"A small but robust humanoid being. Witty and nimble, if skillfully controlled."

The Clonk titles are a series of Side View German PC games, that put you in command of one or more of the titular clonks. As a general rule, you'll need to use them to build a functioning settlement, harvest all the gold/oil/whatever in a map, or kill off all of someone else's clonks. But it might be a race. Or a murder mystery in progress. Or a game of tag. Or maybe there'll be no goal at all. It varies hugely between levels, being as versatile as only normaly seen with a general-purpose platformer engine.
The original games were Updated Rereleases, starting with the original Clonk DOS game from 1994, which consisted, more or less, of groups of Clonks throwing rocks at each other in sequential two-player battles. Clonk 2 Debakel was an experimental attempt to add Turn-Based Strategy elements: A multiplayer game of Clonk 2 took place in a hex map, and the melee skirmishes, which were almost identical to those of Clonk 1, appeared as encounters between hostile players on the map. Clonk A. P. E. (Advanced Players Edition) (1995) reverted Clonk to its original principle, removing the hex map and city management, and introduced single-player and co-op settlement challenges and separate, configurable scenarios instead of Clonk 1's fixed, sequential two-player fights. It's also noticeable for introducing the Wipf, Clonk's other Series Mascot (aside from the monster, which existed ever since Clonk 1).
The latest official update is Clonk Rage, which was the last game finished before the head of the team had to quit. A 3D release was planned, but ended up being cancelled. Meanwhile, the game code has been released to allow continuation as an open-source game. Some fans, as well as the other members of the development team, are working on Open Clonk, an attempt to bring the series in a new direction by rebuilding the engine from the ground upwards instead of upgrading Clonk Rage. There are also lots and lots of Game Mods, although most of them, like the fanbase, are German.
Clonk Rage is Shareware, of the limited-content demo variety, while all the older games are available for free.
- Abandonware: Sort of. Pre-Clonk Endeavour titles, which used to be shareware, are fully available for free.
- Abnormal Ammo: Cannons and catapults can launch everything, from rocks, construction kits and barrels to animals. A heavy artillery cannon can even launch clonks.
- Air-Aided Acrobatics:
- The Airblast spell can be used for this.
- In Open Clonk, this is the jar of wind's purpose.
- All Deserts Have Cacti
- And Call Him George: The lizard-like 'monsters' "just want to play". Unfortunately, their definition of playing consists of trampling down all kinds of other creatures, or - in case of fire monsters - spitting fire on them.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: Baron Herx, oppressor of a small village, in the melee scenario "The Castle".
- Artificial Stupidity: The AI doesn't have very good long-term path-finding. If told to bring a tree to a lumberwill, it can and easily will have your clonk jump off a cliff, to an already felled tree floating in a lake, and will then leave you with no way of getting back.
- Blind Idiot Translation: The English translation is occasionally a bit ...lacking.
- Color-Coded Multiplayer
- Convection, Schmonvection
- Critical Existence Failure: Animals and clonks keel over dead, buildings and vehicles burst into flames.
- Death From Above: The meteor hail spell, mainly used in settlement melees to destroy enemy structures.
- Death of a Thousand Cuts: One method of killing monsters is to repeatedly throw rocks at them.
- Desert Skull: The standard desert scenarios contain, along with cacti, animal skulls as decoration.
- Easter Egg: Here and there. One mission contains a corpse that shares the name of the game's creator. Also, smoke very rarely has the shape of a Wipf. Fan-made scenarios (and some ascended former fan scenarios, like "Dragon Rock") tend to absolutely crawl with in-jokes.
- Edge Gravity: A few pixels of your hitbox - though not one - are sufficient for preventing you from dropping off a cliff.
- Explosion Propulsion: Introduced into the game by the fan scenario "Pressurewavefight" (the title is an incomprehensibly broken translation of the German "Druckwellenkampf". What is meant is something in the lines of "Blastwave Battle".), and officially inserted as a general gameplay element with Clonk Rage.
- Fake Platform: Unfixed bridge segments are background objects, but hard to distinguish from the fixed ones, so you might end up jumping on one of them falling into a Bottomless Pits.
- Fast Tunnelling
- Floating Platforms: The terrain system allows "sky islands", which are a popular and famous element of the game.
- Floating Continent: Many levels take place in the sky. Their floating is never explained. In the case of "Sky Atoll" the description states that an ancient island kingdom just rose out of the ocean. Somehow.
