Blue Eyes/Characters
This is the Character Sheet for the first book of The Blue Trilogy, "Blue Eyes".
Rachelle Hannaway
Rachelle Hannaway
One of the six "Agents" and the first to be revealed - via a Big Damn Heroes moment on motorbike. Rachelle joined the Rapid Rescue Force because she wanted to live "a life of action".
- Badass Biker
- Berserk Button: Anyone who says anything against motorbiking will know this the hard way.
- Biker Babe
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Brooklyn Rage: Explicitly described as coming from that place.
- Catch Phrase: I am Rachelle Hannaway, 23 years old...
- Cool Bike: She gets one - the Hayabusa - around halfway through the story.
- Determinator
- Eagle Land: Invokes Type 2 in combat. She's pretty normal outside of battle.
- Gamer Girl: Albeit she's pretty bad at a certain unnamed light gun game.
- Hot-Blooded: Justified. Her power relies on her hot-bloodedness.
- I Let Homura-chan Die/ My Greatest Failure
"Homura-chan is the only friend I had back then, and yet I wasn't able to protect her that day--"
- Japanese Best Friend: In the form of Sayaka. She also had another one in the past: Homura, who was killed in a gang attack prior to the events of Blue Eyes.
- Les Yay: With Sayaka
- Mighty Whitey: As part of her Backstory, which happens to be a deconstruction of it.
- Ten years ago, she was the only American member of a local martial arts dojo in downtown Brooklyn, with everyone else being of Asian descent. In line with the trope, she was fast in learning the martial arts, earning her disdain from every other member - except one, a Japanese girl about the same age as her. Then, there was a gang attack on the said friend of hers - by white extremists, no less. In other words, her guilt over not being able to defend her only friend in the dojo, combined with the harsh treatment of every other member, made her decide to leave and seek her own path.
- Occidental Otaku
- Phenotype Stereotype: Averted. She has brown eyes and chestnut hair - not your typical "anime American".
- Playing with Fire
- Running Gag: Stopping herself from uttering any profanity.
- Samus Is a Girl: Shortly after her Big Damn Heroes introduction.
- Signature Move: Blazing Bullet
- Trademark Favorite Food: While unnamed in-story, it's obvious that she's eating Pocky.
Jeanne-Marie Newman
Jeanne-Marie Newman (formerly Niemann)
One of the "Agents" of the Rapid Rescue Force, hailing from the United Kingdom. Jeanne is the only daughter of the ultra-wealthy Newman family, and is an aspiring fashion model and figure skating. The latter shows very well in her fighting style.
She joined the R.R.F. in order to ease her sadness over the loss of her parents, who were among the casualties of the Eiffel Tower incident, eight years prior to the events of Blue Eyes.
- Dance Battler
- Every Proper Lady Should Curtsy: Her introduction.
- Fauxreigner: She's actually French, if her first name didn't clue you in. The change in name is deliberate; she is in search of those responsible for the death of her parents.
- Hair of Gold
- Hime Cut
- Making a Splash
- Paper-Thin Disguise: She changes her original (French) surname to an obvious English counterpart, and that's it.
- Phenotype Stereotype: Plays this straight with blue eyes and blond hair.
- Princess Curls: Gets an interesting version in Blue Rainbow: her straight hair ends in little twirls, not unlike Haruka Morishima.
- Spot of Earl Grey Tea
- The Ojou
- Unstoppable Rage: When she finds out that Weissdrache caused the Eiffel Tower incident. This naturally makes her vulnerable to the latter's Teleport Spam attacks.
- You Killed My Parents: Plus a lot of others in Paris that night.
Sayaka Miyazawa
Sayaka Miyazawa
One of the "Agents" of the Rapid Rescue Force, hailing from Japan. Sayaka is a college law student who takes up her R.R.F. duties as a personal quest to find the true meaning of justice.
Akane later learns via Pure Heart that Sayaka had this viewpoint after the death of her sister, Kyoko, at the hands of the Yakuza.
- Asian and Nerdy: A variation. She does not follow the "Asian math wizard" stereotype; instead, she studies law.
- Blow You Away
- Catch Phrase: "MATTA!" ("WAIT"), whenever she makes a point.
- Clear His Name: Helps out in clearing Stephan's name from the murder case... after beating him up.
- Combat Medic
- Dead Big Sister: Her sister, Kyoko, who as a police officer died during her team's raid at a Yakuza den.
- Les Yay: With Rachelle.
- Meganekko: Lampshaded by Weissdrache.
"You look lovely with the glasses, Sayaka. Too bad it must die with you."
- Miko: She's from a family of these.
- Ninja
- Sailor Fuku: Justified in that it is the university's uniform.
- School Swimsuit: Wears one underneath her gym uniform, which she then wears underneath her regular uniform.
- Signature Move: Aero Arrow
- The Archer: Her spells invoke archery, especially with her Signature Move.
