< Charmed
Main Characters
Prudence 'Prue' Halliwell (Shannen Doherty)
- Back from the Dead: Twice. Her sisters still pulled it off more than her, though.
- She returns in the comic books, too, years after she was Killed Off for Real.
- Boobs of Steel
- Broken Bird
- Cool Big Sis
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Dropped a Bridge on Him
- Freudian Trio: Superego
- It Runs in The Family
- Killed Off for Real: Via Real Life Writes the Plot.
- McLeaned
- Ms. Fanservice
- Promotion to Parent: Though Grams was still around to take care of them after Patty died and Victor left, Prue took on a lot of responsibilities to help take care of her younger sisters: in the series pilot, Piper describes her as being more like a mother than a sister.
- Psychic Powers
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Piper Halliwell (Holly Marie Combs)
- AB Negative
- Action Mom
- Brown Eyes
- Chef of Iron
- Deadpan Snarker
- Earn Your Happy Ending: Her entire relationship with Leo. Both endure obstacles at every turn, gut-wrenching heartache, being separated from each other several different times, constant threats against their children, and betrayals from those they thought they could trust. They never gave up, and they got to grow old together and see their children lead full lives.
- Freudian Trio: Ego, becomes Superego after Prue's death.
- Heroic BSOD: Each sister suffers this quite often, but Piper's after Prue is killed by Shax is the crowning example in the series.
- Hot Mom: Season 5 onwards.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: The crowning example of the series.
- Incest Subtext: With Prue.
- Infant Immortality
- It Runs in The Family
- Mama Bear
- Middle Child Syndrome
- Onee-Sama: She was so torn up over Prue's Final Death that, in an alternate timeline where the Charmed Ones were never reformed, she'd dedicated her life to hunting down the demon who killed her.
- Plague of Good Fortune: Whenever things were starting to go right with her life, she would Angst about how something was inevitably going to happen to spoil in, in keeping with the Personal Gain Hurts mentality of the show.
- Playing with Fire: Her second power, molecular combustion.
- Pregnant Badass: Enough to go up against an invincible demon and actually manage to knock him down a few times, while deflecting all of his attacks fairly successfully. It turns out being pregnant with Wyatt only made her more powerful, as she could draw upon his powers.
Paige: You know, this happened a little too easily. What if it's a trap?
Piper: So what if it is? I'm unbreakable, dude.
- The Quiet One: At first.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Team Mom: Lampshaded at least twice: Phoebe tells Leo to think of Piper as a mom ("I know I do"), and Paige once tells her to stop mothering her and Phoebe.
- Time Master: What her power was first described as. Season 3 later tells us it's not freezing time, but molecules.
- Took a Level in Badass: Over the first four seasons, we saw her progress from being the mousiest, most timid of the sisters to the one nobody wanted to screw with.
Phoebe Halliwell (Alyssa Milano)
- Dating Catwoman: Her relationship with Cole.
- De Powered: In Season 6, a magic court hearing ended up with her losing all the powers she'd gained up to that point (though she retains the ability to cast spells). She eventually regains her premonitions in Season 7, but not levitation or empathy.
- The Ditz
- Dyeing for Your Art: Every other season.
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Freebie"
- Evil Me Scares Me: A number of times, Phoebe is briefly turned evil. She also learns that her past life was evil, as well. The possibility of turning evil becomes one of Phoebe's worst fears.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Tends to wind up in tight costumes and wigs often. The other sisters certainly aren't immune to that, but back when the site kept track of Fetish Fuel entries, Phoebe had the most.
- Former Teen Rebel
- Freudian Trio: Id
- Future Me Scares Me: She met an elderly woman who was herself from the future, and was a nasty, grouchy, bitter old woman. Phoebe then attempted to learn about the events that led up to this future, to prevent herself from going the same path. It did not work.
- In "Morality Bites," Phoebe is horrified that her future self murdered a man in cold blood with her powers. The man himself was a murderer, but Phoebe couldn't believe that she would break the rules and do such a thing.
