The Loads and Loads of Characters in the Bionicle franchise. Since the series lives and breathes by the Cast Herd, this page will do the same.
The Great Beings
A race of creators, they made Mata Nui, the Matoran world, and everything in it. Their home planet of Spherus Magna was devastated in "the Shattering" a hundred thousand years ago; becoming the triplet planets of Bara Magna, Aqua Magna, and Bota Magna. In response, Mata Nui was built and sent into space, to return and help reunite Spherus Magna once the pieces had stabilized. Other creations of theirs now walk the lands of Bara Magna. The Great Beings' current status is unknown.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: There was an Eldritch Abomination that fed on dreams, but the Great Beings had unknowingly fed on its dreams, which fueled their desire to create.
- Emperor Scientists
- The Faceless (the few times some do appear)
- For Science!
- King Incognito: A Great Being transferred his/her consciousness to a new body to secretly live among the Matoran. Who it is has not been revealed, and at this point might not ever be.
- Minor Major Character
- Precursors: to the Matoran and their world (Tried as Neglectful Precursors; cleared of charges on the grounds that any potential neglect was not toward their creation but toward other Spherus Magnans. However, post-toyline web serials are beginning to show hints of Abusive Precursors.)
Matoran Universe
Mata Nui
The Great Spirit who looked after the world. Put to sleep a thousand years ago by Makuta. Actually was a forty-million-foot living robot who housed the Matoran world within his body. Built a hundred thousand years ago by the Great Beings and sent to wander space studying other planets and cultures, before returning to help restore the planet. Has had his body taken over and his spirit banished into space by Makuta, only to land on the desert planet Bara Magna. There, he adopted a normal-sized body and won a local war, after which the people of the planet agreed to construct for him another body, which he used to face off against and eventually kill Makuta. His godlike powers then undid the Shattering, reforming Spherus Magna into its original state. Mata Nui's spirit is currently lying dormant inside the Mask of Life.
- Cain and Abel: The Legend of Mata Nui portrayed him as Abel, with Makuta as Cain. However, the legend was eventually Ret Conned into a bogus tale of the Turaga. Doubly subverted, as the two were truly meant to be brothers in that they were supposed to work together to rebuild Spherus Magna, and Makuta refused all of Mata Nui's requests to work together.
- First Church of Mecha
- The Ghost
- God's Hands Are Tied
- The Gods Must Be Lazy: Or rather, caught up in his science homework.
- Gods Need Prayer Badly
- Heavy Sleeper: justified, as Makuta used a specialized virus to weaken him
- Humongous Mecha
- Living Ship
- Minor Major Character
- Non-Indicative Name: the "Great Spirit" actually has a body
- Slept Through the Apocalypse: with a twist; his falling asleep plummets him into Aqua Magna, in turn causing the apocalypse inside his body during his unconsciousness. He does eventually wake up, but only for Makuta to steal his body.
- We Will Meet Again: Upon his exile, he has vowed "I will return."
Matoran Universe Heroes
The Matoran
The Matoran are the main race in Mata Nui's realm. A race of workers, one of their most prominent traits is that they're ready and willing to defend themselves no matter how big the threat. Divided into tribes corresponding to natural elements; the main ones are Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Stone, and Ice, and the tribe of Light also makes a prominent appearance.
- Abnormal Ammo: Metru Nui Matoran use Kanoka Disks (superpowered frisbees), while the Mahri Nui Matoran shoot solid bubbles of air (toxic to the waterbreathers assaulting them)
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: played straight with all tribes except Matoran of Light, who subvert it by being able to change colors and specifically avoid their native gold-and-white scheme.
- Cool Mask
- Hobbits
- Hufflepuff House: Just about any tribe outside the main seven.
- Long Lived
- Nanomachines: given that Mata Nui is a Humongous Mecha, they would appear really tiny to him.
- One Gender Tribes: Again, the tribe of Light subverts this by being composed of both genders.
- And subverted again with Psionics, which is a female-only tribe save for their first member, a male Toa. Turns out he wasn't effective in peacefully dealing with Zyglak, so the rest of the Psionics Matoran are female on the grounds that they would be gentler with their powers. (However, the (female) Toa of Lightning he explains this to doubts that Women Are Wiser.)
- Personality Powers: Matoran personalities tend to match the tribe they belong to; fire is Hot-Blooded, ice is The Stoic, and so on. Occasionally subverted on an individual basis.
- Required Secondary Powers: but they only get the primary ones if/when they become Toa.
- Super Prototype: the Matoran of Light, who can actually use their elemental power to shoot lasers and change color (and they have both genders in their tribe)
- The Matorans' original bodies were very good, but downgraded thanks to an idiot who thought he was a genius. They've upgraded themselves since then, however.
- Training the Peaceful Villagers: averted; they're either pre-trained or willing to get their hands dirty anyway
- Wonder Twin Powers: Matoran of Light can access individual powers when touching a Toa
The Toa
The heroes; Matoran chosen by Destiny to receive power and transform into benevolent protectors. Tend to work in six-member teams. Once they fulfill their purpose, they may be called upon to give up their power and become Turaga elders.
- All Your Colors Combined: six Toa can team up to Seal Evil In A Can as long as they are all different powers
- Color Coded for Your Convenience
- Combo-Platter Powers: given the Elemental Powers and Mask of Power, although in some cases, they are compatible (Gali: Making a Splash and Artificial Gill; Lewa: Blow You Away and Not Quite Flight)
- Cool Mask / Mask of Power
- Elemental Baggage
- Elemental Powers
- Major Elements:
- An Ice Person (Toa of Ice)
- Blow You Away (Toa of Air)
- Dishing Out Dirt (split between Toa of Earth and Toa of Stone)
- Making a Splash (Toa of Water)
- Playing with Fire (Toa of Fire)
- Minor Elements:
- Extra Ore Dinary (Toa of Iron)
- Psychic Powers (Toa of Psionics)
- Shock and Awe (Toa of Lightning)
- Make Me Wanna Shout (Toa of Sonics)
- Green Thumb (Toa of Plant Life)
- Gravity Master (Toa of Gravity)
- Selective Magnetism: (Toa of Magnetism)
- Holy Hand Grenade / Light'Em Up (Toa of Light)
- Elemental Absorption
- Elemental Punch: they can charge their Toa Tools with their powers
- Major Elements:
- Five-Man Band (actually six, usually, but who's counting?)
- Fusion Dance: three Toa can merge into a Toa Kaita
- Magic Knight
- Personality Powers: the Elemental Powers
- Person of Mass Destruction: Toa can perform Nova Blasts, which explosively releases all of their elemental powers.
- For comparison, only one Nova Blast has been shown in Canon. It's implied to have devastated and entire continent. In the Comics Jaller prepares to Heroic Sacrifice to let Matoro save Mata Nui. When they are transported back to Metru Nui, it's treated as a serious possibility that he might sink the island, thereby destroying the whole universe.
- Plot-Relevant Age-Up: into Toa, and again into Turaga
- Power of the Storm: Elemental Powers such as Ice, Air, and Water can be used to manipulate the weather in regards to the power.
- Required Secondary Powers: which they already had since they were a Matoran (except for the Toa Mata, who were created first as Toa rather than Matoran)
- Thou Shalt Not Kill: Officially part of the "Toa Code" due to PR concerns, as Toa need the trust of the Matoran in order to operate effectively. Said code was probably loosened in wartime, but none of the Toa we meet take killing lightly. One Toa is known to have killed a Makuta under necessary circumstances, and he's still haunted by it.
- True Companions
- Weapon of Choice
- The Magic Touch: Toa often channel their Elemental Powers into their weapons.
- Magic Wand: the most common use of the weapons, thanks to Thou Shalt Not Kill.
The Toa Mata / Toa Nuva
The Toa Mata were created to get Mata Nui back on his feet if necessary, and put in stasis until they were needed. After awakening, they eventually gained enhanced Toa Nuva forms, and even later on were given Adaptive Armor that can alter its abilities for any terrain[1]. Tahu has recently been reverted back to his Mata form so that he could use a set of golden armor (though he retains his Adaptive Armor as well).
The Toa Mata team consists of Tahu, leader and Toa of Fire; Kopaka, Toa of Ice; Gali, Toa of Water; Lewa, Toa of Air; Pohatu, Toa of Stone; and Onua, Toa of Earth.
- Adaptive Armor: given to them by Artakha.
- An Axe to Grind: Lewa Mata's Axe and Gali Nuva's Aqua Axes
- Armed Legs: Pohatu's large, armored feet.
- BFG/Frickin' Laser Beams: Adaptive Armor weaponry: Midak Skyblasters and Nynrah Ghostblasters
- Laser Sight: Kopaka Phantoka's mask and Blizzard Blade, Gali and Onua Mistika's Nynrah Ghost Blasters
- Bling Bling Bang: the Golden Kanohi worn by the Toa Mata and Tahu's Golden Armor on Bara Magna.
- Bifurcated Weapon: Kopaka Nuva's Ice Blades, which split into ice skates, Tahu Nuva's Magma Blades, which also doubles as a lava-surfboard, and Pohatu Nuva's Climbing Claws, which combine into the Kodan Ball.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Pohatu and Onua are portrayed this way in Mask of Light.
- Breaking the Fellowship: After becoming Toa Nuva, they decide that they each have enough power to protect their villages alone (mostly Tahu and Kopaka, with Gali being the major dissenter).
- Putting the Band Back Together: The Bohrok-Kal force this soon afterward.
- Brought Down to Normal: the Ignika reverts Tahu back into a Toa Mata. Justified, as the Golden Armor could only be used in that form.
- Cool Sword: Tahu, Kopaka, Lewa Nuva
- BFS: Lewa Phantoka's Air Saber
- Double Weapon: Kopaka Nuva's Ice Blades. Tahu Nuva can do this with his Magma Swords, but he usually Dual Wields instead.
