Seth Bullock
"What kind of man have I become, Sol?"
A Canadian-born Marshal from Montana, he leaves his post at the beginning of the series to open a hardware store in the booming town of Deadwood. Nevertheless, he keeps an intact, strong sense of honor and justice that causes him to have a cold relationship with Al Swearengen, and eventually becomes Deadwood's Sheriff. Played by Timothy Olyphant.
- Arranged Marriage: To Martha, his brother's widow.
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass
- Berserk Button: Don't threaten Alma, or merely talk dirty about her.
- Bully Hunter
- Clean Up the Town: Doesn't intend this at first, but he wants it more the most he stays at Deadwood.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Death Glare: Holy shit, he can cut you down with a stare.
- Determinator
- Fastest Gun in the West: He gains notoriety in the pilot after shooting a guy that drew first (although Wild Bill Hicock also shot him, and it is unknown who killed him, however).
- The Gunslinger
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- The Hero
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Star.
- Honor Before Reason
- Hot-Blooded
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: When he beats up Farnum, and later when he arrests Hearst, humiliating him.
- Knight in Sour Armor
- Leeroy Jenkins
- My Girl Is Not a Slut
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: He never unleashes a single punch. Period.
- Parental Substitute: Literally. Bullock married his brother's widow so his nephew William would grow up with a father.
- The Sheriff
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Alma Garret. They Do.
Albert "Al" Swearengen
"Every fuckin’ beatin’ I’m grateful for. Every fuckin’ one of them. Get all the trust beat outta you. And you know what the fuckin’ world is."
The ruthless owner of the Gem Saloon, the first brothel of Deadwood, and the main power broker in the young town. Hides a soft side, but has no problem shutting it up. Played by Ian McShane.
- Abusive Parents: Abusive adoptive parents. He might as well have never known his biological family.
- Age Lift: The real Al Swearengen was born in 1845. However, the Deadwood character refers to events in his childhood happening "about 30 years before you [Dolly] were born". Since the series takes place in 1876-77, this suggests that the character has an age closer to that of actor Ian McShane.
- The Alcoholic
- Badass
- Bad Boss: To the girls.
- The Bartender
- Body Horror: The 'kidney stones' arch.
- The Chessmaster
- Cluster F-Bomb: About one per sentence.
- Combat Pragmatist: Guess what, he was carrying his knife after all...
- Companion Cube: "Chief", the dead Indian's head.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Deadpan Snarker
- Devil in Plain Sight
- Even Evil Has Standards
- Evil Brit: Although unplanned (see the Trivia section).
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: He does swear a bit.
- A Father to His Men: To Dan, Johnny and Silas.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Jerkass
- Jerkass Woobie: When he gets kidney stones. The treatment of the time ain't pretty.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Very deep, but still.
- Knife Nut: To the point he laments not being as good with a gun.
- Limited Wardrobe: Most of the camp doesn't have much access to new clothes, but he and his black stripped suit take it to the extreme. If he isn't wearing it, it's because he is in his underwear.
- The Man Behind the Man: After Farnum is 'elected' mayor.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Meaningful Name: He was a real person, but seriously, how delicious is it that on a show like this one of the main characters has a name pronounced "Swear Engine"?
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Unleashes one on Hearst's Pinkerton Agent to make him talk.
- Noble Demon
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Pet the Dog: Has moments of this, usually followed swiftly by...
- Pragmatic Villainy: If it is good for business, then it's good for Al.
- Sir Swearsalot
- Surrounded by Idiots
- Villain Protagonist
- You Can't Go Home Again: He settled in Deadwood because he was wanted for murder in Chicago.
- You Have Failed Me...: In "Deep Water".
Alma Russell Garret Ellsworth
"If you wish to see more of the West let's leave now and see it, or else return back to New York. I don't think we should linger here."
The sensible, upper class wife (and later widow) of clueless City Mouse Brom Garret, a New York businessman that comes to Deadwood to try his luck searching for gold. She develops feelings for Bullock after her husband is killed, and marries her employee Ellsworth after the already married Bullock impregnates her. Played by Molly Parker.
- Arranged Marriage: With Brom.
- Happily Arranged Marriage: With Ellsworth.
- Broken Bird
- Cartwright Curse: She gets married twice, and both times her husband is murdered.
- City Mouse: Although not as much as Brom.
- Convenient Miscarriage: Averted. She suffers of a birth defect that makes pregnancy risky and ultimately has to undergo an abortion to save her own life.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Determined Widow
- Functional Addict: She is addicted to opium at the start of the series, but gives it up with the help of Trixie.
- Gorgeous Period Dress: In contrast to everyone else.
- The Gump: One of the few main characters that is entirely fictional.
- It's All My Fault: After Ellsworth is killed, she immediately goes full My God, What Have I Done?, to which Al quips that she wasn't the one that pulled the trigger.
- Of Corsets Sexy
- Parental Substitute: To Sofia Metz.
- Proper Lady
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Bullock. They Do.
- Women Are Wiser
- Woman Scorned: Has shades of this in her interaction with Martha, Bullock's legal wife.
"Tread lightly who lives in hope of pussy."
Al's favorite prostitute, though that doesn't mean he is nice to her. Despite her bad-mouthed and direct nature, she is one of the most compassionate people in the town and nurses several characters when they are hurt. Played by Paula Malcomson.
- The Aggressive Drug Dealer: Al intends her to be this to Alma so she'll be more willing to sell her gold claim, but she refuses.
- Badass: She reaches the maximum level when she walks to Hearst in public and shoots him in response to him ordering Ellsworth's death earlier.
- Broken Bird
- Driven to Suicide: In "Suffer the Little Children". She fails and Doc heals her back.
