

Played By: Nozomu Itoshiki

Seiko Yukizaki - Temperance

Played By: Milly Ashford

Kazuya Arai - The Devil

Played By: Yoite

Reizo Shirai - The Tower

Played By: Haine Rammsteiner

Yoshimi Tachibana - The Star

Played by: Hana Adachi and others.

Isao Shimohama - The Moon

Misaki Aoi - The Sun

Played By: Lacus Clyne

The Sweet Couch - The World
Kei Sato
Shingo Furukawa
Shirou Mizoguchi

Played By: Yukimura Sanada

Kajiko Yamaguchi
Suzume Suzuki
Noriko Kojima
Kouki Yoshida
Gendou Retsu
Noboru Takagi
Isamu Sugiyama
Tamiko Takahashi
Kenjiro Ito
Kiyoshi Akiyama
  • Cargo Ship - Kiyoshi/Microwave.
  • Demoted to Extra - He was originally slated to be the Star arcana Persona-user before Yoshimi was introduced. Now he just fills up a desk in one of the classrooms.
The Bear
The Angels

Played By: Kabuto Yakushi, Hanataro Yamada, etc...

The Gossipers

Played By: Meru Otonashi, Kaere Kimura, Harumi Fujiyoshi, and Nami Hito

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