Art of Fighting/Characters
The characters in the Art of Fighting series will be listed here.
Characters are listed by game of introduction.
Characters introduced in Art of Fighting
Ryo Sakazaki
The Invincible Dragon. Trained in the Kyokugen Style of Karate by his father Takuma, Ryo was forced to care for himself and his younger sister when he was 10 after their mother Lonette died in a car accident, and their father disappeared shortly afterward. He makes his living by earning money on street fights. Whenever she saw Ryo in such condition, Yuri's desire to run away became greater. When Yuri is kidnapped by Mr. Big, Ryo and his friend Robert scour Southtown while battling its toughest enforcers and Mob bosses to rescue her, finding out that his father was still alive under the guise of Mr. Karate. After the incident, Ryo went to the mountains to train himself in combat, only to return to to Southtown a year later to participate in the King of Fighters tournament sponsored by Geese Howard. Despite beating him, Geese had managed to escape.
After these events, Ryo goes to Mexico in search of Robert.
- Adaptation Dye Job: He's raven-haired in the anime special, which was taken from the Japanese live-action commercials for Art of Fighting 2.
- Alternate Company Equivalent: SNK's Ryu.
- Badass Biker: More so in the first game.
- Big Brother Instinct/Promotion to Parent: With Yuri. She doesn't enjoy it, but in later games, Ryo is torn between the desire to let Yuri live her own live and his pre-installed desire to protect her.
- But Not Too Foreign: Half-American, half-Japanese.
- Catch Phrase: "OSU!" "Ora ora!"
- Does Not Like Shoes: Subverted in that in the first game, he wears geta sandals outside fights.
- Eighties Hair: Dear God, that mullet!
- Switches to Anime Hair in the The King of Fighters series.
- Failure Is the Only Option: Since Geese has to kill Jeff Bogard in order to set the events of Fatal Fury into motion, Ryo is unable to defeat Geese with his Haoh Shou Koh Ken at the end of Art of Fighting 2.
- Fingerless Gloves: In Art of Fighting 2.
- Guest Fighter: His appearance as a Bonus Boss in Fatal Fury Special, which eventually gives rise to The King of Fighters franchise.
- Heir to the Dojo: By the time of Garou: Mark of the Wolves, he takes up the mantle of "Mr. Karate II" and has a disciple named Marco Rodriguez.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Robert.
- It's Personal: When Mr. Big kidnapped Yuri, he and Robert raised hell across Southtown, beating the ever-loving tar of anyone who got in their way (including Ryo's father) to get her back.
- Ki Attacks: Ryo can perform both the basic Kooh Ken and the Haoh Shoko Ken DM. But the former lost its long range capability from King of Fighters '96 onward, reducing it to more of a ki-powered palm strike.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Both he and Robert have mastered the Haoh Shoko Ken and can use the full powered variant Haoh Shikoh Ken. This version of the attack is much larger, travels quasi-instantly across screen, hits 5 times, and can deplete nearly 2/3 of an opponent's life meter if landed as a counter hit. However, they only have access to it in King of Fighters '98, King of Fighters '99, King of Fighters 2000, and King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.
- Laser-Guided Karma: A positive example. When he decides to relent his attack on King, she provides him with the whereabouts of Mr. Big and Yuri. In Art of Fighting 2, it's revealed that Ryo paid for Jean's operation, earning him King's admiration, friendship, and possibly more.
- Megaton Punch
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Loosely modeled after the late Patrick Swayze.
- Promotion to Parent: When Takuma left the family, a ten-year-old Ryo was forced to look after his six-year-old sister.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs/Spam Attack: Ryo's Zanretsuken.
- Red Baron: The Invincible Dragon.
- Shotoclone
- Took a Level in Badass: It took the death of his mother and the subsequent disappearance of his father for Ryo to man up and become the legendary fighter he is today.