- This causes the moment that most pronounces her leveling-up in Jerkass to date at the time, setting up an old friend to get killed by demons over a bank heist and thinking nothing of it afterward, to become that much more disturbing.
- In "Morality Bites," Phoebe is horrified that her future self murdered a man in cold blood with her powers. The man himself was a murderer, but Phoebe couldn't believe that she would break the rules and do such a thing.
- It Runs in The Family
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Somewhat in the beginning.
- Mama Bear: She has her protective moments towards Wyatt, most notably in "Witch Wars":
"See what happens when you make a play for our baby?! Who wants to be next? What's a matter? Scared of me?" (shimmers into the demon bar) "Well, are you?! Are you?!"
- Ms. Fanservice
- Psychic Powers
- The Empath
- Levitation
- Playing with Fire: Not one of her regular powers but Phoebe seems to have an affinity for throwing jets of flame whenever she turns evil. (One episode shows that she was pyrokinetic and evil in a past life.)
- Precognition and Postcognition
- Spider Sense
- She Fu
- Took a Level in Jerkass: As Alyssa Milano got more creative control, Phoebe went from a likable, well-meaning ditz to a self-obsessed, selfish Jerk Sue. It's even been said that Cole's Batman Gambit-revealing guest return episode in Season 7 had Cole interacting with Piper rather than Phoebe because Julian had it put into his contract not to work any scenes with Alyssa.
Andy Trudeau (T.W. King)
- Agent Mulder: Even before the events of the series, Andy specialized in the more unusual cases and was up to speed on the occult. As Season 1 progressed, he gained more of a reputation in this regard. After learning the big secret, he even said that he always believed in something beyond this world.
- Cop Boyfriend: For Prue.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Was killed by a demon while trying to help the sisters. He could've been brought back due to a Groundhog Day Loop, but he convinced Prue while in the afterlife not to let it happen in order to stop the demon.
- Killed Off for Real
- The Other Darrin: the character was played by Chris Boyd in the original pilot.
- Properly Paranoid: As more and more unsolved cases somehow involving a Halliwell piled up, Andy became this. After Andy learned the big secret, Prue learned he knew a lot more than he let on.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Secret Keeper: For a few episodes in Season 1.
Daryl Morris (Dorian Gregory)
- Agent Mulder: An inversion. Even after learning the big secret, he still tries to solve rational cases and "be normal." However, his involvement in strange unsolved cases and his bringing in (what appear to be) psychic girls for consultation make him appear like this trope to his colleagues.
- Agent Scully: Especially while partnered with Andy. He began to display a more open mind in Season 2 before learning the big secret.
- Badass Normal
- Butt Monkey: The shenanigans the sisters put the poor guy through...
- Deadpan Snarker: Especially in the early seasons
- Extreme Doormat: At least until he comes very close to being executed. After that, he rightly tells the sisters where to shove it.
- Properly Paranoid: After Andy's death and before learning the secret himself, Daryl knew the sisters were hiding something. However, in a subversion, he didn't want to know the secret. He did, though, want to make use of their secret to help people when necessary.
- Put on a Bus: The budget cuts in Season 8 led to Daryl being dropped altogether. "Run, Piper, Run" said he had moved back east with his family.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Secret Keeper: Early in Season 2 onward.
Dan Gordon (Greg Vaughan)
- The All-American Boy
- Cool Car
- Female Gaze: While washing his car, Piper was busy checking out his jean-clad rear.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Promoted to Parent: He had to take care of Jenny while her parents were in Saudi Arabia.
- Properly Paranoid: He had his suspicions about Leo (though some of this was prompted by jealousy). The suspicions grew over time until he was absolutely certain that Leo was hiding something, which he was.
- Romantic False Lead: Fit the trope by dating Piper and making Leo jealous.
- Satellite Character
Jenny Gordon (Karis-Paige Bryant)
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome
- No Periods, Period: Averted, her period is the first thing she and Phoebe discuss
- Put on a Bus: After the writers realized she had no purpose on the show.