- First-Name Basis: She even uses the name "Trixie, the Whore" for a bank account, apparently because not even herself knows what her surname is.
- Happiness in Slavery: How much 'happiness' is debatable, but she doesn't seek to leave the Gem and feels bad for Al when he is ill.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Ms. Fanservice
- Show Some Leg: That Badass moment mentioned above? She does it naked.
- Victoria's Secret Compartment
Whitney Ellsworth
"I may have fucked up my life flatter'n hammered shit, but I stand here before you today beholden to no human cocksucker, and holdin' a workin' fuckin' gold claim, and not the U.S. government tellin' me I'm trespassin', or the savage fuckin' red man or any of these other limber-dick cocksuckers passin' themselves off as prospectors had better try and stop me."
A veteran gold prospector and former miner for hire. He becomes an overseer for Alma Garret's concession after being introduced to her by Bullock and marries her when Bullock impregnates her. He is later killed under orders of George Hearst. Played by Jim Beaver.
- All Love Is Unrequited
- Arranged Marriage: To Alma Garret.
- Celibate Hero
- Cool Old Guy
- Genre Savvy: He knows who runs the town, and that he should stay out of his business. Also, that Hearst is never good news.
- Prospector
- Nice Guy
- Parental Substitute: He intends to for Alma's children.
- Sacrificial Lion: Killed by George Hearst late in Season 3 to prove that he is the Big Bad in all his glory. Too bad the show didn't get a Season 4.
- Took a Level in Badass: One of the few people to tell Hearst what he thinks of him directly to his face.
Dan Dority
"That's the long and short of it, Al. You fucking pick Adams to represent you, you hurt my feelings and that is the fucking matter's end."
A former American Civil War bushwacker and barman at the Gem that also serves as Al Swearengen's top enforcer and hitman. Played by W. Earl Brown.
- Alliterative Name
- The Bartender: When Al himself isn't.
- Berserk Button: Don't eye a Proper Lady like that.
- The Brute: To Al. He later shares the role with Silas Adams.
- Even Evil Has Standards: One of the first (and only) instances where he declines to follow Al's orders is when he sends him to kill Sofia Metz.
- Hitman with a Heart
- Hot-Blooded
- Love At First Sight: In "Suffer the Little Children", he has an immediate crush on Flora, who he thinks to be a nice Proper Lady, but gives up on her easily when he is informed that she is actually a crook.
- Man Child
- My Girl Is Not a Slut: Sorry Dan, she is.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: His fight with the Captain is one of the most brutal examples seen on television.
- The Rival: To Silas for a while.
- Terrible Trio: With Johnny and Silas.
- Villainous BSOD: An hilarious instance happens when he believes that Al prefers Silas to him, and he breaks down crying. Deep inside, he's just a big child.
- Wouldn't Hurt a Child
Eustace Bailey "E. B." Farnum
"The bald contempt of it! Why not come out five abreast cavorting and taunting 'E.B. was left out! E.B. was left out!'? Cocksuckers! Cuntlickers! Make your filthy gestures. Public service was never my primary career..."
The bumbling owner of Deadwood's Grand Central Hotel and eventual first mayor of the town. He is always looking to make an extra buck and is completely subservient to Swearengen. Played by William Sanderson.
- Bad Boss: To Richardson.
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Bumbling Sidekick: Although he does have his moments.
- Butt Monkey
- The Chew Toy
- The Dandy: Only after he is made mayor, and even then his new suit gets quickly overused.
- Dirty Coward
- Green-Eyed Monster: Called on it by Jack Langrishe in "Amateur Night".
- Only Known By His Initials
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: He is racist and misogynist.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Sleazy Politician: After he becomes mayor.
- Slime Ball
- Smug Snake
- Wicked Cultured
- Yes-Man: To Al.
Cyrus "Cy" Tolliver
"If he hadn't meant me to wag it, Sir, why would the Lord give me a tail?"
The Chicago owner of the classier Bella Union Saloon across the street from the Gem, and therefore rival in the business to Al. Played by Powers Boothe.
- Badass Moustache
- Bad Boss
- Chivalrous Pervert: To Joanie, to an extent.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- The Dandy: He is well-dressed and groomed, in contrast to pretty much everyone else in the camp.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Bitches in sheep's clothing do not fool him.
- Demoted to Dragon: After he sides with Hearst.
- Disproportionate Retribution: So, you want to steal in his saloon (but not even from him)? You better think it again.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He's disgusted by Wolcott's penchant for murdering prostitutes, though not to the extent that he won't help out with covering it up to gain leverage.
- He also can do nothing but insult Hearst when he first sees that Hearst has ordered the death of Ellsworth.
- Evil Counterpart: To Al. Notable, considering that Al is already evil, but affable.
- Evil Mentor: To Joanie.
- Jerk with a Heart of Jerk
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Exaggerated after he survives a stab wound.
- Humiliation Conga
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: He stands out even though the show averts Politically-Correct History as much as possible.
- Ironically, he is the only one that claims to respect Chinese customs... though that was most likely because it meant more money for him.
- Shoot the Dog
- Surrounded by Idiots
- Villainous Breakdown: Has a massive one in the final episode.
Joanie Stubbs
"The blessed Miss Stubbs, whose bust is so very prominent in the mind's pantheon of the camp."
The lesbian hostess of the Bella Union Saloon and right hand woman to Cy Tolliver, until she tries her hand at running her own business, the Chez Amis. She does not prostitute herself, unlike her homologue across the street, Trixie. Played by Kim Dickens.
- Broken Bird
- Despair Event Horizon: In Season 1, when Cy forces her to shoot the thief that stole from her on the face.
- Again in Season 2, when Francis Wolcott kills her business partner and two women more in her brothel.
