< Brick Joke

Brick Joke/Web Original

  • In the Homestar Runner Halloween cartoon "Most in the Graveyard," Homestar mentions to Pom Pom how if they find a green goblin in the graveyard, it will turn their candy into gold. Then, when they are attacked by the Carnivorous Undead Sheep, the aforementioned goblin falls out of the sky and crushes the sheep. Yes, the Brothers Chaps are crazy.
    • The first episode of Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People begins with Strong Bad answering an e-mail which asks him to beat the snot out of Homestar. When he goes to do this he ends up trying to win a race instead. At the end of the episode you knock Homestar out the window and he exclaims "Ow, my snot!" Thus turning the entire story into an overly-long method of answering the e-mail. It made the whole thing seem rather like an actual interactive Strong Bad Email.
      • Even before that, at the literal beginning, Strong Bad sings a song about how no one could handle his style and it shines so bright, like an imploding star or a burning car. In"Baddest of the Bands," what would appear in the "greatest album cover" but the Star and Car. And even farther into the game, at the series' finale "8-Bit is Enough," after you kill Trogdor, he screams "No! Your style! I couldn't handle it. The end credits plays to the instrumental version of the song.
      • Taking this one step farther, even before SBCG4AP came out, Strong Bad talked about concept art he sent in. He shows us this, which is a very buff sword-wielder. This image appears in 8-Bit's end credits and in the final boss fight.
    • At the beginning of "hremail 7," Homestar is asked about his favorite drink, and he begins by stating, "As a national spokesmodel for the Ethical Advancement of Melonade, I am contractually unable to drink, talk about, or bathe in any other liquid!" At the conclusion of the email, he announces that he's going to take a bath, and leaves while singing, "A-gonna take a bath in some Melonade... oh it kinda stings my skin..."
    • Near the beginning of the Strong Bad Email pet show, Strong Bad catches Homestar trying to put relish on his boots ("Homestar's always trying to give me the old relish foot.") Near the end of the cartoon, Strong Bad and the Cheat are disqualified from the pet show not because of the cheating they actually did, but for "flagrant use of relish foot" (the cause of which is implied to be Homestar).
    • In fact, a great deal of sbemail Easter Eggs consist of Brick Jokes.
    • The Europa-pean lobster in the Drive-Thru Whale's introductory cartoon. The rocket that's supposed to return with the lobster is somehow forgotten by Strong Bad and the Cheat, and when it lands, it pulls off one of its legs to please the Whale, who then eats the lobster and flies off into space.
  • The "easter egg" in College Saga, which is found and buried by the heroes during the story, only for Jesus, who had been Killed Off for Real, to hatch out of it during The Stinger.
  • Charlie the Unicorn has what may be the ultimate Brick Joke in its three episodes, complete with the second episode acting as the bonus points joke in between. At the end of episode 1, Charlie has his kidney stolen by the pink and blue unicorns. At the end of episode 3, Charlie finds his kidney in a snowman the pink and blue unicorns built.
  • "world of dentists" on filmcow.com is a giant brick joke
  • In Red vs. Blue: Reconstruction, the Red Team erases all record of the Blue Team from the Command database so that the Red Team wins by default. In Recreation, it turns out this is the only reason Caboose escaped with Epsilon; he didn't exist in their records.
    • In the original series, Church has a giant Stable Time Loop while trying to prevent an explosion so big it literally blows him thousands of years into the past. He meets up with about thirty other versions of himself who discuss how they're going to break the cycle. One of them is wearing yellow armor. When asked about what he did, he says "Don't ask. It...it didn't work." At the end of the series, Church goes into Caboose's mind, where everyone is represented by what Caboose thinks they're like. Grif's yellow-armored sister...

Church: Hey who the fuck are you? Sister?
"Sister" (unenthusiastic voice): Yep. I'm Sister, Church's twin brother. I came here in a space ship that came from the moon. It crashed next to Blue Base, and now I live with Caboose and the people from the tail end of the spaceship live on the other side of the island.
Church: What the fuck? That's wrong in like, eight different ways.
"Sister": Yeah. I know. Tell me about it.

      • "You ever wonder why we're here?" It takes 156 episodes to find the answer.
    • This is probably the longest brick joke on the page, spanning from the second episode of the series to the last episode of Revelation (season 8), when Sarge asks the Meta,

Sarge: Hey Meta, settle a bet, would you? Does that thing kinda look like a big cat to you?

