Conduit 2

Conduit 2 is the sequel to High Voltage Software's Nintendo Wii First-Person Shooter The Conduit. Once again, the player is Michael Ford, a former Secret Service agent caught in the middle of an Alien Invasion set in the near future. Taking place immediately after the first game, Ford must travel around the world, engage in firefights against dueling alien factions, and try to wrest the fate of the Earth away from Mr. Adams and his supporters.
New gameplay features include a nonlinear single-player campaign, a larger selection of weapons, individual character classes and attribute enhancements, and split-screen local cooperative and competitive play.
This game is developer High Voltage's attempt at fixing the shortcomings from The Conduit. Instead of making the engine and actual game simultaneously, they focused entirely on the game. Instead of making levels with no planning, they made actual concept art. The respawning egg sacs, static cutscenes and exploding Drudge mines were removed. They toned down the hype, perhaps a bit too much - Sega chose April 19th as the date for the game's release, the same day as Portal 2, Mortal Kombat 9 and SOCOM 4, and Conduit 2 was released with next to no fanfare. The sites that did review it criticized the game for a short, disjointed single-player campaign and perceived deficiencies in the voice acting, level design and story but praised the multi-player, which improved upon the original despite it already being the game's strongest point.
- Air Vent Passageway: Played straight in D.C.
- Alien Invasion: The Drudge.
- Played with. The climax of the first game reveals that the Drudge were grown here on Earth from a captive Prometheus. Adams, however, is also revealed to be an alien.
- America Saves the Day: The ending has George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in futuristic armor arrive as reinforcements.
- Animal Mecha: One of the new enemies is a robotic puma/leopard/tiger.
- Area of Effect: Played straight with the Radiation Grenades.
- Played doubly straight with the Reverse Damage Upgrade, which heals you and your allies.
- Armor Is Useless: Whatever armor you buy for your character model is purely for aesthetics, with the exception of the Heavy Armor, Light Armor, and Helmet upgrades.
- Michael's new armor doesn't seem to actually DO much, really.
- And yet armor sure seems to help the Trust Advancers.
- Isn't it his new armor that allows him to use the upgrades?
- And yet armor sure seems to help the Trust Advancers.
- Michael's new armor doesn't seem to actually DO much, really.
- Atlantis: This is the main hub in the game.
- Back Stab: Played straight.
- Badass: Ford is a One-Man Army who is out for revenge, underestimated by his enemies (which is understandable, really), wears Cool Shades (although swaps them out with a helmet early on) and is voiced by Jon St. John.
- Bee-Bee Gun: The Hive Cannon, which now allows targets to be tagged with sticky bait so the bees can home in on it.
- Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: John Adams as the Big Bad and a former President Evil.
- The Bermuda Triangle: The first level takes place on a deep-ocean platform in the middle of the Triangle.
- Big Bulky Bomb: The pulsing, pre-modern Nazi nuclear Doomsday Device in D.C. that Prometheus must disable before it blows.
- Though he has no idea how to actually do that until 10 seconds before it goes off, much to Michael's despair.
- Bland-Name Product: There are vending machines for Orange Soda brand orange soda.
- Bond One-Liner: Lots.
- Brain Uploading: Prometheus.
"Aren't you a disembodied alien in a ball?!"
- Bug War
- Bullet Catch: One of the game's new weapons is the Aegis gun, which has the ability to suspend incoming bullets in a force-field, then fire them back at opponents.
- Cleavage Window: Andromeda's full-body armor covers everything except her face... and the tops of her breasts.
- Clothes Make the Superman: Mentioned almost straight in one of the campaign achievements, right after Michael Ford obtains his Destroyer armor.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: In the single player campaign, friendly aliens appear a different color than enemy aliens and some enemies (notably the mites) are distinguishable by their differing colors. Online, team matches have a Red Team and a Blue Team, and some maps have an indicated Red Side and Blue Side. Even in free-for-all.
- Concealment Equals Cover: Hiding behind that knocked over table, halved bookcase, or knocked over soda machine will totally protect you from bullets, plasma, radiation and explosions.
- Concept Art Gallery: Comes with the Gamestop-exclusive Limited Edition of the game.
- Cosmetic Award: Subverted, as achievements and medals always award you with either experience points, credits, or both.
- Conspiracy Kitchen Sink
- Copy and Paste Environments:
- The Washington D.C level seems to be an excuse to recycle assets from the first game. Overall though, it's greatly reduced compared to the first game.
