< D Generation X

D Generation X/Funny

/wiki/D Generation Xcreator

D Generation X is always good for a Funny Moment.

  • The State of the Union promo. Shawn's delivery of "up all night" is priceless, as is this bit:

Hunter: From 10 PM to 11 PM, we will only use the words ass, damn, hell, and bitch. We will never, however, use the words shit, fuck, goddamn, Jesus Christ, faggot or any other racial or sexual slurs. Now then, as it pertains to video, we promise there will be less dick references.
Shawn: Oh shit!
Hunter: Watch your fucking mouth!
Shawn: Ah, fuck me!
Hunter: Goddamnit! (under his breath) Fuck! Anyway, there will be less penis references.

  • Their continual mockery of both Michael Cole and Sgt. Slaughter is well-known, but this promo, where they break out riot-gear face guards against Slaughter's spit and give Cole the wedgie from hell is probably this troper's favorite. Also contains the moment that Shawn Michaels decided to kiss Triple H on national television.
  • DX's "Christmas Present to the World": Shawn and Hunter in mistletoe thongs. Hilarious and full of fanservice.
  • Their wonderful parody of the Nation Of Domination.
  • And, later on, of The Corporation. Both times, The Rock was a member of both stables, and both times, the part of "The Crock" was played by Triple H, who, after everything else, had a big, black piece of cardboard taped to his face to replicate The Rock's raised eyebrow.
  • Several years later, Shawn and Trips made a nice little mockery of Vince and Shane McMahon. Penis jokes aside, seeing Shawn Michaels do the Shane-o Shuffle never gets old.
    • Not to mention Triple H and his spot-on recreation of the "Stand Back" dance.
    • Later, when the Spirit Squad and the McMahons tried to storm the ring, DX made it rain crap on them. To make it even funnier, when Randy Orton later came out for his match, he had to hold his nose.
  • "I'M THE BOOGEYMAN... AND I'M COMING TO... see if I can join DX..."
    • Not only was it the sudden drop in character with the delivery, but if Triple H and Shawn Michaels were capable of Face Faulting, they would've. Shawn wiping his mouth on everything was just the icing on the cake[1].

Triple H: Okay...

(he and Shawn Michaels look down to see Hornswoggle has taken refuge hiding behind Triple H)

Triple H: Yes, that is a midget in between my legs.

    • That whole segment was a CMoF, especially the last lines before the DX catchphrase:

Shawn Michaels: I don't know who writes this garbage, but this is the worst debacle since that whole Katie Vick thing years ago...

(audience groans and Triple H winces)

Hunter: You got a good point, but I don't think anybody writes this crap; they're all on strike!

  • This Christmas promo for WWEshop.com and the Elimination Chamber playset. DX was shamelessly promoting WWE and/or DX merch as usual. After talking about all the toy's features, Shawn has a nervous breakdown talking about it, how much stress it is to put that toy together while his kids forget all the other crap they got for Christmas, and after it's finished, "AND THEN THEY ONLY WANT TO PLAY WITH THE BOX! AAAAAAHHHH!"
    • Then there's the last promo they did which involves them one-upping each other about how many Intercontinental Championships they had and culminating to Triple H commenting about Shawn thinning. Cue Shawn attacking Triple H for the last 20 seconds.
  • Unforgiven 2006. DX literally shoving Vince McMahon's head up The Big Show's ass. The crowd going gaga over DX pulling Big Show's pants down was awesome, too.
    • Try and find the promo they did the night after. It has Shawn and Hunter with fake tears, then H reading out a poem.

"Vince, you're upset. Your concern is valid. After all, last night, you tossed Big Show's salad." (cue Shawn reacting appropriately horrified)

  • The first feud with Rated-RKO, hilarity happens:
    • That came right after Edge and Orton's own moment doing their own parody of DX, complete with a fake nose on Edge and a blonde wig and chaps on Orton. Hunter and Shawn couldn't let the moment pass without commentary:

Shawn: Now...before we get started (turns to Hunter), you got to tell me :Do I really look that much of an idiot when we come out together?
Hunter: Shawn...(pats on his shoulder)I'm not gonna lie to you. (turns to Edge and Orton) Honestly, what's with all the hostility?

    • Oh it gets better. They then show pictures of Edge and Orton (Edge's was from that Live Sex celebration in January,which was edited, Orton...let's just say there's a good reason a towel was there. And then, Hunter brings up Shawn's old Playgirl photos}.

Shawn: (at the sight of his old Playgirl photo) "Did you [Hunter] put that in there?! I was young! I was stupid! (beat) YOU TOLD ME GIRLS BOUGHT THAT MAGAZINE!"

    • After Randy has enough of their jokes :

Randy Orton: Hunter! I want you, tonight!
Triple H: Easy there, cowboy. You may want me but I don't swing that side of the plate if you know what I mean. (crowd laughs)
Edge: That's not what he means! What he means he wants you one on one tonight so he can beat your ass!
Triple H: What did you just say he wants to do to my ass?! (crowd laughs harder)

  • Riffing off the well-known Airplane! joke, Shawn speaks jive. Particularly hilarious is Hunter playing the straight-arrow for once, jumping five feet in the air when he thinks JTG's got a gun and doing a painful "FO SHIZZLE!" at the end of the bit.

Cryme Tyme: O...kay.