- What Could Have Been: Was originally supposed to be a young witch.
Leo Wyatt (Brian Krause)
- Ascended Extra: Leo was a recurring character for the first season and half of the second. In "Pardon My Past," Krause was added to the main cast.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Bodyguard Crush
- Brought Down to Normal: Like Cole, this happens twice, and the second time is permanent.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: While certainly not stupid, his pacifistic leanings routinely kept him out of the fighting. The Elders and other Whitelighters also regularly "sold Leo short" (though this had more to do with his relationship with Piper). However, when the Titans slaughtered many Elders, it was Leo who stepped up, organizing ways to protect the survivors and giving the sisters godly powers to fight the Titans.
- Earn Your Happy Ending: His entire relationship with Piper. Both endure obstacles at every turn, gut-wrenching heartache, being separated from each other several different times, constant threats against their children, and betrayals from those they thought they could trust. They never gave up, and they got to grow old together and see their children lead full lives.
- Fan Service Pack
- Healing Hands
- Hot Dad: Season 5 onwards.
- Hurting Hero: For a good part of Season 7, Chris' death and Gideon's betrayal cause Leo to become a darker, more pro-active demon slayer in order to protect his family. His anguish and methods put a further strain on his marriage, making this more difficult for everyone.
- Immortal Life Is Cheap
- Late Arrival Spoiler: When Leo first appeared, he seemed like any other handyman. The first hints of what he really was came half a season down the line in "Wicca Envy" and a full explanation a little later in "Secrets and Guys." Of course, every character bio notes he's a World War II veteran that ascended to Whitelighter status.
- Locked Out of the Loop: For a while regarding Piper's pregnancy with Chris. To be fair, locking him out was easy since he and Piper alike didn't know it was POSSIBLE to get her knocked up in a dimension between life and death, and he had to hang with the Elders for a while immediately afterwards.
- Man in White: As a Whitelighter.
- The Medic
- Mr. Fixit: Introduced as this.
- Apparently, his Healing Hands extend to being able to repair burst pipes. Which is especially strange since it's underlined repeatedly that his healing power is triggered through love. So, Cargo Ship?
- Mr. Fanservice
- The One Guy
- Omniglot: Leo can speak, understand and read every human language.
- Only Sane Man: As the sisters' Whitelighter, Leo often had to play this role -- trying to guide them and ensure their emotions didn't affect their judgment.
- Papa Wolf
- Thrown Down a Well: In Season 8.
- Took a Level in Badass: After he became an Elder, he started using lightning bolts.
Cole Turner / Belthazor (Julian McMahon)
- And I Must Scream: His fate after "Centennial Charmed" would seem to be this and may have been the intent. Trapped in a void, unable to interact with just about anyone, forever denied being with Phoebe, etc. However, it is amazingly subverted, as he has made peace with his fate and found a way to influence the real world.
- Batman Gambit: He arranged for Drake dè Mon to make an inverted Deal with the Devil which allowed Drake to become human, gain a soul and keep his powers, the catch being that he'd go to Hell if he used his powers for evil and either way he was dead after a year, on the condition that Drake found Phoebe and helped her regain her faith in love. He even arranged for Piper to be attacked and killed by Thorn Demons, a death which subverted Elder Odin's attempts trick Leo into giving up his family life for the Council, proving that love indeed conquers all. All this, revealed through one final appearance at the end of this year-long plan. All this, while stuck in a cosmic void. All this, to preserve the positive defining character of the ex who killed him.
- Becoming the Mask
- Being Evil Sucks/Being Good Sucks: Until the aforementioned Batman Gambit, he really, really couldn't do anything right.
- Big Bad: For parts of seasons 4 and 5.
- Brought Down to Normal: Twice. Only for an episode the second time, though.