- There's also three levels that are clearly repurposed multi-player maps. Thankfully, two are optional and one just serves as an arena for a boss battle.
- Lampshaded in the Siberia level: Ford asks himself if he's seen this hallway before, and Prometheus responds that architects often repeat structures in a building to save money.
- Then he goes on to state that developers often copy the practice in videogames.
- Crosshair Aware: Whenever you're being tuned by an enemy's Phase Rifle.
- Cyborg: Trust forces now include cyborg soldiers, who rest in recharging chambers.
- Darker and Edgier: Arguably more than the original -- one of the first things Michael learns is that his family was killed with everyone else in Washington D.C. On the other hand, the campy one-liners and Indecisive Parody suggest High Voltage is making fun of Darker and Edgier shooters.
- Die, Chair, Die!: Plenty of boxes and cars to shoot up.
- Death by Irony: In the campaign, where Michael travels to China to save Emperor Li from Adams, only to end up having to kill him in self defense.
- Disintegrator Ray: To a lesser extent, as whatever energy weapon you use must be the one to fire the kill shot to actually have the effect.
- Enemy Civil War: Enemies of different factions will attack each other.
"Sweet! Now they're fighting each other!"
- Every Bullet Is a Tracer
- Epic Fail: Spoken straight by Michael.
- Faceless Goons: Every enemy in the game has a mask or helmet of some sort. Even if you shoot said helmet off.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Averted with the Carbonizer Mk16. Totally travels at the speed of light, so you don't have to do any leading.
- Gun Accessories: Averted. Weapons can't be customized at all.
- Although they do have plenty of preloaded Secondary Fire functions.
- Heroic BSOD: When Prometheus sacrifices himself in order to give Michael's Destroyer armor the power to stop Adams.
- Also, Take Up My Sword, which is basically the reason for Michael wearing the Destroyer armor in the first place.
- Hostile Precipitation and Thunderbolts and Lightning is the name of game in the Oil Rig level.
- Humanoid Aliens
- Insectoid Aliens: The Drudge, who now come in even more exotic and bizarre varieties.
- Lizard Folk: John Adams and the other members of his faction.
- Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: Like the prequel, difficulty levels are named after the five levels of the Homeland Security Advisory System: Low, Guarded, Elevated, High, and Severe.
- In-Game TV: Subverted. There are radio shows, but no TVs.
- Instant Death Bullet: The HVS45 handgun.
- IKEA Weaponry: The Phase Rifle and Carbonizer Mk16 (though only in animation), definitely the Widowmaker turret.
- I'll Kill You!: Said straight from Michael, after Adams tells him that his family and everyone else in D.C. is dead.
- Indecisive Parody: High Voltage claimed that the game is supposed to be "tounge-in-cheek", and portions the game are clearly taking the piss (Ford's Duke Nukem-esque dialogue for instance), but other parts of the game are done completely seriously (like the conspiracy objects), and still others are ambiguous (the ending). High Voltage later admitted that they had a much more serious story planned, but the huge amount of cutscenes required and the reaction people had towards the original heavy-handed storyline meant that they rewrote the entire script at the last minute.
- Infinite Flashlight: In the metro of D.C.
- Infinity+1 Sword: The Dark Star, which can only be found upon completing the game.
- Insecurity Camera: Present In Katarina's fortress, in Siberia.
- Invisibility: Capable with the AR-C Eclipse's secondary.
- La RĂ©sistance: The Free Drudge, who aid Mr. Ford against Adams' plans.
- Large Ham: Ford's lines are delivered in the most over-the-top manner possible.
- Lightning Gun: The Deatomizer Mk4, TPC Launcher, and Carbonizer Mk16.
- Lightning Bruiser: The Trust Advancers and Drudge Scarabs can move pretty fast when they really want to. The latter of which can take you out in two smacks.
- Locked Door: Played fairly straight in China, albeit with elemental symbols instead of keys.
- Lost World: The Lost City of Z.
- Magnetic Weapons: The Phase Rifle is actually a railgun.
- Monumental Damage: D.C. has seen better days. Even when you return, they're still blowing the place to hell.
- Mook Maker: Conduits and Egg Sacs.
- Muzzle Flashlight: Well, it's there if you need it.