Robert Garcia
The Raging Tiger. The son of multi-billionaire businessman Alberto Garcia. To teach Robert humility and discipline, Alberto sent him to Takuma's dojo, where he met and befriended Takuma's children: Ryo and Yuri. Despite their initial differences, he and Ryo developed a mutual respect for one another's abilities, eventually becoming both friend and rival to each other. He developed a different kind of relationship with Yuri... which was carefully monitored by her father and brother. Robert returned home to Italy, after completing his training, where his father began teaching him the family business. Years later, he receives word of Yuri's kidnapping and rejoins Ryo. The two of them search Southtown, facing many of its worst criminals and Mob bosses to find her. They eventually learn that Mr. Big orchestrated Yuri's abduction and defeat him. After the incident, Robert trained himself in combat, only to return to to Southtown a year later to participate in the King of Fighters tournament sponsored by Geese Howard.
After these events, Robert visited Mexico to help Freya Lawrence, a childhood friend, save her brother Wyler. Wyler is attempting to perfect a drug that will enhance one's physical characteristics to superhuman levels. Robert beats Wyler, but due to the usage of the drug, his mind has been destroyed. Freya, concerned for Wyler's well being, decides to stay with him in order to take care of him, and the adventure comes to an end.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Same deal as Ryo; he's a brunette in the anime.
- Alternate Company Equivalent: SNK's Ken.
- Badass Long Hair
- Big Brother Mentor: To Ryo and Yuri.
- Bring It
- Character Focus: In Art of Fighting 3. Most notably, the story revolves around Robert revisiting his childhood town of Glasshill Valley, Mexico and aiding his old friend Freia.
- Cultured Badass: He always dresses snazzy, drives around in a Ferrari F-40, and loves to party, but he's an extremely capable fighter when push comes to shove.
- Fingerless Gloves: This has been a standard part of his attire since his debut appearance in the original Art of Fighting.
- Hair Color Dissonance: His hair (which is black) appears to be purple in the first two games and blue in Art of Fighting 3.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Ryo.
- Informed Flaw: The Ryugeki principle of Kyokugen-ryuu is said to have severe imbalances as it relies mainly on kicks, placing it between the Raiou and Kou'ou principles (Raiou is the lowest principle and is used by Yuri; it revolves around user instinct and creativity), but closer to the former. Tell that to Robert.
- Kansai Regional Accent: To substitute for the fact that in English, Robert would be speaking with an Italian accent.
- Ki Attacks: Varies according to each game, but he almost always has access to the Ryuugeki Ken and Hoah Shoko Ken.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Both he and Ryo can perform the Haoh Shikoh Ken, which is the fully mastered HDM version of the standard Haoh Shoko Ken blast. It's much larger, travels near quasi-instantly across the screen, hits 5 times, and can deplete nearly 2/3 of an opponent's life meter if landed as a counter-hit. Thankfully, they only have access to it in King of Fighters '98, King of Fighters '99, King of Fighters 2000, and King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match.
- Latin Lover
- Like Brother and Sister: He and Freia Lawrence. Yuri, a tad bit jealous, decides to tag along and keep an eye on Robert.
- Memento MacGuffin: The coin he flips in the third game was a gift from his father Alberto. It was meant to remind Robert of his roots so that he could one day come back to them.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Loosely modeled after Steven Seagal in his prime.
- Official Couple: He and Yuri, if his and Ryo's endings in Art of Fighting 3 are to be believed.
- Red Baron: The Mightiest Tiger.
- Rich Idiot With No Day Job: Bruce Wayne he is not, but Robert is not one to be trifled with in battle.
- Shotoclone: Mainly during the Art of Fighting series and the earlier installments of The King of Fighters. From King of Fighters '97 onwards, his style began to change, ranging from minor tweaks to complete overhauls.
- Extremity Extremist: These days, he's more of a kickboxer. In some games, he and King have similar play styles while, in others, their moves are near identical with slight variations in range and power.
- Shout-Out: He's modeled after Andy Garcia and Steven Seagal.
- Spam Attack: Robert's Geneikyaku, the kick counterpart to Ryo's Zanretsuken.
- Surprisingly Good English: Because of an English-speaking voice actor.
- Although that's only in certain sections of the first two games.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: According to his character profile, he's a looker and a charmer and is said to be a real ladies man. But he only has eyes for Yuri.