- The Smart Girl
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: Sayaka is struggling to find a balance between being an Agent and being a law student... Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking and forging friendships]].
Leigh Evans
Leigh Evans
One of the "Agents" of the Rapid Rescue Force, hailing from Australia.
- Barrier Warrior: Most of her spells employ earth barriers to defend fellow Agents.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Extremity Extremist: She's a boxer.
- Gender Blender Name: Abuses this fact when in civilian mode.
- Kuudere: She becomes this to Stephan during the events of Blue Rainbow.
- Land Down Under: Her place of origin.
- Lightning Bruiser: She may be the least mobile among the Agents, but she definitely doesn't even appear to be slow at all.
- Martial Pacifist: She will not fight unless necessary. This is due to accidentally killing a sparring partner in the past, a thing she could not forgive herself for.
- Megaton Punch
- Precision F-Strike: Once per book, always during the face-off with that book's Final Boss.
- Sweet Polly Oliver
- The Stoic
Eshe/Ajia Ballo
Eshe Ballo / Ajia Ballo / Gasira Ballo
One of the "Agents" of the R.R.F., hailing from Kenya. She is highly known by the agency for her Split Personality.
- Awesomeness By Analysis: As Ajia.
- But Not Too Black: Averted.
- Cloudcuckoolander: As Eshe.
- Dance Battler: She uses Capoeira.
- Extremity Extremist: Even when firing her spells, she uses her feet.
- Fragile Speedster: As Ajia.
- Glass Cannon: As Eshe.
- Light'Em Up
- Lightning Bruiser: As Gasira.
- Meaningful Name: Each personality has a name indicative of its most prominent feature.
- Eshe means "life", and this personality gives "life" - as a self-taught Butt Monkey - to the other members.
- Ajia means "swift", and this personality is faster and more agile in combat.
- Gasira means "brave", and this personality is the most violent among the three.
- Peek-a-Bangs: This determines her personality. As Eshe, her bangs cover her left eye. As Ajia, they cover her right eye. As Gasira, her bangs are gone, revealing angry eyes.
- Split Personality Makeover: Eshe looks like a total fool. Ajia appears to be completely unreasonable.
- Split Personality Merge: Gasira, her original self.
- Statuesque Stunner: The tallest among the Agents.
- The Eeyore: As Ajia.
- The Pollyanna: As Eshe.
- Token Minority: The only black Agent in the agency. Eshe lampshades this during her introduction.
Phoemela Lopez
Pamela Lopez
An R.R.F. Agent from Brazil.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Stephan, during Blue Rainbow.
- Casting a Shadow
- Confusion Fu: She is a pencak silat practitioner.
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Death Glare: Pamela loves doing these in combat. She does this less often by the second book, and by the third, it's almost non-existent.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Goes from Knight Templar (Blue Eyes) to Tsunshun (Blue Rainbow) to Type B Tsundere (Blue Starlight) - all thanks to Stephan.
- Knight Templar: Displays this during Blue Eyes, and this means she is absolutely unforgiving with evildoers - thus putting her into a sour relationship with Rachelle, who was a former member of a white extremist group. She became this after her parents sold her as a sex slave in exchange for drugs.
- She gets better (i.e. more forgiving) during the events of Blue Rainbow.
- Lady of War
- Rapunzel Hair
- Sour Supporter
- Sweater Girl: And looks darn good!
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Third tallest among the six, topped by Jeanne and Ese, respectively.
- Theme Naming: Her attacks are named after office supplies, of all things.
Gerard Russell
Gerard Russell
Corporal of the R.R.F. and the only important male member of the said agency for a nasty reason. He is an over-the-top sexist Jerkass soldier from the United States.
- Disproportionate Retribution: He murdered Nene, committed a school shooting, and then framed Stephan for both crimes via a faux trial.
- He-Man Woman Hater
- Jerkass
- Mighty Whitey: Though this is largely overshadowed by his far mroe blatant sexism.
- More Dakka: His favorite weapon - even in a one-on-one battle - is an anti-aircraft chain gun.
- Smug Snake
- Stay in the Kitchen: His attitude towards every female—including Commander Pavlova.
- Straw Misogynist: Pretty much his only characterization.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: His combat philosophy.
Carmen Suarez
Lieutenant Carmen Suarez
Known by her codename "Sky Lancelot". She pilots the R.R.F. Cool Helicopter that brings the Agents into battle.
- Badass Normal: When forced to get into personal combat. She uses no magic nor any fancy gadget.
- Badass Spaniard: She's Mexican.
- Chuck Yeager: Even on foot.
- Enemy Scan: When inside the helicopter. She provides this as support to the Agents, Persona-style.
- Lampshade Hanging: Does this a lot with regards to their enemies having... cliched behavior.
- Lightning Bruiser: When in combat, which is very rare.
- Mission Control: When inside the helicopter.
Irina Pavlova
Commander Irina Pavlova
Chief commander of the R.R.F. She appears to know something about the prophecy regarding the Messier Dragon.