- Cassandra Truth: Inverted in "The Demon Who Came in from the Cold," where Cole claims to his old brotherhood that he killed the Triad because they were plotting to betray the Source. The top demons remain suspicious of this claim to say the least, but Cole himself was lying about it as a cover. Thing is, as viewers learn in Season 8, the Triad actually was plotting to betray the Source and seize power for themselves. Cole was right; he just didn't know it.
- The Dark Side Will Make You Forget
- Deader Than Dead: Paige claims that he is after his second death. Turns out he wasn't. His soul survives, with all of his powers, in the Cosmic Void, still very much capable of affecting the world.
- Expy: Of Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Good Feels Good: While mortal, he helps to save a woman from a burning car and comments afterwards that it felt good, due to a combination of being able to help others and get some action in his somewhat dull mortal life at the same time. When he returns from death the first time, he uses his powers to save lives and help people for awhile, but eventually being treated like a fearsome scourge or tool instead of a person wore on him.
- Half-Human Hybrid: His father was human and his mother was a demon.
- Deadly Change-of-Heart: His reason for turning evil again in Season 5. He wanted to be good, to help, to make up for past sins, but the sisters absolutely refused to even consider that he was anything but evil. To be fair he does a lot to inspire their distrust even while claiming to want to be good.
- Heel Face Revolving Door
- Hero with an F In Good
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Due to Nigh Invulnerability. It turns out, just about nothing else can kill him, either.
- Like a Badass Out of Hell
- Love Makes You Crazy
- Mr. Fanservice
- New Powers as the Plot Demands
- Nigh Invulnerability
- Poisonous Friend
- Reformed but Rejected
- Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Phoebe rejects him, multiple times, on the grounds that he will always be evil. Primarily thanks to that repeated rejection, this comes to be.
- Screaming Warrior
- Single-Target Sexuality: He's Phoebe-sexual. No interest in anyone else, not even shapeshifters that can take her form.
- Stalker with a Crush: Even after being told that it's over he still continues to do anything he can to get back with Phoebe despite the innumerable times she tells him to stop and tries to kill him.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- Villain Ball Magnet
Paige Matthews (Rose McGowan)
- Disappeared Dad: Sam couldn't have been less involved in Paige's life.
- Former Teen Rebel
- Freudian Trio: Ego
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Happily Adopted
- Healing Hands: At first, being half-Whitelighter meant this was the only power she did not inherit, but by the final season, she was finally getting the hang of it.
- Hurting Hero: As a result of what happened to her adoptive parents.
- It Runs in The Family
- Long Lost Sibling
- Only Child Syndrome
- Parental Abandonment: As the Elders forbid witch/Whitelighter relationships, Paige had to be given up after she was born.
- Psychic Powers
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: To Prue's powers, though this is justified by the fact that the Charmed Ones are prophesied to have a very specific set of powers.
- Took a Level In Dumbass: ORB THE FUCKING GUN, PAIGE!
Chris Perry Halliwell (Drew Fuller)
- Birth-Death Juxtaposition: Dies, then is born. It Makes Sense in Context.
- Cain and Abel: With Wyatt. They get better.
- Disappeared Dad: Missed his father when the latter was busy as an Elder.
- Fan Nickname: Television Without Pity coined "Big Gay Chris" because (a) they were convinced, wrongly, that he was gay (b) he was obviously Piper and Leo's Kid From the Future and they assumed he was an older Wyatt, making Baby Wyatt their Little Gay Chris.
- Generation Xerox: It's implied in the last episode that Chris and Wyatt are going to follow in the footsteps of their parents and aunts. So much potential Spin-Off material wasted...
- Big Good: Implied to be this in the future along with brother.
- Good Is Not Nice: How he started. He eventually mellows out but this still pops out occasionally. Extremely Justified considering what he’s trying to prevent.
- Human Mom, Nonhuman Dad: It depends on whether you view witches as human or nonhuman, but mother Piper is human and father Leo is... an angel. Not quite sure how that works.
- Killed Off for Real: Sort of. Recaps from Television Without Pity had the following line in its summaries: "In other news, Big Gay Chris remains dead. Bastards!"