Ryuhaku Todoh
Ryuhaku Todoh is the creator and main teacher of Todoh style karate, which derives its style from Aikido and Kendo. Todoh had a long standing rivalry with disciples of the Kyokugenryu school of karate and considers them a threat to his style of teaching in terms of profits as well as personal animosity dating back to a rivalry with Takuma Sakazaki when both men were very young. On his quest to find his younger sister Yuri, who had been abducted by Mr. Big under Geese Howard's orders, Ryo Sakazaki blatantly attacked Todoh at his school and fought him to interrogate him about the whereabouts of his sister. After Ryo easily defeated Todoh, he was humiliated and saw his schools finances as well as his attendance at his schools suffer. After the loss, Todoh went into hiding and hasn't been seen since. Because of his disappearance, his daughter Kasumi went on a personal quest to not only try to look for her father, but to gain revenge on Ryo and all Kyokugenryu disciples to try to reclaim her family's honor.
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Mustache
- Bootstrapped Theme: His theme went on to become the groundwork for every theme of the Art of Fighting Team in The King of Fighters (the only exceptions being King of Fighters '96 and King of Fighters 2001) as well as Ryo's themes in Art of Fighting 2, Fatal Fury Special and Fatal Fury Wild Ambition.
- Breast Plate
- The Chew Toy: To the point that he makes cameos in Maximum Impact's Extra Mode as the driver of the vehicles you push off of a cliff and watch explode.
- Demoted to Extra: After Art of Fighting 1.
- Hachimaki
- Jimmy Zoppi: Dub voice in the OVA. Yes, you're indeed listening to none other than GARY MOTHERFUCKING OAK.[1]
- Ki Attacks
- Manly Tears: He's often seen crying when Kasumi accomplishes something.
- The Rival: To the Kyokugen school of karate.
- Running Gag: His absence in the series (which was retained in The King of Fighters) as well as Kasumi's resolve to find him. This in fact ascended into meta humor, as the magazine Neo Geo Freak's Running Gag was "Where's Ryuhaku?".
- Takeshi Aono: His seiyuu in Capcom vs. SNK 2, carried over from the anime.
Jack Turner
Jack was a member of Mr. Big's syndicate, and a developer of his own fighting style. As one of Mr. Big's highest-ranking subordinates, he waits at Mac's Bar to devastate anyone who crosses his path. Jack is also the leader of the Southtown based bike gang known as the Neo Black Cats. He is defeated by Ryo and Robert, losing favor with members of his gang. In the tournament held by Geese Howard, Jack tries to reestablish his control over the Neo Black Cats by winning the Tournament and defeating Mr. Big. Humorously, in Jack's ending, it was revealed that he wanted to make the gang into a dance group.
- Acrofatic: For someone of his girth, he catches a lot of air with that drop kick of his.
- Badass Biker: How badass? He subdued a rampaging circus bear at age 13!
- Eric Stuart: VA for the dub of the anime OVA.
- Fingerless Gloves: As part of his biker attire.
- Hidden Depths: A rowdy gang leader... who wants to turn them into a dance group.
- Hachimaki
- Mighty Glacier
- Stout Strength: Jack's moves HURT when they connect, especially if he has a full spirit gauge. His "Super Drop Kick" was one of the best anti-air attacks in the game, due to its range, speed, priority and its striking power.
- Wrestler in All of Us: One of his attacks is a dropkick.
Lee Pai Long
Lee is a master of Chinese medicine and Chinese martial arts, the latter of which is dubbed as "a gentle yet destructive" art. His adoptive father and mentor Lee Gakusuo passed on his pharmaceutic knowledge and martial arts to him before instructing Lee to finish his studies in South Town. Once he arrived there, Lee became fascinated with the local style of Kenpo and neglected his roots to be a street fighter. When Ryo was looking for information on Yuri's disappearance, he goes to Lee. Since he is a former adversary and long-time friend of Ryo's father Takuma, he faced the son in battle to test his skills. During the tournament, he still sought to test his fighting skill, but also pursues his father's wishes to be a pharmacist.
- All Chinese People Know Kung Fu
- Ascended Extra: How else did he make it to Neo Geo Battle Coliseum?
- Badass Grandpa
- Combat Medic: He's a master of Chinese Kenpo and an expert in the pharmaceutic world. In his Art of Fighting 2 ending, he becomes famous by finding the cure to hemorrhoids.
- Cool Mask
- Fingerless Gloves: In Neo Geo Battle Coliseum.