- Flaming Sword: Tahu's Fire Sword (Mata form) and Magma Blades (Nuva form)
- Katanas Are Just Better: Lewa Nuva's usual swords are called "Air Katanas"
- Oddly-Shaped Sword: Tahu's Fire Sword
- Chainsaw Good: Onua Nuva's Quake Breakers; also used as Rollerblade Good
- Dual-Wielding: Gali and Onua Mata, all of the Toa Nuva in their base forms, and Pohatu Phantoka
- Lava Adds Awesome: Tahu's Magma Blades
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Pohatu Phantoka's Twin Propellers and Tahu Mistika's Rotating Blades
- Extremity Extremist: Pohatu's main weapons are his feet
- Eyepatch of Power: Kopaka, Gali Mistika
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Tahu
- The Lancer: Kopaka
- The Big Guy: Pohatu
- The Smart Guy: Onua
- The Chick: Lewa
- The Heart: Gali
- Fighting From the Inside: happens to Lewa twice; once with an Infected Kanohi and the next a Krana.
- Flight: provided to all by Adaptive Armor (at least the known Phantoka and Mistika forms)
- Not Quite Flight: Prior to that, Lewa combined his Air power with his Mask of Levitation to glide, especially when he used his Nuva weapons as makeshift wings.
- Forged by the Gods: the Golden Kanohi and Adaptive Armor were forged by Artakha and the Golden Armor was forged by the Great Beings.
- Grand Theft Me: Tren Krom suckered Lewa into a Freaky Friday Flip for a while
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Tahu is Van Hohenheim.
- Gali is Dot Matrix.
- Human Popsicle
- Hooks and Crooks: Gali Mata uses two
- Hot-Blooded: Tahu, with Personality Powers to match.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Tahu and Kopaka both fit this trope the best.
- Jet Pack: Lewa Phantoka (though they're actually on his shoulders)
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: Subverted; the Laser Guide was off a bit and they forgot too much
- Lightning Bruiser: Pohatu
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Kopaka's Ice Shield. Tahu also has a shield as part of his golden armor.
- Mask of Power:
- Artificial Gill: Gali's Mask of Underwater Breathing
- Barrier Warrior: Tahu's Mask of Shielding; its upgraded form can also protect those near the wearer.
- Not Quite Flight: Lewa's Mask of Levitation
- Super Speed: Pohatu's Mask of Speed
- Super Strength: Onua's Mask of Strength
- X-Ray Vision: Kopaka's Mask of X-Ray Vision
- Morph Weapon: the Adaptive Armor
- Psychic Dreams for Everyone: Gali and Kopaka, once or twice
- The Quiet One: Onua
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Tahu and Kopaka
- Retronym: "Toa Mata"; they were originally just "the Toa" as they knew of no others
- Sealed Good in a Can: they were inside Toa Canisters until those transported them to Mata Nui. And again to Voya Nui.
- Shonen Upgrade: the Nuva abilities and equipment, and the Adaptive Armor
- Shoot the Dog: The group discovers they have to reawaken the Bohrok and let them destroy the island of Mata Nui as part of the preparations for Mata Nui's awakening. Onua winds up being the one who does it when the others can't bring themselves to.
- Super Empowering: the Kanohi Nuva the Toa wear can share their powers with other beings within range.
- Sword and Gun: Lewa and Tahu in their Karda Nui forms
- The Stoic: Kopaka
- Not So Stoic, such as in the book "Tales of the Masks" when Pohatu has a Disney Death.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: In the early story arcs, Tahu and Kopaka never get along, and Gali is always frustrated trying to make them put their differences aside.
- This Is a Drill: Pohatu Phantoka's Twin Propellers could work like this.
- Training from Hell: under Hydraxon
- Tricked-Out Shoes: Kopaka Nuva, Gali Nuva, and Onua Nuva, as mentioned above. Lewa also has flip-out foot claws in Mask of Light.
- Unwitting Pawn
- Shoulder Cannon: Pohatu Phantoka's shoulder-mounted Midak Skyblaster
- Winged Humanoid: Lewa Nuva (using his Air Katanas as wings) and Kopaka Phantoka
- Wolverine Claws: Onua Mata's claws
- Won the Superpower Lottery: Although all Toa have this to some extent, Tahu more than qualifies for this trope once he acquired the Golden Armor. It has granted him all 40+ Makuta powers, making him the most powerful Toa of all despite having been reverted to his original form.
Formerly an adventurous Matoran named Takua; he's still unsure of himself in the role of a hero. The first and so far only Toa of Light. Word of God says that he is the very first Matoran built by the Great Beings.
- Amplifier Artifact: the Power Lance
- Awesome Backpack: in the Mata Nui Online Game
- Blade on a Stick: Staff of Light originally, Power Lance in Karda Nui, then ...
- Dual-Wielding: ... by Bara Magna he has twin Light Staffs.
- Care Bear Stare: his Mask of Light
- Casting a Shadow: Gained Shadow powers briefly while corrupted in Karda Nui.
- Cool Bike: the Ussanui, a hovering motorcycle-like mount built mostly from the bodies of Makuta's Rahkshi
- The Exile: in Quest for the Toa for his adventurous spirit, but he's later allowed back.
- Featureless Protagonist: At first, he was the Player Character in the first Mata Nui Online Game.
- Flight: temporarily in Karda Nui, thanks to a virus given by Krika in the Toa Empire Pocket Dimension
- Frickin' Laser Beams: the Midak Skyblaster he used in Karda Nui
- Fusion Dance: with Makuta into Takutanuva (Not an inherent ability but via a quick dip in a bath of Energized Protodermis)
- I Have Many Names: Protagonist example. He was called Takua, later occasionally called "The Chronicler" during the course of the Mata Nui Onling Game, later upgrades to "Takuanuva", the Toa of Light.
- It Was with You All Along: Takua's journey to find the Toa of Light ended with him becoming the Toa of Light.
- Kid Appeal Character: especially as Takua
- Light'Em Up / Holy Hand Grenade
- Master of Illusion: he's learned to can manipulate light to create holograms.
- Our Giants Are Bigger: in Karda Nui; the location's unique Light energies made him grow to at least ten feet tall.
- Paint It Black/Red Right Hand: when corrupted with Shadow, the gold parts of his armor turned black
- Sixth Ranger (to the Toa Nuva, unofficially) And a textbook example.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: in Karda Nui when he lost part of his light.
- Supporting Leader: Before becoming a Toa, that is.
- Sword and Gun: Staff and Gun, actually, in Karda Nui
- Trapped in Another World: three times in a row before actually getting to Karda Nui in his own universe.
- Yin-Yang Bomb: For a brief period, but it was there.
The Toa Metru / Toa Hordika / Turaga
Just before Mata Nui fell asleep, the Toa Metru were empowered to protect and rescue the Matoran of Metru Nui from the coming disaster. They spent some of this time mutated into half-beast Toa Hordika, and have since retired to lead the Matoran as Turaga elders.
The Toa Metru are Vakama, leader and Toa of Fire; Nokama, Toa of Water; Matau, Toa of Air; Onewa, Toa of Stone; Nuju, Toa of Ice; and Whenua, Toa of Earth.
- Abnormal Ammo: Vakama Metru has a launcher for the Kanoka Disks that are common in Metru Nui
- Always Someone Better: Onewa was this to Ahkmou, led to the latter's bitterness and resentment.
- All Webbed Up: prior to the Toa Metru's transformation into Toa Hordika
- Animal Talk: Nuju, learned as a Toa Hordika from Kualus and used as a Turaga. Specifically, it's bird talk.
- Badass Bookworm: Nokama (teacher), Whenua (historian), and Nuju (scholar)
- Beast Man: the Toa Hordika
- Bifurcated Weapon: Whenua Metru's Earthshock Drills
- Caped Mecha: in the movies, the Turaga are depicted with robes
- Chainsaw Good: Matau's Kau Kau Staff, which is basically a Simple Staff with a buzzsaw on the head.
- Cool Sword: Matau Metru's Aero Slicers, arguably Matau Hordika's Fang Blades and Nuju Hordika's Hordika Teeth
- Drop the Hammer: Turaga Onewa's Stone Hammer
- Dual-Wielding: all six in both of their Toa forms, except for Vakama Metru
- Epic Flail: Nokama Metru's Hydro Blades and Toa Onewa's Proto Pitons and Claw Clubs
- Eyepatch of Power: built into Toa Nuju's mask
- Failure Knight: Vakama Hordika
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero: Vakama
- The Lancer: Onewa, then Matau
- The Big Guy: Nuju, then Onewa
- The Smart Guy: Whenua
- The Chick: Matau, then (by process of elimination) Nuju
- The Heart: Nokama
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Vakama is L and Gambit.
- Nokama is Rarity.
- Whenua is Naraku and Myoga and Sideways.
- Matau and Onewa are Vegeta and Tiger of the Wind.
- How Do I Shot Web?: activating their mask powers
- Jet Pack: Vakama Metru's Disk Launcher doubles as one.
- Leeroy Jenkins: Vakama when the Hordika arc starts.
- Mask of Power:
- Invisibility Cloak: Vakama's Mask of Concealment
- Master of Illusion: Matau's Mask of Illusion
- Shapeshifting: upgrades to this at Toa level
- Mind Control: Onewa's Mask of Mind Control (but the control only lasts as long as he keeps his focus)
- Mind Over Matter: Nuju's Mask of Telekinesis
- Night Vision Goggles: Whenua's Mask of Night Vision
- Upgrades to include Fantastic Light Source and X-Ray Vision at Toa level
- Translator Microbes: Nokama's Mask of Translation
- Speaks Fluent Animal: It also translates Rahi-speak at Toa level.
- Mr. Exposition: As Turaga. Eventually deconstructed as the Toa Nuva start wondering why they have a handy legend to pull out whenever a new enemy emerges.
- Powerful Pick: Nuju's Ice Pick
- Prongs of Poseidon: Turaga Nokama's Trident
- Psychic Dreams for Everyone: Vakama
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: subverted, Vakama gets green eyes when during his Face Heel Turn, but gets his original red eyes back in his Heel Face Turn.
