The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon
The Fancy Adventures Of Jack Cannon is a webcomic that is written and drawn by Jamie Anderson.
Until recently, Jack Cannon has been home schooled. His life changed drastically when he started going to High School.
On his first day in High School, Jack becomes friends with two girls named Angel and Cindy. He also got to know the resident Jerkass Craig, who is a Hacker, and not the usual kind of hacker. No, these hackers are people who hack reality. Jack is going to have some serious problems...
- Accidental Truth: Angel telling Craig that Jack is "the most Badass fighter ever" in hopes it will save his skin.
- Action Mom: Jack's mother is a professional bodyguard. And
probablyalmost certainly some sort of ninja. - Anti-Magic: Pretty much the only reason he isn't dead.
- Art Evolution: The art changed from more of a cartoony style to an Uncanny Valley, but has become more realistic now.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: The Principal and Gavin
- Awesome McCoolname: Max Facepuncher. "Jack Cannon" might count, too.
- It should be noted that Max is not short for Maximilian. It's short for Maximum. So, his full name is Maximum Facepuncher. He punches a lot of faces.
- Badass Family: The Cannons are all some sort of super soldiers.
- Badass in Distress: Max, the principal, and Jack himself are all put in this position briefly. After her scarf is taken away, Crystal ends up in the same situation. For the majority of the cast, this trope is in effect whenever they end up in distress.
- Badass Normal: Jack Cannon himself.
- One might argue that with recent developments that he's Badass Abnormal, but since his only abnormality is that he at least partially negates any and all hackings in the area, it could be argued that he's so badass normal that that he normalizes everything around him.
- Big Bad: Gavin.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Jack, and to a much greater extent Max.
- Blessed with Suck: The 4th type. Jack's extreme fighting prowess has gotten him the attention of all the wrong people.
- He can also shrug off any hacks aimed at him but it puts massive stresses on his system and will kill him if he's pushed too far.
- Recently, the comic is starting to explore what happens if you put a person who unconciously negates hacks into a space station hacked into existence.
- Butt Monkey: Lipbite, he keeps getting beat up, amusingly.
- Character Blog: Max Facepuncher has a twitter.
- And it is GLORIOUS!!!
- Crazy Awesome: When buried alive, Jack Cannon's solution is to punch his way out. When Max Facepuncher decides to introduce himself to Jack, he does so by jumping out of a plane and punching him.
- Also:
Gavin: Jack.
Jack: What.
Gavin: I made you a dinosaur.
Jack stares at the T-Rex for a moment before yelling "Oh Gaaawd!" and jumping into its mouth. He then explodes it FROM THE INSIDE
- The author's note even says "If this is your first time reading, you picked a hell of a page to start with."
- Curb Stomp Battle: Jack's Evil Knockoff never stood a chance.
- Cybernetics Eat Your Soul: what happened to Gavin after he'd uploaded his personality to the server.
- The Determinator: Max, on a couple occasions.
- Jack. The dude punches through 20 feet of dirt after being buried by a stone golem thing.
- Damsel in Distress: This occurred with Angel and Cindy early on (twice). It also occurred with Jack's parents, who were used as a bargaining chip. Recently, it happened twice more with Crystal also being used as a bargaining chip, and Angel being captured by Craig again.
- Dude in Distress: Happened briefly with the principal in two early stories. Jack's father and Max were also put in the state and used as bargaining chip. I'm sensing a pattern.
- The Dragon: Grin to Gavin
- Elaborate Underground Base: a subversion in that its not actually underground, but the Mega Intelligence secret desert base seems plenty big and elaborate.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Grin, who, after hacking Franky, refuses to do a hack like that again. Gavin agrees to it, since Grin feels so strongly about it. Even Gavin has standards, as he states that he did not go after Jack's parents since they were protecting their own, and he could understand that. However, he did use the fact that he could go after Jack's parents at any time he liked to pressure him into accepting a truce between the two of them, saying, "I'm not a murderer, but I am a killer." It doesn't seem shared among the underlings.
- Evil Knockoff: See Curb Stomp Battle above.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: No prizes for guessing what Max Facepuncher's specialty is.
- To be fair, he doesn't JUST punch faces.
- Extremity Extremist: Max Facepuncher.
- The Faceless:
AnonymousGavin's Hackers. Not to mention Gavin himself. Unlike the other hackers, his "mask" covers his entire body. - Five-Bad Band: Four members so far, as The Evil Genius is likely shared among The Dragon, Grin and The Big Bad, Gavin.
- The Big Bad: Gavin, as mentioned.
- The Dragon: Grin
- The Brute: Manic, though his competency is rather recent.
- The Dark Chick: Despite being a guy Lipbite is the weakest of the 'officer' hackers seen so far.
- Flat What: Jack does one when informed that Craig "is.....a....HACKER!"
- Frame Break: Jack has to break the panel frame to escape when Gavin contracts it around him.
- Freud Was Right: "Take me to that phallus!"
- Glass Cannon: Unlike Max Facepuncher, Crystal has a Scarf of Asskicking, but little actual physical power.