- Old Master
- The Rival: To Takuma, although they're good acquaintances as well.
- Wolverine Claws
The bouncer at L'amour, a particularly fancy club. Seems generic enough, until you win the match with a fireball and see her bra. King originally dressed like a man to enter Muay Thai tournaments, but kept up the appearance because L'amour wouldn't hire women. Eventually, she opens her own club alongside Duck King, but keeps up the look.
- Bifauxnen: The first time she ever wore women's clothing was The King of Fighters XI, in the Art of Fighting Team ending... about twenty years after her first appearance.
- Boomerang Bigot: According to her backstory, prior to meeting Ryo she was a misogynist.
- Bouncer: Her former profession, while working for Mr. Big. Since then, she's quit her old job and has become a full-time bartender.
- Bring It: "C'mon, baby!"
- Combat Stilettos: It's very hard to notice though.
- Fan Service: When her clothing is torn in the first two games.
- Fingerless Gloves: Like Robert, they're a standard part of her attire.
- Foreign Fanservice: Well, she is French.
- Kick Chick: Being a nak muay, this is justified, but even her Ki Attacks are performed via her legs.
- Masako Katsuki: Seiyuu for the anime OVA.
- Promotion to Parent: For Ill Boy Jan/Jean.
- Samus Is a Girl: The first game.
- Ship Tease: With Ryo, a lot. Even more so in The King of Fighters, where they're apparently dating as of their team's XI ending.
- The Smurfette Principle: The first game again.
- Spam Attack: Her Trap Shot.
- Sweet Polly Oliver: King did this to compete in Muay Thai tournaments before the first Art of Fighting.
- Tomboyish Name
- Wholesome Crossdresser: During the second game; she was a crook in the first game, albeit begrudgingly.
Mickey Rogers
Mickey was a professional boxer, but was expelled from the ranks after he accidentally killed a man in the ring. As a small time hood, he worked for Mr. Big so that he can get money as a street hustler. Confronted by Ryo and Robert, Mickey sought opponents to vent his anger and frustration on. After Mr. Big's defeat, he reforms and enters the tournament to test his skill, wanting to get back into the professional boxing circuit.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: He had dreadlocks in the first game, and then cuts his hair short for the next.
- Extremity Extremist
- Fragile Speedster
- Gratuitous English/Surprisingly Good English: Has bouts of both.
- Mistaken Identity: The reason he fights Ryo and Robert in the first game, aside from being pissed off about his luck, is because he assumes they're cops due to their questions.
- Real Men Wear Pink: His boxing shorts.
- Shout-Out: Possibly to Mickey Mouse. In his Art of Fighting 2 stage, there's even poster depicting someone wearing a Mickey Mouse hat.
John Crawley
A martial arts instructor with a brutal and aggressive fighting style, John was a member of Mr. Big's gang. The former marine was challenged by Ryo and Robert, and he lost the battle. Later on, he enters the tournament to win the prize money and test his skills.
- Alternate Company Equivalent: SNK's Guile.
- Blondes Are Evil: He plays and looks like Guile but John is sadistic.
- Cool Shades: As part of his look since he's military.
- Eric Stuart: His VA in the dub of the anime OVA.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Several of his moves.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: His hair was a bit longer and shaggier in the first game.
- Kaneto Shiozawa: Seiyuu for the anime OVA.
- Psycho for Hire: He gives off these vibes, definitely so with his depiction in the anime OVA.
- Sunglasses at Night: They have to be knocked off his face in battle to be removed.
- Surprisingly Good English: Because of an English-speaking voice actor.
- That was only in the English version of Art of Fighting 2.
Mr. Big
A Southtown crimelord, operating under Geese Howard (whom he loathes). In order to give Takuma Sakazaki an incentive to work for them, he had Yuri abducted. Despite being the operative villain of the first game, he's not the final boss in any of the Art of Fighting games.
- Badass in a Nice Suit: He wears a Fur and Loathing longcoat. The second game adds some snazzy clothing underneath.
- Badass Mustache
- Bald of Evil
- Beard of Evil: Grows one for the sequel.
- Cool Shades: Worn at all times.
- Demoted to Extra: Of the SNK bosses who have appeared in more than one game, Mr. Big is by far the least remembered. He's not even the final boss in his own games.