- Genre Roulette: The fan scenario "Clonk Party".
- Gosh Hornet: What happens when you break a zap nest.
- Guide Dang It: Items you're carrying can change the effect of a spell. This is never mentioned in-game.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Throw a strong flint into a gold vein and stand too close, fire a cannon upwards, or drop a zap nest next to yourself.
- Human Cannonball: Clonks can launch themselves with artillery cannon towers.
- Humans Are White
- Inertia Is a Cruel Mistress: Like in Real Life, you can't change your direction while jumping. Averted in Open Clonk.
- Invincible Minor Minion: Zaps in many scenarios. They can't be damaged normally; you can submerge or bury them for instant death, but they'll try to avoid this, and these options are often unavailable. The flame wall spell from the Fantasy pack and the Eke Reloaded flamethrower can kill them without much trouble, though...
- Just Add Water: For crafting things, you just have to know the construction plan, select the product and put the materials into a workshop or anvil.
- Lava Is Boiling Kool-Aid
- Loads and Loads of Loading
- Man On Fire: Setting your enemies on fire is one of the pillars of basic-warfare in this series [1]. Although the death isn't instant, and if you don't keep your distance it can become a more frightening trope.
- Mirror Match: In most melee scenarios, both sides start with exactly the same prerequisites.
- Nintendo Hard: Cheerful music and smiling Clonks aside, the more advanced scenarios will take you hours to complete, if you can beat them at all. The record for Seven Keys, for instance, is two hours. For a single player, eleven hours is entirely possible.
- Pre-Explosion Glow: The normally dark veins of delayed flints shine brightly when they are ignited.
- Pressure Plate: Found in puzzle scenarios.
- Press X to Die: The "Release Clonk" rule.
- Rise to the Challenge: The fan scenario "Lava rises from the bottom".
- Rocket Jump: "Flint jumps".
- Ruined FOREVER: When it was announced that the 3D game, Clonk Extreme, wouldn't feature digging or a scenario editor, cries of "It isn't true Clonk!" quickly followed.
- Series Mascot: Wipfs.
- Save the Princess: The plot of Dragon Rock.
- Selective Gravity: Not just the floating continents, but buildings in general. Most buildings have solid basements, which will never move. Bridges can be made out of a balloon or blimp, and and won't move either.
- Soft Water: Objects (and fan-made clonks who take fall damage) can impact on a water surface from high speed without consequences. Water instantly stops you as well, preventing you from hitting the ground below.
- Some Dexterity Required: For not falling off an edge with classic controls activated.
- Spiteful AI: Found in most scenarios with computer-controlled enemies.
- Stock Femur Bone
- Stylistic Suck: The community has spawned the phenomenon of "Niwoh" (a malapropism of the word "Niveau" meaning 'level' as sophistication) scenarios, which are a combination of this, purposely inserted bugs and general wackiness.
- Super Drowning Skills: Oxygen Meter-type.
- Super Not-Drowning Skills: Possessed by aquaclonks.
- Terraform: In Wide Open Sandbox fan scenarios.
- Too Dumb to Live:
- Clonks really enjoy fighting each other, it's a wonder there are any left. The backstory for "Greed" for instance, explains that a group of miners were trapped underground by an earthquake. With gold that's four times as valuable as normal. You win by killing off everyone else.
- Wipfs and other animals aren't able to notice if the pit they are jumping into contains lava or acid. Or if the pit has anything in it at all.
- Treasure Is Bigger in Fiction: Not only, but especially, treasure. Chunks of (solid) gold, like rocks, are the size of a clonk's head, and "crystals" (of an unspecified, magical variety) are a bit larger still.
- Trick Arrow: Explosive arrows. Fan-made arrows include arrows splitting into bouncing rocks, arrows launching a small frostwave, arrows creating a bridge of earth, arrows turning the ground they hit into sinking quicksand, teleport arrows and so on.
- Tunnel King: All clonks.
- Updated Rerelease
- Vaporware: Clonk Extreme.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: Those cute little wipfs? They can be set on fire.
- Wall Crawl
- Water Is Blue
- When It Rains, It Pours
- Wide Open Sandbox: If you have enough time, there's nothing stopping you from sealing off the sky itself.
- Wrap Around: Some novelty scenarios contain a "No Borders" rule with this effect.
- X Meets Y: Often described as "The Settlers meets Worms".
