< Crazy Awesome

Crazy Awesome/Web Comics

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Richard : You just got Dick Roll'd.

    • He bitch-slapped a shark just for the sake of doing it. Oh, and remember, the orphangage attacked him. It was self-defense.
  • Riff from Sluggy Freelance. His insane inventions malfunction about as often as they work and are usually used for incredibly mundane activities, but they're just so awesome. A paintball gun that drowns the enemy team in paint. The "Gworg" monster. A voice-activated, toast making laser. A catapult that launches "censorizing black bars" to block a female assassin's "distracting nudity."
    • A lot of Sluggy runs on this, though it doesn't always have to be associated with a character so much as the whole story's premise. And there's also Bun-bun. Now, he doesn't actually act crazy or necessarily do very crazy things, but his entire premise is that he is theoretically the strip's cute talking animal, being a small, cute rabbit and all, but contrasting with this and turning it on its head ridiculously Badass and very evil. At first that's just a joke, but it soon elevates him to Crazy Awesome as he is shown to be one of the coolest characters around.
    • As for stories that are Crazy Awesome, how about "Holiday Wars"? What starts out with jokes about an evil rabbit trying to kill Santa Claus develops into a years-long arc that goes through Santa starting to go insane and creating an Easter Bunny Terminator to go after Bun-bun, then Santa being infected by alien DNA and trying to take over the world only to be stopped by Bun-bun and elves with nerf-weapons, and finally escalates with Bun-bun threatening to take over the world by killing many of the anthropomorphic personifications of the various holidays—such as the Pumpkin-Headed King of Halloween and the Alien Santa—to steal their powers. And it's as cool as it is insane.
    • The seemingly normal toaster that shoots toast over a dozen feet into the air through walls. He once tried to sell it to a hardware company, but when the CEO tried to try the "Leggo My Eggo" trick fingers were lost. Then he suggested selling it to the military.
  • Largo, Dom, and Ed from Megatokyo. Actually the whole series could be crazy awesome, but those three look crazy even to the other inhabitants.
  • Girl Genius runs on this - see also mini-arcs called "X flips out". Any of the major Sparks probably qualify.
    • One memorable quote: "What kind of sparks are you guys? Not one death ray among the lot of you!"
    • Also, "calming pies". You don't eat them. You throw them. They work, too, as long as the amount of nutmeg is correct.

"Take that, Brillat-Savarin!"

    • "No! Are you crazy?! Oh, wait! of course you are!"
    • "We're just going to kill you, and then you'll be fine!"
    • Then we have the Jägermonsters, a whole race of Crazy Awesome individuals created by Sparks (More precisely, the Heterodynes). Quite frankly, a race of loud Multi-colored Super Soldiers that have Nice Hats as a symbol of status simply can't be other thing if not Crazy Awesome.
      • "Vait! Hy is not done mit tryink de sottle!!"
  • Jayden and Crusader's resident mad scientist Smic is known for his crazy awesome moments including, but not limited to, harnessing the power of sunspots to fill the house with pizza, firing a cannon using cream as gun powder and defeating an alkaline super-monster using his bare hands. He is also extremely British.
  • Dude Guy in the Nsider comic Shy Guy Tale was regarded by fans as the most awesome thing ever. This was lampshaded in one comic by Dude Guy poofing away a would-be attacker, and replying "I'm just that awesome" when asked how he did it.
  • In Wily's Defense gives us the one and only Freeze Man! To name a few things, his first line in the comic is "Hello, ground! Nice to see you again!", he's hilariously violent for the sole reason that he's just plain insane, Satan lives in his head, he constantly refers to himself as "Batman", and he's aware that he's both in a TV show and a webcomic.

Heat Man: Alright. As a token of my awesomeness, I'm going to give you twenty seconds to answer my questions. 1) Who in the name of ME are you? 2) In what way are you NOT a complete Me-damn fairy? And most importantly... 3) Why are you not on your knees and bowing before my greatness? You have twenty seconds, lower being! Get a-answerin'.
Freeze Man: Oi oi, just twenty? That seems like a very low amount of time to be "a-answerin'" your inquiries. 1) The name I am known by is BATMAN. 2) I don't say 'HEY! LISTEN!' every 3.1415 seconds! 3) Probably because I have a limited amount of poses, and so I don't have a 'bow down before your greatness' pose.