- Spin to Deflect Stuff: Nokama Metru used her Hydro Blades this way
- Staff of Authority: as Turaga
- Super-Powered Evil Side: the Hordika mutations, though Vakama took it farther than the others.
- This Is a Drill: Whenua's Earthshock Drills (as a Toa Metru) and "Drill of Onua" (as a Turaga)
- Transformation Trauma: the Hordika mutations
- Tricked-Out Shoes: Nuju Metru's Crystal Spikes could be used as snowshoes.
- The Unintelligible: Turaga Nuju, by choice. He had Matoro be his Translator Buddy most of the time.
- Watch Out for That Tree: a Running Gag in Legends of Metru Nui for Matau slamming into solid objects.
- When Elders Attack: Turaga Vakama whacks a Rahkshi on the head with his Firestaff, though it really doesn't do much.
- Winged Humanoid: Matau Metru with his Aero Slicers as wings
The Toa Inika / Toa Mahri
A group of Matoran who followed the Toa Nuva to aid them, only to find them transformed into Toa themselves. Their destiny was to save Mata Nui's life. They began as lightning-powered Toa Inika, then were changed into aquatic Toa Mahri forms.
The Toa are Jaller, leader and Toa of Fire; Matoro, Toa of Ice; Hahli, Toa of Water; Kongu, Toa of Air; Hewkii, Toa of Stone; and Nuparu, Toa of Earth.
- Ascended Extras
- Attack Animal: the Hahnah Crab allied with Jaller Mahri was armed with a Cordak Blaster.
- Automatic Crossbows: Kongu Inika's Laser Crossbow
- An Axe to Grind: Hewkii Inika's Laser Axe
- Badass Bookworm: Nuparu (engineer) and Matoro (translator)
- Blade on a Stick: Hewkii Mahri's Aqua Warblade
- The Captain: Jaller, formerly of the Ta-Koro Guard, and Kongu, formerly of the Gukko Force
- The Chosen One: Matoro
- Carry a Big Stick: Kongu's Laser Crossbow transformed into a club-like weapon when he became a Toa Mahri. He discarded it for carrying two Cordak Blasers.
- Chain Pain: Hewkii's Climbing Chain and later Electrified Chain
- Cool Sword: Jaller's Energized Flame Swords and Power Sword, Matoro Inika's Energized Ice Sword, and Nuparu Mahri's Aqua Blade Blaster
- Flaming Sword: Jaller can make his swords flare.
- Oddly-Shaped Sword
- Decoy Protagonist: Jaller. He's the red-armored team leader like the last two Heroes - but Matoro's The Chosen One.
- Depleted Phlebotinum Shells: the Toa Inika's Zamor Spheres
- Discard and Draw
- Dual-Wielding: Jaller Inika, though setwise he only has one Energized Flame Sword
- Energy Weapons: the Toa Inika's weapons - four Laser Blades and two Frickin' Laser Beams
- Five-Man Band
- The Hero and The Lancer: Originally Jaller and Matoro respectively, but they switched as they realized Matoro's importance.
- The Big Guy: Hewkii
- The Smart Guy: Nuparu
- The Chick: Kongu
- The Heart: Hahli
- Gadgeteer Genius: Nuparu
- Gatling Good: the Toa Mahri's Cordak Blasters
- Giant Enemy Crab: subverted with the Hahnah Crab that follows Jaller Mahri around; it's an ally and it's not really big.
- Guns Akimbo: Kongu with his Laser Crossbow and Zamor Launcher as a Toa Inika and dual Cordak Blasters as a Toa Mahri
- Harpoon Gun: Hahli Inika's Laser Harpoon
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Jaller is Dende and Kento of Hardrock.
- How Do I Shot Web?: controlling their mask powers
- Heroic Sacrifice: Matoro, when he gives up his life to keep Mata Nui alive
- It Is Not Your Time: Matoro in Inferno, so that in 2007 he's ...
- Killed Off for Real: Matoro
- Lightning Can Do Anything: the Inika powers, as well as Hewki Mahri's Electricified Chain
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Nuparu Mahri's Razor-Edged Protosteel Shield
- Mask of Power:
- Animate Dead: Matoro Mahri's Mask of Reanimation
- Bad Powers, Good People: the Ignika gave Matoro this mask as a test of character.
- Everything Sensor: Hahli Inika's Mask of Detection and Jaller Mahri's Mask of Sonar
- Flight: Nuparu Inika's Mask of Flight
- Gravity Master: Hewkii's Mask of Gravity
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Hewkii Inika's Mask of Accuracy
- Invisibility Cloak: Nuparu Mahri's Mask of Stealth has near-invisibility
- Mega Manning: Hahli Mahri's Mask of Kindred can mimic a Rahi's power in the general environment the mask is activated.
- Summon Bigger Fish: Kongu Mahri's Mask of Summoning...
- Unpredictable Results: ...but there's no guarantee that said Fish will be Bigger (he can't choose or control what he summons).
- Telepathy: Kongu Inika's Mask of Telepathy
- Winds of Destiny Change: Jaller Inika's Mask of Fate (limited to affecting Jaller's physical feats only - in practice it works like Super Reflexes)
- Animate Dead: Matoro Mahri's Mask of Reanimation
- No Face Under the Mask: Played with; the Toa Inika's faces glow brightly when they remove their Kanohi. Setwise, their faces are just blanks.
- Only Mostly Dead: Matoro at one point, Jaller as a Matoran
- Power Incontinence: Kongu never had full control over his masks (the first due to inexperience, the second was just unpredictable)
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Jaller and Matoro, though a bit inverted in that Jaller has some Blue traits (he's usually calm and professional) while Matoro has some Red (his compassion for others helped make him The Chosen One).
- Star Power: courtesy of the Red Star for the Toa Inika.
- Sword and Gun: Jaller (both forms), Matoro Inika, Hahli Inika, and Hewkii (both forms, though his Inika form is Axe and Gun)
- Taking the Bullet: Jaller for Takua, when they were both Matoran
- Team Pet: Jaller had a Hahnah Crab tagging along in Mahri Nui
- This Is a Drill: Nuparu Inika's Laser Drill
- Translator Buddy: Before becoming a Toa, Matoro was one to Turaga Nuju.
- Shoulder Cannon: Nuparu Inika's shoulder-mounted Zamor Launcher
- Winged Humanoid: Hahli Mahri
- Wings Do Nothing: They're actually fins; she can't fly with them.
- Wolverine Claws: Nuparu Inika's claws, Hahli Mahri's Protosteel Talons, Matoro Mahri's Twin Cutters
The Rahaga / Toa Hagah
Elite Toa who served as bodyguards to Makuta. Once they realized he was corrupt, they rebelled, but not before being mutated into weak "Rahaga". The Rahaga became master hunter/trappers working to rescue Rahi beasts and eventually served as mentors to the Toa Hordika. The Toa Nuva later arranged for them to be returned to their Toa Hagah forms.
The Toa are Norik, leader and Toa of Fire; Iruini, Toa of Air; Kualus, Toa of Ice; Gaaki, Toa of Water; Pouks, Toa of Stone; and Bomonga, Toa of Earth.
- Animal Talk: used by Kualus, specifically bird talk
- Blade on a Stick: all are equipped with these in both forms, such as Norik's Lava Spear and Iruini's Cyclone Spear (though the Rahaga versions are closer to Simple Staffs).
- Bling Bling Bang: their armor is said to be forged from precious metals.
- Bodyguarding a Badass: Did this for Makuta. There were other Hagah teams that did the same for other Makuta.
- Lava Adds Awesome: Norik's Lava Spear
- Five-Man Band: Though we don't know everyone's placement.
- The Hero: Norik
- The Lancer: Iruini
- Lotus Eater Machine: Makuta stuck them in one for a little while
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: they have Rhotuka Launching Shields in their Toa forms in addition to spears
- Mask of Power:
- The Beast Master: Kualus' Mask of Rahi Control
- Mega Manning: Pouks' Mask of Emulation
- Seers: Gaaki's Mask of Clairvoyance
- Sizeshifter: Norik's Mask of Diminishment and Bomonga's Mask of Growth
- Teleporters and Transporters: Iruini's Mask of Quick Travel
- Praetorian Guard: to Makuta, and there were other Toa Hagah teams that performed similar duties
- Speaks Fluent Animal: Kualus to birds.
Other Toa
- Lhikan, a Toa of Fire: A well-respected veteran Toa. One of the last protectors of Metru Nui before the Great Cataclysm, and disappeared just before the Toa Metru were created.
- Barrier Warrior: his Mask of Shielding
- The Captain
- Cain and Abel: with Nidhiki
- Cool Sword
- Bifurcated Weapon: his Fire Greatswords can be combined into a shield, as well as a board
- Flaming Sword (by association)
- Dual-Wielding
- I Let Gwen Stacy Die
- Legendary in the Sequel: well, from flashback to present
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- The Obi-Wan: to the Toa Metru
- Simple Staff: gains one as a Turaga
- Sky Surfing: with his Fire Greatswords
- Taking the Bullet: for Vakama
- Ignika, "Toa of Life": The sentient Mask of Life, inspired by Toa Matoro's sacrifice, decided to create a body for itself and try to live as an independent being. He aimed to help the Toa Nuva in Karda Nui. The mask also curses whoever touches it, save only those destined to carry it.
- Artifact of Death
- Cool Mask / Mask of Power
- Cool Sword: Lifeblade
- Curse Escape Clause: Most of the time, the curse only lasts as long as the victim is touching the mask. Unfortunately, there are cases where the curse is permanent even when someone lets go of it.
- Cursed with Awesome: some of the mask's curses
- Blessed with Suck: the inevitable result when the mask tries to help someone
- Emergent Human
- Empathic Weapon
- Forged by the Gods
- Frickin' Laser Beams: his Midak Skyblaster
- Goo-Goo Godlike: although not an infant but a Toa created instantly, Toa Ignika had initially acted on emotion
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Only the Chosen May Wield
- Self-Guarding Phlebotinum: curses those unworthy who hold it.