- Four-Star Badass: She's the friggin' 'Commander-in-Chief of the RRF, of all things.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Lady of War
- Nice Hat: Her officer hat.
- Psychic Powers / Shock and Awe: Combined. She uses psychic electricity.
- Tarot Motifs: Her attacks are all named after the Major Arcana.
- Teleportation
- The Stoic
- Tsundere: R.R.F. members receive her dere. Enemies receive a very unhealthy dose of her tsun.
Weissdrache / Stephan Bleumer (technically, a clone of the original)
Weissdrache is the CEO of Solty-Tech Industries and is the false villain of Blue Eyes.
- Badass Bookworm
- Blind Without'Em: He is ostensibly nearsighted, so much that he needs his glasses. The heroines end up exploiting this to eventually defeat him.
- {{Domingo tries using the same tactic against him during their subsequent fights from Blue Rainbow, and then subverted hard. Weissdrache, having learned of this weakness, deliberately enters battle using contact lens - and wears fake eyeglasses to boot.}}
- Calling Your Attacks: Averted and deconstructed. He says absolutely nothing when he himself attacks, while he punishes opponents who call out their attacks by attacking them as they are just to say something.
- Cloning Blues
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- Flash Step: His main MO. Reaches Teleport Spam levels upon his possession by Nene.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: In a fight, he is armed with a plasma-firing pistol railgun. A gun that he himself had developed.
- Hammerspace: He literally has access to one during battle: the Tenshi Network. Comes complete with a Magical Incantation to activate.
- Heel Face Turn: Begins during the last parts of Blue Eyes, but was abruptly cut short by his amnesia in Blue Rainbow. The turn is complete in Blue Starlight.
- Two Memory Tropes apply to him during Blue Rainbow:
- Amnesiac Hero
- Identity Amnesia: Which results in his Quest for Identity being a Plot Device.
- Occidental Otaku: He's French, and he loves Dating Sim games. His choice of games reflect his loss of Nene Takane.
- Powers Via Possession: He gains this around two-thirds of Blue Rainbow.
- Replacement Goldfish: He is this to the original Stephan Bleumer.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Until the end of Blue Eyes, when the true culprit has been finally exposed to the world.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: And they glow blue. Removing them reveals his equally bright blue Glowing Eyes of Doom.
- [spoiler:Super Empowering: The effect of having Nene voluntarily possess him.]]
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: He constantly desired the approval of his father, who only sees him as a trophy. After learning about his being a clone of the original, he calls him out... with a plasma beam to the head.
- Younger Than They Look: While he may look like he's 23 years old, in reality, he is just 13. He was created when the original Stephan Bleumer died at the age of 10.
Akane Orikasa
Akane Orikasa
A seemingly ordinary bank teller who both Solty-Tech Industries and the R.R.F. have taken an interest to.
- Beam Spam: Once she has awakened to her full Herald abilities.
- The Chosen One: Subverted. You think she's the Maiden? Nope, she's just one of the two Heralds. Of course, Heralds are powerful beings in their own right, so...
- Defeat Means Friendship: Does this to Weissdrache, Nanoha-style!
- Everyhings Better With Sparkles: Her spells have starlight motifs. Do the math.
- Idol Singer: Becomes this in the epilogue.
- Living Lie Detector: Courtesy of Pure Heart, which gives insight to the Agents' Back Stories. This ability proves useful to find out Weissdrache's motives behind his actions.
- Magical Girl: Her motif after awakening as a Herald.
- Naive Everygirl: If her Pure Heart ability is any indication...
Nene Takane
Nene Takane
Weissdrache's Love Interest. She tragically died in a murder eight years prior to the book's events.
- Cute Ghost Girl
- Disposable Woman: Averted hard! She delivers a "The Reason You Suck" Speech straight into Gerard's face near the end of Blue Eyes.
- Meganekko: Explains why Weissdrache has a thing for "glasses girls".
- Sempai-Kohai: She's sempai to Weissdrache's kohai.
- Symbiotic Possession: She gains the ability to possess Weissdrache, giving him major Status Buffs in battle.
Weissdrache's personal Meido.
- Badass Bookworm
- Biker Babe
- Black Bra and Panties
- Bodyguard Crush: She secretly loves her goshujin-sama.
- Meganekko
- Ms. Fanservice: She runs with this.
- Ninja Maid: And she will kick your ass!
- Powered Armor
- Rapunzel Hair
Domingo Irving
Domingo Irving
(insert description here)
- A God Am I
- Big Bad: Of the entire trilogy.
- Cloning Blues: Manufactured in the same way as Weissdrache.
- Flash Step / Teleport Spam
- Katanas Are Just Better: Averted; his sword is explicitly stated as a wakizashi.
- Large Ham / Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Very poetic, and uses really big words, making him very incomprehensible even to Weissdrache.
- The SL part disappears as he cements his status as the Big Bad.
- The Dragon: To Weissdrache. Initially.