- Gorgeous Period Dress
- High-Class Call Girl
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold
- Lipstick Lesbian
- Made a Slave: After her mother died, her father prostituted her and later sold her to Cy.
- Miss Kitty: Tries and fails to be one.
- Number Two: To Cy Tolliver.
Dr Amos ‘Doc’ Cochran
"Jane, for me the female breast long ago lost mystery or allure. Open your goddamn blouse."
Deadwood's resident Frontier Doctor and Deadpan Snarker extraordinaire. He makes the periodic revisions of the prostitutes from both the Gem and the Bella Union, leaving him with no fear to act or speak his mind freely since he is too valuable to get rid of him. Played by Brad Dourif.
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dr. Jerk
- Embarrassing First Name
- Frontier Doctor
- Good Is Not Nice
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- My Greatest Failure: A man died while he operated on him.
- Omnidisciplinary Doctor
- Rage Against the Heavens: At the end of the first season, he angrily prays for the end of Reverend Smith's suffering.
- Screw the Money, I Have Rules: He accepts to treat the Chinese prostitutes for free when neither Cy nor Mr. Lee accept to pay for the cost.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: He has not recovered completely from his experiences as a military doctor in the American Civil War.
Sol Star
"People have made good lives out of borrowed ones before."
Seth Bullock's Jewish best friend and business associate, a calm and relatively easy-going influence who slowly amasses power not through manipulation, but through his intelligence, friendships and honesty. Played by John Hawkes.
- Alliterative Name
- The Conscience: To Bullock.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Bullock.
- Love At First Sight: For Trixie.
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy: Although he displays some hints of badassery in the Pilot he quickly becomes this.
- Only Sane Man: He can seem like this at times, especially when compared to Seth.
- The Smart Guy
- Token Minority
A. W. Merrick
"Timid, huh. Hardly, sir. My own strong personal impulse was to offer my name for office but a fourth estate, independent in name and fact from the operations of government is of the essence of a free society."
The owner, editor and only journalist of the Deadwood Pioneer, Deadwood's first local newspaper. The archtypical Nice Guy, even those characters that find him annoying at first end showing him sympathy. He often has to walk a thin line between his desire to tell the truth and keep the public informed and trying to not anger the conflicting powers in the young town. Played by Jeffrey Jones.
- Big Eater
- Gentle Giant: One of the biggest men in the camp, yet couldn't hurt a fly.
- Intrepid Reporter: You have to be one to open a newspaper in a Wretched Hive.
- Large Ham
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy
- Only Known By His Initials
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Sour Grapes: After Farnum beats him to get the mayor office, he convinces himself that he actually didn't want it.
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
Tom Nuttall
"Knowledge is overrated, William. Diligence is what’s required in the service of a willing spirit."
The firendly owner of the Number 10 Saloon and one of the oldest residents in Deadwood. Al claims that he was once ruthless, but has mellowed considerably with age. Played by Leon Rippy.
- Badass Bystander: He runs after and caughts Jack McCall after he shoots Wild Bill Hicock in his joint.
- The Bartender
- Clothes Make the Legend: No matter what he's wearing, he always wears his bartender apron, to the point of getting offended when somebody suggests him to take it off.
- Cool Old Guy
- Nice Guy
- Retired Badass: Implied to be this by Al, or possibly Retired Complete Monster.
’Calamity’ Jane Canary
"Everyday takes figuring out all over again how to fucking live."
The infamous Western frontier-woman, an incredibly bad mouthed person and arguable town drunk in a town full of drunkards. Both of these traits only get worse after her mentor and father figure Wild Bill Hicock is killed. And yet, she is a good character. Played by Robin Weigert.
- The Alcoholic
- Butch Lesbian
- Catch Phrase: "Dudeeee you look like shit..."
- Deadpan Snarker
- Despair Event Horizon: Wild Bill's death.
- Heroic BSOD: During her first confrontation with Swearengen.
- Informed Ability: Said to be a master marksman and with the lasso, but never shows it.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- The Ladette
- Lady Drunk
- Lady Looks Like a Dude: She even has an anecdote about a gay man who confused her with a possible partner.
- The Load: To Charlie Utter.
- Mountain Woman
- Nice Hat
- One of the Boys
- Rape as Backstory: She was raped repeatedly when she was a child.
- Real Women Never Wear Dresses: She hates putting on one for a wedding.
- Sir Swearsalot
- Tomboy
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: With Joanie from the end of the second season.
Charlie Utter
"Ohhh, I see you got your big fuckin' knife there, and hid somewhere on your persons you've probably got some pussified shootin' instrument. But I am good at first impressions, and you are a fucking cunt, and I doubt you've fought many MEN, maybe even ONE!"
Another veteran frontier-man and long time pal of Wild Bill, Jane and later Bullock, to whom he becomes sheriff's deputy - while also running an express delivery service and acting as the camp's first fire marshal. He also has a close friendship with Joanie Stubbs. Played by Dayton Callie.
- Berserk Button: Hurting Joanie.
- Bully Hunter: Not to the same extent as Bullock, but he dislikes them all the same.
- Cool Old Guy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Wild Bill Hicock.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick
- Nice Guy
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Unleashes one on Wolcott.
- Took a Level in Badass: When he beats the crap out of Wolcott.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: The people who do enrage him especially.
Martha Bullock
"This roof over our heads, Mr. Bullock, testifies to your care for William and me. The fostering affection and guidance you show my son to shape him into a man will only deepen my gratitude to you. As for myself, no further demonstrations are necessary as... other duties claim your attentions."
The widow of Seth Bullock's brother who Bullock married so her son William could have a legal father figure. She and William arrive at Deadwood in the first episode of Season 2, when Bullock deems the town safe enough for them. Her relationship with the Sheriff is odd to say the least, especially after William dies in a horse-related accident. Played by Anna Gunn.
