< American McGee's Alice

American McGee's Alice/Characters

Victorian Characters

Alice Liddell

The Player Character and main character. As a child, Alice's house was burnt down, and her parents were killed. After a failed suicide attempt, Alice goes into an Angst Coma and winds up in Rutledge Asylum for ten years without any sign of recovery. After a nurse reunites her with her beloved toy rabbit, Alice is dragged down the rabbit hole into Wonderland and discovers her dreamland has become a combined Dark World/Crapsack World. Wielding the Vorpal Blade, Alice goes on an almost Ax Crazy Roaring Rampage of Revenge to save Wonderland from the Queen of Hearts, and save her own sanity in the process.

In Alice: Madness Returns, Alice has left Rutledge Asylum after defeating the Queen of Hearts. Now living in London under the care of a psychiatrist, Alice still has problems with reality and learns Wonderland has been warped again by her insanity. She's quite The Woobie.

  • Action Girl: Hell yeah! But only in Wonderland. Combat is non-existent in the London segments in the sequel. In one cutscene in Madness Returns, she gets knocked out by a pimp.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: In the first game, she had light brown hair in the cutscenes. In-game, her hair became a rusty red. Now in Alice: Madness Returns, her hair is practically black. And then there's the alternate costumes...
    • It's not actually unusual for a character's hair to darken as they progress through and out of neoteny.
  • Angst Coma: Goes into a catatonic state after her parents die, and she's stuck in it for ten years.
  • An Ice Person: The Ice Wand can freeze enemies.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: At a segment of the Queen's Castle in Alice: Madness Returns, there is the classic 'eat me' cake waiting for Alice to take a nibble. No points for guessing what happens next.
  • Ax Crazy: Never actually uses an axe, but slaughters enemies with the Vorpal Blade and other weapons. She seems to relish in cutting people up.
  • Battle in the Center of the Mind: Most of the series takes place in Alice's mind, Wonderland being an allegorical form of her psyche.
  • Berserk Button: In the sequel, the Fire and issues relating to it aren't so much a Berserk Button as a psychological trigger. When Radcliffe dares to suggest that Alice was responsible for the death of her family, Alice actually blacks out, and after waking up, speculates that she ripped his head off. Later in the game, after making the effort to poke at Alice's berserk button, Dr Bumby ends up getting kicked in front of a train.
  • BFG: The Blunderbuss.
  • Big No: Twice.
    • When the Jabberwock reveals she may have been responsible for her parents' deaths.
    • When the Cheshire Cat is killed.
  • Boyish Short Hair: Under the enormous hat of the Hattress dress, Alice's hair has been cropped.
  • Broken Bird: Alice: Madness Returns shows her happy ending at the end of the first game was short lived. She had a relapse and placed in a London orphanage.
  • Catgirl: The Cheshire dress turns Alice into one of these; as the name implies, it resembles the Cheshire cat, naturally sporting the same emaciated build, short grey fur, long tail and glowing yellow eyes.
  • Changing Clothes Is a Free Action: When re-entering Wonderland, her clothes automatically switch to their Wonderland Counterparts.
  • Chess Motifs: The Checkmate dress is made of chess-pieces and other chess-related motifs. To be specific, the boots are tipped with rounded heads that makes them resemble pawns; her skirt is patterned on a a chessboard; her bodice forms the shape of a rook; her shoulder-pads are knights; her armlets look like bishops; finally, at the center of her signature waist ribbon is the head of a King chesspiece.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Though not straight-up crazy, Alice's time stuck in the asylum has left her a little bit eccentric.
  • Costume Tropes/Personal Appearance Tropes:
    • Black Eyes: While wearing the Caterpillar dress, Alice's irises are completely black, though given the nature of this dress, it's likely meant to appear cartoonish rather than sinister.
    • Eyes of Gold: True to it's inspiration, the Cheshire dress gives Alice a pair of luminous yellow eyes.
  • Creepy Child: When younger, definitely.
  • Cyborg: The Hattress dress; here, Alice's left arm has been replaced with a clockwork prosthesis, her Waist Ribbon is now a cog protruding from her lower back, and her eyes appear to be mechanized as well.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: A classic example. Despite the fact that she's mentally unstable and normally shown wielding a blood-dripping knife, she never actually does anything evil, and only kills freakish abominations who are attacking her. In the second game, Doctor Wilson even mentions that she has a "hero-complex".
  • Death Dealer: She fights with deadly playing cards.
  • Drop the Hammer: The croquet mallet in the first game, and the Hobby Horse in the sequel.