- Sky Surfing: Skyboard
- Someone Has to Die: to use the mask to heal Mata Nui
- Sword and Gun
- Lesovikk, Toa of Air: Leader of the first Toa team until a moment's hesitation cost the rest of the team their lives. Over the years he completely lost his self confidence, believing he wasn't worthy of being a Toa. Faced Karzahni in the Pit around the same time the Toa Mahri were fighting the Barraki there; afterward he assisted Hydraxon in tracking down escaped prisoners. On Spherus Magna he confronted other Toa about Karzahni roaming free and left to track him... suspiciously before Karzahni turned up dead.
- Cool Sword
- Failure Knight
- Gatling Good: the Cordak Blaster mounted on his Sea Sled
- Heroic BSOD
- Lotus Eater Machine: Put into one by Karzahni where his team survived. He got out of it when he remembered the accident.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill: According to Word of God, he's an aversion - his self-imposed status as a Failure Knight gives him reason to think he's exempt from this rule. Considering the mysterious circumstances of Karzahni's death, we might have just seen in-story proof.
- Walking the Earth
- Tuyet, Toa of Water: Once protected Metru Nui alongside Lhikan and Nidhiki. Secretly owned a relic called the Nui Stone, but crossed the line by murdering Matoran to cover it up. Her teammates defeated her and the Order made her disappear; she eventually escaped and made her way back with the Nui Stone. In a parallel universe, Nidhiki took Tuyet's side and she led the Toa into becoming the Toa Empire, until "our" Takanuva arrived and helped the rebellion overthrow her.
- Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: the Nui Stone
- Cool Sword
- First Law of Resurrection: Originally thought to have died in the Pit (the Order's prison). She was eventually brought back, explaining that she had been imprisoned in another dimension, hidden even from some of the Order; the Tuyet in the Pit was an alternate-universe version.
- Intangible Man: her Mask of Intangibility
- Knight Templar
- Portal Cut: Cause of death for the "Empress" Tuyet
The Order of Mata Nui
An secret organization that formed to do jobs that Toa cannot, because either they would conflict with Toa codes of honor or they would be hindered by the Toa's reputation as "good guys". The Order has recently gone public to declare all-out war on the Makuta.
The order's members and agents include Toa Helryx (leader), Axonn, Brutaka, Botar (transport, primarily of prisoners), Hydraxon (jailer), Mazeka (Matoran spy), and Toa Krakua (liason to Toa). They also make use of Maxilos robots.
- An Axe to Grind: Axonn's Giant Axe, of course
- Ancient Tradition
- Arm Cannon: Hydraxon has a Cordak Blaster mounted on his right wrist.
- Badass Normal: Hydraxon and Mazeka
- Battle Boomerang: Hydraxon's Exploding Boomerangs
- BFG: The heavily armed Midak Skyblaster on Mazeka's Swamp Strider
- Call on Me: Botar
- Cain and Abel: Axonn and Brutaka (during the latter's brief Face Heel Turn)
- Contest Winner Cameo: Krakua
- Cool Mask / Mask of Power: The two Toa, Axonn, and Brutaka
- Cool Sword: Krakua's Sonic Vibration Sword
- Flaming Sword: Maxilos robots' Twin-Bladed Black Fire Swords
- Double Weapon: Brutaka's Rotating Blades
- Epic Flail: Helryx
- Faith Heel Turn: Brutaka (he got better)
- Hero Secret Service
- Gadgeteer Genius: Helryx, who designed and built Mazeka's Swamp Strider.
- Gatling Good: Hydraxon's Cordak Blaster. Actually, he designed the Cordaks in the first place. Maxilos robots use them as well.
- The Jailer: Hydraxon (it's in his job description), and Botar was in charge of prisoner apprehension and transport.
- Killed Off for Real: Botar
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Botar's unnamed replacement, though that may change if he's ever allowed to get a personality.
- Knife Nut: Hydraxon's Wrist Blades and Back Blades. Brutaka and Mazeka also have knives.
- Lie Detector: Axonn's Mask of Truth
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Helryx
- Made of Explodium: Hydraxon's Exploding Boomerangs
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Krakua, Toa of Sonics
- Brown Note: During the Brotherhood of Makuta's siege of Metru Nui, Krakua was convinced by Hahli to cycle through mutliple frequencies until he manages to find one that would awaken the Bohrok from their hibernation.
- Making a Splash: Helryx, Toa of Water
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: Botar
- Moses in the Bulrushes: the Order spread Matoran of Light throughout the world to protect them
- Never Mess with Granny: Helryx, who was the first Toa and has been active a full hundred thousand years. There's a good reason she's still alive after all that time.
- No Waterproofing in the Future: averted, Maxilos robots are waterproofed
- Order Reborn: The Order started as a public group called the Hand of Artakha in a time before Toa existed. It reformed as the Order in secret.
- Phlebotinum Overdose: occurs to Brutaka when he fell into a pool of Antidermis
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: Axonn can do this with his axe
- Pretty Spry for a Dead Guy: Hydraxon, albeit an unusual case because the true Hydraxon is dead, but a Matoran named Dekar was transformed by the Ignika into a copy of Hydraxon with all the original's memories and personality. He still hasn't learned the truth.
- Psychic Block Defense: Due to the sensitive information they carry, all members are trained to have their minds shielded against telepathy and mental attack.
- Psychic Powers: Helryx's Mask of Psychometry
- Shoot the Dog
- Shoulder Cannon: Maxilos robots have shoulder-mounted Cordak Blasters
- Spider Tank: Mazeka's Swamp Strider
- Supporting Leader: Helryx
- Teach Me How to Fight: How Mazeka got involved in the Order.
- Telepathy: Krakua's Mask of Telepathy
- Teleporters and Transporters: Brutaka's Mask of Dimensional Gates; Botar naturally
- They Have the Scent: The Order uses Energy Hounds that track their prey like this, even with only a mote of dust.
- Thou Shalt Not Kill: averted with Helryx due to Order's purpose of doing jobs Toa can't
- Wolverine Claws: Hydraxon's Wrist Blades were mounted like these
Matoran Universe Villains
The Big Bad. Executed a daring plan to wrest control of the universe away from Mata Nui and it worked. His real name is Teridax, but he prefers to go by his title of "Makuta" (specified as "the Makuta of Metru Nui" when there's more than one Makuta around) to the point that few outside his brother Makuta know what his real name even is.
- A God Am I: when he takes control of Mata Nui's body.
- Animated Armor
- Big Bad
- Blade on a Stick: Staff of Darkness
- Body Horror: in "The Kingdom" pocket dimension, where he absorbed the mass of his fellow Brotherhood members, in addition to their knowledge.
- Cain and Abel: with Mata Nui, according to the legends
- The Chessmaster: When he has around 80,000 years to plan, and even succeed at near the end, Teridax definitely counts as one of the greatest of these.
- Characterization Marches On: In his first appearances, he was basically Giygas and Zeromus if they were a swirling mass of mechanical body parts. Nowadays, he's a much more conventional villain.
- Classic Villain: Representing Ambition and Envy
- Cool Mask / Mask of Power: his Mask Of Shadow
- Drop the Hammer: His good twin from an alternate universe carries a warhammer.
- Eldritch Abomination: During the first few years of the Matoran Arc. He's been downgraded to The Chessmaster, but some elements of this still remain.
- Elemental Powers: Casting a Shadow
- Energy Being
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"
- Eviler Than Thou: provoked the Brotherhood/Dark Hunter War, shattered Karzahni's mind, challenged the Barraki (though he threw that fight), and eliminated the other Makuta
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Expecting Someone Taller: At the end of the Mata Nui Online Game, Makuta Teridax looks just like a Matoran.
Makuta: You expected something else? Something like... THIS!?
- Fusion Dance: with Takanuva into Takutanuva
- I Am the Noun: "I am Brotherhood Law!" And later, "I am the universe!"
- Killed Off for Real: Subverted more times than it's funny. Then played straight. But his benevolent alternate-self still lives.
- Large and In Charge: towards Rahkshi
- Last of His Kind (In a Self-Made Orphan kind of way, though he did leave Miserix merely trapped to have something to gloat over.)
- Mad Scientist
- Mook Maker: he can spawn Kraata to make Rahkshi.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: during the Metru Nui arc
- No Name Given: Up until the Karda Nui arc.
- One-Winged Angel: Does this a few times.
- Power Gives You Wings: after fusing Nivawk with himself, he gains its wings.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: when he takes over Mata Nui's body, the body's eyes turn red.
- Shapeshifting
- Sociopathic Hero: before becoming a villain
- Winged Humanoid: his "Ultimate Dume" form
- Xanatos Speed Chess
- You Are Too Late: Probably just about as powerful and as awesome as the former Trope Namer
- You Can't Fight Fate: In a more ironic fashion - he and his species were originally created to help Mata Nui restore the shattered Spherus Magna to its original state, but he rebelled against that to take the universe for himself. During the final battle with Mata Nui, he ended up pulling the fragments closer together and was killed when one crushed his head. But because he brought them so close to the planet, Mata Nui was able to finish the restoration on his own.
The Brotherhood Of Makuta
The rest of Makuta's species; they also were disgruntled with Mata Nui getting all the praise instead of them. When Makuta proposed his plan to usurp Mata Nui, most rallied behind it (dissenters were executed).
Besides the one known best as just "Makuta" noted above, the most prominent Makuta are those sent to invade Karda Nui: Antroz, Chirox, Vamprah, Krika, Bitil, Gorast, Mutran, and Icarax (of these, the first three are known as the "Phantoka", while the second three are called the "Mistika"). Others include former leader Miserix, scheming scientist Tridax and renegade Spiriah.
- Animated Armor: Except for Miserix. Icarax was also devolved so he's no longer this.
- Badass Biker: Antroz with the Destral Cycle, stolen from Avak.
- Bat Out of Hell: The Phantoka. Vamprah, in particular
- BFG: Spiriah was given a Midak Skyblaster, and the Mistika used Nynrah Ghostblasters
- Blade on a Stick: Mutran's Shadow Spear and Tridax's Acid Spear
- Bodyguarding a Badass: Some Makuta, including Teridax, had Toa Hagah as bodyguards so they wouldn't have to deal with every little annoyance.