- Apron Matron
- Arranged Marriage: To Bullock.
- Deliberate Values Dissonance: In contrast to her extremely polite attitude, a dictate during one of her classes includes crude antisemitic and anti-Indian remarks.
- Despair Event Horizon: William's death.
- Hot Teacher: Becomes the camp's school teacher after the first candidate is literally freaked out into abandoning it.
- Ice Queen
- Last-Name Basis: She insists on calling Seth "Mr. Bullock". Seth teases her by calling her Martha in occasion, but to no avail.
- Settle for Sibling
- Woman Scorned: She figures out quickly that Seth had a prior relationship with Alma before her arrival in camp, and resents both Alma and Seth for it.
Johnny Burns
"Al... I have hoped for this conversation ever since you give me that Indian head to hide."
A young, not-too-bright lackey of Al who works mostly as a bartender when not delivering corpses of Al's enemies to Mr Wu. He's not as ruthless as Dan Dority and Silas Adams, but is still very loyal to Al. Played by Sean Bridgers.
- The Bartender
- Butt Monkey
- Completely Missing the Point
- Dumbass Has a Point
- Hidden Depths: He can decipher Wu's drawings when even Al can't, and was teaching Jen to read.
- Hypocritical Humor: When he asks Wu "Why don't ya learn to talk[sic] AMERICAN?!"
- Minion with an F In Evil
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy
- Punch Clock Villain: He's a henchman for Al, but he never kills anyone and the one time he almost shoots someone, he feels terrible.
- Terrible Trio: With Dan and Silas.
Silas Adams
Originally a 'bagman from Yankton' sent to extort money from Al, he's paid to kill the blackmailer instead and enters Al's employment in a similar capacity to Dan Dority. Ruthless and cunning, he's often employed as a middleman to deal with Al's affairs as well as bringing him news from Yankton. Played by Titus Welliver.
- Badass Beard
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Dragon: Shares this role with Dan Dority.
- Evil Genius
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Not that Al is bumbling in any way, but Silas is the smartest and most sensible of the three henchmen.
- Punch Clock Villain
- The Rival: Dan views him as this. Silas knows it, but doesn't reciprocate.
- The Stoic: He remains stoic when conducting business, but...
- Not So Stoic: When he loses his temper, watch the fuck out.
- Terrible Trio: With Dan and Johnny.
- Third Henchman
- Wicked Cultured
Sofia Metz
A young member of the Midwest's Scandinavian community. Her parents, brothers and sisters were all murdered when they were leaving Deadwood in the Pilot episode in a hit planned by Al Swearengen, whose henchmen then tried to pass it as an Indian attack, which she almost miraculously survived. Left in the care of the camp, she is eventually adopted by Alma Garret. Played by Bree Seanna Wall.
- As Long as It Sounds Foreign: Metz is actually a surname more common in French or German.
- Children Are Innocent: It's dubious if she realizes anything of what goes around her.
- Cute Mute: At first.
- Determined Homesteader's Children
- Hair of Gold
- Norse by Norsewest: People refer to her as Swedish or Norwegian almost interchangeably. Justified in a way, since both countries were in personal union at the time.
- The Quiet One
- Sole Survivor
- Very Loosely Based on a True Story: There was a real 'Metz Massacre' at the Black Hills in 1876, but there were no children nor Swede immigrants involved.
Mr Wu
A Chinese butcher, opium trader and laundryman that acts as de facto leader of Deadwood's Asian community. He has several dealings with Al Swearengen (even though neither speak more than a couple of words of the others' language) and his hungry pigs come in handy whenever someone has to dispose of a body. Played by Keone Young.
- Bak gwei lo![1]
- Wu, Swedgin: Hang-dai!
- Chinese Laborer
- Completely Missing the Point
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue
- Even Evil Has Standards: He profanes bodies on a daily basis, but seeing Mr Lee burning the bodies of the Chinese prostitutes that he intentionally let starve to death drives him nuts.
- Funny Foreigner
- Important Haircut: He cuts his braid at the end of the second season, an action punished with death in China.
- Inscrutable Oriental: To any of the vast number of characters that get a non amused stare from him at most.
- The Rival: To Mr. Lee, the San Francisco cocksuckah.
- Third Person Person
- The Unintelligible
- You Can't Go Home Again
- You No Take Candle
Deadwood's Russian telegraph operator following the arrival of cable in Season 2. He establishes his office next to Merrick's press and the two become close friends. Played by Pavel Lychnikoff.
- Catch Phrase: "Telegram for Mr/Mrs..."
- Dead Little Sister: His parents were murdered while he was away studying.
- Last-Name Basis: He is either "Mr. Blazanov" or "that fucking Russian".
- Nice Guy
- Non-Action Guy
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: He is at first adamant that the messages are confidential, but changes his mind after seeing Hearst's atrocities. Afterwards he informs Merrick and Al of every message received by Hearst in advance.
- Western Union Man
A fairly dumb croupier at the Bella Union and lackey of Cy Tolliver with a serious opium addiction. Played by Larry Cedar.
- Bumbling Sidekick
- Butt Monkey
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: He finally settles on being loyal to Cy Tolliver; the one person he shouldn’t have.
- First-Name Basis
- Harmless Villain
- Jerkass
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: In this case, a drug addict that really hates Chinamen.
- Professional Butt-Kisser: To the point where he tries to compliment Cy as he bleeds to death from a stab wound Cy inflicted.
Cy: If those were your last words, tell the Lord you died stupid.
- The Stoner
- Those Two Bad Guys: First with Jimmy Irons, later with Con Stapleton.