  • Evil Counterpart: Alice's guilt, anger, madness, etc takes the form of The Queen of Hearts and the Jabberwock.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: The Fleshmaiden Dress has a large eyeball set just above Alice's right breast, and another one at the center of the waist ribbon.
  • Footprints of Muck: Going barefoot in the Fleshmaiden dress, Alice's feet are soaked in blood.
  • Gatling Good: The Pepper Grinder acts like a gatling gun.
  • Giant Waist Ribbon: Most of Alice's dresses sport these, usually with a skull or face at the center.
  • Girl with Psycho Weapon: The Vorpal Blade.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: The Caterpillar dress sports a pair of tiny butterfly wings.
  • Grenade Launcher: The Teapot Cannon fires grenades of boiling tea.
  • Happily Ever After: Alice saves Wonderland and leaves the asylum at the end of the game to start a new life... Though by Alice: Madness Returns, she's not any better off.
  • Hellish Pupils: While wearing the Hattress dress, Alice's pupils resemble tiny copper gears. Meanwhile, the eyeballs on the Fleshmaiden Dress has a heart-shaped pupil.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword: A butcher's knife in this case. A DLC weapons pack features a selectable cleaver model.
  • Ice Queen
  • Imagine Spot: Wonderland acts as this in the sequel.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Along with the Vorpal Blade, Alice uses various weapons made from toys. This includes an explosive jack-in-the-box, a flamingo-shaped croquet mallet, demon-summoning dice and a blunderbuss.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: In the beginning of the sequel, she tries to befriend a cat.
  • Knife Nut: The Vorpal Blade is her best weapon.
  • Little Miss Snarker: Alice openly speaks her mind, insulting friends and foes alike. She even compared the Jabberwock to her dentist's assistant after he scolds her for being late.
  • Meat Moss: Being themed after the Red Queen's palace, the Fleshmaiden dress is made from this, complete with random sprouting of teeth and eyeballs.
  • Monochromatic Eyes: Wearing the Fleshmaiden turns the irises of Alice's eyes a pale, off-white color.
  • Nice Hat: Three: first, the Late But Lucky dress, which features a stylish top hat with enormous rabbit ears protruding from the brim; the Hattress dress comes complete with a replica of the Hatter's hat; finally, the Caterpillar dress gives Alice a fez.
  • Not So Stoic: There are numerous points in the second game where her deadpan manner gives way to sheer horror, her memories of the fire being the most obvious. When she confronts the Dollmaker (and his real-world counterpart Dr. Bumby), she's all but screaming in rage and grief.
  • Parasol of Pain: Alice uses an umbrella as her shield in Alice: Madness Returns.
  • Refusal of the Call: Alice has no interest in doing Caterpillar's bidding until the White Rabbit is murdered.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Most prominent in the second game when she learns that the house fire was no accident.
  • Slasher Smile
  • Summoning Artifact: The Demon Dice can summon demons to kill enemies, but they may attack Alice.
  • Super Mode:
    • Alice can also take on three different forms in the first game by coming into contact with different items. She can become a horned demon, gain insect powers, and can turn invisible.
    • Hysteria Mode introduced in the sequel.
  • Technicolor Eyes: Whilst wearing the Late But Lucky dress, Alice's eyes are bright pink.
  • Tentacle Rope: Rather literal case with the Fleshmaiden dress, where the waist ribbon is actually made from a single knotted tentacle.
  • Time Bomb: The Jack O'Bomb in the first game, and the Clockwork Bomb in the sequel.
  • Too Many Belts: The Hattress dress is layered with numerous belts and buckles, all the better to hold a cyborg together.
    • Or rather, to resemble a straitjacket.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • The Jabberwock launches this on Alice, accusing her of not bothering to even attempt to save her parents, leading to Alice having a Heroic BSOD.
    • The Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter, Caterpillar and the Queen of Hearts all chastise Alice for allowing the Infernal Train to destroy Wonderland. Caterpillar himself also disparages Alice for ignoring the plight of the other orphans at Houndsditch Home until it was too late to save them from Bumby's treatments.
  • World of Symbolism

Doctor Hieronymous Q. Wilson

Alice's kindly psychiatrist at Rutledge Asylum. For ten years he looks after her, keeping notes on her condition in his casebook. He never physically appears in the game except for a brief hallucinatory stint, and can only be heard as The Voice. He is assisted by Nurse D., a kind nurse working in the asylum.

  • Bedlam House: Works in the unpleasant Rutledge Asylum.
  • Diary: His casebook for Alice comes with the game and hints a lot at his personality and relationship with Alice.
  • The Shrink: By his own admission, he's a type 2- well-meaning, but not especially useful, particularly since he notes that Alice's recovery was her own doing.
  • The Voice: In the trailer of the game.