- Lamarck Was Right: Chris receives Whitelighter abilities, but has powers equivalent to Prue's.
- Meaningful Name: His first name came from Leo's father.
- Missing Mom: In Chris' original future, Piper dies when he turns 14.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Only Sane Man: It certainly felt like this at times.
- Deadpan Snarker: And being the Only Sane Man, he could snark with the best of them.
- Pretty Boy
- Raised by Grandparents: Future Chris says Victor essentially fulfilled this trope after Piper died.
- Real Name as an Alias: Called himself "Chris Perry" when he first introduced himself. Subsequent material has suggested "Perry" is his middle name.
- Sixth Ranger
- Time Travel: Chris went back to before he was even conceived.
- The Unfavorite: In the unchanged timeline, to his dad.
- Of course, the fact that he's not nearly as powerful as Wyatt did little to help. He reacted with real indignation upon learning that Wyatt had powers while still in the womb, so one could imagine that he suffered from something of an inferiority complex.
Billie Jenkins (Kaley Cuoco)
- Cain and Abel: She ends up having to kill Christy, the Cain, after she tries to kill Billie and the Charmed Ones. Even if you hate the Jenkins sisters, you have to admit that killing the Brainwashed and Crazy sister you spent your life searching for and trying to save up until that point is... well...
- Cousin Oliver: It was her duty to attract a younger demographic and make the Charmed Ones hip again.
- Face Heel Turn: Of course, Billie thought it was a Heel Face Turn. She got better.
- Gadgeteer Genius: Developed some nifty ideas, like "cyber-scrying" with online maps. Sadly, this didn't save her.
- Green Lantern Ring: Her 'Projection' power, letting her do anything she could think about.
- Hell-Bent for Leather: Her initial appearance was in head-to-foot vinyl and a black wig that resembled Prue's Season 3 hairstyle. Combined with the Telekinesis and She Fu she used early on, this led to a belief that they were trying for another Suspiciously Similar Substitute of the character.
- Heroic Wannabe
- Mind Over Matter
- Minion with an F In Evil: During her brief Face Heel Turn.
- Reality Warper
- Sixth Ranger
- Sixth Ranger Traitor
- Tomboyish Name
Katrina/Kit (Marita Geraghty)
- All Witches Have Cats
- Cats Are Magic
- Cats Have Nine Lives: Both for laughs in "Cat House" and for drama in "Pre-witched."
- Familiar
- Karmic Jackpot: Kit is rewarded for its exceptional services as the Charmed Ones' familiar by being transformed into a human by the Elders. (Largely to better enable her to prepare new familiars.)
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: After her transformation, Katrina takes care of cats who are intended to become witches' familiars. She has quite a lot of them under her wing.
- For Want of a Nail: We learn just how under-appreciated Kit really was when a time-traveling Warlock bumps her off in the past.
- Put on a Bus: Disappears after the first season or so. When she returns for an episode, she justifies it as being because the sisters were no longer new to the craft and didn't need a familiar anymore.
The Elders
- Jerkass Gods: Well, that's how the sisters view them -- especially Piper due to their opposition to her relationship with Leo.
- Lowest Cosmic Denominator
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness
- Omniscient Morality License
- Our Angels Are Different
- Powers That Be
Penny "Grams" Halliwell (Jennifer Rhodes)
- Bad Liar: Called out for this in "Charmed Again, Part 1" when she denies having a clue why the Source thinks the Charmed Ones can be reconstituted after Prue dies.
Piper: You know what, Grams? You were a lousy liar when you were alive, and now as a ghost, you're worse.
- Badass Grandma
- Crusading Widow
- Dating Catwoman: Her past relationship with the necromancer demon, Armand.
- Does Not Like Men
- Granola Girl: In the episode "Witchstock," where Paige gets sent to 1967, we see that she was quite the flower child.
- I Was Quite the Looker: Although she's hardly an eyesore nowadays.
- Mind Over Matter: She was telekinetic. Which was passed down to Patty, and then to Prue and Paige.
