All-Ghouls School

In some works, the Monster Mash settles down and raises a family. And where do they send their children of the night? Why, to a monster school of course! While there may not be anything special about the school itself, all of its students are certainly special. When the teens literally are monsters, and Wolf Man junior and Cute Monster Girl need to learn what it is to be a proper nightmare, this is where they go. There's often a Reluctant Monster or Friendly Neighborhood Vampire in the cast as the odd monster out, and sometimes it's the new monster on the block. Other times, it's a normal kid sent there by mistake! It may be all monsters and supernatural creatures, and sometimes it's an exclusive boarding school for one species (almost invariably vampires!).
It may also extend to witches, but only if the witches in question are a separate species like Hags. Any fantastical creatures, such as Bigfoot, Demons, Goblins, mermaids and fairies, as well as made-up monsters, may also be present, so it does not always follow the Monster Mash casting exactly. Preferably some form of Undead should be the main focus, it's mainly anything you'd imagine living in Halloweentown. Oftentimes the school lessons are on being scary, while other schools may focus on staying off of the Van Helsing hitlist by maintaining the Masquerade. When it's in a world where monsters are commonplace, it's just a normal public school. If not, it's almost invariably a Boarding School, or a quite literal Boarding School of Horrors. Often an Academy of Adventure in this case. Conversely, it could be an Academy of Evil. A must if the setting is in Monster Town.
Requirements are that the school is actually for (or at least appropriated by night by) monsters, ghouls, ghosts or other supernatural/fantasy non-human creatures. The lone monster enrolled at a normal human school is a Fish Out of Water and therefore does not count as an example, even if it is a magic school.
Usually this institute has a suitably spooky name. If it is a generic school with no name mentioned, as long as it's a work involving a specialized school for the sort of students previously mentioned, it counts.
Subtrope of Extranormal Institute. Related to Wizarding School, only it's for monsters. Not related to One-Gender School despite the similarity in name.
Anime & Manga
- Rosario + Vampire has Youkai Academy.
- Vampire Knight has Cross Academy's "Night classes".
- Hell Teacher Nube also has a Youkai High school in it.
- Nightschool is about a school for vampires, werewolves and Weirns.
- Tokimeki Mononoke Jogakkou, a yuri about an all girl's Monster School
- Youkai Gakuenki is about a Monster Elementary school.
- Choujin Gakuen: The premise behind it is that the heroes are trying to start one so those of supernatural nature have a place to belong.
- British children's comics The Dandy had some strips with this premise, "Eddie Potter at Strange Hill School".
- Whizzer and Chips had a "Strange Hill" with a similar concept, but the teacher is a normal man with grotesque students. Another IPC comic Monster Fun had an inversion of that in the strip Creature Teacher with a monster as a teacher and with normal (for British Comics) students.
- The Beano also had a couple of strips with this premise.
- Charm School: Magical Witch Girl Bunny has a love triangle among a witch, a vampire and a fairy at a school whose students are magical creatures.
- The Witch Girls universe has several schools for young witches, which overlap with this, due to both the application of Witch Species, and the occasional staff that are other creatures, or witches that are witch/Otherkin hybrids.
- IDW's aptly titled "All Ghoul's School" features Darkmoor Academy, and a lot of female monsters.
- Vampire Academy
- Monster School, a book about a normal kid sent to a school for monsters by accident.
- The House of Night}} teaches its "vampyres" how to behave in society.
- Monster Goes To School by Virginia Mueller
- 100 Monsters in My School by Bonnie Bader has Frank N. Stein Elementary School and follows Jane Brain, the only human girl at a monster school.
- Bad Day At Monster Elementary by Mike Thaler
- Frankie Stein Starts School by Lola M. Schaefer has Miss Wart's Academy for Ghouls and Goblins.
- Mostly Monsterly by Paula Wiseman and Tammi Sauer is about a nice monster named Bernadette who gets teased for her niceness at a monster school.
- Three Star Billy by Pat Hutchins features a monster nursery school and a bad-tempered monster boy who gets gold stars for acting up, which makes him start to behave instead.