Alice's Family

Alice's parents and sister Elizabeth, or "Lizzie". They died in a house fire, Alice suffering from survivor's guilt and went into her Angst Coma. It is hinted in Alice: Madness Returns that the house fire may not be an accident after all.

  • Dead Little Sister: Subverted, since Lizzie may be her older sister.
  • Death by Origin Story: Her parents and sister die in the house fire, leading to Alice's catatonia.
    • Alice and her sister were apparently very close to their paternal grandfather. One memory is of Alice's father consoling his daughters after their grandfather's death, saying that he lived a long life, and wouldn't want them to cry.
  • Doomed by Canon
  • Rape as Drama: Lizzie is raped by Dr. Bumby, who then kills her and burns down the Liddell house to cover his tracks. Considering this is the catalyst for the whole plot and how it is used to reveal Dr. Bumby's true character and intentions (not to mention how horrified Alice is to hear of it), this very well classifies as this trope.
  • Spirited Young Lady: Through Alice's memories, we see that Lizzie was a well-educated lady, knowing piano and French, but also smoke a cigarette once (she found it disgusting) behind her parent's backs, escaped while she was grounded and was a smart, sharp-tongued girl.

Doctor Angus Bumby

Alice's new psychiatrist in Victorian London, Dr. Bumby hypnotizes his patients to help them deal with their problems, though he seems overtly focused on making Alice forget Wonderland. It turns out he's the Big Bad of the second game and the one responsible for starting the fire that killed Alice's family, raped her sister Lizzie, and has been manipulating orphans into forgetting their memories so he can pimp them out to wealthy clients.

  • Beard of Evil
  • Big Bad: "Why can't you give me the same influence as the Queen, Alice? Surely I'm just as worthy of respect?" The Queen is... rather unhappy about this turn of events, leading her to form an Enemy Mine with Alice.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: Most of the recovered memories of him show a very firm belief in the necessity of an efficient mind, to the point that "unproductive" memories should be discarded, and damaging memories should be forgotten altogether. Furthermore, he thought turning children into mindless sex slaves was performing a service to the public.
  • Brainwashing for the Greater Good: Or so he thought.
  • Eldritch Abomination: His Wonderland form is just as grotesque as the Queen's from the previous game. See The Dollmaker below.
  • Final Boss: He's the Dollmaker.
  • Karma Houdini: Defied. In his final scene, he brags about how no one will ever believe all the terrible things he did right to Alice's face, and that no one would believe her if she told them. Alice takes the matter into her own hands...
  • Karmic Death: His Wonderland incarnation attempts to destroy Wonderland via the Infernal Train. In the end, Alice has enough of his shit and pushes him in front of a train in the real world.
  • Lean and Mean: As well as being thin as a rake, his introduction also makes it clear that he's not exactly being gentle in curing his patients, at one point snapping that Alice's preference "doesn't signify". But it's not until the end that Alice realizes just how mean he really is.
  • Living Doll Collector: He spends his time wiping the memories of children so he can sell them into prostitution. He never actually refers to them as dolls, but Lizzie and Alice make the connection enough for it to carry over into his Wonderland incarnation.
  • Mind Rape: Psychologically stripping kids down into mindless dolls. For "good" and profit. This becomes even more obvious in Wonderland, where his wonderland persona attacks with two hands that, on type of mimicking sexual gestures at Alice, attack by grabbing her in a manner that manages to seem almost entirely sexual. He's literally raping her mind.
  • Obliviously Evil: Apart from Causing the Fire and trying to wipe Alice's memory to cover his tracks, he believed that turning orphaned children into prostitutes was justifiable... even laudable.
  • Politically-Incorrect Villain: Let's just say misogyny is a key part of his character.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Bumby is actually quite articulate and restrained, but it's clear from his horrendous actions - towards Lizzie in particular - that he's nothing more than a brat who can't handle being denied what he wants. In the final confrontation, both Bumby's real world self and his Wonderland avatar are shown to be very petulant, with the Dollmaker spending most of the boss battle making obscene gestures.
  • Psycho Psychologist: The fact that he's a psychologist and a Yandere qualify him as this.
  • Scary Shiny Glasses: They're even used to symbolize Alice's memories of him.
  • The Shrink: His profession.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: A fact he brags of, leading to a very Karmic Death.
  • Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: His belief that Elizabeth was "teasing" him, which led to... well...

Nurse Witless

A grouchy Apron Matron who works in the orphanage along with Dr. Bumby and helped out Alice after she left the asylum. However, she seems to be a bit of an Evil Matriarch, ultimately going so far as to blackmail Alice by threatening to tell the police about how she was "responsible" for the death of her family. She also has a thing for pigeons.