- This probably applies to the hackers as well. They all get taken out very easily, but their reality warping powers prove very effective when they're used intelligently. Most of the defeated hackers have been taken out with a single hit.
- Government Agency of Fiction: Mega Intelligence
- Homeschooled Kids: The strip begins with Jack's first day of public school after having been home-schooled his whole life.
- Hotblooded Sideburns: Max Facepuncher sports a pretty wicked pair.
- I Always Wanted to Say That: Gavin here
- I Am Not Left-Handed: Max doesn't only punch faces...
- Insult Backfire: Crystal to Gavin.
Crystal: You don't scare me, Gavin. None of you do. The hackers are just a bunch of kids.
Gavin: Exactly. Kids with godpowers. Children playing with nuclear bombs. You should be terrified.
- It Makes Sense in Context: "Welcome to The Fancy Adventures of Jack Cannon. If this is your first time reading, you picked a hell of a page to start with."
- Knife Nut: Jack's mother. It also means that throwing knives at him just gives him more weapons to play with.
- Large Ham: Well, with a name like Max Facepuncher, it's only to be expected...
- Let's You and Him Fight: Max does this intentionally with Jack.
- Meaningful Name: Max Facepuncher.
- Meanwhile Back At The: Meanwhile, In The Mighty Skies.
- Mook Face Turn: Frankie well, not really.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Looks like the fight between Max Facepuncher and Gavin is going to end up like. Justified in that Gavin isn't really there and Max Facepuncher's cockiness was his downfall.
- Nonuniform Uniform: Word of God confirms it's set in an Australian school that does have a uniform; most students either wear whatever they want over it or ignore it completely.
- Not So Harmless: For much of the comic, the Hackers seem less than a serious threat, due to how easily Jack and his family handle them. However, the true horror of what the Hackers could do to someone is not made fully apparent until they change Franky into a monster and force him into attack Jack. That's right, the Hackers could turn anyone other than Jack into monsters and send them to attack him. Including his parents, his friends, ANYONE. Apparently the only reason they haven't is because Grin is the only person skilled enough (asides from Gavin) to do it properly, and after Franky she refuses to do it again. However, it's possible that not only could Gavin do it properly, but effortlessly, if he so chose, since apparently he can perform extremely complex hacks with
a snap of his fingersnumpad gloves. - Oh Crap: Jack, quite a few times
- Somewhat justified when you're fighting people who can hack reality
- Lipbite gets one here
- "Jack." "What." I Made You A]] Dinosaur."
- Pet the Dog: Grin seems to have a conscience.
- Pimp Duds: Not overt, but Gavin is going around in a plum suit and pants without anything underneath. He is the pimpest.
- Rated "M" for Manly: Max Facepuncher. Yes, that's his real name.
- Reality Warper: The Hackers. As Gavin put it: "kids with God powers."
- Reasonable Authority Figure: The Principal and the general
- Retired Badass: Implied to be Jack Cannon's Father
- Sadistic Choice: There's an interesting (and complicated) example. Jack Cannon has to choose between his parents or Angel. If he rescues Angel, Gavin will kill his parents. However, there are two different villains operating separately here, one having merely threatened, and the other having kidnapped. To complicate things further, one of the villains is working for the other and may have broken the rules within the organization. This means that Jack may not actually have to Take a Third Option or make a choice. Since Jack doesn't know all of the details, for him it is a sadistic choice.
- Scarf of Asskicking A more literal example than usual.
- Serious Business: Hacking.
- Shirtless Scene: Max has gotten one recently. Despite being completely covered in bruises, he still manages to look pretty hot with his buff physique (?!!).
- Smith Will Suffice: When Frankie gets teleported to the hacker base in a straightjacket.
Frankie: Oh god oh god oh god...
Gavin: Please stop calling me that.
- Space Base: Hackers get one. Likely the reason Mega Intelligence hasn't brought them down yet.
- Spoof Aesop: "Great, so my first day at school teaches me to hit people and lie to my parents."
- "Both are important life lessons, kid."
- Stating the Simple Solution:
Lipbite: How come you don't just, you know, blow up their house or something?
Grin: Because I'm not a dick?
- Stealth Pun: A visual pun here: They "hacked" his leg off.
- Those Two Girls: Angel and Cindy.
- Tough Love: Jack's mother threw knives at him to teach him good reflexes.
- And more recently, snakes
- Training from Hell: See above.
- Recently intensified due to Jack's Curb Stomp Battle at the hands of a seriously hacked Frankie
- Villainous BSOD: Brought to a whole new meaning here
- Why Won't You Die?: Everyone who has tried to take on Jack has said or thought this at one point or another. Grin does a unique variation.
Grin: WHAT?! Why... Why can't I hack you?
Jack: * A shrug that says, better than words ever could, "How the hell should I know?"*
- Would Not Hit a Girl: Averted hard, thanks to Max Facepuncher. Twice, up to this point in the story.
- Of course, while the first time was a pretty jerk-assed thing to do (he pimp-smacked Cindy right after she kicked him in the 'nads to protect Jack), the second was entirely justified.