Denji Sentai Megaranger/Characters
The Megarangers:
Kenta Date/Mega Red | Actor: Hayato Oshiba
Underachiever and laziest student in the Moboroshi high who enjoys eating barbecque and playing the arcade game Megaranger. His gaming habit causes him to be scouted to the INet and he ended up being Mega Red. While he's Red, he's not the leader of the team, that position goes to the more responsible Kouichirou. Turns out he's not really that dumb, since he can be smart when the time demands, he's just lazy about studying.
- Ascended Fanboy
- Book Dumb
- The Hero: But not the team leader.
- I Know Mortal Kombat: Kenta plays Megaranger almost all the time, so he's the most savvy when it comes to battle techniques.
- Idiot Hero: Started the trend for Sentai red rangers.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Being Mega Red makes him able to program any skills thanks to his Personal Computer symbol.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Powers as Programs
- Rotary Sword: Drill Saber
- Signature Move: Saber Slash
- Trademark Favorite Food: Korean barbecue.
Koichiro Endoh/Mega Black | Actor: Atsushi Ehara
Model student, Student Council President, a hard working boy who pretty much treats everything like Serious Business. He is the appointed leader of the Megarangers, due to more responsibility.
- The Big Guy: He's the leader, but not the hero of the series.
- Mighty Glacier: According to the game, Mega Black is 'slow but powerful'
- Serious Business
- Signature Move: Rod Break
- Simple Staff: Mega Rod
- Student Council President
Shun Namiki/Mega Blue | Actor: Masaya Matsukaze
The token genius boy, an aspiring computer graphic artist. At first prioritized his dream than fighting, causing him to quit, but ends up going back anyway since dreams can be re-created, but not friends. He's still pretty aloof compared to the rest, though.
- An Axe to Grind: Mega Tomahawk
- Genius Bruiser: Although he's really the smart-type, anyone who wields an axe can't be considered non-heavy hitter
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: For the most time, he's quite aloof and a bit of insufferable. Though when he decided to be nice, he's nice.
- The Lancer
- Signature Move: Tomahawk Hurricane
- The Smart Guy
Chisato Jogasaki/Mega Yellow | Actor: Eri Tanaka
A bright photographer girl, and a more responsible one. She's into various girly hobbies like singing. While she's smart and responsible, she also sometimes likes to slack off and play Megaranger.
- Brats with Slingshots: Mega Sling
- The Chew Toy: In terms of singing. Anytime there is a singing contest, there's always something to bar her from participating despite her wonderful singing skill. Be they nose sickness, or a Monster of the Week switching her voice with an old man's voice.
- Gag Boobs: This exchange below:
Miku: * talking about cow udders* So big and soft! Just like Chisato's breasts!
Chisato: Hey!
- The Heart
- Hot Scoop
- Lady of War: In the "Megaranger" arcade game manual, Mega Yellow is said to be 'the most eloquent'.
- Mythology Gag: Her being Yellow and a photographer homages to Mika Koizumi/1st Yellow Four. Thank God she didn't die.
- Zettai Ryouiki
Miku Imamura/Mega Pink | Actor: Mami Higashiyama
A not-so-bright student who's a good friend to Chisato. Likes eating, but is quite conscious on her weight. Like Kenta, she's just Obfuscating Stupidity due to her dislike to schoolwork. Has a crush on Shun.
Later on, she reappears in Gaorangers vs Super Sentai, helping the Gaorangers and some other old school Sentai warriors.
- Big Eater
- The Chick: Tends to get really emotional.
- Dogged Nice Girl: Likes Shun, but he's probably too aloof to notice.
- Girlish Pigtails: Sports it during the series, loses it when she appears in Gaorangers Vs Super Sentai.
- Improbable Weapon User: Mega Capture
- Kid Appeal Character
- Obfuscating Stupidity
Professor Kubota | Actor:
- The Mentor
Yusaku Hayakawa/Mega Silver | Actor: Shigeru Kanai
A researcher of INET who tends to slack off. Despite his slacking off attitude, he's one of the top agents INET could offer. He develops the prototype of Megaranger suit, and when the final product is out, he used the prototype to create the Mega Silver suit. He later helps out the Megarangers in their battle against Nejirejia, including making up a 'Neji Silver' suit.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite slacking off a lot, Kubota really trusts his skills.
- Cool Old Guy: An older (25) researcher hanging around with high school kids.
- Finishing Move: Blazer Impact
- Genius Bruiser: Beats up mooks untransformed and bare-handed on a few occasions. At first this is due to the time limit on the Mega Silver suit (no need to waste it on mooks after all), but later it's because he's just that Badass.
- Sixth Ranger
- Swiss Army Weapon: Silver Blazer
- Ray Gun: Gun Mode
- Cool Sword: Sword Mode
- Weaksauce Weakness: Mega Silver at first can only last several minutes. After several tune-ups, it can last forever, but has his power weakened.
- Though in episode 49, he managed to defeat both Shibolena and Yugande at the SAME time.
Evil Electric Kingdom Nejirejia
Evil Electro-King Javious I
Dr. Hinelar Actor: Tetsuo Morishita
- Big Bad:He succeeded when Javious is killed.
- The Dragon: to Javious.
- Demoted to Extra: His Power Ranger counterpart is Furios, one of the sub-villains in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He cares for his fellow subornate.
- Mad Scientist
Shibolena Actor: Jo Asami
- Dark Action Girl: Unlike most other villainess, she tend to fight Megaranger alot.
- Dark Chick
- Hammerspace: She tends to pull her sword out from nowhere.
- Immortality Immorality: She directly states in her image song that her body will last for an eternity. It doesn't.
- Leitmotif: Blue Devil's Smile
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: To Mega Yellow.
- Robot Girl:She is a robot modeled after Hinelar's dead daughter.
- She's Got Legs
- Zettai Ryouiki
Bibidebi Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki
- Dual-Wielding: In episode 17.
- Team Pet
- Villain Song: Bibidadebi!
Commander Yugande
- Cool Sword
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: To Mega Red.
Commander Guirail
- The Psycho Rangers: Japanese counterparts to the Trope Namers.