- Brotherhood of Evil: subverted under Miserix's rule, played straight under Teridax's.
- Combo-Platter Powers: And nearly FIFTY of them, to boot!
- Contagious AI: in their Energy Being forms, Makuta can possess machinery, although they lose some of their Combo-Platter Powers.
- Contest Winner Cameo: Miserix
- Cool Sword: Icarax's Rotating Shadow Sword, Mutran's Shadow Blade, Bitil's Longswords
- Double Weapon: Icarax's Twin Sword
- Drama-Preserving Handicap: blindness for the Phantoka, Shapeshifter Mode Lock for the Mistika
- Dual-Wielding: Chirox and Bitil
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: part of the reason for the Brotherhood's Face Heel Turn
- Elemental Powers: Casting a Shadow
- The Dark Side: their Shadow powers ended up corrupting them ...
- Energy Being: the energy is called "Antidermis"
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Icarax's Rotating Shadow Sword
- Five-Bad Band: The eight Makuta in Karda Nui
- The Big Bad: Antroz
- The Dragon: Krika
- The Brute: Bitil and Gorast
- The Evil Genius: Chirox and Mutran
- The Dark Chick: Vamprah
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: Icarax
- The Force Is Strong with This One: Makuta are able to sense the presence of each other.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: Ironically, Spiriah with his Midak Skyblaster, as a being of shadow using a light weapon. Also all Makuta's Laser Vision ability mentioned below.
- Hooks and Crooks: Chirox's Hook Blades
- Killed Off for Real: Save for Miserix, every each one. Unless you count the spirits of the unborn Makuta swirling in an Antidermis pool as living.
- Last of His Kind: Miserix
- Leeroy Jenkins: Icarax, who doesn't like Teridax's Xanatos Gambit and would rather just go with brute force.
If you want power, and another has it, you get it not by outwitting him — you get it by stepping over his corpse.
- Thankfully, or unfortunately, Teridax's supporters kill him before Icarax does anything to ruin the plan.
- Mad Scientist: Chirox and Mutran, though the entire organization used to be this, responsible for creating Rahi
- Mask of Power
- Doppelganger Attack: Bitil's Mask of Duplication
- Timey-Wimey Ball: how Bitil gets the dupes
- Adaptive Ability: Miserix' Mask of Mutation can mutate any living thing to the user's needs.
- Emotion Eater and Energy Absorption: Vamprah's Mask of Hunger
- Power Incontinence: can be caused by Gorast's Mask of Disruption
- Won't Work On Me: Krika's Mask of Repusion can repel anything for offense or defense, but works on one thing at a time.
- The Voiceless: Chirox and Mutran's Masks of Silence combines this with making a target deaf.
- Bad Powers, Bad People: Inverted. The powers are considered bad because the people who chose those masks are.
- Doppelganger Attack: Bitil's Mask of Duplication
- Mook Maker: they can spawn Kraata to make Rahkshi.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Gorast
- My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Miserix. Not exactly a good guy, but at least sees value in not causing trouble.
- Name's the Same: Tridax (Makuta of Nynrah and a bit character) and Teridax (Makuta of Metru Nui and the Big Bad)
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: The list of Makuta powers was formalized when the Rahkshi were introduced, but for those not familiar with it the powers can seem like Ass Pulls.
- Adaptive Ability: Adaptation
- The Beast Master: Rahi Control, Insect Control
- Blow You Away: Cyclone
- Chain Lightning
- Disintegrator Ray: Molecular Disruption and Disintegration
- Eye Beams: Heat Vision and Laser Vision
- Good Thing You Can Heal: Quick Healing
- Gravity Master
- Green Thumb: Plant Control
- Improbable Aiming Skills: Accuracy
- Invisibility Cloak: Chameleon
- Make Me Wanna Shout: Sonics and Power Scream
- Mind Control: Rahi Control, Insect Control, and Mind Reading
- Master of Illusion
- Nigh Invulnerability: Limited Invulnerability
- Won't Work On Me: Fire Resistance and Ice Resistance
- Rubber Man: Elasticity
- Selective Magnetism: Magnetism
- Standard Status Effects: specifically the Sleep, Slow, Silence, and Confusion abilities
- Telepathy: Mind Reading
- Time Stands Still: Stasis Control
- Villain Teleportation
- Weapons That Suck: Vacuum
- Weather Control Machine
- You Will Be Assimilated: Shadow Hand
- No Conservation of Energy: Makuta can absorb and convert other beings into mass for their armor.
- Noble Demon: Krika, a little
- Not Quite Flight: out of all the Makuta on Karda Nui, Krika doesn't have wings. However, he uses his Mask Power to repel himself from the ground, thus achieving this.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Miserix's current form
- Phantom Zone Picture: Miserix's fate, he got better though
- Sealed Badass in a Can: Miserix
- Shapeshifting
- Shapeshifter Default Form
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: The Makuta Mistika are stuck in their insectoid forms, thanks to the mutating properties of Karda Nui's swamp.
- Silent Bob: Vamprah
- The Sleepless: thanks to their evolution into Antidermis
- Standard Evil Organization Squad
- The Starscream: Icarax
- Superpower Lottery: Makuta are what happen when an inherently evil species wins the jackpot.
- Sword and Gun: Bitil
- Shoulder Cannon: Krika seems to have a third arm to hold his Nynrah Ghostblaster.
- Vampiric Draining: Gorast, after exposure to Pit Mutagen. Not surprisingly, given her mosquito-like appearance.
- Winged Humanoid: Antroz, Chirox, Mutran, Icarax, Bitil, Gorast, and Spiriah
- Wolverine Claws: Gorast
- You Have Failed Me...: Spiriah ran rather than face this
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness
Suits of armor operated by Kraata spawned from the Makuta. They are used by the Brotherhood of Makuta as part of their army.
There are 42 types of Rahkshi, each possessing one of a Makuta's many powers. The main ones are the named Rahkshi that Makuta sent after the Mask of Light: Turahk, Rahkshi of Fear, Guurahk, Rahkshi of Disintegration, Lerahk, Rahkshi of Poison, Panrahk, Rahkshi of Fragmentation, Vorahk, Rahkshi of Hunger, and Kurahk, Rahkshi of Anger. Makuta is also using Rahkshi of Heat Vision in his invasion of Bara Magna.
- Disintegrator Ray: Guurahk
- Dramatic Shattering: Panrahk
- Elite Mooks
- Energy Absorption: Vorahk
- Emotion Bomb: Turahk (fear) and Kurahk (anger)
- Eye Beams: Rahkshi of Heat Vision
- Flight
- Fusion Dance: Rahkshi Kaita Vo and Za once
- Having a Blast: Panrahk
- Horse of a Different Color: Rahkshi Kaita Vo
- Conservation of Ninjutsu / Mauve Shirt: The six named Rahkshi take a story arc's worth of time to kill. But facing them down by the dozen makes them easy Cannon Fodder. Could have a Real Life justification, as LEGO didn't allow the writers to let their characters use swords the traditional way at first.
- Mooks
- Poisonous Person: Lerahk
- Simple Staff: every Rahkshi's tool
- Throw It In: When Lego ended up making several colors of Kraata instead of just six for the named Rahkshi, writer Greg Farshtey made up a list of powers for them and canonized it.
- Universal Poison: Lerahk
- Unstoppable Rage: Kurahk, and it can make others in this state as well
- Weaksauce Weakness: Without their staffs, a Rahkshi's powers are either weaker or completely inaccessable.
- Wetware CPU
- Zerg Rush: Makuta summoned every Rahkshi on Metru Nui to attack Voporak as a distraction. These Rahkshi disintegrated when they reached Voporak's temporal zone that aged them into dust.
The Dark Hunters
A group of mercenaries led by "the Shadowed One", with enough of a power base to give the Makuta a decent fight. Once worked with the Brotherhood, until Makuta provoked a war with them.
Major Dark Hunters are "the Shadowed One" (leader), Sentrakh (his bodyguard), Voporak, Lariska, Nidhiki, and Krekka
- Blade on a Stick: the Shadowed One's Staff of Protodermis
- Brains and Brawn: Nidhiki and Krekka
- Cain and Abel: Nidhiki, with Toa Lhikan
- Code Name: most Dark Hunters; the ones listed above are pretty much the only exceptions
- Dumb Muscle: Krekka
- Eviler Than Thou: the Brotherhood/Dark Hunter War
- Eye Beams: The Shadowed One, with sometimes odd results.
- Face Heel Turn: Ex-Toa Nidhiki.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Nidhiki was voiced by Paul Dobson, who also voices Naraku and Myoga and Zarbon.
- Invisibility Cloak: Toa Nidhiki's Mask of Stealth had near-invisibility
- Karmic Transformation: Nidhiki being mutated into a insect-like being, the very thing he feared.
- Killed Off for Real: Several, such as Ancient and Guardian.
- Knife Nut: Lariska
- Murder, Inc.
- Mysterious Mercenary Pursuer: Nidhiki and Krekka, to the Toa Metru
- No Name Given: "the Shadowed One"
- Sinister Scythe: Nidhiki's Toa weapon
- Shoulder Cannon: Krekka's shoulder-mounted Disk Launcher
- The Starscream: Deliberately invoked by the Shadowed One, who encourages his minions to constantly watch him, and kill him if he ever shows a sign of weakness.
- Walking Wasteland: Voporak gives off a temporal force field that ages anything thrown at him and can more quickly age objects through touch.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Nidhiki was afraid of insects as a Toa, making his mutation an ironic one.
- You Have Failed Me...: One of the minor Hunters has the specific task of eliminating any Hunter that fails their mission, and finishing the mission himself.
The Visorak
A conquering horde of giant spiders, led by Sidorak and Roodaka on behalf of the Brotherhood of Makuta. They ravaged much of the Matoran world, and their most fearsome weapon is their Hordika venom which causes horrible mutations in its victims.