  • The Cryme Tyme skit came off the same night Coachman put a bounty on DX's head. Triple H's reaction was priceless: "You put a $10,000 bounty on our heads? (Beat) You cheap bastard!" Obviously, the hijinks as people came to collect ensued.

HBK (to Triple H after being attacked by Chris Masters in the bathroom): Holy cow, you crapped a Masterpiece!

    • Eugene's attempt to collect the Bounty resulted in him being handed a roll of paper towels. "It's the quicker-picker upper!"
    • And then they shipped the Spirit Squad off to OVW.
    • Speaking of Spirit Squad, the time they tried to get the bounty ended in epic failure. Why? Well, Triple H and Shawn didn't even notice that they were trying to get the money while they were talking about how folks would do a lot of stupid stuff for that money. Said stupid stuff the Spirit Squad did? They tried to ram at DX with a trash can lid (landing in the storage compartment of the bus), the trash can lid was used unknowingly to hit another member of the Squad in the face, and then DX moved slightly just as the third member jumped from above and landed on his face.
  • This promo before Survivor Series '09, where DX is telling off Hornswoggle. Leprechaun jokes and Ho Yay ahoy.

John Cena: Shawnie, you NEVER hang a leprechaun on a hook! My uncle hung a leprechaun on a hook once. ONCE!

Cena: Okay, so now it's, you beat me; you beat me -- well, guess what? I beat you; I've beat you. We all beat each other. WE BEAT EACH OTHER ALL THE TIME. (cut to the Bella Twins looking creeped-out and leaving) Um, that didn't come out right!

Shawn: Way to go!

  • Shawn Michaels trying to prove DX is still controversial, by attacking random employees:

Triple H: Besides that... he thinks he's controversial. And...I didn't wanna bring this up...but, he said that we don't even know the meaning of the word "controversial".
Shawn (exasperated): Us?! We don't know the meaning of the word "controversial"?!
Hunter Not as much me, it was mostly you...
Shawn: Are you kidding me?! I'm the one that put Bret Hart in the sharpshooter, you know! And you! You! You know controversy, you married, uh...What's-Her-Name!

Hunter: I know, I know! I can't believe he said it! "We don't know what controversial is"--

Shawn: What do you mean "we don't know controversy"?! (he and Triple H talk over one another) I don't believe this! (to random worker) You! What's your name?

Employee: Stan.

Shawn: Stan.

(HBK super-kicks Stan, leveling him)


Hunter: Calm down, Shawn--


    • Shawn would then run around, randomly super-kicking other random employees as the bit closed.
  • NINJA H! Which really must be seen to appreciate the full hilarity, but particularly hilarious is Hunter's attempt at the robot and Shawn laughing so hard he almost falls off the ring apron.
  • That time they took over the production truck, gaining full control over the lighting, sound effects, and Titan Tron for an entire episode of RAW.
  • In what may be an honest slip of the tongue on Triple H's part, when he and Shawn where listing ways various people have left their mark: "And when the Germans, when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!"
    • Adding to the humor was the brief pause and glance Trips and Shawn share before they pick up and continue on as if nothing happened...for a second you could almost hear Shawn thinking, "It was the Japanese, you idiot!"
    • Actually, Hunter was quoting Animal House. Still funny, but in a different way.
    • Or it may have been an oblique reference to something Scott Steiner said once.
  • Although it must be seen for full humor value, this exchange when Shawn and Triple H were chasing Jonathan Coachman through the building and Coach took refuge in the ladies' locker room:

Shawn: We're going in there, aren't we?
Hunter: (grins) Oh yeah!
Shawn: (sighs and covers his eyes)
(Hunter pauses to flirt with the Divas while Shawn goes through the other door. Shawn re-enters the room, eyes still covered, blindly grabs Hunter, and drags him from the room)

Hunter: It's right behind the Undertaker's DVD. Man, that guy beat you every time. You just can't win.
Shawn: Yeah, but he beat you too.
Hunter: What?!
Shawn: Dude, he beat you too. He beats everybody.
Hunter: I'd uh, forgotten about that. I kind of don't wanna recall.

  • Shawn sings his own answering machine message. And according to reports, didn't tell Hunter what it was going to be.
  • The original Finger-Poke of Doom. The reason this one is so much better is because 1) it wasn't for the main title of the organization and 2) the speech afterwards clearly indicates why it should be on this page.
  • A skit with guest host Dusty Rhodes which included Shawn, Dusty, and Hunter plugging The Rise and Fall of WCW, American Dream, and DX DVDs respectively, Dusty pointing out Shawn's biggest pushes coinciding with WCW's most lucrative period, and Hunter asking Dusty if the WCW DVD discusses his favorite WCW moment, the debut of the Shockmaster. This leads to a reenactment of the Shockmaster debut with Santino Marella as Shockmaster and Arn Anderson doing the voice just off camera.
  • Hunter to the Straight Edge Society: "You don't drink, you don't do drugs, you don't smoke--neither do I, but then again, I don't look like I've been on a week-long crack binge with Amy Winehouse."
    • Said quote is now Harsher in Hindsight due to Winehouse's death.
  • D-X's reaction to the news Stephanie McMahon was pregnant was hilarious, swinging back and forth from deriding the guy who got her pregnant for being an idiot for being involved with her and theorising the guy has a Gag Penis.
  • Hunter and Shawn talk about the kick that happened last night.
  1. And also because Shawn had worms in his mouth prior to the Boogeyman appearing.
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