< Brick Joke

Brick Joke/Advertising

  • One ESPN commercial about Shaquille O'Neal and Scrabble premiered when he was playing for the Phoenix Suns, in 2008. In October 2009, after he had signed with the Cleveland Cavaliers, this commercial aired. The videos are filled with other gags if you notice them, such as different analysts in the commercials suggest that he plays Scrabble the same every game.
  • In a Swedish women's magazine, there was an ad for "Mini-baguettes", bauettes you baked in the oven. It said: "If you put six mini-baguettes in the oven now..." About ten pages later, there was another ad for them, saying "...they'll be done by now."
  • Then of course there's the old Energizer battery commercials, which would start out with an actual commercial for the brand, then cut to a (fake) second commercial for something completely unrelated. Halfway through the second commercial, the Energizer Bunny would appear, moving across the bottom of the screen, and the Energizer commercial's announcer would say, "Still going. Nothing outlasts the Energizer."
  • There was a car advert in the UK in which the car jumped over the advert break. At the start of the adverts you saw the car go up a ramp; then the rest of the adverts followed; then the car landed again after you'd forgotten about it.
  • Recently[when?] in the US, AT&T wireless aired a commercial boasting about how extensive their service is. The announcer starts flipping through postcards of places they cover onto an 8-foot-wide map of the US on the floor. The commercial ends. You think that's the end, but three or four commercials later it cuts back to the man. He's still flipping the postcards, and the map is nearly covered.
  • In May 2011, there were ads all over with only one word on them, "Tomorrow". Cut to a week later, where all the posters have been replaced with "Tomorrow is today. - TNT Postal Services".
  • There were two different "The World is Just Awesome" ads run by the Discovery Channel. The MythBusters make an appearance in both of them. In the first, Adam lights Jamie's arm on fire (at about :50). In the second, at about :32 in, Adam's tied up in a cauldron, which Jamie has just lit a fire underneath.
  • One ESPN commercial about Shaquille O'Neal and Scrabble premiered when he was playing for the Phoenix Suns, in 2008. In October 2009, after he had signed with the Cleveland Cavaliers, this commercial aired. The videos are filled with other gags if you notice them, such as different analysts in the commercials suggest that he plays Scrabble the same way every game.
  • The 2011 Volkswagen Super Bowl commercial displays a kid dressed up as Darth Vader. The 2012 Volkswagen commercial displays a fat dog that gets fit... and Darth Vader choking a viewer for saying it was cuter than him.
  • Possibly overlapping with Call Back and Mythology Gag, the ad for the original Super Smash Bros 64 was this commercial showing Mario, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Pikachu fighting to the tune of "So Happy Together", released in 1999. A full eighteen years later, an updated version was released to advertise Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
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