The horde eventually disbanded after Sidorak's death, on the orders of Toa Vakama (who was at that point their general). The Brotherhood was able to bring some Visorak back under their control, but with Makuta's plan coming to fruitition the Order of Mata Nui took the step of eradicating the species. Makuta recreated them soon afterwards, though. With his demise, the fate of the horde remains unknown.
The Visorak breeds are Keelerak, Vohtarak, Boggarak, Roporak, Suukorak, Oohnorak, and elite Kahgarak.
- Exclusively Evil
- Barbarian Tribe
- The Berserker: Vohtarak
- Energy Absorption: Roporak's disruptor Rhotuka
- Everything's Better with Spinning: All Visorak can launch Rhotuka Spinners from their backs; Keelerak can also spin like buzzsaws.
- Four-Legged Insect
- Giant Spiders
- Hollywood Acid: Keelerak's acid Rhotuka
- Invisibility Cloak: Roporak
- The Man Behind the Monsters: Sidorak and Roodaka
- Mooks
- Elite Mooks: Kahgarak
- Proud Warrior Race Guys
- The Swarm
- Teleporters and Transporters: Kahgarak's Rhotuka can open portals to a pocket dimension of darkness.
- Voice Changeling: Oohnorak
- We Can Rule Together in Unholy Matrimony: Sidorak to Roodaka. She strings him along until she's set things up so she could say I Can Rule Alone.
First seen acting as second-in-command of the Visorak armies for the Brotherhood of Makuta, though she schemed to be named their queen. After the armies disbanded, she became a worked for both the Brotherhood and the Dark Hunters - until they each found out about her dalliances with the other. The Order caught her soon afterward.
- The Baroness
- Boxed Crook
- The Chessmaster
- Double Reverse Quadruple Agent
- Femme Fatalons
- Lady Macbeth
- Manipulative Bitch
- More Deadly Than the Male
- Planet of Copyhats: Roodaka's a female leader, therefore her home island is a matriarchy. She plays all sides, therefore her people sell weapons to everyone (though at least they're open about their neutrality). Apparently, even the males of her race look like her.
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: After Roodaka engineered Sodorak's death, the Visorak were only too happy to follow Vakama's order to abandon her.
- Shoot the Messenger: Roodaka does this to the Visorak who tells her of the Toa Hordika's escape.
- The Starscream: To Sidorak.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics: the only female in the franchise to have 'em, including...
- The Vamp
The Piraka
A group of Skakdi who abandoned the Dark Hunters to strike out on their own. They competed with the Toa Inika to claim the Mask of Life, but accidentally got mutated into sea snakes and captured by the Order of Mata Nui. They were later, along with various other beings, dropped into an Energized Protodermis vat, fusing them all into a golden being with God-like powers. It is unknown at this point whether the Piraka can still be considered existing entities or not.
The Piraka are Zaktan (leader), Hakann, Vezok, Thok, Avak, and Reidak. Also included here is Nektann, a Skakdi warlord, who is also insultingly called a "Piraka" but is not part of Zaktan's group.
- A God Am I: Hakann and Thok. It doesn't last.
- Adaptive Ability: Reidak
- Exclusively Evil: the entire Skakdi race
- Appropriated Appellation: the term "Piraka"
- Badass Biker: Avak made and used a Cool Bike, but it was stolen by the Brotherhood of Makuta.
- Badass Boast: Reidak. "Rahkshi? * snap* I pick my teeth with Rahkshi."
- Big Bad Wannabes
- Card-Carrying Villain: Considering Appropriated Appellation and Pardon My Klingon...
- Chainsaw Good: Reidak's Buzz Saw, Vezok's Water Harpoon has a buzzsaw on one end.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: in spades
- Combo-Platter Powers: Each Skakdi has three powers:
- Elemental Powers: though they have to work with each other to be able to access them
- Eye Beams (or some other vision enhancement)
- And a random third one, though sometimes the powers do line up (Hakann, for example, has Fire powers and heat Eye Beams).
- Depleted Phlebotinum Shells: their Zamor Spheres
- Enemy Without: Vezon is one to Vezok
- Faux Affably Evil
- Five-Bad Band
- The Big Bad: Zaktan
- The Evil Genius: Avak
- The Dark Chick: Vezok
- The Brute: everyone else
- For the Evulz
- Freeze Ray: Thok's Ice Gun
- Gadgeteer Genius: Avak
- Gold Fever: with the Mask of Life as the "gold"
- Harpoon Gun: Vezok's Water Harpoon
- Killed Off for Real: Zaktan. We think.
- Magma Man: Hakann's Lava Launcher
- Most Definitely Not a Villain: towards the Voya Nui Matoran, until they enslaved them all
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Non-Indicative Name: Nektann's toy is labeled a "Piraka" even though he has nothing to do with the group, as "Piraka" has more brand recognition. Justified as he did something nasty to deserve the insulting name.
- Pardon My Klingon: "Piraka" means "thief and murderer", with Complete Monster subtext
- The Pawns: Except for maybe Zaktan, who had some idea of the bigger picture.
- Planet of Copyhats: The Piraka are sadistic, brutal, and backstabby. Their race? Oh, they're all like that.
- Power Parasite: Vezok
- Powerful Pick: Avak's Seismic Pickaxe
- Psycho for Hire: Vezok
- The Quisling: Nektann. Siding with Makuta after his takeover is what earned him his status as a slimy no-good Piraka.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: The Piraka were mutated into only heads and spine, so they look like snakes.
- Sinister Scythe: Nektann's weapon
- Slasher Smile
- Nektann has the same big mouth, but is a Perpetual Frowner instead.
- Standard Evil Organization Squad
- Super Smoke: Zaktan can disperse himself into Protodites.
- Sure Why Not: "Nektann" was originally the name for turrets the Piraka used. When a warlord of the Piraka's race was introduced, a fan suggested that the turrets were named after him.
- Swiss Army Weapon: Usually a gun on one end and some kind of melee weapon on the other
- Sword and Gun: The Piraka had their own personal tool and a Zamor Launcher.
- Tailor-Made Prison: Avak has the power to create these as long as he keeps focused
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: for a very loose definition of "teamwork", anyway
- The Worm That Walks: Zaktan
- This Is a Drill: one end of Reidak's Buzz Saw
- Voice of the Legion: Zaktan
- Wonder Twin Powers: Skakdi elemental powers
- X-Ray Vision: Avak
A fusion mishap caused a second being to be split off from Piraka Vezok. Where Vezon got Vezok's tactical thinking, Vezok kept everything else, like powers and, you know, sanity. The Mask of Life soon roped Vezon into being one of its guardians, though he has since been released from the duty.
Vezon, through a series of complicated events, got permanently fused to a Mask of Dimensional Gates, gaining the power to travel across universes, and literally be able to pop up anywhere.
- Blade on a Stick: his Spear of Fusion, later a powerless spear
- Boxed Crook
- Caped Mecha
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Discard and Draw: Mostly "discard", when he lost the Mask of Life and his spear. He has gotten a Mask of Dimensional Gates since.
- Enemy Without: to Vezok
- Fusion Dance: He was stuck to the back of a Fenrakk spider and the Mask of Life stuck to the back of his head.
- Genius Ditz: From above: "Where Vezon got Vezok's tactical thinking, Vezok kept everything else, like powers and, you know, sanity."
- Meaningful Name: Not to us, but "Vezon" means "Double" in Matoran.
- Merging Machine: his Spear of Fusion can fuse and defuse beings, which is also used in his creation.
- Mask of Power: the Mask of Life, then a Mask of Dimensional Gates
- Prophet Eyes: Of a sort. All Skakdi have innate vision powers; Vezon doesn't naturally but the Mask of Life granted him future sight.
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: to the Piraka
- Slasher Smile
- Teleporters and Transporters: His Mask of Dimensional Gates.
- Power Incontinence: He can't control it.
- Wrecked Weapon: the Spear of Fusion was broken in half by Reidak, but Vezon managed to use the Spear's powers to repair itself. Unfortunately it got burned to a crisp by Jaller on Vezon's next encounter with the Toa Inika.
The Barraki
An alliance of warlords, imprisoned in the ancient past by the Order of Mata Nui for challenging Mata Nui's rule. However, when the prison flooded they changed into sea mutant forms. They tried to claim the Mask of Life when the Toa Mahri stumbled across them. Since then, the Order has recruited them for various missions against the Makuta.
The Barraki are Pridak (leader), Takadox, Ehlek, Kalmah, Carapar, and Mantax. Ehlek also had a lieutenant named Nocturn.
- Abnormal Ammo: the Barraki had launchers that shot vampiric squid
- Boxed Crook
- Combat Tentacles: Kalmah and Nocturn
- Complete Monster: Pridak. OH MY GOD.
- Cool Sword: Pridak's Shark Tooth Blade
- Dual-Wielding: Takadox, Ehlek
- Dumb Muscle: Nocturn
- Enemy Civil War
- Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Pridak as well as the army of mutated Takea he commands
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: Kalmah
- Extra Eyes: Kalmah has a third eye in the middle of his forehead. Pridak stabbed it to the point of not working anymore in a dispute.
- Five-Bad Band
- The Big Bad: Pridak
- The Dragon: Kalmah
- The Brute: Carapar
- The Evil Genius: Mantax
- The Dark Chick: Ehlek
- The Starscream: Takadox
- Giant Enemy Crab: Carapar
- A God Am I: Attempted, but stopped by Makuta. Unfortunately, that inspired Makuta to do it himself.
- Healing Factor: Kalmah and Nocturn, though it didn't help either of them when Pridak stabbed Kalmah in the eye and cut off one of Nocturn's tentacles.