  • Apron Matron: Acts like a kind old lady but is a bit of a manipulative cow, blackmailing Alice to give her money in exchange for her silence regarding Alice's misguided confession of killing her parents, actually referring to her survivor's guilt.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She may look a kindly old lady who likes feeding the birds at first glance, but don't be fooled.
  • Evil Matriarch
  • Foreshadowing: "If it weren't for me, where would she (Alice) be? Selling her rear end on the streets!" Seems like a fairly unremarkable comment at first, but then we learn about Dr. Bumby's scheme.
  • Gag Nose: Making her similar to the Mad Hatter.
  • Homeless Pigeon Person: Averted. She has pigeon coops on a rooftop which Alice often visits.
  • Karma Houdini: She's a complete asshat throughout the entire game, and nothing happens to her.
    • In early previews, reviewers were told that she fell off the roof and Alice was framed for her death. However, this seems to have been removed for the final version.
    • She also was to be brutally murdered in her apartment as seen at the end of the beta trailer.
  • Lady Drunk: The memories reveal this about her.

The Nanny

Alice's former nanny. She has fallen on hard times and now is a High-Class Call Girl. She is motherly towards Alice and is an Ethical Slut.

  • Cinderella Circumstances: Was once the nanny of the Liddell family but presumably their deaths led to her taking up a job as a prostitute and bar maid.
  • Ethical Slut: She is not afraid to insult any clients who are rude or aggressive.
  • High-Class Call Girl: She owns her own building for her business.
  • Hooker with a Heart of Gold: Takes Alice to meet Radcliffe after rescuing her from a fire started by her disgruntled client.

Wilton Radcliffe

Alice's family lawyer who kept her toy rabbit after she left Rutledge Asylum. He does not take many clients now, but is portrayed as being kind and sympathetic towards Alice, though he still wants to get as much money as possible from her.

  • Amoral Attorney: Played with. While he is a greedy jerk, he will help his clients when paid.
  • Did Not Do the Research: Radcliffe is described as the family solicitor but is a Queen's Counsel, a title traditionally reserved for barristers (since the barristers are the ones who go to court; solicitors prepare the papers).
  • Fat Bastard: He enjoys money a lot.
  • Foreign Culture Fetish: The man loves Asian art, which his house is filled with. It's what influences the Wutai stage in Alice's mind.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Radcliffe sees Alice's desire to find out what happened on the night of the fire to be futile, but he still supports her.
  • Punch Clock Hero: For money, he'll do whatever it takes to help his clients.

Wonderland Characters

The Queen of Hearts

The Big Bad of the game. The Queen has taken over Wonderland, turning it into hell and now resides on her throne awaiting the inevitable confrontation with Alice. Appearing as a thing with tentacles for limbs, the Queen is really a puppet used as an avatar for Alice's insane side, representing her madness.

  • Back From the Dead: And survives through the ending of the sequel.
  • Badass Boast: Her speech to Alice after revealing her true self and connection to Alice.
  • Big Bad: Only of the first game though. The Queen is actually quite pissed off that Alice has allowed Dr. Bumby to "take her role" in the sequel.
  • Bishounen Line: Averted in the first game, in which she pulls a One-Winged Angel to become a far more grotesque creature. After her defeat in the first game, she manifests herself as a Creepy Child in the sequel. She still has lots of tentacles, but her main "body" is more human than the creepy, horned form from the first game.
  • Body Horror
  • Catch Phrase: Averted, surprisingly. The Queen only says "off with her head" once in each game, and the second time is barely audible.
  • Combat Tentacles: Arguably her defining trait
  • Creepy Child: Her appearance in the sequel is that of a young girl, actually being Young Alice.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The Queen is connected to Wonderland itself through her tentacles and her whole castle is her body. Her second form is a massive mass of tentacles, with the Mad Hatter's head in her mouth, and Alice's head in his! The Jabberwock's head appears on one of the Queen's tentacles.
  • Enemy Mine: She offers Alice guidance in her fight against Dr. Bumby and the Infernal Train in the sequel.
  • Evil Counterpart: Literally.
  • Evil Overlord: Although she still reigns over the Red Kingdom in the second game, her overall influence has decreased significantly thanks to the arrival of the Infernal Train. It's defeated at the end of the game, so it's safe to say she'll probably try to regain her lost power.
  • God Save Us From the Queen: As always.
  • Heel Face Turn: The Queen advises Alice in the sequel, although very begrudgingly. It seems like she just wants to be left alone and is only assisting Alice because the Infernal Train is a threat to them both.
  • Karmic Death: Being a manifestation of Alice's madness, she is technically killed by herself.
  • Large Ham: In the sequel.
  • Manipulative Bitch: The Queen's entire plan was to lure Alice to her castle to personally destroy her and prevent the real Alice from ever awakening from her catatonia.
  • Obviously Evil: Simply looking at what she's done to Wonderland is proof she means Alice no good.
  • Rape, Pillage and Burn: Willing to do this to Wonderland as long as Alice gets to her castle.
  • Those Two Bad Guys: The Queen's most direct minions are the Jabberwock and the Mad Hatter.