Official packs
The Knights pack is set in a Ye Goode Olde Days medieval setting. It usually features knights battling each other, either in small tournaments or large battles between rivaling castles. Castles consist of combinable modules that can be built by players, making huge Wide Open Sandbox knight levels popular too.
- Bow and Sword in Accord: Preferred equipment of knights.
- Black Knight: Any knight clad in black armor, which is a mysterious, expensive, rare and extremely powerful piece of equipment.
- Horse Jump
- No Arc in Archery: Averted.
- Unbreakable Weapons: With the exception of bows, which can be destroyed by explosion damage.
- Ye Goode Olde Days
The Fantasy pack mostly features mages competing in tournaments. The original fantasy scenarios radically differ from the fanmade ones which are extremely common in network; the original scenarios feature settling elements and are generally similar to normal clonk melees, while many fanmade ones play more like a sidescrolling magic shooter; mostly due to mana being cheap and quickly regenerating, the fanmade version of the Toad Jump spell which practically allows infinite Double Jumps, and some spells that can One-Hit Kill a target.
- Alchemy Is Magic: If the alchemy system is activated, spells require "magic components" extracted from materials.
- Animate Dead: Turns a deceased clonk into a dumb Type V zombie.
- Damage Increasing Debuff: The Curse of Pain makes its victim take double damage.
- Deflector Shield: Forcefield walls.
- Doppelganger Attack: The Magic Copy spell.
- Fireballs
- Friendly Fireproof: Most magical attacks, except if a certain rule is activated.
- Harmless Freezing: Ice spells leave you with a freezing effect, which only slows you down, slightly damages you over time and eventually disappears.
- In a Single Bound: With the "toad jump" spell, you can make huge leaps, and, when spamming it, practically fly.
- Instant Armor: The Stone Shield spell is a mild variety of this.
- Life Drain: The Bloodsucker spell.
- Magic Missile
- One Curse Limit: Only applies to curses though.
- Rain of Arrows: Can be launched by casting Rockstrike with an arrow in inventory.
- Re Stabilization: A Good Bad Bug (or is it a feature?) allows to do this by aiming a spell before taking Knockback and releasing it afterwards.
- Summon Magic: You can summon weak snakes to attack an enemy, and zaps that defend you and aid you in melee.
- Status Buff: Stoneshield and Guarding Zaps, for example.
- Villain Teleportation: In "Dragon Rock" and the like, hostile AI wizards possess teleportation. You don't.
- Walking on Water: An ability temporarily granted by magic.
A pack in a classical Wild West setting, featuring cowboys, settlers, bandits, sheriffs, cavalry, trappers, indians and so on.
- Bar Brawl: You can start them. You don't see anything of it except the saloon ejecting broken bottle shards periodically.
- Booze-Based Buff: Wompfberry whiskey is a healing item. To simulate inebriety, it wildly shakes the screen and randomly makes the clonk trip or change direction, though.
- Braids, Beads, and Buckskins: The indians.
- Everything's Worse with Bears
- Magical Native American: The indians have, among other things, a system of various magical amulets, each with a stat-enhancing effect and a few corresponding spells.
- Trap Master: The Trapper class uses their hunting traps in combat against other clonks as well.
- Western Characters:
- Cowboy: Though they do way less cattlekeeping than gunslinging - there isn't even cattle.
- The Sheriff
- Outlaw
- Hunter-Trapper
- The Wild West
Semi-official packs
Metal and Magic
The "Metal and Magic" pack combines contents and gameplay mechanics of the Knights and Fantasy packs and adds a great amount of new elements, like religion or assassins. Unlike most other Clonk packs, it has an elaborate Backstory. The magic system is rebalanced to allow fair fights between mages and knights.
- Animate Dead: Paladins are capable of this, creating ghosts or skeletons, depending on which god they follow.
- Ballistic Bone: The mystic can launch these with enormous velocity using power drawn from an animal skull.
- The Blade Always Lands Pointy End In: Played straight with both claymores and throwing knifes.
- Crystal Dragon Jesus: Especially in terminology, the religion in this setting partially resembles Christianity (cross symbols are used, and the temples are called churches).
- Culture Chop Suey: Kanderia is a mash-up of different medieval countries of the Arab World, plus some indian and ancient persian influences thrown in.
- Elemental Powers: Mages have a staff which they assign to one of the classical four western elements.