  • Team Four Star's Dragonball Z Abridged series has BrickJokes galore. In episode five, Piccolo sets up a brilliant one during his training/traumatization of Gohan, particularly his instruction of the art of dodging (which involves Piccolo punching, blasting, and kicking Gohan around). Several episodes later, as the gang fights Nappa, Gohan's Pavlonian conditioning to the word "dodge" takes its toll on Gohan -- and in episode nine, Piccolo's last words to Gohan are: "Why...didn't...you...DODGE?!"
    • Also:

Goku: * gathering Spirit Bomb energy* Maaaybe a little more. * random deer dies giving energy*
Vegeta: What smells like deer? * BANG*

      • In episode 10, Vegeta calls being blinded by the Solar Flare "like walking in on Frieza in the shower." In episode 15, around the 2:27 mark, there is a flashing image of a nude, showering Frieza after Krillin uses a Solar Flare on Dodoria.
    • The Krillin owned count was about to become a What Happened to the Mouse? when in Episode 20, it made its triumphant return. Hooray!
  • Done very well in the cartoon "Waiting For The Bus" by Explosm. It starts with a man chasing a bus. The bus driver says if the bus goes under 50MPH it will explode, a la Speed. He then points out the man is running 50MPH just like the bus and suggests he become an athlete. The man then goes on to become the best runner in the world, wins a bunch of awards, gets married, has a family, enters a Nascar race, loses, goes crazy, grows old, and dies running into a stadium. A funeral is held for him, to which finally the bus comes back, stops, and promptly explodes.
  • There are two of these in Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.
    • In Act I, Dr. Horrible is practicing his Evil Laugh, somewhat unsuccessfully. In Act III, when he finally deploys the Freeze Ray, he opens his song "Slipping" with a brilliant laugh.
    • "Slipping" interrupts Captain Hammer in the triumphant note of his own Villain Song, "Everyone's a Hero". When the ray fails a few minutes later and Captain Hammer is freed, he takes the time to land a haymaker on Dr. Horrible, stands over him with the Death Ray in hand, and then belts out "WAAAAAAAAAAAY!", finishing the song.
  • In the fourth episode of the TV Tropes webseries Echo Chamber, Tom tells Dana that the only food he has available is rice, but she could add salt if she's "feeling adventurous". Dana responds, "As lovely as that sounds, I'm going to eat anywhere else." Then, in Episode 6, Tom is shown cooking rice and adding rather a large amount of salt to it.
  • Each episode of ENN begins with the anchors having a discussion about their lives. As the lights dim they pick up right where they left off.
  • Cleolinda Jones' King Arthur in Fifteen Minutes has a bit about halfway through where director Antione Fuqua steals Ridley Scott's Dramatic Shaky Slo-Mo right out from under him. In the middle of the film's final battle, the scene randomly cuts to Scott discovering the theft.
  • On the third episode of Sailor Moon Abridged, there's a brief scene where one of Serena's friends (a short, chubby girl) is seen running a treadmill while her trainer forces her to keep going. The scene is quickly forgotten about until the part after the "Sailor Moon Says" section and before the closing credits, where it shows the girl still running on the treadmill, asking the trainer if she can go home. The trainer's response: "No. Keep moving, Pillsbury!"
  • AMV Hell 4 had something like this. In the beginning there's a warning to "sit far away from the TV in a well lit room". Seems pretty standard though out of place. Later on is an infamous clip of Pokemon that sent hundreds of japanese kids to the hospital with eptileptic seizures!
    • Are you sure it wasn't referring to the following section? Because that was pretty seizureriffic too.
    • Another one from AMV Hell: back in AMV Hell 3, they had a lot of clips of Osaka "writing a paper on the PC, and it was like 'Bleep-bleep-bleep-ble-ble-ble-bleeep'" in various ways against a blinking background. Along comes AMV Hell 5 and they have the same clip pop up... only instead of bleeping, Caramelldansen starts playing.
    • If I remember correctly, AMV Hell 2 had the Evangeleon Running Gag. It appeared many times, once with Adam Sandler singing. Every time, you'd think it was finished showing. The one with the Adam Sandler song appears to be the last one, unless you continue watching after the "Coming Soon" AMV Hell 3 preview, where the clip reappears after a few seconds of black.
  • In his review of Captain Planet, The Nostalgia Critic sets up a routine in which he gets smacked in the head with a ruler whenever he says the word "ruler", spoofing a scene from the cartoon when Wheeler accidentally summons fire. This appears to be forgotten as he launches into a rant about What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?, which culminates in him trying on the heart ring and being surrounded by a relaxing montage of clouds with soothing music.

Critic: Oh, wow. Actually this is kinda nice. I feel so relaxed and pleasant. So what if I don't have fire, wind or water? It's not like I have to be ruler of the earth. [smack! The illusion fades.] DAMMIT!