- Never Mess with Granny: Even in death, Grams is quite a powerful witch.
- Raised by Grandparents: She was the girls' primary caregiver after their mom died and Grams drove their dad off.
- Widow Witch
Patty Halliwell (Finola Hughes)
- Generation Xerox: In reverse. Just like how Grams dated a demon a la Phoebe and Cole, Patty fell in love and had an affair with Sam ( Paige's biological father), just like Piper and her Whitelighter.
- Hot Mom
- It Runs in The Family As with almost all witches on the show, Patty's power to seemingly stop time is derivative of her ancestor Melinda Warren. Her daughter Piper gains the power too.
- Missing Mom: She got drowned to death while the sisters were children.
- Proper Lady
Victor Bennett (Tony Denison, James Read)
- Badass Normal: For a guy with no powers, he handles demons very well.
- Cool Old Guy
- Daddy Had a Good Reason For Abandoning You: Victor left the family shortly before Patty's death, causing degrees of resentment among Prue, Piper and Phoebe. However, Victor left due to severe disagreements with Patty and Grams over the sisters' magical heritage and claims that he could never protect them from demons.
- Deadpan Snarker: He has this at times. Mostly when he deals with his dead mother-in-law.
- Determinator: After being stabbed in the gut, he wills himself to jump down some stairs and throws the demon holding Piper hostage.
- Indy Ploy: When the girls' maturity was regressed to teenagers and Penny wouldn't undo the spell and Victor wanted it undone, Victor told her to call Patty to break the tie figuring there was a good chance Patty would side with him. It worked.
- Overprotective Dad
- The Other Darrin: Was played by Tony Denison in his first appearance, but by James Read for all others.
- Took a Level in Badass: While he was familiar with demons before the series started, as his appearances continued he became more calm around them and was always trusted to watch his grandsons when the need was there.
The Triad
- Big Bad: Season 8.
- Disc One Final Boss: In Season 3. They ordered Cole around and schemed to eliminate the Charmed Ones, but it was clear that they answered to the Source.
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness
- Ultimate Evil
- You Have Failed Me...: The Triad don't take too kindly to being disappointed by their agents.
The Source of All Evil (Michael Bailey Smith, Ben Guillory, Peter Woodward, Julian McMahon, Debbi Morgan)
- Back From The Dead, FOR The Dead: In an episode in Season 8, the Source is resurrected. Piper dispatches him by blowing up a demon he was psychically connected to, vanquishing both.
- Big Bad
- Black Cloak: For his early Season 4 appearances. The cloak became more understated as his appearances progressed.
- Black Eyes of Evil
- Enfant Terrible: As Cole and Phoebe's baby.
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Legacy Character: Season 4 revealed that there have been multiple "Sources" over time -- with the most powerful demons of the day seeking to prove their worth when the old one is vanquished and subsequently getting possessed by the true Source.
- The Man Behind the Man: As early as Season 1, there were infrequent references to a great power in the Underworld. After being named in mid-Season 2, the Source was consistently referred to as the one that everyone answered to.
- The Nth Doctor: Just look at the list of actors who've played him!
- Ultimate Evil
- Villain Decay
- You Have Failed Me...: The Source incinerates The Four Horsemen, all the way from down in the Underworld because they failed to bring abut the Apocalypse.
Barbas the Demon of Fear (Billy Drago)
- Amoral Attorney: In "Crimes and Witch-demeanors."
- Emotion Bomb
- Evil Old Folks
- Hannibal Lecture
- I Know What You Fear: Barbas' main power, as the Demon of Fear, is to see what his victims' worst fears are, and bring them to life.
- Surrounded by Idiots: Says this in "Crimes and Witch-demeanors" after his latest plan gets exposed by Leo and Chris.
- We Will Meet Again: Barbas implies that he is truly immortal and can never be done in for good with this phrase, "You know I'll be back... Fear always comes back!"