- Too Dumb to Live: He basically screams to be killed off during the first episode he is given prominence, "Mr Wu", most notably in the baths scene. Al spares him and kills his pal Jimmy Irons instead only because killing Leon would put him at war with Cy.
- Yes-Man: To Cy.
Con Stapleton
A recurring patron and card dealer at Tom Nuttal's Nº10 Saloon before becoming cashier of the Bella Union and Cy's other inept lackey. He often weasels his way out of an order because of some opportune injury, be it real or imaginary. Played by Peter Jason.
- Age Lift: The real Con Stapleton was in his 20s when he lived in Deadwood.
- Bumbling Sidekick
- Butt Monkey
- Dirty Cop: During his brief tenure as Sheriff. Hell, he wanted the job for the express purpose of being corrupt.
- Dirty Coward
- Fan Disservice: Seriously, who though that giving Con two 'sexy' scenes in Season 3 was a good idea?
- Historical Villain Upgrade: The historical Con Stapleton served as Deadwood's city marshal for about a year and seems to have been quite popular. He also was capable of some Badass stunts well far from the pathetic gimmicks of the TV character.
- Nice Hat
- Those Two Bad Guys: With Leon.
- Yes-Man: To Cy.
Jewel Caulfield
"Say I'm as nimble as a forest creature."
A disabled woman that Al keeps at the Gem out of pity (although he will never admit that), serving as the local's cook, cleaner and waitress. Played by Geri Jewell.
- Beleaguered Assistant: In a way.
- Disabled Snarker
- Hidden Depths: She reads books about medicine in the American Civil War.
- Inspirationally Disadvantaged
- Limited Wardrobe: The trope deserves a mention if only because it is taken Up to Eleven. Jewel only has one dress, and it is clearly old and torn apart.
- Servile Snarker
Farnum's abused, idiotic cook, introduced in the second season. Nobody knows what is exactly wrong with him. After receiving a deer antler from Alma Garret he begins to display his most iconic and outlandish act: Praying to a pair of moose antlers in the hall of Farnum's hotel. Played by Ralph Richeson.
- Abhorrent Admirer: To Alma.
- Ambiguous Disorder
- Ascended Extra: Cast as an extra in Season 1, made a regular in Season 2.
- Beleaguered Assistant
- Bumbling Sidekick: To Farnum, who's already bumbling enough.
- Butt Monkey
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Hidden Depths
- Iconic Item: The deer antler, an involuntary gift from Alma.
- Last-Name Basis
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Or so it's implied by one masterful shot of him reading the newspaper.
- Plucky Comic Relief
The large but gentle owner of the livery stable, where people leave their horses to be cared for during their stay or go to hire new mounts. He also happens to be the only black man in Deadwood besides the 'Nigger General' Samuel Fields, which given the time means that he has little choice but to hang around with him in order to talk to somebody on a daily basis. This brings conflict since the two men's personalities are nothing alike. Played by Richard Gant.
- Angry Black Man: When Steve the Drunk or the Nigger General piss him off.
- Butt Monkey
- Driven to Suicide
- Gentle Giant
- Honor Before Reason: He ends killing himself rather than continue hearing Steve call him a liar, when he could just ignore him and leave town.
- It's All My Fault: William's death.
- Last-Name Basis
- Odd Couple/Straight Man and Wise Guy: With the Nigger General.
- Once-Acceptable Targets: In-universe. The show makes it clear that it wasn't easy to be a Black man in 1870s America.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After William is killed by an escaped horse he was trying to castrate, he immediately leaves the camp, assuming that everybody's first reaction will be to go after him.
- Straight Man: To the Nigger General.
- Those Two Guys: With the Nigger General.
- Token Minority
- Uncle Tomfoolery: Subverted magnificently in the show. Hostetler is the serious, hard-working and educated man in contrast to the lied-back, wisecracking drinker that is the Nigger General, and is well aware that the treatment he gets from most White people because of his race is unjust, yet he acts submissive and doesn't challenge the abuse when he encounters it in order to avoid further problems.
’Nigger General’ Samuel Fields
A colorful, larger-than-life errant Black man that always wears a ragged self-made Union uniform and a perpetual smile no matter the situation (or maybe just when around other people). He likes to introduce himself as the Nigger General, even though he never served in an army. Played by Franklin Ayaje.
- The Alcoholic: Their shared addiction leads him to befriend Jane.
- Custom Uniform
- Deadpan Snarker
- Nice Guy: Even after all the abuse Steve the Drunk puts him through, the General still takes care of the dumb bastard following his accident.
- Nice Hat
- Odd Couple/Straight Man and Wise Guy: With Hostetler.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Phony Veteran: Unlike his historical counterpart, who only lied about his rank.
- The Pollyanna
- Stepford Smiler: C'mon, he smiles even after being tarred and his first act after getting his skin peeled off is to reassure Hostetler, who had sold him to the mob to save his own skin, that he'd done the same in his situation. His reasoning is that his pain is his and that showing it would only give the people who attacked him what they wanted.
- Those Two Guys: With Hostetler.
- Token Minority
- Uncle Tomfoolery: Like Hostetler, the character subverts this, but in the opposite direction to him. He publically displays the worst stereotypes of his time about African Americans, to the point of asking people to address him by the N word, and in the process he deprives them of any insulting value.
Steve Fields a.k.a. ‘Steve the Drunk’
First introduced as an angry miner with a serious beef against the Federal government and African-Americans, who he blames for ruining his life after he was drafted to fight for the Union in the American Civil War, Steve quickly comes to dispute the title of town drunk to Jane, wasting day after day at the No 10 Saloon doing nothing but drinking and rambling against Black people in each time more exaggerate and ridiculous ways. After Hostetler suddenly leaves the camp at the end of Season 2, he has pity of his horses and takes care of the livery stable, finally making an effort to improve his own life... only to be paralyzed after being kicked by a horse on the head. Played by Michael Harney.