- The Dragon: Formerly, to Geeses. Big severed ties with him at the conclusion of King of Fighters '96 after realizing Geese was merely using him.
- Dual-Wielding: With a pair of rattan sticks.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Two of his moves.
- Extremity Extremist: In the first game, he couldn't even JUMP! For his stint in [[The King of Fighters|The King of Fighters '96, he gained actual kick attacks.
- Iemasa Kayumi: His seiyuu in the anime OVA.
- I Have Your Daughter: Pulls this on Takuma as an incentive for him to continue working for Geese.
- A Lady on Each Arm: How he introduces himself. This has led fans to conclude one of his syndicate's operations is prostitution.
- Mismatched Eyes: As revealed at the end of the anime OVA. One of them is actually a jewel.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: As if it needs to be said.
- SNK Boss
- Starter Villain: Yeah, pretty much. Especially apparent when Geese comes into the picture in Art of Fighting 2.
- Sunglasses at Night: They have to be knocked off his face in battle to be removed.
Mr. Karate/Takuma Sakazaki
Takuma Sakazaki is an somewhat eccentric character. He is donning a tengu mask and insists he's Mr. Karate, and delivering speeches that are supposed to rally morale, but often make him look silly.
In the midst of Takuma's aim to spread the Kyokugenryu discipline, crime started infesting Southtown, and Geese Howard made himself the de facto boss of the city. Unwilling to live with it, Takuma fought his way through lackeys and stooges and confronted Geese himself, demanding that he put an end to the tyranny. Geese replied with threats against Takuma's children, knowing that they meant the world to him. In order to preserve his honor, Takuma donned a tengu mask and formed another persona: "Mr. Karate". While Geese was out on business, Mr. Big was in charge. In order to keep Takuma firmly under his control, Mr. Big had Yuri kidnapped. Unfortunately, that move caused Ryo and Robert to tear up Southtown in search of her and Takuma. When Robert got to Mr. Big and defeated him, Big called for Mr. Karate, and he came out to battle Ryo by Robert's favor because he was already exhausted. Although Ryo won, he threatened to kill Mr. Karate if he didn't tell him where Takuma and Yuri were. Yuri stopped Ryo from killing their father, and they had a joyous reunion.
A year later, he entered the tournament to get revenge on Geese and Mr. Big.
- Badass Grandpa: Not that old (he's 49 in the second game), but still...
- Cool Mask
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has a X-shaped scar on his right pectoral, earned from his fight with Lee Gakusuo, Lee Pai Long's father.
- Ki Attacks
- Luke, I Am Your Father: To Ryo in the first game.
- Pec Flex: "YAH!"
- Shotoclone
- SNK Boss
- Stern Teacher: No matter how well Ryo and Robert perform in The King of Fighters, he also tells them it isn't enough and has them redouble their efforts. In King of Fighters '96, they run away from him, while in King of Fighters '97, they (along with Yuri) walk off and leave him talking to himself.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: In Art of Fighting 2.
Characters introduced in Art of Fighting 2
Yuri Sakazaki
Ryo's little sister, abducted by Mr. Big in the first game. In the second game, she's gotten a lot more capable of protecting herself. Like her big brother, she practices Kyokugen. A very... energetic girl, and a mainstay in The King of Fighters.
- Ass Kicks You: One of her special normals has her launch herself at her opponent, hip first.
- Badass Adorable: Many would find it hard to believe someone as cute and generally friendly as she is could deliver a world of hurt. Well, she can.
- But Not Too Foreign: Same as Ryo.
- Cute Bruiser: Art of Fighting 2 onward.
- Damsel in Distress: The first Art of Fighting.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: After her training in Kyokugen-ryuu.
- Fan Service: When her clothing is torn in the second game.
- Fingerless Gloves
- Fragile Speedster: In terms of gameplay, she's quick on her feet and can string some fairly devastating combos, but her stamina's not so good. Harder hitting opponents can present problems for her, especially if they start landing counter hits.
- Genki Girl
- Hachimaki
- Ki Attacks
- NPC: In Art of Fighting 3, due to being wounded by Sinclair. She appears as a side character in Ryo and Robert's story, and can assist Robert in a last-ditch shot against Wyler.
