Death on Demand
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Death on Demand is a supernatural Slasher Film, made in 2008.
In 1988, famous mountaineer Sean McIntyre suffered a psychotic break while scaling the Himalayas, and murdered a Sherpa after hallucinating he was a Yeti (yes, really). After this incident, Sean was extradited back to America, and was never quite the same, believing he was cursed and something "evil" was out to get him. While presumably awaiting trial, Sean had another mental breakdown on Thanksgiving, and murdered his wife, mother in-law and two daughters before hanging himself with one of his daughter's dolls in hand.
Twenty years later, entrepreneur Richard DeNola and his partner Peter decide to hold a Halloween webcast, dubbed "Death on Demand", in the abandoned McIntyre house, having five college students (Darla Hansen, her boyfriend Biff Balstead, Bradley Manly, his girlfriend Tammy, and a girl named Haydn) as contestants, along with sultry porn star Velvet Luv. The group's goal is to find the key to an exit using clues left around house while hundreds watch them online, mostly hoping for some steamy action. Unfortunately for the cast and crew of "Death on Demand", a séance they hold (using the doll Sean died with as a focusing point) before the game begins is actually successful, and summons Sean's insane ghost, which proceeds to make "Death on Demand" live up to its name with an assortment of mountain climbing gear.
All in all, a pretty shameless rip-off of Halloween: Resurrection. Has been dubbed either So Okay It's Average or So Bad It's Good by most reviewers.
Also, the director totally used to work on stuff like Sesame Street and The Naked Brothers Band.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Sean cuts his mother in-law's head off with one swing of a carving knife.
- All Hallow's Eve
- Alpha Bitch: Tammy.
- Ambiguously Gay: The webcast viewer dressed like a viking.
Sam: "I wanna see more of Brad Manly's penis!"
- An Arm and a Leg: Sean cuts off Haydn's hands while attacking her, and later severs one of Biff's arms.
- Asshole Victim: Brad.
- Awesome McCoolname: Bradley "Brad" Manly.
- Axe Before Entering: To get to Biff and Darla, who have barricaded themselves in the attic, Sean briefly tries hacking through the roof.
- The Bad Guy Wins: Sean successfully kills everyone, and is left in the world of the living, with no one left alive knowing how to stop him.
- Bad Liar: Brad. Everyone falls for his prank, regardless.
- Between My Legs: Done when Velvet walks in on Brad looking for clues in the washroom.
- Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti: Sean killed a Sherpa, thinking he was the latter.
- Big Man on Campus: Brad.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Velvet briefly brags about her breast implants.
- Bi the Way: Velvet.
- Book Dumb: Brad, in spades.
- Black and Nerdy: Peter.
- Black Bra and Panties: Worn by every female character, except maybe Darla.
- Black Best Friend: Peter, again.
- Blind Without'Em: Haydn.
- Blood Spattered Innocents: Sean's daughters in the opening.
- Bury Your Gays: Haydn, and the bisexual Velvet.
- Cassandra Truth: Characters take turns.
- Catapult Nightmare: How Darla is introduced.
- Catgirl: A viewer is dressed as one.
- Chained to a Bed: Velvet decides to have some kinky fun with Haydn by handcuffing her to a bed, but ends up leaving to get her dropped lube and forgets about her, allowing Sean to nonchalantly walk in and butcher her.
- Chekhov's Gun: Averted. The power drill Peter is shown with once or twice never actually gets used by or against Sean.
- Claustrophobia: Darla, though she manages to overcome it by the end, enough to hide from Sean in a trunk.
- Closed Circle: The house exits are all sealed.
- Cluster F-Bomb: Often.
- Collared by Fashion: Haydn.
- Creepy Basement
- Cue the Sun: The end, but unfortunately leads to...
- Daylight Horror: A recovered Sean impales Darla with a grappling hook, and reels her back into the house as she's leaving.
- Curiosity Killed the Cast: Brad is killed while searching for Tammy, and Richard dies looking for everyone.
- Death by Sex: Haydn is killed while waiting for Velvet to come back for some fun.
- Deliberately Monochrome: The opening, when Sean kills his family.
- Diary: Gretchen McIntyre's is found tucked away in the basement by Darla and Biff.
- Developing Doomed Characters: Bordering on It Gets Better.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Porn star Velvet is killed when Sean shoves a mountaineering doohickey down her throat.
- Its a SLCD.
- Driven to Suicide: After killing his family, Sean hung himself.
- Dropped A Bridge On Them: Biff and Darla.
- Dull Surprise: Weirdly, only the male actors seemed to suffer from it.
- The Eighties: The opening.
- Eye Awaken: Sean, after he hangs himself.
- Fail O'Suckyname: Biff Balstead.
- Fair Cop: Velvet's costume.
- Fan Service: Lots of shirtlessness and sex scenes, both straight and lesbian.
- Fetish: Haydn seems to have one for panties.
- Fight Scene: A brief one between Biff and Brad; Darla breaks it up.
- Final Girl: Darla, but she does end up getting killed in the end.
- Finger-Twitching Revival: Darla probably should've done a better job of destroying Sean's Soul Jar.
- Flipping the Bird: Brad enjoys doing it.
- Follow the Leader: Fairly blatant Halloween: Resurrection rip-off, as noted above.
- For Halloween I Am Going as Myself: Brad's outfit is a baseball cap and a shirt with "Costume" printed on it.
- Freak-Out: Why Sean killed the Sherpa and his family.
- French Maid: Tammy's costume.
- Full-Moon Silhouette: Done when Sean starts trying to break into the attic through the roof.