The Cheshire Cat

The grinning cat acts as Alice's guide around Wonderland as well as her best friend. Along with his Cheshire Cat Grin, the cat is emaciated in appearance, has a pierced ear, and is tattooed all over his body.

Alice: Don't try to bully me. I'm very much on edge.
Cheshire: Purrrfect. When you're not on edge, you're taking up too much space.

The Cheshire Cat: You and this Red Queen cannot both survive, you're two parts of the same-- (decapitated)!

  • Keeping Secrets Sucks: The Cheshire Cat knows of Alice and the Queen's connections, but does not reveal until it's too late.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Alice's constant companion in both games.
  • Teleporters and Transporters: He teleports around a lot.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Fur: The Cheshire Cat's fur seems to change color a lot. It was brown in the first game, but blue in the artwork, and in the sequel, it has been brown and grey in the artwork, but is blue in the game.

The White Rabbit

One of Alice's main allies. He summons her to Wonderland and forces him to follow him yet again. He's still obsessive about time and quick on his feet. He is stepped on by the Mad Hatter, but resurrected at the end of the game.


The wisest guy in Wonderland, the Caterpillar wears a fez hat and smokes from a hookah pipe. Perhaps the sanest character in Wonderland, Caterpillar acts as the Oracle and as The Omniscient one that hints to Alice that she must confront her fears and guilt to save herself and Wonderland. In Alice: Madness Returns, he lives in the Oriental part of Wonderland and now has a wiseman appearance to him. He transforms into a butterfly.

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: He's a nice big bug though.
  • Butterfly of Doom: He transforms into one in trailer three of Alice: Madness Returns, but it turns out he is still a protagonist.
  • Mad Oracle: Not exactly mad, but since he's in Wonderland, he might as well be crazy.
  • Magic Mushroom: He tells Alice to eat one, which just so happens to be guarded by a giant, angry centipede.
  • The Mentor: Provides the only useful advice to her in both games. The Cat is the only other assist she gets.
  • The Omniscient: He knows everything.
  • One-Winged Angel: Non combat example: in Alice: Madness Returns he turns into a butterfly.
  • The Smart Guy

The Mad Hatter

Once a friend to Alice, the Mad Hatter had a Face Heel Turn and became a time-obsessed Mad Scientist who wants to turn everyone into mindless automatons. He actually represents Alice's fear, pointing out to her that she fears much. He runs a warped version of Rutledge Asylum where insane children are imprisoned, and his own friends have been turned into scientific experiments. It is revealed that he is a clockwork machine himself. He is destroyed by Alice, but is resurrected at the end of the game. In the sequel, his steampunk empire has been taken over by the March Hare and Dormouse, leading Alice to form an alliance with the Hatter to bring them down.

"The world is upside-down, Alice! The inmates are running the asylum- no offense. And worst of all... I'm left tea-less!"

The Jabberwock

The Queen's champion and the second main antagonist of the game. Based on the Jabberwocky poem and the creature described in it, the Jabberwock represents Alice's guilt and repeatedly tries to break her before she reaches the Queen's castle. He was previously killed as in the poem, but was resurrected by the Mad Hatter who has given him steampunk wings and a kiln for a heart. He is eventually destroyed by Alice.

  • Dem Bones: Implied to have been resurrected in Alice: Madness Returns but is found as a skeleton by Alice.
  • The Dragon: Literally, to the Queen.
  • Evil Counterpart: To the Gryphon.
  • Eye Scream: The Gryhon slash his eye out, allowing you to complete the Eye-Staff.
  • Fire and Brimstone Hell: The Jabberwock hangs out in the Land of Fire and Brimstone, in a burnt out replica of Alice's house.
  • Hannibal Lecture: The Jabberwock mocks Alice and hits home that she's responsible for her parents' deaths.

The Jabberwock: You selfish, misbegotten and unnatural child! YOU smelled the smoke! But you were in dreamland taking tea with your friends; you couldn't be bothered! Your room was protected and spared while your family upstairs roasted in an inferno of incredible horror!