  • Katarakis from Starslip. He tried to take over the world with art, visited the formation of the universe, and destroyed the timeline and the site itself with a spork.
  • Both Killroy and Brandon in Killroy And Tina, which is probably why they get along so well.
  • Elan of Order of the Stick, as demonstrated in the arc starting here.
    • Also Belkar, from the very beginning. "Sexy shoeless god of war" indeed...
    • Xykon has some aspects of this as well. Dude tossed a bouncy ball with a Symbol of Insanity spell inscribed on it into a room full of paladins. The outcome contained a balance of Hilarious and Horrific worthy of the Joker.
  • Jim of Darths and Droids with his Mind Screw plan for freeing Anakin in episode 1.
    • Better yet, General Grievous. His dialogue was written to give the impression that he is stark raving mad of the completely and totally nuts variety, yet he is still a four-armed lightsaber-wielding giant bone-colored cyborg.
  • In Schlock Mercenary, the resident Mad Scientist Kevyn Andreyasn. "Kevyn's left epaulet was a miracle of nano-engineering..."
    • Corporal Pibald, a well-educated and Properly Paranoid mercenary who's either completely insane or a very good actor. Oh, and he makes high explosives in his cabin. He disguises it as an ant farm!
      • He's not a corporal. He's Batman, and he can breathe in space.
      • He once made a gun that can put a hole in the world. A permanent, very impressive, hole in the world. And it was a pistol. There's a reason even Kevyn tries to keep Pi from antimatter.
    • Schlock himself, as well.

Thurl: I don't know what Schlock would do. You just said you're unarmed... Well, I suppose that depends on how many of them you can eat in one sitting.


  • Everyone in The Adventures of Dr. McNinja lives and breathes this trope. Start with Dr. McNinja, who runs a medical practice with a gorilla for a secretary, regularly fights hundred-foot-tall giants, punched out Death, air-surfed a robotic Dracula, battled laser-eyed cyborgs, saved the world with tennis, and massacred countless clones, Sky Pirates, and Mooks.
    • Then you have the supporting characters -- his entire ninja family, his raptor-riding 12-year-old sharpshooter sidekick, his mentor the Ben Franklin clone, Dracula himself, the time-traveling ex-astronaut Mayor, his college superhero team and his motorcycle. The only person who isn't crazy awesome is his ex-girlfriend, and she once skyjacked an airplane while dressed up as an ancient Incan robot.
    • Dan McNinja, the Doctor's father, gets bonus points for lighting himself on fire because ninjas can't catch you when you're on fire. Frans Rayner also gets points for testing out that theory by lighting two of his mooks on fire.

Minion: You're not trying to catch them, sir?
Rayner: (Sips his coffee) No. I guess they were right.