- The Alcoholic: Obviously.
- But You Screw One Goat!: He fucked Bullock's horse. Really.
- The Chew Toy
- Death by Racism: Averted. He might have preferred it, though.
- Evil Is Petty
- Fate Worse Than Death
- Flanderization
- Deadly Change-of-Heart
- Jerkass
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Steve could have been this. When he and the Nigger General are left alone at the stable he ends wishing him a good night in his own bigoted way and later offers him a job as his assistant realizing that he has a better head for numbers than him. If he had only told him that instead of trying to de-shoe the Nigger General's horse to force him to stay...
- Laser-Guided Karma
- The Load: To Tom Nuttal's saloon, then to the Nigger General.
- Pet the Dog: He is an apparent animal lover and has a nice interaction with William before the latter's accident.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain
- Stupid Evil: Things would go a lot more his way if he was just nice.
- You Are What You Hate: Hearing his continuous ramble about African-Americans, another patron asks him if he can prove that he has no Black ancestry, arguing that Steve's nose is a bit flat.
Reverend Henry Weston Smith
"This is God's purpose, but not knowing the purpose is my portion of suffering."
A Civil War field nurse turned good-natured Christian minister, Rev. Smith assumes responsibility for the many funerals that take place in Deadwood until he succumbs to a painful, slow growing brain tumor. Played by Ray McKinnon.
- Body Horror
- Cultural Rebel: Probably the only inhabitant of Deadwood that is not in it to make money.
- Good Shepherd: Too bad nobody ever pays attention to him.
- The Missionary
- Morality Pet: In a weird way, to Al.
- Nice Guy
- The Pollyanna
- Preacher Man
- Shoot the Shaggy Dog
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
- Your Mind Makes It Real: Or to be exact, your brain tumor.
”Wild Bill” Hickock
"Will you let me go to hell the way I want to?"
The legendary gunfighter who inspires awe wherever he goes. By the time he reaches Deadwood, he's become weary of his violent life and given to self-destructive tendencies. Played by Keith Carradine.
- Badass
- The Dandy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Dead Star Walking
- Death Seeker
- Decoy Protagonist
- Determinator
- Doomed by Canon/Foregone Conclusion: Shot dead by Jack McCall while playing poker at the No 10.
- Famed in Story
- Fastest Gun in the West
- The Gambling Addict: He rarely lost money because he was that good at playing, but ended costing him his life.
- Genre Savvy: If only his usual seat was not already taken that day...
- The Gunslinger
- Knight in Sour Armor
- Professional Gambler
- Weapon of Choice: A pair of ivory decorated revolvers.
- You Should Know This Already: He's not in Deadwood to last.
Jack McCall
A buffalo hunter that spends most of his time gambling and drinking at the No 10 Saloon. He shoots Wild Bill Hicock, only to be dubiously acquitted by an impromptu court. Played by Garret Dillahunt.
- The Alcoholic
- Blatant Lies: He shot Wild Bill because he killed his brother... right...
- Dirty Coward: Called this for shooting Hicock on the back... though the fact it was Wild Bill Hicock could qualify him as a Combat Pragmatist too.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Killing one man because he made fun of him while playing poker.
- Doomed by Canon: The show never says what happened to him after he was arrested by Bullock and given to the authorities. In Real Life, the first verdict was declared illegal and he was retried, found guilty and hanged.
- Droppy Right Eye
- The Gambling Addict
- Too Dumb to Live: Though very lucky for a while.
- Unknown Rival: To Wild Bill.
- You Look Familiar: Played by Garrett Dillahunt, who would return in the next season as Francis Wolcott.
Brom Garret
"If I'm stooped when next you see me, Alma, it won't be worry weighing me down, but bags of our recovered gold."
Alma's husband, a clueless, upper class businessman from New York City that tries his luck in the Gold Rush. Played by Timothy Omundson.
- Arranged Marriage: To Alma.
- City Mouse
- Completely Missing the Point: Believing that he has been conned, Brom announces that he will threaten Al with an investigation. Wild Bill points that the man that sold Brom his gold concession under Al's auspices has been missing since that night and that there is a blood stain in his former hotel room, then asks Brom again if he believes that threatening Al is the smart thing to do. He does.
- The Dandy
- Dramatic Irony: After not finding gold for days, Brom believes he has been conned and threatens Al with an investigation. Al orders Dan to throw Brom off a clift to Make It Look Like an Accident... and Brom lands his face on a gold streak that turns out to be connected to the biggest mine in the Black Hills.
- Naive Newcomer
- Mauve Shirt
- Too Dumb to Live
- Upper Class Twit
Francis Wolcott
"I am a sinner who does not expect forgiveness. But I am not a government official."
Head geologist and trusted field agent of mining magnate George Hearst, Wolcott arrives in Deadwood to clear the way for his boss. He also hides quite a few disturbing secrets. Played by Garret Dillahunt.
- Ambiguous Disorder: He doesn't do anything evil in his debut episode, but it's clear from the first minute that something is just not right with him.
- Ax Crazy
- Driven to Suicide
- Hates Being Touched
- Jerkass
- Psycho for Hire
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections
- Serial Killer
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Sex Is Evil and I Am Horny
- Slashed Throat: Performs it three times in "Something Very Expensive".
- Soft-Spoken Sadist
- Wicked Cultured
- Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds
- You Look Familiar: Played by the same actor that portrayed Jack McCall in the previous season. This is lampshaded when Ellsworth recognizes him but points out that he "didn't have a beard then."