- Rescue Romance: It's implied that Yuri fell for Robert after he and Ryo saved her at the end of the first game. Some of this is seen in the scenes interspersed during the credits reel in Art of Fighting 2. In the third game, they actually seem to hook up in Robert and Ryo's endings.
- Shotoclone: She parodies many of their attacks, including their supers. In King of Fighters 2001, she even gains a mock version of Akuma's "Raging Demon", which uses the exact same button sequence!
- Took a Level in Badass: Between Art of Fighting 1 and Art of Fighting 2.
- Verbal Tic: Most of sentences end with "-chi", a quirk devised by her seiyuu.
- Veronica Taylor: Dub voice for the anime OVA. One of the few good things about it.
Eiji Kisaragi
Eiji is an assassin ninja from the feared and respected Kisaragi clan. His school is the sworn enemy of both the Sakazaki clan and Kyokugenryu Karate. He enters the tournament to kill his rivals.
- Arch Enemy: To the Kyokugen school of karate. It's a generational feud.
- Attack Reflector
- Badass
- Badass Long Hair
- Blind Idiot Translation: Thanks to the translators having no knowledge of the Japanese script, Eiji's ending has him sulking about how Mai Shiranui was stolen from him by Andy. Keep in mind the Art of Fighting series takes place at least a decade before the events of Fatal Fury...
- Cool Mask
- Eighties Hair: And he still has it! To this very day!
- Flash Step
- Ki Attacks
- Ninja: It's heavily implied that he's a descendant of Zantetsu.
- The Quiet One: His special skill? Not talking.
Temjin is a Mongolian wrestler who works as a dock worker at the Southtown port to raise money for a school in Mongolia. He enters the tournament to get the prize money and make his dream come true.
- Badass Mustache
- Badass Teacher: Well, a Badass Principal anyway.
- Braids of Barbarism: The object of ridicule by both Yuri and some of the students at his school.
- Chinese People
- Mighty Glacier
- Stout Strength
Geese Howard
The commissioner of police, and even more corrupt than Mr. Big. He appears as a secret boss in Art of Fighting 2, and goes on (chronologically) to become an even worse danger to Southtown once we reach Fatal Fury.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He's the reigning crime lord of Southtown.
- Asskicking Equals Authority: It's how he go so far in life.
- Badass
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Badass Long Hair
- Big Bad
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Canon Immigrant: Originally from the Fatal Fury series.
- Dirty Cop: He's also the police commissioner of Southtown. Do the math.
- Guest Fighter
- Leitmotif: A technofied version of his original theme, perhaps to portray Geese before his fascination with Japanese culture.
- The Man Behind the Man
- Mistaken Identity: When his silhouette was leaked in Neo Geo Freak, fans first believed him to be an evil Andy Bogard or even Ryuhaku Todoh.
- SNK Boss
- The Syndicate: Howard Connection.
- True Final Boss: Of Art of Fighting 2, provided the player won every fight without continuing, or losing any rounds.
Characters introduced in Art of Fighting 3
Rody Birts
Rody Birts is a private investigator and partner of Lenny Creston, who has been hired by Wyler to find Freia Lawrence.
- Anime Hair
- Bounty Hunter
- Brains and Brawn: The Brawn to Lenny's Brain.
- Bring It
- Dual-Wielding: Dual Tonfas, in fact.
- Hair of Gold
- Odd Friendship: With Lenny.
- Throwing Your Tonfa Always Works
Kasumi Todoh
Daughter of Ryohaku Todoh, who has disappeared. She sets out to find him, but has some trouble as she only speaks Japanese. In her Victory Pose, she pulls out a phrasebook. She keeps up the family's rivalry with the Sakazakis (her team in The King of Fighters XI is the Anti-Kyokugen Team).
- Badass Adorable
- Breast Plate
- Cute Bruiser
- Demoted to Extra: For the most part Averted Trope as she became a recurring character in The King of Fighters. However, she was the only character whom debuted in Art of Fighting 3 who didn't play this trope straight.
- Disappeared Dad: For which she blames Ryo.
- Generation Xerox: Half Subverted Trope, half played straight. Very much like her father, but she goes out of her way to emulate her mother, a full-blown Yamato Nadeshiko.
- Gratuitous English: "Come back when you grow up!"