- Hypnotic Eyes: Takadox's hypnosis
- Implacable Man: Carapar
- Killed Off for Real: Carapar and Nocturn
- Knife Nut: Takadox's Twin Knives, later a Protosteel knife and then a stone dagger
- Lean and Mean: Takadox
- Loners Are Freaks: Mantax
- The Mole: Takadox, for the Brotherhood of Makuta
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Nocturn
- Psycho Electric Eel: Ehlek
- Psycho for Hire: Ehlek
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Takadox's second attempt at bargaining his way out of being attacked by Teridax resulted in him being Mind Raped by the Makuta
- The Right Hand of Doom: Carapar's toy set (in canon, his claws are detachable and he can have them on both arms)
- Shark Man: Pridak
- Standard Evil Organization Squad
- Sword and Gun: Pridak and Takadox
- Touch of Death: the Ignika's curse on Nocturn gave him this. It was amusing at first, but got really boring fast.
- Where I Was Born and Razed: Nocturn, who destroyed his home by to hitting its weak point. Needless to say, he ended up in the Pit for massive loss of life it caused.
- That description doesn't quite do it justice.
Takadox: He was exiled from his home island after he broke something.
Mantax: What did he break?
Takadox: The island.
- Wolverine Claws: Ehlek's Tri-Talons.
Other Matoran Universe Characters
The Bohrok Swarm
Bohrok are insectoid drones whose main purpose was to clean all matter from the island of Mata Nui. Unlike the other biomechanical races, they were mechanical drones driven by organic Krana parasites. This mission's purpose is to ensure that the camouflage of flora on Mata Nui's face is gone in preparation for him returning to an upright position. They are controlled by the Bahrag and assisted by the robotic Bohrok Va. In addition, there are the elite Bohrok-Kal created as a failsafe should the Bahrag be defeated.
Initially awakened early by Makuta, the Bohrok swarms were defeated by the Toa Mata when the Toa trapped the Bohrok's twin Bahrag queens in a cage of solid Protodermis. The swarms were reawakened by the Toa Nuva to resume their quest of destruction, and have since gone back to sleep when their mission was completed.
- Be the Ball: Bohrok and Bohrok-Kal tuck themselves in to become balls.
- Chainsaw Good: the Kohrak's Ice Shield resemble buzzsaws
- Elemental Baggage
- Elemental Powers
- An Ice Person (Kohrak and the Bahrag)
- Dishing Out Dirt (Nuhvok (Earth), Pahrak (Stone), and the Bahrag (both))
- Gravity Master (Nuhvok-Kal)
- Hollywood Acid (Lehvak and the Bahrag)
- Make Me Wanna Shout (Kohrak-Kal)
- Making a Splash (Gahlok and the Bahrag)
- Playing with Fire (Tahnok and the Bahrag)
- Selective Magnetism (Gahlok-Kal)
- Shock and Awe (Tahnok-Kal)
- Weapons That Suck (Lehvak-Kal)
- Face Hugger: Krana and Krana-Kal
- Fusion Dance: They could do this, but only one group of Bohrok-Kal has been known to.
- Hive Mind: All except the Bohrok-Kal
- Hive Queen: the Bahrag
- Human Resources: Nuparu built the Boxor mech out of Bohrok parts. Later made Fridge Horror when it was discovered that Bohrok are transformed Matoran of Light.
- Large and In Charge: the Bahrag
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: The regular breeds and Bohrok-Kal
- Praetorian Guard: the Bohrok-Kal
- Puppeteer Parasite: Krana and Krana-Kal
- Mooks: the regular Bohrok breeds
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: the Bohrok-Kal
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Subversion in that they aren't evil, just awakened too early. Eventually they are freed to continue their job.
- The Swarm:
- Telepathy: The only way the Bahrag and Bohrok-Kal can communicate, although for the latter, it's their Krana-Kal.
- Were Once Matoran
- Wetware CPU
The Vahki
Robotic enforcers of order in the city of Metru Nui. They unquestioningly followed the orders of the honorable Turaga Dume (and, sadly, not-so-honorable impostors); and with their black-and-white mentality they couldn't be reasoned with, leaving lawbreakers with the options to surrender or run.
Most Vahki were destroyed in the Great Cataclysm, but those who survived had their programming warped in a power surge, leading them to decide that law could be best kept if there were nobody alive to break it. However, they got wiped out in the Visorak invasion, and after the Matoran returned to the city a thousand years later the Turaga elected not to rebuild them.
There are six main models of Vahki, one for each district: Zadakh, Rorzakh, Bordakh, Nuurakh, Vorzakh, and Keerakh. There are also two special models for emergencies, the Kraahu and Kranua.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot
- Big Brother Is Watching
- Detachment Combat: Kraahu
- Dual-Wielding
- Flight: prior to the Great Cataclysm
- Mecha-Mooks
- Elite Mooks: Kraahu and Kranua
- Mind Manipulation: All the main models had built-in staffs that messed with lawbreakers' heads.
- Charm Person: Bordak's Staffs of Loyalty
- Compelling Voice: Nuurakh's Staffs of Command
- Hypno Fool: Zadakh's Staff of Suggestion
- Phlebotinum-Induced Stupidity: Vorzakh's Staffs of Erasing
- Standard Status Effects (Confusion): Keerakh's Staffs of Confusion
- Tracking Device: Rorzakh's Staffs of Presence, allowing them to see and hear through the victim
- Pulling Themselves Together: after the Great Cataclysm
- Simple Staff
- Super Smoke: Kranua. More like sand than smoke, but same principle.
- Transforming Mecha: could switch between humanoid and insectoid configurations
- Zeroth Law Rebellion
Legendary Figures
- Artakha: Old Matoran myths say that good workers would be sent to the Great Refuge of Artakha where they could work on vital and advanced projects. In truth, the land actually exists and is ruled by a being of the same name. Artakha passed into legend after the Brotherhood assaulted the island and he had the Order eliminate all knowledge of his kingdom's location.
- All Myths Are True
- Cain and Abel: with Karzahni
- Cool Mask / Mask of Power: the Mask of Creation, which helps him design his projects
- Fisher King
- New Powers as the Plot Demands
- The Professor: his creations are the most advanced in the Matoran world
- Reclusive Artist
- Teleporters and Transporters
- Ultimate Blacksmith
- Unperson: the Order only eliminated his location, the rest of the knowledge of his existence merely faded with time; but in any case the result is the same
- The Voice until his appearance in Reign of Shadows.
- Karzahni: The other half of the Artakha myth; bad workers were said to be sent to the kingdom of the tyrant Karzahni for punishment. However, Karzahni was supposed to heal poor-performing Matoran; he just wasn't good at it so he never sent anyone home, thereby earning the realm a reputation as a land of the dead. Karzahni has since learned of the world outside his realm and started to make plans to take over - until he ran afoul of Makuta and made the mistake of Mind Raping him, prompting Makuta to tear the despot's mind apart. Upon arriving on Spherus Magna he escaped in the confusion, only to be found killed under suspicious circumstances.
- All Myths Are True (well, a grain of truth anyway)
- Cain and Abel
- Caped Mecha
- Chain Pain: Flaming Chains
- Cool Mask / Mask of Power: the Mask of Alternate Futures
- Eviler Than Thou: Karzahni vs. Makuta
- Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance: until the Matoran that became the Toa Inika showed up, as his realm had become a Small Secluded World
- Killed Off for Real: Toa Lesovikk is implied to have done the deed.
- Horned Humanoid
- What If: Karzahni's Mask of Alternate Futures
- Mind Rape: the intended effect of the What If scenarios
- Tren Krom: An ancient being who looked after the universe while Mata Nui was still being prepared for the job. When no longer needed; the Great Beings sealed him away on a deserted island. After the Matoran arrived on Spherus Magna he found his way out onto the planet, but was mysteriously killed shortly after Karzahni.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu??: Subverted, Barraki Carapar tried and was vaporized. (Artakha, on the other hand, is powerful enough to give him a Dope Slap.)
- Eldritch Abomination: Subverted, while he certainly looks otherworldly Tren Krom is a native of the Matoran universe.
- Freaky Friday: he forced one on Toa Lewa through a Deal with the Devil
- Go Mad from the Revelation
- Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge
- Killed Off for Real
- Lovecraft Lite
- Mind Rape
- New Powers as the Plot Demands
- Shout-Out: to Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos
Rahi Beasts
A female Shapeshifting Rahi who lived in Metru Nui. Fought with the Toa Metru on the grounds that they were invading her territory, but later joined forces with them (when they were the Toa Hordika) against the Visorak.
- All Your Powers Combined: Her best-known form is a Shapeshifter Mashup of all six Toa Metru.
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous: her merged Toa Metru form
- Shapeshifting
- Shapeshifter Mashup: Again, the Toa Metru form
- Talking Animal
A giant, ill-tempered lizard prone to rampaging when he appears. Having been constantly teleported across the Matoran World, he keeps asking how the hell he got to whatever place he's found himself in.
- Contest Winner Cameo
- Horse of a Different Color: His species were used as mounts by Keetongu's species as well as the Skakdi
- Kaiju
- Talking Animal
- Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Tahtorak kept being pit against other giant monsters, such as Zivon, Kardas, and the Kanohi Dragon.
A legendary Rahi capable of curing many poisons. The Rahaga and Toa Hordika sought him out to fight the Visorak and reverse the Toas' mutations.
- Cyber Cyclops (he looks like one, but his real eyes are hidden)
- Detect Evil
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Whirling Shields
- Last of His Kind: by the Visorak horde
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Whirling Shields
- Talking Animal
Fenrakk / Kardas
A spider made giant-sized to serve as Vezon's steed; was later turned into a dragon after being defeated.
- Breath Weapon (Kardas)
- Chained Heat: to Vezon
- Four-Legged Insect (Fenrakk)
- Fusion Dance: Vezon was stuck to Fenrakk's back
- Giant Flyer (Kardas)
- Giant Spider (Fenrakk)
- Horse of a Different Color
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Our Dragons Are Different (Kardas)
- Scaled Up
Bara Magna
- All Bara Magnans
- Abnormal Ammo: Thornax, a type of spiked, potentially explosive fruit
- Edible Ammunition: But only to the Bone Hunters. Nobody else can stomach it.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience
- Cool Helmet
- Hollywood Cyborg
- 24-Hour Armor
- Abnormal Ammo: Thornax, a type of spiked, potentially explosive fruit
Bara Magna Characters
The Agori
Bara Magna's villagers, trying to eke out an existence on a harsh world. Like Matoran, they are divided into tribes, though only location sets them apart from each other instead of any physical differences. The main tribes to interact with each other are the fire, water, jungle, and ice; and these four have recently united their villages into a large city. (Other known tribes are listed in their own sections.)