- "What Do They Fear?" Episode
The Seer (Debbi Morgan)
- The Chessmaster
- Cheshire Cat Grin
- Gambit Roulette: Her plan in Season 4. Subverted, though, because she can see the future and knows in advance how everyone will proceed.
- I Was Just Passing Through
- Prophet Eyes
The Stillman Sisters -- Mitzy (Jenny McCarthy), Mabel (Jennifer Sky) and Margo (Melody Perkins)
- All Women Are Lustful
- Blondes Are Evil
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: They were some of the dopiest villains the sisters encountered, barely a footnote in The Book of Shadows but they also had one of the most sound plans to defeat the Charmed Ones.
- The Ditz
- Dumb Blonde
- Entry Pimp: The reason why they made this list.
- Evil Counterpart
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Monster of the Week
- The Psycho Rangers: Much like the original Psycho Rangers, they only think that caused their downfall was their own infighting. (Interestingly, Melody Perkins also worked with the original Psycho Rangers.)
- Theme Initials: Mabel, Mitzy and Margo all have names starting with M, just as the Halliwell Sisters all start with P.
Gideon (Gildart Jackson)
- Big Bad: For Season 6.
- The Chessmaster
- Good Powers, Bad People
- Knight Templar
- Light Is Not Good
- The Mentor: He was this to Leo, which makes his betrayal that much worse.
- Properly Paranoid: He believed that Wyatt was too great a concentration of power and was a threat to all sides, meaning he had to be eliminated. When he learned about Chris' future, he felt justified. Of course, it was his own actions that caused that future in the first place.
- Smart People Play Chess
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Zankou (Oded Fehr)
- And I Must Scream: Disembodied and what's left essentially imprisoned for a very long time. When he was finally freed, he said he already knew about the Avatar threat and that the Source was dead. This meant he was fully aware and conscious during his imprisonment.
- Bad Boss: He really doesn't like to be questioned, especially after a failure. He once vanquished a demon for essentially saying, "I told you so." He also gained a reputation for losing demons in his schemes -- some of which required said deaths to further his goals.
- Batman Gambit: Zankou is all about this. Telling the Elders that Leo is an Avatar, convincing the sisters that the Avatars are a threat -- he knew what their actions would be and banked on it all so he can have his opportunity to seize control.
- Big Bad: For Season 7.
- Enemy Mine: After the Avatars changed the world, Zankou worked out an alliance with the sisters and Leo to return things to normal.
- Eviler Than Thou: Seen by the Underworld as this to the Source. The Source actually imprisoned Zankou because he considered him too much of a threat.
- Magnificent Bastard: This is part 1 of what makes him such a dangerous opponent. He is almost always more than one step ahead of the sisters and even all his failures in the end turn out perfectly for him. His Enemy Mine team up with the sisters against the Avatars truly showed how magnificent he can be.
- Sadly, he succumbs to impatience, which is what eventually kills off a good portion of demons in Charmed.
- Power Copying: This is part 2 of what makes him such a dangerous opponent. We see this part of him rear its ugly head within minutes after he's freed, and immediately it becomes clear how he could get powerful enough to have given the Source the kind of run for his money that would require imprisoning him rather than killing him outright. Now, did the Source of All Evil actually just give good a fighting chance by not letting this guy take him? Or did he actually save all sides including demonkind from a threat even worse than Social Darwinist Bad Future Wyatt?
- Magnificent Bastard: This is part 1 of what makes him such a dangerous opponent. He is almost always more than one step ahead of the sisters and even all his failures in the end turn out perfectly for him. His Enemy Mine team up with the sisters against the Avatars truly showed how magnificent he can be.
- Eucatastrophe: Easily the one that comes the closest of acquiring his goal. In fact, he did, he just didn’t have enough time to enjoy it.
- Actually, there were others demons who accomplished their goals on the show, such as learning a truth or freeing their kind from their enemies, the same day they got vanquished as well. His was just the only one that was a real near-ultimate victory. Still very impressive, though.