  • High Altitude Battle: The Jabberwock gets into an aerial fight with Gryphon.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The player must create the Jabberwock's Eyestaff to use as a weapon against the Jabberwock.
    • Furthermore when he's defeated his kiln-heart goes out of control, burning him from the inside out.
  • Killed Off for Real: He isn't back in the sequel, unlike his master. His return is given some foreshadowing when everyone in the introduction seems to be turning into him, but that's the last we see of him. Whaaa?
  • Large Ham: He has heavy emphasis in his growling voice.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Our dragon is a steampunk one. His head also looks quite outlandish, with those whiskers and those rodent fangs...
  • Playing with Fire: His heart is a kiln and he can set Alice on fire.
  • Steampunk: Every time he moves, steam is smoking out of him.


The strongest member in Alice's batch of allies. Gryphon is a mythical creature, a mix between a lion and an eagle, which courage to match. He leads Alice's army to destroy the Jabberwock, but is killed by the dragon. He is resurrected at the end of the game.

The Mock Turtle

The crybaby Mock Turtle has had his shell stolen by the Duchess and asks Alice to retrieve it for him. A member of the resistance, the Mock Turtle offers to point Alice to Caterpillar's hideout. When Alice regains his shell, she is labelled an "honorary reptile".

The Gnome Elder

Elder of the Torch Gnomes in the Village of the Doomed. Alice seeks out the Gnome Elder to fly her to the Fortress of Doors to find the ingredients for the shrinking potion. He has a beard, smokes a pipe and flies in a cool old school aircraft. He appears to also be able to teleport.

Bill McGill

Bill McGill is the lizard chimney sweep who tried to force Alice out of the White Rabbit's house in the books. Here, he is now a handyman chameleon with a taste for brandy. He was kicked out of his house by the deranged Duchess and meets Alice when she arrives to obtain the Mock Turtle's shell. He speaks in a London east end accent, and speaks mostly contradictory nonsense.

  • The Alcoholic: He repeatedly asks Alice for brandy.
  • Dirty Coward: Bill offers to help Alice fight the Duchess, but as soon as he approaches the house, he runs off screaming. However, he comes in after the boss fight to have some leeches clean up the Duchess' corpse.
  • The Engineer: Judging by his clothes.
  • The Fatalist: He claims that everyone will die sooner or later in the war against the Queen.
  • Hollywood Chameleons: Bill's skin changes color.

The Duchess

The first boss fight in the game. The Duchess is a cannibalistic ogre of a woman who has been corrupted by the black pepper previously owned by her deranged cook. She is on the run from the Queen, taking over Bill's house and eats anyone who ventures near the house. She is pretty fast and wields a pepper shaker like a gun.

  • Aristocrats Are Evil: The Duchess is a villain in this game. Poor soul.
  • Bacon Addiction: It's her new favorite dish in the sequel. She even tells Alice that everything's better with bacon.
  • Big Eater: Eats a lot of people.
  • Continuity Nod: In the Duchess' hideout, there is a framed photo of a pig on the wall. This is likely the Duchess' son who turned into a pig as a baby, Alice commenting that he'd become "a very ugly child, or a very handsome pig."
  • Death by Irony: The Duchess gets so intoxicated by the pepper she uses that she sneezes to the point that she causes her own head to explode, making her the first casualty of the game aside from Alice's parents.
  • Face Heel Turn: Once a friend to Alice, the Duchess turns from a relatively kind and jolly woman to a monstrous, cannibalistic ogre.
  • Improbable Weapon User: She uses a pepper shaker like a gun. She gives it to Alice in the sequel. She can also toss explosive piglets at her.
  • Pepper Sneeze: She sneezes a lot, leading to her eventual death.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: The Duchess gains a taste for pig snouts in Alice: Madness Returns. Which is ironic since her child is a piglet.
  • Villainous Glutton: She's always cooking.

The Chess Pieces

The White and Red Chess Pieces dwell in the Pale Realm, constantly at war with one another. The White Pieces are aligned with Alice, and the Red Pieces with the Queen of Hearts. The Red King has the White Queen kidnapped and executed, and then appears as a boss. Alice must travel across the giant chessboard with a white pawn to restore the White Queen.

  • Badass: The White Queen wields a sword and is the strongest fighter in the white chess pieces.
  • The Brute: The Rooks.
  • Chess Motifs: The White Queen is removed from the battle by the Red Pieces, forcing Alice to go to the other end of the chessboard and sacrifice a pawn to restore the queen.
  • Damsel in Distress: The White Queen.
  • Demoted to Extra: In the sequel, they're found in some puzzles in the Queensland (which seems to have merged with their original land).
  • Frickin' Laser Beams: The Bishops.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In the sequel, you must slay the King at his own request in order to enter the Queen's palace.
  • Human Chess: The chess pieces are alive and mostly human, aside from the knights who are demented-looking horses.
  • Off with His Head: The White Queen is decapitated by the Red King via a guillotine. That is until Alice resurrects her using a pawn.