- Badass Biker: Agori can take part in Gladiator Games through vehicle combat matches.
- Expy: of Matoran (the other way around in-universe)
- Hobbits
- Little People
- Ungrateful Bastards: towards the Glatorian, who are viewed as useful hired muscle but otherwise unwanted.
The Glatorian
Professional warriors hired by Bara Magna's tribes to represent them in the arena. Unlike Toa, their yet-unnamed race is completely separate from the Agori and they have no special powers. With the tribes uniting, the Glatorian have become the city's defense.
Each major tribe has two Glatorian as their main fighters: originally, the fire tribe had Ackar and Malum, Tarix and Kiina represented the water tribe; Vastus and Gresh championed the jungle tribe; and the ice tribe had Strakk and Gelu. However, Malum and Strakk have each been exiled for assaulting an opponent after a match ended.
- The Atoner: Vastus
- An Axe to Grind: Strakk's Ice Axe
- Badass Abnormal: see Elemental Powers
- Badass Grandpa: Ackar. Tarix and Vastus probably count, too, but Ackar's the one dealing with a midlife crisis.
- Boom Stick: Vastus' Venom Talon has a Thornax Launcher on one end.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Gresh has a mild case, at least compared to the more profit-driven Glatorian
- Cool Sword: Tarix's Water Blades, though their long handles border on Blade on a Stick
- Flaming Sword: Ackar's Flame Sword
- Oddly-Shaped Sword
- Double Weapon: Gelu's Ice Slicer and Kiina's Vapor Trident
- Dual-Wielding: Tarix, Gresh
- Dual Tonfas: Gresh
- Elemental Powers: Mata Nui's allies (so everyone except Malum, Strakk, and Gelu) as of Legend Reborn
- The Exile: Malum, later Strakk
- Expy: of Toa (again, the Glatorian's race came first in-universe, though a few getting Elemental Powers have made them sort of Recursive Expies)
- Hey, It's That Voice!
- Jeff Bennett: Strakk and Tarix
- Jim Cummings: Ackar
- So that means Skrawl fights Skrall!
- James Arnold Taylor: Vastus
- Jerkass: Strakk
- Kick Them While They Are Down: Malum tried this on Strakk. He got fired for it.
- Strakk, however, tries it on Ackar after losing a match to him. He got fired, too.
- The Ladette: Kiina
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Gresh, plus Strakk and Ackar use shields in the movie
- Bifurcated Weapon: Gresh's splits into Dual Tonfas.
- Magic Feather: inverted with Ackar - he thinks he's losing his edge due to age, but it's just a confidence problem
- Nature Hero: Malum - well, more like Nature Anti-Hero.
- Not in This For Your Revolution: Gelu a little, Strakk a lot
- Only in It For the Money: Strakk again
- Prongs of Poseidon: Kiina's Vapor Trident
- Sinister Scythe: Vastus' Venom Talon (though the "Sinister" part is subverted; he's one of the good guys)
- Sword and Gun
- Token Evil Teammate: Strakk, before he gets banished in Legend Reborn. Malum also counts (he's "off the team" before the story starts, but has allied against the Skrall at least once).
- Shoulder Cannon: Malum has a shoulder-mounted Thornax Launcher.
- Wolverine Claws: Malum's Flame Claws
Rock Tribe
A previously isolated tribe that recently moved south to join the others, and started taking resources left and right from the other tribes through arena victories before moving to open warfare. Their Glatorian are Skrall, a separate species that is better trained and/or physically superior the other fighters. There are at least three breeds of Skrall: soldiers, stronger elite forces, and leaders. The only remaining leader-Skrall is named Tuma, and one of their elite fighters has earned the name Stronius. The females have also split off to become their own faction, the Sisters of the Skrall, after being given psychic abilities by a Great Being an Eldritch Abomination, and are now completely enslaved to the monster's will. After Tuma's humiliating defeat, the tribe has fractured into several splinter groups.
- BFS: Tuma's sword
- Bug Caste System: The bulk of the Skrall are nameless warriors, while Tuma is the sole survivor of the leading "royal" caste of warlords.
- Carry a Big Stick: elite-Skrall's Thorned Clubs
- Chainsaw Good: Saw Blade Shields (actually Buzzsaw Good, but whatever)
- Cool Sword: Skrall Tribal Design Blades
- Eva Fins: soldier-Skrall
- Evil Overlord: Tuma
- Gender-Restricted Ability: The Sisters have mental abilities, as opposed to the physically-focused males.
- Grim Up North
- He-Man Woman Hater: and the feeling is mutual, to the point that they live in separate No Woman's Land and Lady Land (though rock Agori of both genders live with the men).
- Large and In Charge: leader-Skrall
- Last of His Kind: Tuma
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me: Saw Blade Shields, standard equipment for soldier-Skrall, along with Cool Swords. Tuma also has one in the movie.
- Mooks: soldier-Skrall
- Elite Mooks: elite-Skrall
- No Need for Names: mostly; Skrall have to earn the right to have a name
- Opposing Sports Team: while they still bothered with the arena
- Our Giants Are Bigger: leader-Skrall
- Proud Warrior Race Guys
- Swiss Army Weapon: normal Skralls' swords have a Thornax Launcher attached to them.
- Sword and Gun: Tuma; Elite-Skrall are club-and-gun.
- Tron Lines: the rock tribal markings
Toa Mata Nui
An exile from another world, taking the form and title of that world's heroes. His mission was to get back to his realm and rescue his people from the evil that has claimed them. While he didn't have any special powers like real Toa would, the Mask of Life he wore could transform any organic material. Mata Nui only used this form temporarily. He eventually transferred his essence into the repaired prototype of his original body to fight Makuta.
- Ascended Extra
- But Now I Must Go / We Will Meet Again: In the conclusion of Journey's End
- Cool Mask / Mask of Power: the Mask of Life
- Cool Sword: transformed from a Vorox stinger
- Eva Fins
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Commander Worf
- Honor Before Reason
- The Messiah
- Naive Newcomer
- Sword and Gun (his larger toy; his smaller toy is shield-and-gun and he uses sword and shield in the movie)
- The White Prince
- Click: A Scarabax beetle that acts as Mata Nui's pet and sidekick. Thanks to the mask, it can turn into a shield for Mata Nui to use.
- Equippable Ally: Even though he's a shield and not a weapon if you want to get technical.
- Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
- Team Pet
Other Factions
- Sand Tribe: A tribe that was altered by the Great Beings into scorpion-like subspecies; the Agori became the Zesk and the Glatorian are now the Vorox. Since the Shattering, the tribe members on Bara Magna have regressed to a primal state and they now roam the wastelands as little more than beasts (those in the forests of Bota Magna to the north were spared this fate). Kabrua leads the intelligent northern tribe, while ex-Glatorian Malum has earned a place as leader of a wild Vorox pack since his exile.
- Exclusively Evil
- Beware My Stinger Tail: the Trope Namer
- Cool Sword and Blade on a Stick: the southern Vorox's primitive weapons
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- Scary Scorpions
- Bone Hunters: A distant offshoot of the rock Agori, living as nomadic raiders.
- Exclusively Evil
- Barbarian Tribe
- Cool Sword: Fero, one of the Bone Hunters, uses a Skrall Tribal Design Blade.
- Mooks: to the Rock Tribe when they joined forces
- Sword and Gun: Fero uses a Skrall sword and Thornax Launcher
- Iron Tribe: A tribe of miners wiped out by plague prior to the Shattering; they somehow lost their ability to dream, which led to madness and death. (It's later discovered that they were victims of an Eldritch Abomination.) The few Agori and Glatorian-race that remain are shunned as possible disease carriers and live scattered in the wastes. The two members we know of are the Agori slaver Sahmad and mad Glatorian Telluris.
- Exclusively Evil: At least, that's how it appears, given the example that Sahmad and Telluris set.
- Byronic Hero: Sahmad
- Cannot Dream
- Dream Stealer: The actual cause of the "plague".
- Dual-Wielding: Sahmad
- Gadgeteer Genius: Telluris
- The Immune: Anyone who's left is assumed to be this, but with the reveal of the "plague's" origin, it could be the Abomination just got full.
- Spider Tank: the Skopio XV-1 made and used by Telluris
- Awesome but Impractical: Sahmad comments how ineffective the vehicle is for Telluris' conquest, especially the size.
- Beware My Stinger Tail: it has a Thornax Launcher on its tail
- Scary Scorpions
- Swiss Army Weapon: Sahmad has a Cool Sword and Thornax Launcher combination
- Whip It Good: Sahmad
- Baterra: Mechanical shapeshifters created by the Great Beings as a doomsday weapon, programmed to kill all armed combatants. They've driven the rock tribe south, and the Skrall are hoarding resources to prepare for war with them.
- Exclusively Evil
- Grim Up North
- Invisibility
- Override Command: The Great Beings tried to shut them down. It didn't take.
- Shapeshifting
- Sheathe Your Sword: Baterra kill all armed combatants, but "armed" is the key word here.
- Element Lords: Once the same race as the Glatorian (save the Lord of Rock, who was a Skrall), they were transformed by the Great Beings to take over leadership of the Agori tribes, but led the tribes into war over Energized Protodermis. Lost and presumed dead in the Shattering, but they were only trapped; they've recently gotten free (but have not yet interacted with the tribes).
- A God Am I: quoth the Lord of Jungle:
We became nature itself, as benevolent, giving, ruthless and indifferent as that can mean.
- Back to Bionicle
- ↑ The known configurations are the "Phantoka" Sky Form and the "Mistika" Swamp Form used in Karda Nui