- Gasshole: Brad.
- Gender Blender Name: Haydn.
- Ghostly Chill: Sean's presence is signified by a sudden drop in temperature.
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Richard offered Velvet a bonus if she got it on with someone, male or female.
- Ghost Viking: A viewer is dressed as one.
- Gone Horribly Right: The seance was just a gimmicky part of the game, but unfortunately for everyone involved, it actually works.
- Gorn
- Goth: Haydn.
- Groin Attack: While fighting Brad, Biff punches him in the sack. Sean later rips it off with his bare hands.
- Gross Up Close-Up: Several, most notably with Haydn's ripped out guts.
- Haunted House: The McIntyre place presumably becomes one after the events of the film.
- Hooks and Crooks: Sean makes occasional use of a grappling hook as a weapon.
- Horror Doesn't Settle for Simple Tuesday: The main events are on Halloween, while the prologue occurs on Thanksgiving Day.
- Hysterical Woman: Darla constantly shifts between this and normal.
- I Call Him "Mister Happy": Brad's dick is "the general".
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Most of the deaths.
- Improvised Weapon: Sean's mountain gear, plus Darla breaking up Biff and Brad's fight by whacking the latter on the head with a flashlight.
- Insanity Defense: Sean presumably intended on using it for the murder of the Sherpa.
- It's All My Fault: Velvet blames herself for Haydn's death, since she left her handcuffed to the bed.
- Jerkasses: Brad's two unnamed buddies.
- Jerk Jock: Brad.
- Knife Nut: Sean kills his mother in-law and Tammy with one.
- Little Red Riding Hood: Darla's costume.
- Living Memory: Sean shows signs of being this:
Sean: "Are you with the expedition?! Where is your base camp?!"
- The Loins Sleep Tonight: Brad has had trouble getting it up ever since he was headbutted in the groin during a football game.
- Loophole Abuse: Darla suggests to Biff having either Tammy or Brad's body stand in for the third person they need to use the spell that can banish Sean.
Darla: "I never heard a rule that says they have to be alive!"
- Mad Scientist: Haydn's costume.
- Male Gaze: As Tammy goes up the basement steps, the camera focuses on her ass. In-universe, we have Biff and Brad's reaction to Velvet's first appearance.
- Marshmallow Hell: Done to Haydn by Velvet.
- Meganekko: Haydn.
- Mirror Scare: Done by Sean to Darla, after he locks her in the washroom. He subsequently causes the mirror to frost over.
- Mr. Exposition: The newscasters at the beginning.
- Ms. Fanservice: Velvet.
- Naughty Nurse Outfit: A viewer's costume.
- Neck Lift: Done by Sean to Brad.
- Never Recycle a Building: The McIntyre house has been empty ever since Sean's mass murder-suicide.
- No Kill Like Overkill: Sean disembowels Haydn, then hacks the fuck out of her, and cuts her hands off.
- No Name Given: The only webcast viewer who actually gets a name is Sam, the one dressed like an undead viking.
- Not Distracted by the Sexy: Brad is so self-centered (and dumb) that he fails to know a good thing when he sees it.
- Nothing Is Scarier: We don't see how Sean killed his daughters, but what he killed them with (nearly all his gear) is mentioned.
- Offscreen Teleportation: Done by Sean. Justified by him being a ghost...-ish entity.
- Off with His Head: How Sean killed the Sherpa and his mother in-law.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Velvet Luv is presumably just a Porn Name.
- Our Ghosts Are Different: Sean seems pretty fleshy, and as the film progresses he grows increasingly zombie-like, meaning he may be devolving from ghost to revenant.
- Pater Familicide: Sean's origin.
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse: Sean leaves bodies littered throughout the house; Haydn's is actually impaled to the ceiling.
- Pimp Duds: Biff's costume.
- Powerful Pick: Sean's main weapon is an ice axe.
- Psychic Powers: Darla might have them.
- Raging Stiffie: Brad gets stuck with one after swallowing a pill Velvet offers him.
- Reaction Shot
- Redheaded Heroine: Darla.
- Scream Discretion Shot: The deaths of Sean's daughters.
- Shadow Discretion Shot: Richard's death.
- Sound-Only Death: Tammy's death.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: Over the credits.
- Soul Jar: Sean's soul became trapped in one of his daughter's dolls, which he was clutching when he hanged himself. Damaging the doll causes Sean pain, and destroying it would presumably re-kill him.
- Spooky Seance
- Stripperific: In my Halloween-centric horror film?
- The Stoner: The viewer dressed as a mariachi.
- Thanksgiving Day Story: Sean offed his family and himself on it.
- Title Drop: "Don't miss your chance to be apart of this historic webcast! Sign up today at!"
- Those Two Guys: The two (unnamed) main viewers.
- Thousand-Yard Stare: Sean.
- Toilet Humor: Most of it is delivered by the flatulent, impotent and idiotic Brad.
- Too Much Information: Velvet describing how she got control of her gag reflex to Darla and Biff.
- Turn of the Millennium
- Villain Opening Scene
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: Brad's reaction to finding Tammy's corpse. He apparently ate some corn.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Richard has a somewhat strained relationship with his father, or at least seems to think he does.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Brad's buddies, the two guys dressed like skeletons, who were last seen hanging around the outside of the house.
- You Look Like You've Seen a Ghost: Said by Velvet after Darla gets locked in the washroom, and briefly sees Sean reflected in the mirror.
- Your Cheating Heart: Brad has sex with Velvet while Tammy is off looking for clues.
- Your Head Asplode: Sean stomps Brad's head into mush.