The Voracious Centipede

A giant angry-minded centipede who wears an old German war helmet. He guards the Mushroom of Life and commands an army of insects. He acts as the second boss fight in the game.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee

The Mad Hatter's freaky minions. Tweedledum is a short obese dwarf, whilst Tweedledee is a large, fat man. Both wish to eat Alice, possessing the ability to split like Russian dolls to create clones and fly around using their propeller hats.

  • And You Were There: The Tweedles are based on two orderlies that menaced Alice in the asylum. She angrily declares she'll beat them senseless upon encountering the twins in Wonderland.
  • Cool Hat: Their propeller hats allow them to fly despite their heavy weights.
  • Dual Boss: Naturally, they fight Alice together.
  • Evil Minions: They clone themselves.
  • Evil Twin: There are two of them, and more when they split apart.
  • Giant Mook: Tweedle Dee at least.
  • Recursive Reality: Subverted. The Tweedles can split their bodies apart like Russian dolls to create clones.
  • Those Two Bad Guys: As always.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The Tweedles disappear after their boss fight and are not seen again. However, they do fall apart if defeated in the boss fight so they may die. They make an appearance in Alice: Madness Returns while they're busy treating a bald Alice in a straightjacket, but apparently is a hallucination.

The March Hare and the Doormouse

The Mad Hatter's former friends, the March Hare and Dormy are sadly tortured and turned into lab rats. Alice encounters the two whilst exploring the Hatter's warped asylum, but is unable to save the two. In Alice: Madness Returns, both have now overthrown the Mad Hatter and rule his clockwork empire and have embraced their mechanical bodies.

  • Ascended Extra: They only have cameos in the first game, a far bigger role in the sequel.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: The March Hare in the sequel.
  • Body Horror: Oh, the poor fellas. The March Hare is half automaton, and his eyelids and lips have been pulled apart with belts. The Dormouse is also half automaton, strapped to an operation table with his intestines on display.
  • Clock Punk: They're made of gears.
  • Clockwork Creature: They're made of gears.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Both are pretty crazy, but the March Hare is more saner than Dormy. However, the third teaser for Alice: Madness Returns shows the March Hare and Dormy twice as worse than they were in the first game and the Hare now looks totally off the bend. It turns out that the March Hare and Dormy have now embraced their automaton forms in Alice: Madness Returns, and they now rule the Mad Hatter's clockwork empire. Dormy has definitely flipped his lid, screaming and cackling insanely, though the March Hare seems more cool-headed.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Victims of it in the first game, practitioners of it in the second.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executives: They aren't in the second game, but it's more-or-less stated that their factories are modeled on the deplorable nature of Victorian factories.
    • They have many parallels to Soviet revolutionaries as well: they overthrew the Hatter's tyranny only to start their own, and many of their catchphrases are mockeries of Communist ones.
  • Cutscene Boss: In Alice: Madness Returns.
  • Face Heel Turn: By the second game they've turned evil.
  • Hair-Raising Hare: The March Hare.
  • Humongous Mecha: The March Hare and Dormouse bring out one to fight Alice but it is curb stomped by the Mad Hatter.
  • Killer Rabbit: Two adorable creature horribly mutilated into killing machines.
  • The Lab Rat: A literal case for Dormy. In Alice: Madness Returns, he now has wheels.
  • Madness Mantra: "A good worker is a live worker! Paid to live and work! A bad worker, is a dead worker; and vice-versa! Don't be a bad worker, bad workers are slaves! And dead! Payday for good workers has been suspended indefinitely! Payday for bad workers is CANCELED! A good worker is a live worker! Paid to live and work! A bad worker—"
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: "Battle time, Missy!" Then, a giant teapot fell on their mecha....
  • Together in Death: All three of the tea party trio die together when the Mad Hatter's domain collapses.
  • Unexplained Accent: In Alice: Madness Returns, the March Hare has a Scottish accent that wasn't present in the first game.
  • You Dirty Rat: The Dormouse.

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty makes a minor cameo in the game, sitting on a wall, physically in pieces smoking a cigar. He doesn't speak to Alice, but instead hints to her where the Blunderbuss weapon is hidden.