- The Perfect Monster by Sally Grindley features another friendly monster, being tutored by the most gruesome monster in class.
- Jeepers Creepers A Monstrous ABC by Laura Leuck. Educational alphabet book that takes place at a monster school.
- Kanokon: A novel about a boarding school for monsters having trouble keeping up Masquerade.
- Vampire School by Peter Bentley has two: St. Orlok's (for vampires) and Chaney Street Elementary (for werewolves).
Live Action TV
- Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide had a Halloween Episode in which Ned imagined himself and all the other characters as monsters going to an all monster school.
Puppet Shows
- The setting for the Australian kids' TV puppet show Lil Horrors.
- Avenue Q has the Monsterssori School.
- Mattel's aptly titled Monster High.
Video Games
- Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice is set at the Evil Academy, where the students include succubi, cat girls, dragons, zombies, and ghosts, among many other things. They do accept human transfer students, assuming they're able to live through the screening process.
- The Academy of Evil from Crash Twinsanity: Although it accepted human students according to the game's story, only two humans are at the academy when the player visits, and both are cyborgs.
- Little Monster At School was an educational CD-i story of the Mercer Mayer character.
Web Comics
- Frightmoore University: Its students are vampires, werewolves and other monsters.
- School Bites: A vampire school called Shadow Academy.
- Eerie Cuties: Charybdis Heights. Vampires, werewolves and others.
- Interestingly, the spin-off comic Magick Chicks takes place in the opposite slayer school. Three protagonists are witches and are transfer students from the All-Ghouls School of Eerie Cuties... uhoh. Hilariously, no one seems to notice anything odd even when they almost give themselves away. Nor do they notice that just as much of the town's population are monsters - then again, monsters may be more capable of blending in with normal humans.
- Another spin-off, Dangerously Chloe, occasionally mentions and shows an all-succubi school, but it's located in Fire and Brimstone Hell.
- Night School (currently-on-indefinite-hiatus) had Kojo Academy, where creatures of the night went to learn how NOT to be monsters in a modernizing fantasy world.
- Seems to be the setting of Even Goblins Wear Tight Pants.
- Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures has SAIA, short for Succubus and Incubus Academy, which is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. (Though the cubi race in that setting goes for the work-safe alternative of feeding on emotions in general, the specific class of emotions depending on the individual clan and the individual cubi.)
- Fairview High which isn't so much an All Ghouls School as just monsters going to regular high school with the humans blissfully unaware of their existence.
- Monsterful has Addams High and features zombies, mummies, werewolves and vampires, and also some mythological creatures like a gorgon and an anthropomorphic female Loch Ness monster as professors.
- Delcastle High from Tapsal-Teerie is a school for children of the world's monsters, which teaches them to be the next generation of legends.
- Campus Creeps has "Nevergreen Hollow University", a college for monsters.
- Parodied in the Something*Positive storyline "Homecoming of Elemental Awful", in which Vanessa decides the scariest possible setting for her Halloween RPG is high school.
Vanessa: Come with me, mortals, to a place where magic and monsters reign, and the law of the land is that might makes right unless that's not cool this week.
Web Original
- A number of OC Role Playing groups/clubs exist based around the concept of an all-monster/supernatural school on Deviant ART:
- Halloween Academy One of the larger groups focusing on this.
- Elysian Academy A long-runner and quite a popular one.
- R.I.P Academy
- Academy of War and Magic Despite the title, the race descriptions are of werewolves and vampires and other sorts.
- Heaven-Hell Academy Demons and angels attend this one.
- Night Owl Academy
- Hollows Monstro
- Full Moon Bites
- The Upcoming Grave Academy, not yet ready, but fully announced, is a Forum-Based one.
Western Animation
- Naturally, Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School qualifies.
- Casper Scare School features all kinds of monsters, both mythological, folklorist, and movie types.
- Gravedale High has the typical monster mash cast.
- Aaahh Real Monsters
- Mini Monsters. It was actually a camp but the opening sequence looks like it's in a school.
- School for Vampires}}
- Monster High is a merchandising tie-in with Flash webisodes based around the Mattel toyline.
- Monstro City High is a cartoon currently in the works.