Bear Nuts/Characters
The Residents of Discount Zoo.
The Bears
Prozac Bear
(Color: Teal, Insignia: green/yellow capsule): The de facto leader of the bunch. Relentlessly cheerful... until his meds run out.
- Badass
- Beware the Nice Ones - Don't let him get off his meds.
- Hulking Out
- Jekyll and Hyde
- The Pollyanna: Though, as a result of Evil's actions, he's starting to slip into Knight in Sour Armor.
- Sanity Slippage
- Team Mom
- Unstoppable Rage
Evil Bear
(Light gray, red pentagram): Jerkass. Tends to smash things when upset.
- Child-Hater
- Cute Little Fangs - The only bear who seems to have fangs rather than more standard cartoon teeth.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dude in Distress - Oddly, he gets tied up and kidnapped about as often as any princess worth her salt.
- Obviously Evil - Horns, fangs, red eyes, damn near an Evil Albino...
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Pyromaniac
- Slasher Smile
Gay Bear
(Yellow, purple rhinoceros): Fashionista, Homemaker, Fabulous. Not THAT kind of gay bear.
- Blue Eyes
- Camp Gay
- Hair of Gold
- Large Ham - When attempting to elicit sympathy from Lech and Prozac after an injury.
- Not to mention his wrestling debut as The Magnificent Flaming Ho.
- The Fashionista
- Transparent Closet
- Volleying Insults - Most of his conversations with Lech devolve into this.
- Unlimited Wardrobe / Limited Wardrobe - He has an impressive array of outfits... but he mostly seems to collect them, favoring a baby blue bowtie.
Lech Bear
(Blue, panties): Bully, pervert, Gay's hated rival?
- A Man Is Not a Virgin - Tries hard to put up a ladies' man front. Word of God says he's all talk.
- Jerk Jock
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Lech taking the rap for the monkey, who is himself taking the rap for Evil and Nerd, knowing that bodily mutilation is on the line.
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- The Precious Precious Car - Has a brief love affair with a zookeeper's Cool Car. Then crashes it into a wall.
- Villain Team-Up - Forms Team Lecherous Evil with Evil Bear to get a bunch of children boozed up as a prank. They're also volleyball partners.
- Volleying Insults - With Gay
Gimp Bear
(Brown with gimp mask, handcuffs): Silent, kindly medic with an implied kinky side; the most compassionate of the bears.
- Bondage Is Bad - Subverted - Gimp is one of the sweeter characters.
- Fridge Brilliance - That dawning realization that comes when you consider exactly -why- Gimp is trained in first aid...
- Head-Tiltingly Kinky - Occasionally shown or implied to partake in his uhm, hobbies, offscreen.
- The Medic
- Nice Guy
- The Voiceless - Almost always has his mouth zipped up.
Nerd Bear
(Grey with glasses, hot dog): The wimpy fanboy of all things nerdly. A total weenie.
- Adorkable
- Butt Monkey - They all get a taste, but Nerd ends up on the receiving end of slapstick most often.
- Cosplay Otaku Guy
- Nerd Glasses
- Revenge of the Nerd - Both to Evil and poor Steve, though he didn't mean for his revenge against the polar bears to get as messy as it did.
Death Bear
(Dark grey, skull): Dark, broody, and mysterious. The least social, Death rarely appears except to fix the major screwups of his fellows.
- Badass - Can KO Evil in one hit.
- A Day in the Limelight
- Dark Is Not Evil - Despite his attitude and theme, he's actually a pretty decent guy.
- Out of Focus
- The Quiet One
- Team Dad - When Prozac's brand of discipline fails, the big guns come out.
- Touch of Death
Crack Bear
(Green, syringe): Permanently in withdrawl, tweaked and stressed out.
- Cower Power
- Flat Character - He's constantly freaking out. That's all we know so far.
- Nervous Wreck
Tanked Bear
(Red, mug of beer): Alcholic in a near-permanent state of intoxication. Good thing he's a cuddly drunk. The most outwardly affectionate of them all.
- Bear Hug - Pun aside, Tanked hands these out like candy.
- Beergasm
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cuddle Bug
- The Alcoholic
- The Voiceless - It's unclear whether he -can't- talk or is simply too sloshed at all times.
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot - Pick a strip. Any strip.
- Waterfall Puke
(Panda, blue star): Former superstar of the zoo. extremely vain and conceited.
- Alpha Bitch - A rare male example.
- Pandaing to the Audience