    • And, right at the very end:

Critic: Alright, Ted Turner, you've made your point and we'll make a deal with you. We'll start cleaning up the planet and you stop making these godawful cartoons! That way, the planet can be nice and clean so you can become supreme ruler. [smack!] GODDAMMIT!

    • His "Nickcom" episode has a similar gag. When pointing out that people in You Can't Do That on Television get covered in slime for saying "I don't know", he compares it to the Burger King appearing whenever he says "elephant". You get no points for guessing what word sneaks into one of his sentences at the end of the episode, or what happens in response.
    • An excellent one occurs during the That Guy With The Glasses crossover story arc "Suburban Knights." The very beginning has Nostalgia Critic luring every other reviewer over with the promise of a free car. Seven episodes and a hilariously epic quest later, he gets the idea to go on another adventure, but no one else will go with him this time. The last scene is Chester A. Bum opening an envelope and exclaiming "OH MY GOD, I WON A CAR!"
  • From Cracked.com's 7 Common Survival Tactics That Will Get You Killed: In a hypothetical situation, a drunk man is happy that he passed out so close to a doorway during an earthquake, accompanied by a photo of a man passed out in the street with the caption 'Others weren't so lucky'. Later, it's suggested that lying flat on the ground in an open space will save you from lightning, accompanied by the same photo with the caption 'This guy had the right idea. We were the fools all along.'
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series Episode 45:

Melvin: Heh, heh- I always knew you wanted me to be inside you, Bakura.
Marik: What do you suppose he means by that?
Bakura: I couldn't hazard a guess.

    • And in the next episode, Bakura challenges Melvin to a duel:

Melvin: Then face me, Florence, and suffer the wrath of the Egyptian gods! Ya hah ha ha ha!
Marik: Oh I get it, he was implying that you wanted me to sleep with you.

    • Episode 3:

Téa: Sorry you almost drowned, guys.
Tristan: If it's any consolation, the sun will be up in a few hours! [actual 4Kids dialogue]

      • Episode 41

Tristan: Duke, no matter what happens to us, I want you to remember one thing: in another few hours, the sun will rise!
Duke: What the F* CK does that mean?!

    • In the deleted scenes montage, the first scene has Yugi explaining that people who reference rival Abridged Series tend to end up kneecapped ("With a wrench. Specifically this wrench"). Another deleted scene, billed as "Obligatory Death Note Reference", has L blame the mysterious deaths of Pegasus's employees on Kira. After a few unrelated scenes, we come to a scene where Tristan changes Duke's theme music before settling on one from Dragonball Z Abridged:

Tristan: Hey, that's perfect! I love this so... Ow, my kneecaps!
Yugi: Gee. I wonder who could have broken Tristan's kneecaps. With a wrench. Specifically this wrench.
L: I think it was Kira.
Yugi: Shut up, L.

  • The Muppet Studio's Youtube channel gave us this gem . Considering how the chef threw the shrimp away, this is a practically textbook example.
  • The Animutation Irrational Exuberance starts by presenting a series of anthropomorphic fruit mascots under the slogan "Fruit Sells", such as "Rotten Apple Joe" ("Rotten Apple Computers"), "Applegrape Joe" ("Fruity Loom Incorporated"), and "Banana Joe" ("Banana Public Inc."). About halfway through, more fruit-themed mascots are presented, and the last one is... "fitness guru and short-shorts pioneer" Richard Simmons.
  • A metaphor with all the verses in the Bible that are about money on one side of a seesaw and all the verses on sex on the other is set up in this Slacktivist post. It's referenced again at the very end, in a footnote completely unrelated to the metaphor.
  • Tammy hanging upside down in The Nostalgia Chick's |Hercules review is referred to at the end of the third "Thanks For The Feedback". She's apparently been there for months.
  • "A Wizard did it" at the beginning of Game 7 of Comic Fury Werewolf. That wizard wasn't referred to again until the end of the game where he showed up and revealed some extremely plot relevant details, which became the basis for all future games.
    • Happens surprisingly often in narrations, referencing items from previous scenes and even games.
    • Was a major element in the showdown at the end of Game 12, where Ice gave bonus points for people exploiting this.
  • Spoony and Linkara love this gag, so naturally one would surface that crosses over both shows. At the start of Spoony's Final Fantasy X review, Doctor Insano pops in and declares that Neutro (a giant robot introduced in an early Atop the Fourth Wall episode) has been stolen. Fast forward to an Atop the Fourth Wall episode where Mechakara steals Linkara's power coin and becomes a giant. Guess what Linkara has handy to fight the giant with?
  • In an episode of I'm a Marvel And I'm a DC, Iron Man was seen in a depressing montage of watching TV, standing on a roof with a martini in his hand, then singing to the telephone about how that he's lonely but not any more. When Batman showed up to tell him that Tony is in his house.