- Elemental Punch: One of each staff's elemental spells is a Status Buff providing this:
- The Fire-elemental flame fist incinerates the victim shortly, effectively just adding a bit of Damage Over Time to the punch.
- The Water-elemental ice fist slows the victim down.
- The Wind-elemental pressure fist flings the victim away.
- The Earth-elemental shadow fist greatly increases the melee speed.
- Glass Cannon: The assassin. He takes double damage, but has powerful capabilities like One-Hit Kill via Back Stab or headshots with the crossbow, or nigh invisibility.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: The assassin can use his crossbow to launch a grappling hook.
- The Paladin: Clonk paladins are Church Militants with Status Buff and Holy Hand Grenade powers, who wield two-handed swords and muskets.
- Religion: The Fantasy Pantheon consists of two opposing deities called Sawelô and Teiwaz [2]. The Order of Sawelô seems to be light-oriented and has powers like a lightning ball attack, while the Legion of Teiwaz is portrayed as darker and more sinister, with powers like a bloodsucking ray. Though Light Is Not Good and Dark Is Not Evil here; it more seems like Grey and Grey Morality. Both factions fight each other with the same fanatism, not to speak of their shared hatred for the atheistic mages and kanderians.
- Sticks to the Back: Two-handed swords.
- Walk, Don't Swim: Skeletons.
- Wreathed in Flames: The "hot blood" spell plays this straight, and makes simply walking into your enemies a valid tactic even for a mage.
The Hazard pack is a Cyberpunk shooter pack. The gameplay differs radically from standard Clonk gameplay.
- Action Bomb: Pyrocites.
- BFG: The particle cannon.
- Bullet Sparks
- Chainsaw Good: You should not trust the description of the chainsaw, which states that it would be used for cutting wood. The chainsaw in fact ignores trees...
- Doom Doors
- Double Jump: The hazard clonk can do this, and with a (so-called) jetpack, he can extend this to a triple jump.
- Every Bullet Is a Tracer
- Everything Fades: With the "Arena" rule.
- Family-Friendly Firearms: Subverted. While the energy rifle and particle cannon are typical examples of this, the pack also features weapons like miniguns, grenade launchers, flamethrowers and chainsaws. Though there is no blood or gore at all...
- Friendly Fireproof: With the "No friendly fire" rule.
- Gatling Good: The minigun.
- Grenade Launcher
- Gun Accessories: Certain firearms can be upgraded; the weapon part generally adds explosive effects to projectiles, the laser turns guns into laser guns, and the bio upgrade adds a poisonous slime effect.
- Informal Eulogy: If you get killed, the game snarkily comments your death, also depending on death cause.
- Insectoid Aliens: Arocites.
- Sand Worm: The worms.
- Painfully-Slow Projectile: Missiles and grenades.
- Personal Space Invader: Chippies from the old pack, Fan Nickname'd "space ticks". They cling to you, constantly drain your life and can only be stopped by finding a pool of some liquid to jump in.
- Photoprotoneutron Torpedo: A "particle cannon" and generic "energy rifle".
- Ray Gun: The particle cannon is kind of a railgun, while the energy rifle is a rapid-fire gun firing energy charges.
- Short-Range Shotgun
- Space Marine: Hazard clonks when fighting aliens.
- Springs Springs Everywhere: Especially in the Forsak IV map.
Fanmade packs
Eke Reloaded
Eke Reloaded is an action shooter pack with a military setting. Though it deals with a civil war and an alien invasion, it has a tongue-in-cheek tone and parodies cliches of soldiers, military games and the Action genre in general. Unlike most other Clonk packs, it has an official backstory.
- Badass: The Special Force Trooper is a deliberate parody of this. He kicks down trees.
- Blown Across the Room: Bullets have Knockback if the "shockwave bullets" rule is activated.
- Cycle of Hurting: If multiple stippels attack you and fling you against a wall.
- Denial of Diagonal Attack
- Enemy-Detecting Radar
- Every Bullet Is a Tracer: Inverted. Bullets are entirely invisible.
- Friendly Fireproof: With the "No friendly fire" rule.
- Fun with Acronyms: The silly names of the stippels are justified by being acronyms.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: The harpoon.
- Made of Explodium: Airbikes.
- Re Stabilization: Jetpacks restabilize you if you use them while tumbling.
- Science Is Bad: Scientists are either portrayed as careless redshirts or as just as careless experimentators (the Arso-Morf disaster was caused by experiments).