George Hearst
"This place displeases me. I’m taking measures to bring it down."
Mining magnate and one of the richest men in the world at the time[2], George Hearst arrives at Deadwood with the purpose of adding its rich gold deposits to his empire... and if that means destroying the whole town and kicking as many puppies as they get in his way, so be it. Played by Gerald McRaney.
- An Offer You Can't Refuse: If he wants to buy your business, HE WILL.
- Bad Boss
- Big Bad
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Alma discovers this first-hand. She unwisely dismisses Ellsworth's seemingly unreasonable hatred of him, and tries to deal with him alone... and he shows his true colors.
- The Bully
- Crack! Oh, My Back!
- Corrupt Corporate Executive
- Disproportionate Retribution
- Evil Old Folks
- Famed in Story
- Faux Affably Evil
- For the Evulz: Sometimes it isn't just for the money.
- It's All About Me
- Karma Houdini
- Kick the Dog: Constantly.
- The Man Behind the Man: Hearst is an ominous presence all through the second season, but doesn't appear until right near the end.
- Rich Bitch
- Ruthless Outsider Gangster
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money
- Smug Snake
- The Sociopath
- You Have Failed Me...: He has no qualms about killing his own employees.
William Bullock
Seth Bullock's nephew-turned-adopted son. William arrives at Deadwood with his mother Martha at the beginning of Season 2, when Seth deems the town safe enough for them. He has a profound admiration for his Sheriff uncle-father, but suffers because of the lack of other children in the camp. Played by Josh Eriksson.
- Cheerful Child
- Determined Homesteader's Children
- Kill the Cutie
- Morality Pet: For the whole camp.
- Sacrificial Lamb: Doubles as an aversion of Infant Immortality.
Miss Isringhausen
"All right now, Mrs. Garrett, you've had your fit of temper. Get the fuck back to your room."
Sofia's governess, hired by Alma in Season 2 to teach the young Swede the English language. Unknown to her, she is an undercover Pinkerton Detective hired by her late husband Brom's family to find evidence that Alma killed Brom allowing them to take control of her fortune, or failing that, to feign the evidence necessary. Played by Sarah Paulson.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: She’s never depicted as a moron, but she seems bashful and innocent around Silas Adams. Then her true colors are revealed.
- Hot Teacher
- Last-Name Basis
- Manipulative Bitch
- No Name Given: When Al sees her signing a paper (off screen), he comments that she didn't use her name, Isringhausen. She replies then that she didn't book at Farnum's hotel under her real name. In other occasion, Silas asks her her given name and she answers that it is Alice, but it is unknown if she was telling the truth.
- Pinkerton Detective
- Stern Teacher
- Took a Level in Jerkass: After she reveals her real intentions.
Hugo Jarry
"Had you vision as well as sight, you would recognize within me not only a man, but an institution and the future as well."
A bottomless corrupt high commissioner whose two goals are to ensure that Deadwood is annexed to the territory of Dakota and that Hearst's agenda is fulfilled, in no particular order. Played by Stephen Tobolowsky.
- City Mouse
- Dirty Coward
- Jerkass
- Obstructive Bureaucrat
- Professional Butt-Kisser: To the point where Hearst is prompted to ask him, 'Do you want to fuck me?'. Of course, it was due to a metaphorical mix-up involving Socrates, but then Jarry launches into a little monologue about how if he WERE courting him, he'd be great at it.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- Sleazy Politician
- Slime Ball
- Smug Snake
- Wicked Cultured
Mr Lee
"I am a civilized person."
The leader of a San Francisco tong allied to the Hearst organization, which he proves with Chinese laborers and cheap prostitutes. His attempt to take over Deadwood's Asian community in the second season puts him in conflict with Mr Wu. Played by Philip Moon.
- Badass Longcoat
- Bad Boss
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: For him, it's cheaper to bring new prostitutes than to give medical treatment or even food to the ones he already has.
- Inscrutable Oriental
- Me Love You Long Time: Inverted. He likes the company of white prostitutes, blondes in particular.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: He rarely speaks with white characters, leading them to assume that he speaks little to no English. He is actually completely fluent in it.
- The Quiet One
- The Rival: To Mr Wu.
- Ruthless Foreign Gangsters
- The Stoner: Wu kills him while smoking opium.
"I don't like it either. When they hold you down."
Another prostitute at the Gem, specialized in blowjobs. She replaces Trixie in Al's bed after she leaves to learn accountancy at Sol's shop. Played by Ashley Kizer.
- Beleaguered Assistant
- Big Beautiful Woman
- The Confidant: For Al. But he becomes angry if she ever tries to reply to his confessions.
- First-Name Basis
- Happiness in Slavery: Or at least a whole lot of resignation.
- Hooker with a Heart of Gold
- Replacement Goldfish
"Only way to guarantee an outcome, Honey, is contracting to be fucked. Everything else is a chance – including me letting you down. But if I do, using my head won’t be the tip-off."
A well reputed madame in the West, Maddie arrives at Deadwood in Season 2 as the new business partner of Joanie when she opens her own bordello, the Chez Amis. Played by Alice Krige.
- Bad Boss
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing
- Country Matters
- Getting Old Sucks
- Famed in Story
- First-Name Basis
- Hoist by her own Petard: She tries to give a girl to Wolcott for him to murder, a bizarre kind of 'sacrifice'. Wolcott kills the girl, then another girl, and finally Maddie.
- Idiot Ball: It didn't occur to her that threatening a Serial Killer of prostitutes wasn't a good idea. Sure, she had a gun pointed at Wolcott, but then she had to get within stretched-arm-with-razor distance from him...