- Mythology Gag: Before the game came out, the developers promised abilities you could equip to your loadout like healing teammates in multi-player with bullets. In the game, there is an upgrade that gives you an extra radiation grenade and makes it so those grenades heal you and your teammates while still damaging your enemies. The description for the upgrade includes the line "Because we couldn't teach the bullets to love".
- No Sidepaths, No Exploration, No Freedom: Averted; the single-player campaign will include a central hub to allow the player to choose the order to play the levels, and multiple routes to each level's objective are available.
- No Body Left Behind
- Nobody Poops: Averted, there's a bathroom on the oil rig in the campaign.
- Noisy Guns
- Organic Technology: All the Drudge weapons.
- The Other Darrin
- Oh Crap: Played straight right after Michael switches a primer on the Oil Rig, only to have the Leviathan devour that whole corner of the room and roar at him.
- Outrun the Fireball: Inverted when Michael must jump out of the way of an oncoming train as soon as he gets out of the subway in D.C.
Michael: "For once, that's a train that I'm glad to miss!"
Prometheus: "Technically, the train missed you.
Michael: " really know to ruin a good quip, don't you?"
- Our Weapons Will Be Boxy in the Future: Averted. The Carbonizer Mk16's very existence is in utter defiance of this trope.
- Pivotal Boss: The Leviathan from the first level of the campaign, a gigantic sea serpent who turns to attack the deep-ocean platform you're on.
- Play-Along Prisoner: In D.C., Michael Ford walks in on a Trust Soldier interrogating a Free Drudge by the name of Thex. As soon as the soldier notices Michael's presence, he gets his ass kicked by Thex.
- Powered Armor: Ford gets fitted for a set of Destroyer armor, and his ally Andromeda wears a full-body suit.
- Protection Mission: Michael must protect the Free Drudge a number of times throughout the campaign.
- Rage Quit: Unavoidable, but thank goodness the developers had the foresight to install host migration.
- Regenerating Health: Present.
- Roboteching: The Shrieker. Also, the Hive Cannon, but only if the target is tagged with sticky bait first.
- Scenery Porn: The Oil Rig level. High Voltage Software's Quantum3 engine really struts its stuff here.
- Short-Range Shotgun: Apparent in online multi-player and splitscreen. Curiously averted in the campaign.
- Shoutout: After beating the game, Andromeda reveals that the conduits are powered by blast processing, a reference to Sega's old Sonic the Hedgehog commercials.
- Sickly Green Glow: Subverted, as radiation always glows orange in the game.
- Sincerest Form of Flattery: Several of the weapons are clearly Expys of those from Resistance Fall of Man and District 9
- Spider Tank: One of the bosses.
- Splash Damage: The SMAW, Shrieker, TPC Launcher, Frag Grenades, Deatomizer Mk4 (when fired a charged blast), Warp Pistol (when the blasts ricochet), Strike Rifle (when fired a charged blast), Hive Cannon.
- Splash Damage Abuse: Played straight with the TPC Launcher, Shrieker, and the Frag Grenades.
- Split Screen, and plenty of it.
- The Stoic: Prometheus. He's certainly far less critical of Michael than he was in the prequel.
- Story Breadcrumbs
- That Satisfying Crunch: Played straight-on with headshots.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: The Dark Star's secondary function, which fires a black hole that essentially acts a mobile Sphere of Destruction, which has an Area of Effect that sucks in your foes.
- Tricked-Out Gloves: The Blinding Powder upgrade.
- Turns Red: Every boss in the game does this.
- 24-Hour Armor: Lampshaded in the Heavy Armor loadout upgrade description.
"Seriously, how do you go to the bathroom in that?"
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future
- Unflinching Faith in the Brakes: Subverted. Prometheus insists that the Leviathan is Michael's way off of the oil rig, though he doesn't seem too concerned that it's tearing the rig apart in a murderous fit of rage.
- Unflinching Walk: Subverted when Adams walks calmly into a conduit right before the Leviathan destroys the platform he and his men are on.
- Virtual Ghost: Prometheus.
- Washington, D.C. Invasion: One of the game's levels is a return to Washington D.C., as it's in the middle of a full-blown alien invasion.
- Wave Motion Gun: The Leviathan attacks by shooting a massive laser beam from its mouth.
- Wilhelm Scream: Uttered by a scientist right after the Leviathan destroys a platform.
- A Winner Is You: "You're Winner!"
- You Can't Handle the Parody: "You can't handle the truth!" may be randomly uttered by a Trust Soldier AI.