  • Body Horror: His shell is broken apart, and you can see his boiled insides.
  • The Cameo
  • Easter Egg: He only cameos, but is meant to point out the hiding place and existence of the Blunderbuss.
  • Egg McGuffin: Subverted and cleverly reversed. He is the egg and hints at the presence of a different Macguffin.
  • Heroic Mime

The Dodo

The Dodo has been confirmed to appear in the game. The artbook shows him as a Broken Bird, and a victim of the March Hare and Dormouse's steampunk antics. It turns out that a whole flock of dodos have been tortured and are now used as a Worker Unit to run the factory's machines.

The Walrus and the Carpenter

The infamous characters from Lewis Carroll's poem of the same name. Confirmed to be in the sequel, both are villains. The Carpenter rules over the Deluded Depths as a Manipulative Bastard showman who runs a Carnival of Killers. The Walrus is his Giant Mook, who lusts over the dancing oyster girls and may want to either eat them or do questionable things to them. However, it turns out the Carpenter is a Well-Intentioned Extremist, attempting to hide the Deluded Depths from the Infernal Train by any means necessary. However, his treatment of his performers and audience make this debatable. Eventually, the Train finds them and they're squashed by it.

The Walrus: "Time to eat. Death is the ultimate equalizer. All have the right to be eaten!"

  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Carpenter sunk ships to build the theater town to protect the citizens from the Infernal Train, and also tries to protect the Wonderland itself from the hunger of the Walrus.

The Insane Children

Strange creepy children who can be seen around Wonderland. Possibly symbolizing Alice's destroyed childhood and hospitalization, they do not appear to serve much purpose in the game but to be just strange random characters, some of whom are captured by the Mad Hatter and turned into automatons. They return in the sequel, occupying the Dollhouse but are being turned into living dolls by the Dollmaker to feed the Infernal Train.

  • Ascended Extra: They may have a bigger role in the sequel. They did.
  • Body Horror: Their brains are exposed. They have Glasgow Grins cut into their faces. Their eyes are held permanently open...
  • Cloudcuckoolander: ...And oddly enough, they don't seem particularly distressed by their predicament in the second game.
  • Creepy Child: There are many of them, all changing their mood every few seconds.
  • Creepy Doll: In the sequel. As the Dollmaker is actively hunting them down to turn them in fodder for the Infernal Train.
  • Glasgow Grin: Their leader has this cut into her face.
  • La Résistance: They attempt one against the Dollmaker, but they're discovered and turned.

The Executioner

A giant Card Guard armed with a colossal scythe, appears in the now rotting Queensland where he chases Alice in the maze, until she finds the "Eat Me" cake and turns into a giant, stomping him.

The Infernal Train

A gigantic locomotive of impossible dimensions the manifestation of Dr. Bumby's manipulation of Alice's mind, the Infernal Train hurtles around Wonderland, reducing it to a Crapsack World.

The Ruin

The industrial byproduct of the Infernal Train and the source of most of the enemies in the game, the Ruin is a thick, tarry substance that flows through every area affected by the train, molding itself into monstrous creatures that attempt to stop Alice on every step of her journey. These monsters take numerous forms: some are little more than oversized leeches, while others tower over buildings; some even form themselves into barriers to halt Alice's progress.

The Dollmaker

The being behind the Infernal Train and basically Dr. Bumby's avatar in the Wonderland. Appears at first in the Dollhouse, where he's kidnapping the Insane Children and turning them into doll fodder for the Train, reflecting how Bumby's turning innocent children into prostitutes.

The train is coming with its shiny cars
With comfy seats and wheels of stars
So hush my little ones, have no fear
The man in the moon is the engineer

  • Lean and Mean: And really huge too.
  • Living Doll Collector: He captures the Insane Children and turns them into dolls so he can feed them to the Infernal Train, just like Bumby, who hypnotize his younger patients so that he can pimp them.
  • Mook Maker: The sludge composing the Ruins is produced by his body.
  • Nails on a Blackboard: One of his attacks involves scraping a fingernail against the floor and sending a shockwave towards Alice. Hilariously, after three turns at this, the Dollmaker actually hurts his finger trying to repeat the trick, allowing Alice a chance to attack.
  • One-Winged Angel: When Alice confronts him in the head of the train, he has turned into a grotesque, serpentine Blob Monster made of sludge; his arms have been replaced by long puppet strings barely connecting his hands to his body, and a slimy tongue made of ooze and dollheads lolls out of his mouth.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Stays undercover (probably in the train) for most of the game, and the only time he appears in the Dollhouse, he's sitting in the deepest pit of the place, waiting....
  • Razor Wind: One of his attacks.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives one to Alice in the Dollhouse rather neatly matching the one Bumby gives to Alice at the train station.
  • Voice of the Legion
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