- It's All About Me
- Manipulative Bitch
- Miss Kitty
- Smug Snake
- Stepford Smiler
- Tempting Fate: You shouldn't speak so much about your retirement, Maddie. In Fiction, that means you will not live to enjoy it.
Mose Manuel
The big, fat owner of the second gold mine in Deadwood after the Garrets', along with his younger brother, Fred. When Wolcott offers to buy his mine in behalf of Hearst he thinks that it is a good idea, while Fred adamantly refuses. Mose kills Fred, but then regrets it immensely. He later becomes the watchman at Joanie's bordello. Played by Pruitt Taylor Vince.
- Alliterative Name
- The Atoner
- Blatant Lies: Oh, why, my brother wanted to sell the mine the same day he died in an accident while cleaning his gun, then to be buried in an undisclosed location for reasons totally unrelated to the possibility of performing an autopsy on him. Promise!
- Butt Monkey: Jane seems to utterly hate him for absolutely no reason.
- Cain and Abel
- Fat and Skinny: Mose and Fred.
- Fat Bastard: His original incarnation.
- Immune to Bullets
- I Owe You My Life: Possibly why he insists on staying at the Chez Amis and working for Joanie, even though she didn't personally do anything to save him.
- My God, What Have I Done?
- Redemption Equals Death: Subverted. He gets himself shot when he freaks out after killing his brother for money, but he is so fat the bullet gets stuck before hitting any vital organ and he ends surviving.
- Villainous Breakdown: After killing his brother.
- Villainous Glutton
- What Happened to the Mouse?: He disappears halfway through the third season, after the Chez Amis is bought by Langrishe and turned into a theater.
Andy Cramed
"God is not mocked, Cy."
A conman and old associate of Cy, Andy arrives at Deadwood some days after Cy while suffering from smallpox. Rather than seeking treatment for him, Cy leaves Andy in the woods to die but he is discovered in time by Jane and survives. The experience convinces him to leave his old life behind and devote himself to help others. When he returns in the second season, he has been ordained a minister. Played by Zach Grenier.
- The Atoner
- Badass Preacher
- Berserk Button: Mocking his new-found religious path, more so if it is Cy doing it.
- Con Man: Formerly.
- Heel Faith Turn
- Madness Mantra: "I apologize."
- Preacher Man
Captain Joe Turner
George Hearst's large and imposing right hand man. Played by Alan Graf.
- The Brute/The Dragon: To Hearst.
- Corporate Samurai
- Duel to the Death
- Eye Scream: Right before his death.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Has a vicious fight with Dan in the third season. He loses.
- Psycho for Hire
Jack Langrishe
"What, one is disposed to ask, in fuck ought a theater man to do?"
A flamboyant actor, theater man and old friend of Al. He arrives in Deadwood in the third season along with his troupe of fellow actors disposed to build a new theater, and proceeds to suck an ungodly amount of screentime despite adding little to nothing to the plot. Played by Brian Cox.
- Ambiguously Gay
- Camp: Whether gay or straight is left to the viewer's opinion.
- Chewing the Scenery
- The Dandy
- Greek Chorus: He is allowed to hang freely along Al and Hearst, and comments a lot about their conflict, but does not intervene in it.
- Large Ham
- Old Friend: Of Al.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
'Aunt' Lou Marchbanks
A former slave, currently serving as Hearst's cook. She takes over the Grand Hotel kitchen after Hearst buys the building and makes friendship with Richardson. Played by Cleo King.
- Apron Matron
- Genre Savvy: She knows her boss is not a good person.
- Non-Indicative Name: Lampshaded when Alma wrongly assumes that she is Hearst's real aunt.
- Supreme Chef
Aunt Lou's son, a church deacon and missionary working in Liberia with more interest in finding new gold deposits than in saving souls. Played by Omar Gooding.
- Aborted Arc: Seems to be built as a big deal for a bunch of episodes, then leaves the camp and is killed off-screen.
- Bus Crash
- But Not Too Black: He is a "high-yellow".
- First-Name Basis
- Only in It For the Money
- Preacher Man
- Sexy Priest
- Sinister Minister
Wyatt Earp
The will-be infamous Western lawman. He arrives to the camp with his brother Morgan in the third season. Played by Gale Harold.
- Aloof Big Brother: To Morgan.
- Hero Syndrome: He and his brother ride into town proclaiming that they stopped a stagecoach robbery that they themselves faked. Al discovers it, but allows them to keep the masquerade.
- Red Herring: Looks like a possible recruit for the coming battle against Hearst but ends leaving the town before it takes place.
- Responsible Sibling
- The Rival: Briefly, to Bullock.
- Young Future Famous People
Morgan Earp
Wyatt's younger brother. Played by Austin Nichols.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: To Wyatt.
- Blatant Lies: Oh, you have a sister you had not mentioned before? What a coincidence! She owes me money! Seriously!
- Foolish Sibling
- Hot-Blooded
Another prostitute at the Gem. She is closer to Johnny, who teaches her to read. Played by Jennifer Lutheran.
- Disposable Sex Worker: Killed by Al for a fuckup made by Trixie.
- Never Learned to Read
- Sacrificial Lamb: Or, for meaner viewers, Red Shirt.
Eddie Sawyer
A croupier in the Bella Union. Played by Ricky Jay.
- Deadpan Snarker
- The Dog Bites Back: After Cy suddenly becomes angry and humiliates him publicly, he resolves to steal from Cy and get the hell out of dodge.
- Put on a Bus: At the end of the first season.
Harry Manning
The bartender of the No 10 Saloon in the third season. He runs for Sheriff against Bullock in order to gain popularity but his wish is to become fire marshal of the town. Played by Brent Sexton.
- The Bartender
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Replaces Davey, the barman of the No 10 in the previous season.
- Those Two Guys: With Nuttal in the third season.