    • Having noticed his own reputation for creating such characters, the author finally said "screw it" and created King Radical. He's a king of the "cereal mascot" variety from an alternate universe called the Radical Land who became the leader of the Cumberland[1] mafia after sealing away the evil unicorn king Sparklelord. He routinely rides his motorcycle over alligator pits, has trumpeters on skateboards announcing his presence, and eats only fresh, locally produced organics, prepared simply and with passion.
  • How about Joe Chaos, from Another Gaming Comic? He's notorious for holding onto anything—anything, including cursed items—and using it against the DM later, such as using the slightly-broken rules for choking to give himself time against a poison attack with a cursed Necklace of Choking. On top of all the rest, he's also Crazy Prepared, ridiculously intelligent, and recieved Training from Hell in the art of playing Dungeons & Dragons. His nickname comes from the time he used a cursed Gauntlet of Rust to completely negate a kyton—a demon that attacks with metal chains. Joe's name isn't even Joe. It's Irving.
    • Also from AGC: Nuclear Dan, who can solve any problem by fireball and concussion.
  • Homestuck: Bro. Like Dave, he has a katana too, but prefers to kick Dave's ass with a different weapon: Li'l Cal. And when said ass-kicking is over, he flies away on a rocket-skateboard. In a series that runs off the sheer absurdity of the characters and situations, it really says something when this guy is the Crazy-Awesomeest of them all.
  • Hat Guy from Xkcd. He may not always count, But he has his moments, Like when he became Secretary of the Internet just so that he could turn the Capital Rotunda into a giant ball pool. Or when he commandeered a Russian submarine so he could go get his hat back.
    • Randall Munroe himself. The guy made a map of the internet. Twice.
  • Mob Ties: Sidney Burns and his booziness were what got this whole mess started, have continued to propel him through much of the story, and is actually a vital part of his character. The fact that the booze is self medication to keep the trauma of several months being a prisoner of war from turning him into a rage filled monster only makes it more awesome. Of course, there are a few side effects.
    • That the guy frequents a bar called the Trainyard that is full of crossdressers (and not the pretty kind) because he likes the margaritas, throws bottles of beer with devastating accuracy to silence loud students in class, renamed an entire yakuza clan after a high school mascot, and improved his boxing skills by training with a giant panda. Oh, and he often communicates via puppet.
  • Last Res0rt has Adharia, who is easily just a (bi-curious at best) Fish Out of Water otherwise... except for the fact she carries a freakin' Efreet around her neck and can order it around.
  • The main character of the The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon. At some point he's completely buried under ground, but have no fear. He PUNCHES HIS WAY OUT.
    • Max Facepuncher, as with everything else, takes it to eleven, introducing himself to the main character by jumping out of a plane that's doing a swoop at high speeds, then immediately starting a fight. That's pretty much how he says hello.
  • Axe Cop: The comic rivals Dr McNinja in Crazy Awesome territory due to the fact that the story is based on the imagination of the artist's six-year old brother (which also makes him Crazy Awesome, as the comic is quite popular).
  • Hanners of Questionable Content is a neurotic Neat Freak with crippling OCD in addition to being the resident Cloudcuckoolander. She is also one of the strip's most memorable and popular characters. When she swings into action, it's usually awesome and somewhat unusual.
  • It varies from individual to individual, but most of the cast of A Magical Roommate is crazy awesome to at least a small degree. And then there's X...
  • Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic has Captain Fang, the Dread Pirate. He either utterly insane, or have near-terminal case of dyslexia which he doesn't try to circumvent and is easily distracted. He's also either absurdly lucky or a good enough pilot to go into tricky waters, get even with a crack crew in an artillery duel (while sitting on the cannon face to the breech) and... somehow... got into semi-final of a great tournament. All the while rambling and apparently not paying attention to anything.
  • The captain from Romantically Apocalyptic (s)he wanders the post apocalyptic landscape with his two subordinates looking for humans and monsters. Makes sure along the way that the trains run on time, gets the worship of TWOcults to worship him/her, picks up some fast food and rescues his subordinate from aliens with a cup with a red heart and some stale cake. Yes, really. Zhee Captqainn is also highly radioactive, and his/her angry stare can literally make a person's head explode.
    • And may be the person solely responsible for World War 3. Maybe. We only have his word for it.
  • Scarlet from Sequential Art lives her hyperactive life somewhere on the other shore of the sugar shock. She remembers stuff she obviously has no use for in the normal life, but can observe a turning washing mashine with interest for hours and then set the socks free. A joking suggestion to "fix everything broken", however, applied to the souvenir blaster from a comics convention had rather hilarious results. Later she turns out to be a Mad Scientist, or rather a part of Mad Scientist Hive Mind.
  • Robin DeSanto: Hyperactive speedster. War hero. Was elected to Congress three times, twice because she appealed to the desires of toy collectors and once because she flashed her boobs out a balcony. Tried to pass a bill to outlaw cancer. Once built a Rube Goldberg Device to get two men to bang each other. Tried to upstage Sarah Palin by hunting wolves with rocket launchers and machine guns while jumping out of a helicopter on a surfboard wearing nothing but a jetpack and a camouflage bikini. And later won a fight by shoving Faz up Sarah Palin's ass. If all that doesn't qualify her, than the definition is clearly broken.
  • The entire main cast of Narbonic. Helen Beta Narbon, mad scientist who went insane in an Italian restaurant: nearly a dozen people died from the monsters she created using just what she found in the ladies' room. Mel Kelly, intern and gun nut, who in another timeline took over the world in order to destroy it. Dave Davenport, minion, who is too good at fixing things, including the Kill Sat death ray he built from what turned out to be a broken mail sorter. Artie, the superintelligent gerbil whose good-natured attempts at making things better have led to an uprising of robot copies of a rival mad scientist, and a pack of evil hamsters.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser Tip Wilkin of Skin Horse. Wears designer dresses on field assignments. Uses his appearance to seduce Anything That Moves.
    • He went to Canada to investigate missing U.S. soldiers and boinked the town sheriff, who handcuffed him to her bed. Just before she and everyone in the town turned into werewolves. At which point he escaped and saved his temmates. His teammates are an unstoppable fast zombie and a genetically engineered battledog, and he got the Big Damn Heroes moment. And he got an I Call It Vera moment at the same time.
  • Madeline the paladin from Rusty and Co.. She's a "Ditzy do-gooder". How ditzy? The first time we meet her, she wields a hoe and is convinced it's Holy Avenger -- because the gnome who sold it to her said so. Only to return later with a spade she called vorpal halberd. She also frequently fights with closed eyes. Which somehow makes her attacks more precise, allows to deflect thrown daggers and apparently lets "magical" agricultural equipment work as advertised -- paladitz did beat a tavern-full of various armed creatures and a pirate crew with that hoe, while the spade was used to the same effect as if it was a vorpal halberd. And she can SMELL evil.
  • Exterminatus Now gives us Morth The Betrayer, who, while normally not in this category, manages to gain this status due to an unusual tactic: not only will he summon a demon lord and ascend to a demon himself, he'll gain thousands of new followers for his master as well. How? By broadcasting the entire thing online.
    • And then Eastwood and Lothar managed to outbastard him.
  • Sydney of Grrl Power has the ability to substitute confuse for any attribute when making a skill check.
  • In Gunnerkrigg Court a lot of people and things are more or less here, or at least border on this - between some antics of the protagonist or her classmates and the resident friendly (...most of the time) trickster god. Janet managed to stand out even in this company, without demonstrating any extraordinary abilities (so far) other than being too good at archery. And now that Jenny joined the cast, she counts too. She is the only being we have seen drawn into "Zimmingham" who actually liked it. Also, she plays with magical diagrams, including "very polite" guidance system for a drone and hopscotch-controlled "bomb".
  1. Population: 21,518
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