Chiisai Shoppu/Characters
Main Characters
Shohei Kazama
Shohei is a 15 year old boy who works at a struggling flower shop part-time. One day, after a solar eclipse/literal meteor shower (the shards raining down after it burns up in the atmosphere), he buys a strange plant he names Hikari II to not only save the shop, but to win the heart of his crush that the plant was named after, Hikari Momokawa. But Shohei soon discovers that the plant, Hikari II, feeds on his Life Energy, which often leaves him tired.
- Adorkable
- Berserk Button: If there's one thing he hates more than being called short, it's if someone were to mess with, threaten, endanger, or hurt Hikari.
- Big Eater: Shohei once ate several free all-you-can-eat hamburgers and got a Balloon Belly as a result.
- Butt Monkey: Mr. Gardenia sometimes treats Shohei like crap because of the latter's clumsiness, his brother Edo teases him, his sister Ami is too clingy towards him, and Orin loves to chase Shohei down with his motorcycle.
- Disappeared Dad: His father Kappei died in a car crash when he was 10.
- Ditzy Genius: Shohei knows a lot about plants, outer space, etc., but he doesn't seem to know much about venus flytraps.
- Dogged Nice Guy: Shohei thought he was this, but Hikari loved him since one Christmastime where he got her a beautiful pink dress that cost 30,000 yen. He realizes that she's always loved him two chapters later.
- Growling Gut: In case you missed, Shohei is a Big Eater for such a small guy, and he can't stand having an empty stomach at all.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In the final chapter, he begs a fully grown Hikari II to eat his soul instead of Hikari's.
- The Klutz: Implied, but it sometimes shows.
- Life Energy: How he feeds Hikari II.
- Megane
Shohei: Where are they? Everything is a blur!
Hikari Momokawa
Hikari is the rich girl that Shohei has a crush on. 2 days before the story began, her dad leaves her and her mother, and their money went down the gutter. But when the meteor came to Earth, it breaks into many fragments, and Hikari manages to get a shard to sell for a really high price.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Don't mess with Shohei. This is demonstrated when Bara threatens him. She ends up getting flipped by Hikari, who Took a Level in Badass by taking self-defense lessons.
- Big Fancy House: Hikari lives in one.
- Blue Eyes
- Disappeared Dad: Her father left 3 days before Hikari II came to Tokyo.
- Hair of Gold
- Ojou: Type 1.
- Princess Curls: Hikari has those, despite being a type 1 Ojou.
- Spoiled Sweet
Mr. Gardenia
The owner of the flower shop.
- Fat Idiot
- Face Death with Dignity: Gardenia dies of a heart attack after demanding to die this way in chapter 12.
- Greed
- Mean Boss: To Shohei.
- Pointy-Haired Boss: Despite not having pointy hair, he's not the brightest character in the story.
- Verbal Tic: "EXCELLENT!"
Hikari II
The plant. Half Venus flytrap, half Butterwort, all alien. It's actually a life-form on a shard of meteor that fused with the aforementioned plant hybrid. It feeds on Shohei's Life Energy, as well as bugs and meat. And once it got big enough, it ate souls, and plans to rule the world.
- Big Eater
- Combat Tentacles: In chapter 4.
- Face Heel Turn: Once it got big enough.
- Life Energy: Its main source of food.
- Plant Aliens
Family & Pets
Minami Kazama
Shohei's mother. She has an unusual addiction to tea.
Edo Kazama
Shohei's kid brother. He's a total brat to his big brother.
Ami Kazama
Shohei's kid sister and Edo's twin. She is clingy towards her big brother.
Shohei's dog.
- Big Eater
- Big Friendly Dog
- Distaff Counterpart: Hikari's poodle Charlotte, who happens to be Inumaru's crush.
- Dog Walks You: Big ol' Inumaru is strong enough to drag li'l Shohei as the latter holds on to the leash.
Kyoko Momokawa
Hikari's mother.
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Mom: Kyoko is where Hikari got her looks.
- Purple Eyes
- Ring Around the Collar: Wears a pearl necklace.
- White Gloves
The Strange Trio of Women
Exactly What It Says on the Tin. They are discreet characters that seem to be helping Shohei out. Or are they? All along, the answer is yes.
- Blonde, Indigo-haired, and Redhead: Chiffon, Crystal, and Ronnette respectively.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Ronnette is red, Crystal is blue, and Chiffon is yellow.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Darkskinned Blonde: Chiffon.
- Freudian Trio:
- Ronnette: The leader of the trio, is short-tempered sometimes (Ego)
- Crystal: Calm and rational (Superego)
- Chiffon: Cheerful and ditzy (Id)
- Rose-Haired Girl: Ronnette.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Crystal.
The Sharks
The Sharks
A ruthless motorcycle gang led by Orin Samekiba that cause trouble for everyone in Tokyo, especially Shohei.
- All Bikers Are Hells Angels
- Badass Biker: All of them, but Orin especially.
- Blinding Bangs: Unagi.
- Death by Irony: Piranha and Unagi get eaten by a huge shark in chapter 11.
- Depraved Dentist: Orin.
- The Ditz: Unagi.
- Eighties Hair: Piranha sports a black mullet.
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: Orin
- The Dragon: Piranha
- The Brute: Unagi
- The Dark Chick: Bara
- Green Eyes: Orin and Bara, with the respective shades of mint and emerald.
- Jerkass: Orin.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Orin carries one, but he prefers to try running Shohei over with his motorcycle.
- Kick the Dog
- Last Kiss: Orin and Bara.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Poke the Poodle: On a good day.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Piranha.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Bara.
- The Last of These Is Not Like the Others: Piranha and Unagi (eel) are obvious, and Orin's last name translates to "shark fang/shark tooth". Bara, on the other hand, means "rose" in Japanese.
Other Characters
Flower-eating man
A minor character based off of the character from the original 1960 movie.
Wong Chang
Mr. Chang is a Chinese shopkeeper and a childhood friend of Mr. Gardenia's. He sold Hikari II to Shohei in chapter 1, and gave him a Love Potion in chapter 7.
Mr. Ogata
A teacher at the high school that Shohei and Hikari attend.
Nurse Sakura
The school nurse.
Mrs. Koiyama
An old woman whose dozens of family members are dropping off like flies. Based off of the old woman with the same problem from the movies.
Dr. Haru
The former dentist. His last day had him pluck out Shohei's wisdom teeth before they hurt. Nowadays, he went from Depraved Dentist to Mad Doctor because he's a surgeon who causes as much pain as when he was a dentist. Based off of Dr. Farb from the original movie.
Akira Midorikawa
A man who just loves to visit the dentist. Based off of the characters played by Jack Nicholson and Bill Murray.
A friend of Hikari's from school. Works part-time at the Fairy Land water park.
Francoise and Luciano
Two European critics from France and Italy respectively. They came to Tokyo to review Mr. Gardenia's flower shop for a magazine.