- Short-Range Shotgun
- Sigil Spam: The Eke and I. S. I. emblems are put on everything. It was even more Egregious in the 8 bit version.
- Starfish Aliens: All types of stippels.
- The unmutated stippels are quite amorphous One Hitpoint Wonders with Fan Nicknames like "mean meatballs". They tend to appear in large groups, biting you and knocking you around.
- Miffels are mosquito-like Insectoid Aliens and One Hit Wonders as well. They grow on some sort of fleshy trees.
- Moffs are spider-like stippels. They only appear when bred by muffuks and are very fast, quite sturdy and mobile and can kill you in three hits.
- Muffuks are huge flesh bags which can devour clonks. They have Combat Tentacles and are immortal as long as their tentacles are not destroyed. They also can create Moffs.
- Sticky Bomb: The omniblaster in a certain mode.
- Trick Arrow: The harpoon can fire explosive arrows at machinegun rate and be immediately reloaded as long as you still have ammunition left.
- Video Game Flamethrowers Suck: Averted. Because Clonk fire (by default) does not extinguish over time, burning means certain death if there is no neohexine or water to extinguish you. The flamethrower is extremely efficient against stippels, because releasing a short flare only consumes a minimal amount of fuel.
- Walkie-Talkie Static
- You Always Hear the Bullet
Single scenarios
Blastwave Battle
An unusual competitive scenario with two player teams. The unusual thing about it is that unlike in most Clonk scenarios you cannot directly reach your opponent to throw objects at them at close range, as the middle half of the map is a bottomless pit, and you instantly die anyway if you manage to get across. Instead, you're supposed to utilize blastwaves to propel flints and other items to the enemy side, in order to either deplete all respawns of the enemy team by killing their clonks repeatedly or destroy their generator. There's also some money management thrown in, thanks to an interest rate system.
Technically, its English title is "Pressurewavefight", but this is an incomprehensibly broken translation of the German "Druckwellenkampf", and "Blastwave Battle" is what's actually meant.
- Artificial Stupidity: The AI players are decent at aiming their shots, and they have a rudimentary but surprisingly efficient ability to dodge, but they don't have any strategy whatsoever.
- Explosion Propulsion: The whole premise of the scenario.
- Hyper-Destructive Bouncing Ball: Bouncing Flints in the Limeox Edit.
- Mirror Match: Both teams start out with the same map layout and ressources. This carries over to mods with a dynamic map generator.
A tactical team scenario with RPG Elements. Inspired by the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena genre. Based on the Metal and Magic pack, but plays quite differently.
For convenience, the STR, AGI and INT professions will be from now on referred to as fighters, rangers and mages.
- An Axe to Grind: A slower, but stronger weapon of the fighter.
- Arrows on Fire
- Attack Drone: The musketeer's steambot.
- Awesome but Impractical:
- The musket tends to suffer from this.
- Magic missiles look cool, but do a pitifully low amount of damage.
- Back Stab: The fighter's Shadow Dagger grants this ability.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Giant poisonous flies are one kind of creeps.
- Boring but Practical: Fire globs are not especially interesting, but one of the strongest attack spells of the game if backed by high INT. Their fire effect is relatively powerful, fast and stackable.
- Cartoon Bomb: The bomb subweapon looks like this.
- Cooldown
- Cool Sword: The Blade of the Anti-Mage.
- Cycle of Hurting: The warhammer is well capable of stunlocking enemies.
- Damage Increasing Debuff: Battlecry and Swarm percentally increase their subject's damage. Battlecry's power depends on its user's skill level, while Swarm consists of many locusts, and the effect strength depends on the amount of locusts that reached their target.
- Dem Bones: One kind of creeps.
- Drop the Hammer: The warhammer is an even slower, but stronger and stunning upgrade of the axe.
- Elite Tweak: High-tier upgrade items like shadow daggers, elemental boomerangs, hook mines or Skadi's Cape.
- Fighter, Mage, Thief: The agility class is more of a ranger type, though.
- Finishing Move: The musketeer's Assassination skill. It's kind of an inversion of the Desperation Attack, dealing damage depending on the amount of health the victim lacks.
- Flaming Sword: An upgrade of the two-handed sword.
- Foe-Tossing Charge: The fighter's charge ability.
- Fragile Speedster: The main problem of the ranger.
- Hat of Power: The Hunting Hat greatly boosts the ranger's agility.
