Andraste has tons of characters, some who only appear a few times, so don't be astonished if not everyone is listed.
Elves and Half-Elves
The elves are one of the most widely spread 'species' in Magick and also seemingly the most diverse. They are seen living in Luminous, Latla, and Nymphia. They also have little magic in comparison to some others (the fairies and the unicorns).
Andraste Aura Finnel-Faeri
The main protagonist of the book, Andraste is born being told she is 'Fate's Beloved' and destined to destroy the Abatu Empire. Unfortunately, her prophecy is a government conspiracy, and in reality, there is no higher power promising her anything. Initially arrogant, prejudiced, and condescending, she really only cares about the nation where she grew up, raised by her aunt. Throughout the book, she becomes a softer more compassionate character as she travels and encounters other people and grows to know them.
- Action Girl
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Deadpan Snarker
- Defrosting Ice Queen: To the point where a courtier even says she has a heart of ice.
- Purple Eyes
- Royal Blood
- Royal Brat: Initially. She isn't as much by the end.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- The Chosen One
Elvin of Luminous
Andraste's half-elf, half-siren ambassador from the country of Latla and the son of a very bloodthirsty general. He discovers a powerful dark magic and mostly is just trying to get people to trust him, despite his heritage.
- Bishonen: To the point that another character tells him he'd make a pretty girl.
- Big Screwed-Up Family
- Blessed with Suck: He sees the future, but it's almost always someone being tortured or killed, which he can sometimes stop. Unfortunately, he also can't choose what he sees, so sometimes people will die, and he's just as surprised as everyone else.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Empathic Healer
- Hazel Eyes
- Not a Morning Person
- Overly Long Name: His full birth name is Arcassyle Noveclyde Pulynn Argenaddynn.
- The Archer
- The Cassandra: He tries repeatedly to tell Andraste things, and she practically never believes him.
- The Scapegoat
- Troubled but Cute
Radiance Aedammair of Cnoc-Aine
Andraste's cousin and best friend. She's terribly vain but loyal, adventurous, and willing to help and follow Andraste wherever she goes.
- Action Girl
- Annoying Laugh: According to the elves at least.
- Aura Vision
- Fiery Redhead
- Green Eyes
- Lady of War
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shipper on Deck: She's constantly trying to get Andraste together with anyone she thinks is good enough, but mostly Elvin.
- The Ditz
- The Matchmaker
Adair of the Naedan
A general from a neighboring tribe of Andraste's who joins her in her quest to defeat the Abatu Empire. He likes adventure and becomes a friend to Elvin.
Haeliae of the Coavantes
Another tribal general who comes to Andraste's aid. She's merely doing what her superior says, though she'd rather stay home and ignore other nations' problems.
- Ice Queen
- Iron Lady
- Lady of War
Baine of the Trinivites
The last of the generals to join Andraste. He's just following orders.
Xandrina of the Finnel
Andraste's aunt and surrogate mother. She sends Andraste on her quest and appears to know more than she lets on about the whole thing.
Auragonius of the Finnel
Andraste's dead father and Xandrina's brother. He was known for being very quick-tempered.
A healer from Luminous. She shares a room with Clare.
- Empathic Healer
- Gray Eyes
- Shipper on Deck: She seems to encourage (or at least respect) a relationship between Elvin and Clare, despite the rest of the Court being horrified at the thought.
- The Medic
Elvin's father and elf from Latla. He's well-known for having killed a large number of people in a previous war.
- 0% Approval Rating: Played with. No one likes him because he's well-known for killing many, probably innocent people. However, this might be a case of Unreliable Narrator.
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Blood Lust: According to other characters. He never fights in-text for anyone to know.
- Good Is Not Nice
- The Patriarch
Elvin's sister and a seer.
- Brown Hair
- Dreaming of Things to Come
- Messy Hair
Fairies and Sprites
The fairies and sprites primarily live in the country of Luminous. They are powerful magic users and described as being extraordinarily beautiful.
Clare Emerilla Helendaut
The offical record keeper and a light sorceress in Andraste's Court. She joins Andraste looking for adventure and befriends Elvin.
- Berserk Button: She's ridiculously sweet-tempered, but if you insult Elvin, she gets rather angry.
- Bookworm
- Break the Cutie
- Green Eyes
- Harp of Femininity
- Light Is Good
- Magical Girl
- Rapunzel Hair
- The Chick
- The Cutie
Andraste's recently deceased mother and the queen of Luminous.
Andraste's aunt and empress of the Abatu Empire.
- Big Bad
- Blood Lust
- Even Evil Has Standards: Or so she claims. Whether or not that's true depends on the reader.
- Fallen Hero: Possibly. It's implied that Sarai only became a vampire (and gaining a tremendous amount of power) because she wanted to save her country from the war she thought was going to destroy it. Needless to say, it backfired.
- Purple Eyes
- The Emperess
- The Vamp
A one-time love interest and best friend of Elvin's. She doesn't help Andraste, per say, but she does protect a part of Luminous from intruders.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Magical Girl
- Shrouded In Mystery: She protects a heavily forested part of Luminous with the help of wild animals and her magic. Her protection has become so legendary that nearby villagers treat her almost like a goddess.
- Speaks Fluent Animal
- Technicolor Eyes: They're pink.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: For her. She can transform others entirely against their will.
- Widow Woman
The unicorns live in Luminous and Firelapsia and are known for bonding with the fairy rulers. They are highly intelligent and very magical. Yes, they are an entire race of talking unicorns.
The light-hearted and jovial Lead Stallion (or equivalent to king of a herd) of the unicorns. He was born in Firelapsia, though he spends much time in Luminous. He befriends Elvin and helps Andraste.
- Colourful Theme Naming
- Comic Relief
- Elemental Powers: Sunfire is fire.
- Eyes of Gold
The unicorn bonded to Queen Rhiannon. He gives Andraste advice sometimes, and he's not very nice. He also helped spread the idea of Andraste's 'prophecy' and didn't tell her the truth about it.
A unicorn who appears sometimes and helps fight. Andraste also rides him into battle.
- Colourful Theme Naming: Spinel is a gem stone that has a blue variant, and Spinel is blue.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Elemental Powers: Water.
A unicorn healer.
A very beautiful unicorn. She joins Andraste in her quest.
The aerolens are giant birds that bear some resemblance to other, smaller raptors.
An owl-like aerolen with mist powers. She's the queen of the aerolens.
A white aerolen. She's a very good fighter.