Christy Jenkins (Marnette Patterson)
- Being Tortured Makes You Brainwashed and Crazy: She only turned evil after being kidnapped as a little girl and imprisoned in the Underworld for about 15 years.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Cain and Abel: Tries to torch Billie, the Abel, after she helps the Charmed Ones kill Dumain and the Triad. Christy gets roasted by her own fireball instead.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She is angered when a demon murders her parents shortly after she is reunited with her family, essentially because he was afraid she'd forget their plans and turn good. She punches through his chest and kills him in revenge. She also seems to genuinely care about her sister, Billie, which was why Christy's attempt to kill her came as such a shock.
- Manipulative Bastard
- The Ophelia: At first.
- Playing with Fire
- Twin Telepathy: Though she was supposed to be a full-fledged telepath, we really only saw her use it to talk to Billie. Could they have had such a deep bond that she never trusted anyone else that far, perhaps?
Dumain (Anthony Cistaro)
- Big Bad Wannabe: Sought to become apart of the Triad, which was why he proposed the plan involving the Jenkins sisters.
- Gambit Roulette: The aforementioned plan involving the Jenkins sisters. Just to clarify, it was set in motion years before the Charmed Ones knew they were witches. Hence, some think this plan may have had another target... one who was all evil...
- Not-So-Imaginary Friend: He's always been a demon, but he pretended to be the Jenkins sisters' imaginary friend to manipulate them.
Wyatt Halliwell (Jason and Kristopher Simmons (as a child), Wes Ramsey (as an adult))
- All Your Powers Combined
- Big Brother Instinct: Even as a toddler he had this, when he wasn't being competitive for his parents' attention.
- Big Good: In the future.
- Big Bad: Unless he's this (in the original timeline).
- Brainy Baby: After Wyatt was born, Paige designed a security system to alert the family to demons teleporting into the house. After only two such instances, Wyatt figured out the system was a way of getting attention, so he used his powers to set it off.
- Cain and Abel: Evil future Wyatt and future Chris had this sort of dynamic going on, although neither seemed particularly willing to kill the other.
- The Chosen One: He inherited Excalibur, of all things!
- Cute Bruiser
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: When Chris is briefly brought back to his future, the evil Wyatt says that he would've killed anyone else for doing what he did. Wyatt even offers Chris forgiveness in exchange for his loyalty.
- Generation Xerox
- Give Him a Normal Life: A big concern of the sisters, especially Piper.
- Goo-Goo Godlike
- Lamarck Was Right
- Meaningful Name: Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. His first and middle names come from Leo and Paige, respectively. Piper specifically chose these names because of their actions to protect him in "Baby's First Demon."
- Reality Warper
- Ret-Gone: The plot of one episode centers around Wyatt's inexplicable disappearance, not only from the Manor but also from the memories of his family. It turns out to be the work of the Cleaners after Wyatt endangered the Masquerade more than normal. It's all fixed at the end, of course.
- Unskilled but Strong
Agent Kyle Brody (Kerr Smith)
- Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Became a whitelighter for his efforts in stopping the Avatars.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For Andy. Law enforcement? Check. Agent Mulder? Check. Love Interest? Check. Killed Off for Real? Check, check, check.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist
Avatars -- Alpha (Joel Swetow), Beta (Patrice Fisher), Gamma (Ian Anthony Dale)
Drake dè Mon (Billy Zane)
- Deal with the Devil: Inverted in virtually every way as part of an awesome Batman Gambit on the part of Cole.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: His last name, presumably added after said inverted deal.
- Love Freak
- Secretly Dying
Henry Mitchell (Ivan Sergei)
- Badass Normal: He fought Simon Marx in a duel for Paige in "The Last Temptation of Christy."
- Cop Boyfriend: For Paige.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Subverted with his first parolee that we see on the show, at least until Paige sets him straight about Speed.
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: For Andy, and Agent Brody to an extent.
- Talk to the Fist
Coop (Victor Webster)
- Love Freak: Being cupid, it comes with the territory.
- Playing Cyrano
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