- Healing Factor
- Hostage Spirit Link: If friendly fire isn't completely deactivated, you'll take half of the damage you deal to your allies instead of them.
- Inescapable Net: Can be used by the fighter.
- Just Add Water: Several items require components; to create those items, just buy the components and then the item itself.
- Land Mine Goes Click: There are several types as well: Normal mines, the stronger goblin mines, the poisoned Plague Mines and the capturing, ranger-only hook mines.
- Life Drain: The vampire tooth adds a slight life drain effect to all magical attacks of its user, while slightly decreasing their powerd.
- Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards: Not as bad as most examples, but fighters still tend to be stronger in the beginning (when most of their enemies have low health and can be killed in few or one hits) and mages tend to be stronger in the endgame (when they usually have sufficiently ludicrous intelligence and equipment to just fry anything in the way, shrug off damage with mana shields and can basically overheal five or six times their total health.). Some ways of building a fighter offer similar power as well, though.
- Magikarp Power: Initially, the Mushroom Bed spell creates just a single short-lived explosive mushroom dealing okayish damage, but at higher levels and backed by decent intelligence, it summons many durable, powerful ones.
- Mana Burn: The fighter's Blade of the Anti-Mage does this.
- Mana Shield: Available for the Mage.
- Mighty Glacier: The fighter can become this.
- Multishot: A passive skill for the bow-wielding agility path.
- Pinball Projectile: The Frostbolt spell and the Assassination-enchanted bullet.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: Can hit an enemy twice.
- Point Build System
- Power Glows: Dragon Claws, elemental boomerangs and homing arrows.
- Roboteching: Homing arrows, fireballs and spider webs do this. Also, boomerangs home back to their user.
- Skill Gate Characters: Not characters, but skills/items. The Water Bomb spell deals great damage to an unwary enemy, but experienced players can just jump over the waves or knock down the caster. The shadow dagger allows invisibility and backstabbing, but can be evaded as well by leaving the fighter's range.
- Spam Attack: Ice Rain, Rapid Fire and Magic Missiles.
- Squishy Wizard: Unless you pile up karma talismans and mana shields.
- Standard Status Effects: Burn, Freeze, Poison, Silence and Stun. The Elemental Overload spell tweaks these, turning Freeze (which normally just slows movement) into a periodic stop effect and Burn into lava chunks, which in turn can themselves deal fire damage over a short time.
- Trick Arrow: Several of the archer's spells enchant arrows, for example to home on target, to chain them down or to leave a burning trail in the air.
- Unstable Equilibrium: Skilled players will keep getting kills and obtain better equipment and enhanced skills which make getting more kills more likely and taking one less likely. Like in other MOBAs, low-skill players tend to "feed", getting killed often and bestowing much experience and money for the other team without getting mentionably more powerful themselves.
A tactical knight melee with an unusually high focus on ambience.
- Petal Power: The legendary pollen swords.
Tower Of Despair
A hard puzzle scenario with an unique module system. In development.
- Bonus Dungeon: The Sewers, full of treasure, and the Backdoor Path, a Harder Than Hard late-game shortcut.
- Down the Drain: The Sewers are a bonus area.
- Nintendo Hard: It is meant to be a challenge even for veteran players. Rooms challenge you by various means, such as head-tilting puzzles rivalling La-Mulana, head-tilting puzzles with additional outside-the-box thinking, the application of typical Sequence Breaking techniques, the Rocket Jump being the easiest of which, unfair platform segments, exploitation of traditional bugs, Timed Missions, Malevolent Architecture hidden stuff, death traps, fake traps... or all of this combined.
- Only Smart People May Pass: The point of the entire tower.
- Running Gag: The Egg rooms.
- Save the Princess
- Spikes of Doom: Deal negligible damage only, but Knockback.
- Stock Video Game Puzzle: Most types are represented somewhere in the tower.
- Threshold Guardians: The Guardian of Wisdom and the Guardian of Knowledge.
zOMG Revolution
A ...strange survival scenario. Many waves of sometimes unusual things fall from the sky, accompanied by wacky commentary and trippy graphical effects.
- Death Throws: And temporarily cracks the Fourth Wall.
- Everything Trying to Kill You
- Shout-Out: One of the bosses is the Banana King.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: As a Niwoh scenario, it's heavily based on this.
- ↑ Along with throwing stuff at them, and throwing stuff at them that explodes
- ↑ which are names of norse runes