Iron Man: Oh, that explains why that escort service I called never showed up. (ding dong) Never mind.

  • In the MSF High Forum, Mitchell is VERY, VERY fond of setting these up. Leaving himself notes, that he pays off YEARS later. For instance, in 2007, in December, he played the "A Lpha Guardian", which quoted the old Portal meme, "The Cake is a Lie." Fast forward to 2011, June...and the enemy resurfaces. Eating a cake.
  • In Olan Rogers' works, there's the soy sauce in New Prime and the whistle in The Last Scene.
  • In a Cutaway Gag of Bowser's Kingdom episode 2, Kamek thought Jeff and Hal were gay because they didn't fly when he told them to think about titties. At the end of the episode, Kamek witnesses Hal get close to Jeff and said, "See, I knew you were gay!"

Web Original

  • This Cyanide & Happiness video is one long four-minute brick joke.
  • The neurotic 'LP of Half-Life known as Freeman's Mind does this over two episodes. In Episode 2, 'Gordon' notices the helmet of his HEV suit has gone missing... He probably won't need it, right?
  • Homestar Runner has a few.
    • Nearby the beginning of "Strong Bad is in Jail Cartoon", Strong Sad says in a letter that he and Marzipan have a bakavla in the oven. At the end of the cartoon, Marzipan serves it to the other characters.
    • At the beginning of "Drive-Thru", Strong Bad is using an air compresser to launch a toy rocket to Europa, in the hopes that it'll return to Earth and bring him back some lobsters. At the end, sure enough, it falls back to Earth and cracks open, revealing a space lobster. The Drive-Thru Whale asks it to sever its leg, which it does, and the whale eats it and flies into outer space. ...Yeah.
    • In sbemail #38, titled helium, we discover that Strong Mad's voice doesn't change at all when he sucks helium, to his annoyance. Exactly 114 emails later in sbemail #152, isp, we find out that Strong Bad's internet connection is so slow because Strong Mad is siphoning his bandwidth through a garden hose. Apparently bandwidth acts like "super helium" and Strong Mad finally gets his helium voice.
    • The short "The Luau" begins with Homestar peeing behind Marzipan's gazebo. Later on in the short, when Homestar visits Strong Bad's party, and finds out that he can't get the wood to start on fire, Homestar then asks if Strong Bad got the wood from behind the gazebo, in which Strong Bad answers "Yes, why?". Homestar then explains "Well it all started when I drank 32 glasses of melonade..."
    • In email #55, "cheat talk", Strong Bad waits patiently for Strong Mad (and The Cheat) to say the word "Douglas" (and jams his keyboard into Strong Sad's stomach to get him to say the word). In an Easter Egg for email #76, as Strong Bad tries to get other characters to say "Fhqwhgads", Strong Mad instead says, "DOUGLAS!", to which a surprised Strong Bad says, "Whoa! We've just a breakthrough! You get a gold star."
    • In short "Play Date", Homestar calls Bubs, who tells him that he's in federal prison. However he shows up in two scenes throughout the cartoon. In the Easter Egg Homestar asks why he's not in prison and he says he got time out for "snitchy behavior".
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series there are many of these. One particularly late starts in episode 14 Atem warns the man attacking Tea that he looks damn good in a tutu. A few years later we get episode 53. Kaiba is forced to admit it: he does look damn good in a tutu (we even get a card/photo to prove it).
  • In Stupid Mario Brothers "The Interactive Adventure," Luigi ended up inheriting a mansion. In the first episode of Season 4 he sold it for a life supply of USB flash drives, So he could never run out of memory. In Episode 53, Mario returns after he gains his memory back prompting Luigi to suggest a flash drive.
  • Skippys List has examples:

113. There is absolutely no need to emulate the people from Full Monty every time I hear the song "Hot Stuff".
131. No dancing in the turret. This especially applies in conjunction with rule #113.

  • 4Chan had a few people do these - one example where someone mentioned something about Code Geass, then someone posted a Slowpoke picture saying he'll respond in two years. Two years later, he responded.
    • A similar time travel post was done once.
  • Asdfmovie:
    • 2: "I like trains. -is hit by train-" Repeated, but then later: "Ha ha! Yes you do. -glares at viewer-" Next segment: "Hey! You know who's gay? Y-train-"
    • 2: Llama drives off cliff. 2 years later in 5: Llama finally hits ground.

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