- Particularly funny when she has to pull out an English phrasebook and look it up before saying it.
- Hachimaki: Which she given to Ryo in her ending in order to ensure that he remembers her vow to defeat him one day.
- Ki Attacks
- Lady of War: In training.
- Noblewoman's Laugh
- The Rival: To the Kyokugen school of karate. It's not something that she particularly cares about; it's simply a family obligation.
- Translation Convention:
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: As seen in her folder image.
Wang Koh-San
Wang went to Glass Hill for inspiration for a drawing he plans to enter in a contest. Wang heard about Wyler's attempt to create a powerful elixir, and decided to attempt to find it himself for his friend Lee Pai Long.
- Acrofatic
- Eyes Always Shut
- Fingerless Gloves
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Ki Attacks
- Non-Human Sidekick: Wang's pelican.
- Warrior Poet: He's also an accomplished artist who's come to Glasshill looking for inspiration.
Lenny Creston
Lenny Creston is a private investigator and partner of Lenny Creston, who has been hired by Wyler to find Freia Lawrence.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Brains and Brawn: The Brain to Roddy's Brawn.
- Hachimaki
- Hair of Gold
- Hot Scoop
- Intrepid Reporter: Overlapping with Going for the Big Scoop. She's come to Glasshill in search of a big news report.
- Odd Friendship: With Rody.
- Tomboyish Name
- Tsundere: Type 2 with Rody, although it's purely platonic.
- Whip It Good
Karman Cole
Karman is the assistant to the Garcias who have sent him to find their son after he disappeared to look for his old childhood friend Freia Lawrence which has led him to Glass Hill Valley.
Jin Fu-Ha
Jin Fu-Ha is a was once the disciple of Eiji Kisaragi who was betrayed by his master. He has come to Glass Hill to test his skills against Ryo Sakazaki.
- Attack Reflector
- Fingerless Gloves
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has one across his chest, presumably from Eiji.
- Invisibility: Hey, at least he's not screaming "FIND ME!".
- Mighty Glacier
- Nice Headdress
- Ninja: An extremely unorthodox one.
- Revenge: Against Eiji, his former master, who got him In the Back and left him to be.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Sinclair is the assistant of main antagonist Wyler. She is secretly looking for somebody to convince him to give up his pursuit of the drug he is attempting to create.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Cool Sword
- Dance Battler: Her techniques resemble Indian sword dancing.
- The Dragon
- Enigmatic Minion: To Wyler.
- Extremity Extremist
- Foot Focus
- Foreign Fanservice: She appears to hail from the Middle East.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Mind Over Matter: She can telekinetically control her sword from afar.
- Reverse Mole: It would seem that she's either Wyler's underling or partner, but she's actually working undercover to stop him.
Wyler is looking for Freia Lawrence, the daughter of his dead father's former partner, who possesses information about a formula for some kind of "Jekyll and Hyde" formula that he is attempting to create. The essential data needed for completing it was taken by Freia's father when the two's partnership broke up. Wyler believes this action is the cause of his father becoming destitute and even the cause of his death. Freia now has the data.
Wyler hires the private investigator partnership of Rody Birts and Lenny Creston to find her (they are convinced it is for romantic reasons). Freia is also being sought out by her old childhood friend Robert Garcia. Wyler finds Freia, though seemingly without the help of the private eyes he hired, completes his elixir and takes it himself, turning into a large Hulk-like man. However, it has an unforeseen after-effect and reverts his mind to a child-like state. Freia chose to stay and tend to him.
- Big Bad
- Blow You Away
- Heroic Build: Exaggerated Trope, seeing as he pretty much Hulks Out.
- Magic Pants
- Mighty Glacier
- Multicolored Hair
- My God, What Have I Done?: In his ending (exclusive to the Japanese Neo Geo CD version), he regains his normal form after beating all of the other fighters (unlike the other endings, he retains his lucidity) and sees the error of his ways once he realizes Freia's feelings for him.
- One-Winged Angel
- Psycho Serum: The elixir he intakes turns him into a hulking giant, but reverts his mentality to that of a child, a side-effect that seems to be permanent after he returns to his normal form.
- Shout-Out: To Hulk and The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
- SNK Boss
- Walking Shirtless Scene